By Finding aid prepared by Karl McCreary.
Title: College of Health and Human Performance Records, 1917-2007
ID: RG 031
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. College of Health and Human Performance
Extent: 13.2 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: Organized into eight series: I. General Correspondence; II. Intramural Sports Records; III. Curriculum Development; IV. Minutes; V. Policies/Procedures, Administrative Reports; VI. Facilities; VII. Special Events; and VIII. General.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
Physical education has been a part of Oregon State University's curriculum since the early 1900s. The College of Health and Human Performance Records document the curriculum, facilities, and administration of the physical and health education academic programs as well as the extensive intramural sports programs for men and women.
Materials in Series VI documenting the 1989 remodel of the Langton Hall Golf Shed have been digitized and are available upon request.
Series I, General Correspondence, documents the administration and activities of the director's office from 1919-1953. The files, on microfilm, are arranged by subject. Series II, Intramural Sports Records, documents intramural sports offered at Oregon State from 1919-1980. Files from 1919-1947 are arranged by sport; from 1947-1975 arrangement is chronological. They consist of participation rosters, schedules, results, and other documentation. Series III, Curriculum Development, consists of correspondence and reports related to the degree programs offered by the College and proposed changes and additions to the overall curriculum.
Series IV consists largely of meeting minutes from various College committees and student clubs. The club records consist primarily of membership lists, minutes, club newsletters, and a charter from two student chapters of the national University organizations the Honorary Society for Women in Physical Education (Delta Psi Kappa) and the Honorary Society for Men in Physical Education (Sigma Delta Psi). The Sigma Delta Psi records were transferred from RG 116. This series also contains scrapbooks from the Physical Education Club and the Women's Recreation Association. There are a total of 14 scrapbooks in this series and they date from 1948 to 1969 with most of them covering the events and activities of one academic year. In addition to brochures and newsletters documenting club activities and membership, the scrapbooks also contain correspondence, minutes, and photographs.
Series V mainly constitutes reports and correspondence concerning the administrative policies and procedures of the College, including guidelines for student teachers and secretarial staff, program and college title changes, departmental goals and objectives, biennial reports, and equipment budgets.
Series VI pertains to records of remodeling in Langton Hall and the Women's Building and recreational facilities and structures operated and maintained by the College, including the crew house, swimming pool, and golf shed. Series VII are special event files consisting of brochures, correspondence, and memoranda of dedications for building restorations and facility additions, in particular the Women's Building. Materials documenting the 1989 remodel of the Langton Hall Golf Shed have been digitized and are available upon request.
Series VIII are general files containing correspondence and newspaper clippings relating to Deans, employees, and students of the College.
Accession 2007:069 is made up of a handbook prepared by physical education professor Erma Weir describing dance steps, calls, and accompanying music for square, mixer, and round dances. The manual was not published for a specific class.
Accession 2009:071 consists of scrapbooks assembled by staff and students in the Department of Physical Education for Women that document activities organized by the department, the Women's Athletic Association, and the Women's Recreation Association. In addition to intramural athletic contests, dance performances, campus swimming clubs, and annual events such as the "fun fest" and the spring festival, these scrapbooks also contain information about department faculty, students, and the merger of the two physical education departments (women's and men's) into a single department in 1972. Primarily made up of newspaper clippings, the scrapbooks also include greeting cards, photographs, event programs, and flyers. Also found in this transfer are minutes from Physical Education Department meetings and records from the Department of Physical Education for Women Alumnae Association.
Accession 2011:004 is made up of printed guides for four "Folk Dance Institute" events held at Oregon State College that were sponsored by the Women's Physical Education Department and the Promenaders dance club. The styles of dance documented in these guides reflect traditional Irish, German, Palestinian, and American folk dances.
Accession 2013:024 consists of newspaper clippings, press releases, OSU staff newsletters, and flyers collected by Pat Newport that document new stories about students in the College of Health and Human Sciences (CHHS), faculty research, awards received by staff, classes offered by the college, and various events organized by departments within CHHS. Pat Newport worked in marketing and alumni relations with CHHS and retired in 2011.
More Extent Information: 17 boxes, including 2 oversize boxes; 4 microfilm reels
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Related Materials: Related materials can be found in the College of Health and Human Performance Photographs (P 231), PUB 276, Women's Recreation Association(WRA) Photographic Collection (P 171), Clair V. Lanton Papers (MSS Langton), and the Intercollegiate Athletics Records (RG 007). The OSU Memorabilia Collection (MSS MC) also includes numerous files related to the College of Health and Human Performance, including "MC - Health & Physical Education, School of"; "MC - Health and Human Performance, College of"; "MC - Public Health, Dept. of"; "MC - Exercise & Sport Science, Dept. of."
Preferred Citation: College of Health and Human Performance Records (RG 031), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 19, 2015.
Oregon State University. College of Health and Human Performance
Delta Psi Kappa. Iota Chapter
Health education--Oregon.
Health education--Study and teaching (Higher)--Oregon.
Intramural sports--Oregon--Corvallis.
Langton, Clair Van Norman, 1895-1973
Oregon State College. Department of Intramural Sports
Oregon State College. Division of Physical Education
Oregon State University. College of Health and Human Performance
Oregon State University. Department of Intramural Sports and Recreational Activities
Oregon State University. Division of Physical Education
Physical education and training--Oregon.
Physical Education Club (Oregon State University)
Seahorse Club (Oregon State University)
Sigma Delta Psi. Oregon State College Chapter
Women's Recreation Association (Oregon State University)
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