Title: Roland Eugene Dimick Papers, 1901-1978
ID: MSS Dimick
Primary Creator: Dimick, Roland Eugene (1900-)
Extent: 1.75 cubic feet
Arrangement: Organized into 9 series: 1. William L. Finley Correspondence; 2. Dept. of Fish, Game, and Fur Animal Curricula; 3. Grade Distribution Study; 4. Agriculture Awards Banquets; 5. Wildlife Club; 6. Oregon Wildlife Federation; 7. Miscellany; 8. Photographs; 9. Recording. Most series are arranged chronologically.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
Series 1 and 2 document the establishment of the Department of Fish, Game and Fur Animal Management at Oregon State in 1935-36. The Oregon Wildlife Federation materials include an early constitution and membership list, general bulletins sent to county chapters, reports, resolutions, annual meeting programs, a recording on fishing, and news clippings. Photographs are of William J. Smith and the Oregon Wildlife Federation, logging salvage operations, and the Camp Adair area.
An addition to the Dimick Papers (Accession 2007:033) consists of commencement programs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, publications, and teaching certificates and contracts. Primarily pertaining to Dimick's work as a wildlife and fisheries professor, these materials document his interest in keeping in contact with alumni of the program, receipt of the OSU Distinguished Service Award, and recognition from others of his 25 years-plus service to the Fisheries and Wildlife Department. In addition to an image of Dimick as a toddler in Hubbard, Oregon, the photographs (38 prints in all) reflect Dimick's work for OSU and includes shots of Dimick attending campus events, early game and fish management classes, reunion gatherings of fisheries and wildlife alumni, and engaged in research at the Yaquina Bay Experiment Research Station.
A second addition to the Papers (Accession 2014:104) consists of a variety of materials generated and collected by Dimick. In addition to correspondence, notes, research data, student papers, and studies, the transfer is made up of reports issued by the Oregon State Game Commission on river basin investigations throughout Oregon that include analyses of the impact of reservoirs and dams upon stream flow and fish populations. Dimick's research, as reflected in the notes, data, and correspondence, focus primarily upon two projects: a survey of cutthroat trout and the effects of a fish diet to the off-coloration in fur animals (mink and fox). The notes include historical references to Pacific Northwest fish populations Dimick compiled from reports, newspapers, and books. Recorded in the research data are numbers relating to the fish stocking "planting" of several Oregon lakes/rivers, comparisons between cutthroat and rainbow trout, chinook salmon runs on the Willamette, and information collected from trout trapped on the Alsea River.
Roland Eugene Dimick was born in Hubbard, Oregon on July 5, 1899. He received a B.S. in 1926 and an M.S. in 1931 from Oregon State College. From 1929 to 1931 Dimick was a teaching fellow and assistant at the Agricultural Experiment Station, and served as Assistant Professor from 1931 to 1936. He helped establish the Department of Fish, Game, and Fur Animal Management and was appointed Professor and department head in 1936. He was department head until 1963 and became Professor Emeritus in 1966.
Dimick received the OSU Distinguished Service Award in 1969. He was a member of the Sigma Xi, Kappa Delta Pi and Gamma Sigma Delta honorary societies. Dimick died in Corvallis on February 1, 1980.
Related Materials: Related materials can be found in the Fisheries and Wildlife Department Records (RG 190), the Fisheries and Wildlife Department Photographs (P 179) and the William L. Finley Papers (MSS Finley).
Preferred Citation: Roland Eugene Dimick Papers (MSS Dimick), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 13, 2015.
Dimick, Roland Eugene (1900-)
Finley, William L. (William Lovell) (1876-1953)
McCann, John Albert
Camp Adair (Or.)
National Wildlife Federation
Natural Resources
Oregon State College. Department of Fish, Game, and Fur Animal Management--History.
Oregon Wildlife Federation
Smith, William Joy
University History
Wasco County (Or.)
Wildlife conservation--Oregon.
Photographic prints.
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