By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: Graduate School Records, 1909-2007
ID: RG 016
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. Graduate School
Extent: 8.2 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: Organized into 7 series: I. Thesis Abstracts; II. General Files; III. Graduate Committee/Council Minutes; IV. OSSHE Graduate Division; V. Grants; and VI. Advisory Committee for the Selection of the Graduate Dean; and VII. Registration and Advanced Degree Reports. Series I and II are arranged alphabetically and series III-VI chronologically.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
Series one is on microfilm. Series two, General Files, is informally grouped by decade. It includes correspondence, program information, statistical data, and reports. OSSHE Graduate Division materials include information pertaining to the OSU Graduate Committee. Series five includes research progress reports from the 1950s.
An addition to the Graduate School Records (Accession 2011:019) consists of materials documenting accreditation reviews of OSU graduate programs. In addition to self study reports, this transfer also contains correspondence, notes, and publications. Information in these records include faculty vitas, program curricula, and details regarding space/facilities used by the programs.
A second addition to the Graduate School Records (Accession 2011:059) is made up of inventories listing master's and doctoral theses issued by OSU from 1909 to 1960. Listing the theses in chronological order by year, the two inventories document the title of the work and the author. An index organized by author name can be found at the end of inventories. Prior to their accession into this record group, these inventories circulated as OSU Library resources although the office which generated these lists is unknown.
A third addition to the Graduate School Records (Accession 2013:023) consists of materials that document reviews of various programs and departments. In addition to self-study reports, these records also contain Graduate Council meeting minutes, correspondence, program proposals, and student evaluations of teaching.
A fourth addition to the record group (Accession 2014:055) is made up of meeting minutes of the Graduate Council for the following date ranges: 1949/50-1952/53, 1974/75-1976/77, and 1990/91-2006/07. Included with the minutes is a catalog card system with information on various subjects referenced in the minutes such as dual majors, foreign students, curriculum, the Richland Center program, preliminary examinations, electronic delivery of courses, and masters degree programs. In addition to the date of the meetings, the cards also contain exerpts from the minutes relevant to the particular topic being referenced. The cards cite meetings from 1948 through 1994.
More Extent Information: 8 reels of microfilm
Statement on Access: Certain grant files contain confidential information; permission from archivist required.
Related Materials: Photographs of graduate faculty and students are available in the Graduate School Photographs (P 67). The Archives' holdings also include the Henry P. Hansen Papers.
Preferred Citation: Graduate School Records, Oregon State University Archives, Corvallis, Oregon.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 19, 2015.
Oregon State University. Graduate School
Oregon Agricultural College. Graduate Committee
Oregon Agricultural College. Graduate School
Oregon State Agricultural College. Graduate School
Oregon State College. Graduate Council
Oregon State College. Graduate School
Oregon State University. Graduate Council
Hanford (Wash.)
Hansen, Henry P. (Henry Paul)
Oregon Agricultural College. Graduate School
Oregon State Agricultural College. Graduate School
Oregon State College--Graduate students.
Oregon State College--Graduate work.
Oregon State College. Graduate School
Oregon State University--Dissertations.
Oregon State University--Graduate students.
Oregon State University--Graduate work.
Oregon State University. Center for Graduate Study
Oregon State University. Graduate School
Oregon State University. Nutrition Research Institute
Oregon State University. School of Engineering
Oregon State University. School of Home Economics
Oregon State University. School of Oceanography
Rebec, George
Research grants--Oregon.
Skelton, Gordon V.
University of Oregon. Medical School
Weniger, Willibald, 1884-
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