Title: Fisheries and Wildlife Department Records, 1934-2003
ID: RG 190
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Extent: 10.5 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: Records are organized into 2 subgroups: 1. Departmental Records; and 2. Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Records. Subgroup 1 consists of 6 series: I. Catalog of Departmental Mammal Collection; II. Special Events Records; III. Research Records; IV. Muddy Creek Wildlife Refuge Committee; V. Faculty Publications List; and VI. Extension Specialists Reports. Subgroup 2 consists of 2 series: I. Theses and Reports; and II. Research Projects.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Fisheries and Wildlife Department Records primarily document research conducted by the Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit at Oregon State College from 1934 until 1960. These research project records include field notes, maps, reports, and correspondence.
A preliminary container list for the collection is available online in Archives West. Materials documenting Problem 1-11, Rauwolfia study (research notes and reports, 1956) have been digitized and are available upon request.
In Subgroup 1, series one consists of printouts from the department's computer catalog of mammals on deposit in the Mammal Collection (1983). Series two contains records of the Big Game Field Trips, an annual (beginning in 1947) wildlife observation trip (1942-1969) led by Lee Kuhn. Students visited national forests, ranches, game preserves and fish hatcheries around the state, such as the Malheur and Hart Mountain Wildlife Refuges, the Deschutes National Forest, and the Wizard Falls Hatchery. Series three includes research reports pertaining to weed control in coastal lakes (1947-48) and a fishery management survey of the Colville Indian Reservation in Washington (1965). Series four consists of faculty member Andy Landforce's Muddy Creek (Finley) Wildlife Refuge Committee records (1963). Series five is a departmental faculty publications list from 1963. Series six consists of Extension specialists reports from 1952-1972.
In Subgroup 2, series one consists of OSC graduate student theses and reports (1937-1959) based upon research done for the Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit. Many of the theses and reports are illustrated with photographs. Series two consists of the Unit's research project records, dating from 1934 to 1960. Original project file numbers have been retained in the inventory. Major research projects included studies and inventories of pronghorn antelope; pheasants, quail, ducks, and other birds; beaver; mule deer; and various species of fish. Project records include field notes, maps, charts, weekly and project reports, and correspondence.
Materials documenting Problem 1-11, Rauwolfia study (research notes and reports, 1956) have been digitized and are available upon request.
An addition to the Fisheries and Wildlife Records (Accession 2009:056) consists of materials documenting the development of distance education courses by the OSU Fisheries and Wildlife Department. In addition to reflecting the collection of resource material in the form of images, newspaper clippings, and publications, these records also pertain to the process of research, image selection, and the writing of lecture "scripts" for the courses. Primarily relating to the development of the course "Multicultural Perspectives in Natural Resources" (FW 340), two other classes are represented in these records: Landscapes of the Columbia Basin" (FW 470/570); and the "Biology of Birds." The images assembled as resource material consist of photographic slides (about 600 in total) and photocopies of historic photographs and documents from various archival sources. Videotapes featuring lectures from the three courses were also included in this transfer. Made up of 36 tapes in total (20 VHS and 16 digital video cassettes), the video footage also documents interviews with various subjects (particularly Native American) about western history, culture, and landscapes.
A second addition to the Fisheries and Wildlife Records (Accession 2014:011) is made up of the report "Columbia River Fish Runs and Fisheries: 1960- 1986" and a handbook for graduate students by the Fisheries and Wildlife Department.
The publications consist of newsletters prepared by the department and include: Oregon's Wildlife (1940-1942); Wildlife News and Views (1953-1974); Department News and Views (1986-1998); and Oregon's Wildlife Resources (1992). Some of the issues of Wildlife News and Views are only available on microfilm (RG 190 reel 2).
The Fish, Game and Fur Animal Management Department was created in 1935 under the jurisdiction of the School of Agriculture. Roland E. Dimick was the first department chair, a position he held until 1963. The department operated the OSC Experimental Fur Farm from 1937 to 1957 and also established field stations on Protection and Eliza Islands in Puget Sound and a fisheries lab at Yaquina, Oregon. The department's name was changed to Fish and Game Management in 1936, and in 1964 was renamed Fisheries and Wildlife. Subsequent department chairs have included Thomas G. Scott (1963-1972), Richard A. Tubb (1975-1993), and Erik K. Fritzell (1994-present).
The Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit was established in 1935 as a cooperative venture between the U.S. Biological Survey, the American Wildlife Institute, the Oregon State Game Commission, and Oregon State College. Arthur Einarson, U.S. Biological Survey research biologist, served as Unit Leader from 1935 to 1957, directing its graduate training and research programs. The unit was discontinued in 1961.
More Extent Information: 2 microfilm reels
Related Materials:
See the Fisheries and Wildlife Department Photographs (P 179) and Harriet's Photograph Collection (P HC) HC0952, HC0984, and HC2731 for photographs pertaining to the department. The University Publications Photographs (P 094) include photos from Arthur Einarson's 1956 monograph, Determination of Some Predator Species by Field Signs (Studies in Zoology no. 10). Related manuscript collections include the Roland Eugene Dimick Papers (MSS Dimick) and the Carl E. Bond Papers (MSS Bond). See also related OSU Memorabilia Collection (MSS MC) files MC-Fisheries and Wildlife Dept. and MC-Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit.
Other collections relating to wildlife conservation include the Herman T. Bohlman Photograph Collection (P 202), William L. Finley Papers (MSS Finley), and the E. E. Wilson Papers (MSS WilsonEE).
Preferred Citation: Fisheries and Wildlife Department Records (RG 190), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Oregon State University. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Einarsen, Arthur S. (Arthur Skogman) (1897-)
Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit
Oregon State College. Federal Cooperative Extension Service
Oregon State University. Cooperative Extension Service
Alsea River (Or.)
Colville Indian Reservation (Wash.)
Eliza Island (Wash.)
Fishery management--Oregon.
Fish hatcheries--Oregon.
Game and game-birds--Oregon.
History of Science
Natural Resources
Oregon State College. Department of Fish, Game, and Fur Animal Management
Oregon State College. Department of Fish and Game Management
Oregon State College. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Oregon State University. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Pronghorn antelope--Oregon.
University History
Wildlife conservation--Oregon.
Wildlife refuges--Oregon.
Willamette River Valley (Or.)
Maps (documents)
Photographic prints.
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