By Finding aid prepared by Karl McCreary.
Title: Office of Multicultural Affairs Records, 1986-2009
Predominant Dates: 1991-2004
ID: RG 225
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. Office of Multicultural Affairs
Extent: 17.5 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: Organized into 15 series: 1. Correspondence; 2. Committees; 3. Staff Meetings; 4. Reports; 5. Curriculum Development and Instruction; 6. Scholarships; 7. Presentations; 8. Newspaper Clippings; 9. Notes; 10. Subject Files; 11. Publications; 12. Student Papers; 13. Off-Campus Organizations and Committees; 14. Harassment Incident Files; and 15. Photographs.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Office of Multicultural Affairs Records document the administration and functioning of the Office, which was established in 1991, and the variety of multicultural programs and activities for students and faculty at Oregon State University. The Records also reflect the many associated duties of Phyllis Lee, Director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs from 1992 until her retirement in 2003.
Access to the Harrassment Incident Files in Series 14 is restricted due to the presence of confidential information. For more information about access to restricted materials, please see our Guide to the Special Collections and Archives Research Center.
The Office of Multicultural Affairs Records document the establishment of the office in 1991 and its administration and programs under the first director, Phyllis Lee. The Records represent the many issues pertaining to ethnicity, gender, and multiculturism at Oregon State University in the 1990s and early 2000s as well as the extensive activities, both on- and off-campus, of Phyllis Lee.
An addition to the Office of Multicultural Affairs Records (Accession 2009:107) consists of materials generated and collected by the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) documenting the work of the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Planning Committee and the President's Board of Visitors for Minority Affairs at OSU (BOV). In addition to meeting minutes and agendas, this transfer contains bylaws, correspondence, event programs, flyers, membership rosters, newspaper clippings, notes, photographs, publications, reports, and tickets. This accession also includes a history of tributes at OSU organized in honor of MLK Jr. Made up of about 510 images in total (320 prints and 190 negatives), the photographs depict the annual MLK Peace Breakfast, OMA staff, unidentified cultural center events, and a holiday gathering of BOV members. Among those pictured in the photographs are Phyllis Lee, Elaine Luttrull, Melanie Spraggins, and Lisa Taylor.
A second addition to the Office of Multicultural Affairs Records (Accession 2010:015) consists primarily of materials documenting the work of the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Planning Committee that includes meeting minutes and agendas, correspondence, event programs, fliers, newspaper clippings, notes, publications, reports, sign-in sheets, and tickets. Other records found in this transfer relate to the design and distribution of the multicultural resource guide; outreach activities oriented toward Native Americans, African-Americans, and Asian Americans; and the President's Board of Visitors. There are also materials that reflect event planning (in conjunction with Corvallis Partnerships for Diversity) to bring activists and scholars such as Jane Elliot and Tim Wise to campus for presentations.
The publications were issued in 1993-1995 and consist of two items: A 1993 Resource Guide for Advising Students of Color and the fourth edition of a Financial and Resource Guide published by the Indian Education Office in 1995.
Formed in 1991, the Office of Multicultural Affairs assists OSU in the promotion of cultural diversity, awareness, and sensitivity throughout the campus community. In this capacity, the office serves as a resource for the OSU community and the region in understanding multicultural issues; helps in the recruitment and retention of students, staff, and faculty from ethnic, racial, and other underrepresented groups; participates in curriculum development; and provides consultation services to all academic and support units.
The development of the Office of Multicultural Affairs is rooted in recommendations made by two advisory bodies, the OSU Board of Visitors and the Minority Affairs Commission. Created by President Byrne in 1986 to investigate ways to enhance diversity at OSU, the Board of Visitors advocated for the formation of a Minority Affairs Commission, which, in turn, argued for the establishment of an office devoted to addressing multicultural affairs. Phyllis Lee became the office’s first director.
After Lee retired in 2003, the Office of Multicultural Affairs was renamed the Office of Community and Diversity and Terryl Ross appointed as new director in 2004. The basic mission of the office, however, did not change.
Appointed to the OSU Board of Visitors in 1986, Phyllis Lee served as acting director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs before assuming the directorship in 1992. After earning a doctorate in counseling from OSU in 1983, Lee worked for Kaiser Permanente in Portland before returning to campus in 1991. Lee also worked as a public school teacher and in counseling education at Portland State University prior to her post with the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
Accruals: Additions to the collection are expected.
More Extent Information: 588 photographs; 20 boxes and 1 map folder
Statement on Access: Access to the Harrassment Incident Files in Series 14 is restricted due to the presence of confidential information. For more information about access to restricted materials, please see our Guide to the Special Collections and Archives Research Center. All other materials in this collection are open for research.
Acquisition Note: Records transferred from the Office of Community and Diversity in 2005.
Related Materials:
Documentation pertaining to the Office of Multicultural Affairs is represented elsewhere in the holdings of the Special Collections and Archives Research Center. Interaction between the office and the university president and student government can be found in the records of the President’s Office Records (RG 013) and the Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU) Records (RG 011).
The Oregon Multicultural Archives documents the lives and activities of African American, Asian American, Latino and Native American communities of Oregon. Records from other departments at OSU involved with issues of ethnic and racial diversity are also held by the Archives: the Diversity Development Office Records (RG 228), the Educational Opportunities Program Records (RG 230), and the Minority Education Office Record (RG 229).
Preferred Citation: Office of Multicultural Affairs Records (RG 225), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Oregon State University. Office of Multicultural Affairs
Lee, Phyllis S.
American Association of University Administrators
Associated Students of Oregon State University.
College environment--Oregon--Corvallis.
Corvallis (Or.)--Race relations.
Diversity in the workplace--Oregon--Corvallis.
Educational Opportunities Program (Oregon State University)
Gay college students--Oregon--Corvallis.
Minority college students--Oregon.
Multicultural education--Oregon.
National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
Oregon Multicultural Archives
Oregon State System of Higher Education
Oregon State University--Administration.
Oregon State University--Faculty.
Oregon State University--Students.
Oregon State University. Department of Ethnic Studies
Oregon State University. Minority Education Office
Oregon State University. Office of Multicultural Affairs
Oregon State University. Office of the President
Oregon State University. President's Commission on the Status of Women
Oregon University System
Student activities--Oregon--Corvallis.
University History
Urban League of Portland (Portland, Or.)
Photographic prints.