Title: Tony Van Vliet Papers, 1946-2004
ID: MSS VanVliet
Primary Creator: Van Vliet, Antone C.
Extent: 12.25 cubic feet
Arrangement: Organized into 3 groups: 1. Oregon State University; 2. Oregon Legislative Assembly; and 3. Other Materials.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The first group of papers pertains to his work on the OSU College of Forestry faculty, on university committees and other activities, and with the university's Career Planning and Placement Center. College of Forestry records (1949-1976) include correspondence and meeting minutes relating to the planning and construction of Peavy Hall; research records pertaining to Douglas fir, plywood, and the balsam woolly aphid; historical information on the School, the Forestry Club, and McDonald Forest; and a consultant report on the Drain Plywood Company.
Committee records include the Ad Hoc Committee on General Education, 1971-1973; and the Faculty Reviews and Appeals Committee, 1974-1976. Records of other activities include the third student-faculty conference in January and February 1969. Career Planning and Placement Center materials (1975-1990) include correspondence; a 1990 recruiter evaluation of the center; and materials for a managerial course given to a private sector company.
The second group of papers documents the ten terms Van Vliet served in the Oregon Legislative Assembly representing House District 35 in Benton County (1975-1995). Most of the materials in this group are closed until January 1, 2006. Closed records include correspondence; speeches, statements, and editorials; legislative and gubernatorial committee, council and task force records; bills files; and information files on significant issues. Records that are open in this group include legislative directories, guides and handbooks; campaign and election materials; constituent surveys; published reports; and newspaper clippings about the 1993 session.
The third group of papers pertains to other organizations and activities that Van Vliet has been involved with. Included are materials pertaining to Corvallis Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc., the ARC of Benton County, and the Republican Party. This group also contains a hand-tinted photograph of a lumber mill.
An addition to the Van Vliet Papers (Accession 2007:032) is made up of buttons, certificates, correspondence, newspaper clippings, notes, photographs, plaques, posters, precinct maps, publications, sound recordings, speeches, stickers, videotapes, and a chart of campaign volunteers. Largely documenting Van Vliet's career as an Oregon State representative for Benton County, these materials also pertain to Van Vliet's participation on advisory bodies appointed by the governor and involvement in Benton County bond and fiscal measures after retiring from elective service in 1993. In addition to chronologically arranged files documenting legislative sessions and election campaigns, there are also materials in this transfer relating to particular bills and measures. Among the topics reflected in these files include: state employee retirement benefits, the Oregon Health Plan, a sales tax proposal, and statewide wrestling/boxing regulation. The photographs depict Van Vliet at work in the capitol as a representative, giving speeches, with his family, and receiving honors from the Oregon Governor and others. The sound recordings document senate sessions, campaign ads, speeches, and interviews. Wooden poles used as a prop in demonstrating the Oregon's lack of a "three-legged" tax structure were also part of this transfer.
Tony Van Vliet was born in San Francisco, California, in January 1930. He received a B.S. in forest products in 1952 and an M.S. in wood science in 1958, both from Oregon State. He received a Ph.D. in forest products from Michigan State University in 1970. Van Vliet taught in OSU's School of Forestry from 1955 to 1990, and from 1963-1971 was also a forest products extension specialist. He served as associate director of the Career Planning and Placement Center from 1971-1978, and was director of the center from 1978 until his retirement from OSU in 1990.
Van Vliet was first elected to the Oregon Legislative Assembly in the fall of 1974, and was subsequently re-elected to nine two year terms. He declined to seek re-election in 1994 and retired from the legislature in January 1995. Van Vliet served on the Joint Ways and Means Committee from the 1979 session through the 1993 session; he was co-chair of the committee in 1991. He also served on the Emergency Board (1977 through 1991 sessions); the Governor's Public Lands Advisory Committee (1979 through 1993 sessions); and the Joint Data Processing Committee (1977 through 1991 sessions).
Related Materials:
Other materials pertaining to Van Vliet's forestry work can be found in the Forestry Extension Records (RG 103), the College of Forestry Records (RG 139), and the Agricultural Experiment Station Records (RG 025). A copy of his 1970 Ph.D. dissertation, "The Sawmill Manager: His Nature and His Time" (Michigan State University) can be found in the Extension Service Records (RG 111). See also the OSU Memorabilia Collection (MSS MC) file for additional information on Tony Van Vliet.
Photographs of Van Vliet can be found in the Alumni Relations Photographs (P 017) P017:7023; News and Communication Services Photograph Collection (P 057) P057:4279-4280; Robert W. Henderson Photograph Collection (P 098) P098:1201); and the College of Home Economics Photograph Collection (P 044).
Preferred Citation: Tony Van Vliet Papers (MSS VanVliet), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 19, 2015.
Van Vliet, Antone C.
ARC of Benton County
Corvallis Neighborhood Housing Services
Oregon State College. School of Forestry
Oregon State University. Career Planning & Placement Center
Oregon State University. College of Forestry
Oregon State University. School of Forestry
Republican Party (Or.)
Benton County (Or.)--Politics and government.
College buildings--Oregon--Corvallis.
Douglas fir.
Drain Plywood Company
Forest products.
Forestry schools and education--Oregon--Corvallis.
Forests and forestry--Oregon.
Local History
Lumber trade--Oregon--Corvallis.
McDonald Forest (Or.)
Natural Resources
Oregon--Politics and government--1951-
Oregon State University--Students.
Oregon State University. Forestry Club
University History
Van Vliet, Antone C.
Vocational guidance--Oregon.
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