By Finding aid prepared by Karl McCreary.
Title: School of Education Records, 1936-2009
Predominant Dates: 1966-1975
ID: RG 184
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. School of Education
Extent: 27.1 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: The paper records are organized into 6 series: I. Correspondence; II. Research Proposals/Projects; III. Minutes; IV. Reports/Studies; V. Newsletters; and VI. Historical Review. The microfilm records consist of one series: I. General Subject File.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
Given differences in the series designations between the paper and microfilm records in this collection, the microfilm is described separately below and in the inventory.
The paper records of the School of Education are organized into 6 series. Series I consists primarily of correspondence and memoranda relating to grant-funded research projects and programs, curriculum development, student-faculty relations, education committee work, and admission policies and programs. Series II pertains to research proposals and projects and includes budgetary materials, correspondence, annual reports, field reports, handbooks, newspaper clippings, and completed applications for grant funds. These materials are arranged in rough chronological order.
Series III are meeting minutes from School of Education committees including the Educational Council, Teacher Education Committee, Graduate Advisory Committee, Commission on Missions, and the Computer Education Advisory Committee. Minutes from periodic meetings of the School of Education Division Directors, Dean, and Faculty can also be found in this series.
Series IV contains reports and studies generated primarily by the School of Education, OSU, and the State of Oregon regarding administrative policies and regulations, adult education programs, the OSU/WOSC merger, vocational education, the role and growth of community colleges in the state, and OSU's International Educational Development Program.
Series V are newsletters generated by the School of Education and students in the Education program covering the years 1969 to 1975. Series VI is a packet of photocopied correspondence, newspaper clippings, and reports organized to offer a historical overview on the merger of the OSU and WOSC (Western Oregon State College-now WOU) Schools of Education.
The microfilm records consist of one series: I. General Subject File, 1963-1968. This series includes bylaws, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, and research proposals. These records pertain to the administrative structure of the School, research projects and programs, coursework and enrollment, committees, and the Oregon Education Association.
An addition to the School of Education Records (Accession 2012:018) consists of bylaws, category I and II proposals, correspondence, handbooks, meeting minutes, newsletters, newspaper clippings, reports, and surveys. Documenting various administrative activities such as curriculum development, the merger with the Western Oregon State College School of Education, interaction with education organizations throughout Oregon, the management of teacher licensure, awarding of scholarships, and planning the rehabilitation of the Education Hall building, about half of this accession documents the accreditation process by agencies such as the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education. These materials also include reports and publications pertaining to home economics education, which relate, among other things, to the Parenthood Education Curriculum Project and supervised student teaching.
The offering of coursework in teacher education at OSU began in 1909 under the direction of the Department of Industrial Pedagogy. Initially, only classes in the preparation of public school teachers in the topics of Elementary Agriculture, Domestic Science and Art, and Manual Training were offered by the Department. By 1914, however, programs for the instruction of Commerce and Extension Methods were added to the curriculum. In 1918, OSU was designated by the State Board of Vocational Education to serve as a center for the preparation of teachers in vocational subjects and was organized into six areas of instruction: Agricultural Education, Commercial Education, Education, Home Economics Education, Industrial Education, and Psychology.
In 1932, an administrative reorganization changed OSU's teaching program from the School of Vocational Education to the School of Education and expanded the focus of the School to include instruction in preparing students to teach in the Biological and Physical Sciences, Agriculture, Mathematics, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Secretarial Science, or for educational and vocational guidance. Expanding to include courses in physical education and a department for science education in 1942, the School began to offer a four-year degree course in Elementary Education in 1954 and later received national ten-year accreditation in elementary and secondary education and counseling. In 1962, a Doctorate of Philosophy in Education was first offered by the School. By the early 1970's, teacher preparation courses became largely field- based, with the School placing students in public schools early in their program.
In 1982, responding to budget cutbacks, the State Chancellor of Higher Education merged the OSU School of Education with that of Western Oregon State College (now WOU). Despite creating the largest School of Education in Oregon and the region, the merger dissolved in 1989 due to logistical complications. That same year, classes in teaching program fell under the direction of the OSU College of Education. Due to further budget reductions after the passage of ballot Measure 5 in 1990, the College of Education was merged with the College of Home Economics in 1991 to form the College of Home Economics and Education.
More Extent Information: 28 boxes; 1 microfilm reel
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Related Materials: In addition to photographs from the School of Education Photographs (P 108), other records pertaining to this department can be found in the records of the Vocational and Technical Education Department Records (RG 146). Documentation after the merger in 1991 with the College of Home Economics is in the records and photographs of the College of Home Economics and Education Records (RG 141) and College of Home Economics Photograph Collection (P 044). Materials regarding the joint OSU/WOSC Program can be found in the records of the Academic Affairs Records (RG 022). The Special Collections and Archives Research Center also contain papers of former School of Education faculty members including the E. Wayne Courtney Papers (MSS Courtney) and the Dale P. Parnell Papers (MSS Parnell).
Preferred Citation: School of Education Records (RG 184), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 19, 2015.
Oregon State University. School of Education
Community colleges--Oregon.
Education--Study and teaching (Higher)--Oregon.
National Teacher Corps (U.S.)
Oregon Multicultural Archives
Oregon State College. School of Education
Oregon State University. School of Education
Teachers--Training of--Oregon.
Teachers colleges--Oregon.
University History
Vocational education--Oregon.
Western Oregon State College. School of Education
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