By Finding aid prepared by Karl McCreary.
Title: Triad Club Records, 1925-2006
ID: MSS TriadClub
Primary Creator: Triad Club (Oregon State University)
Extent: 3.1 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: The records of the Triad Club are organized into 10 series: I. Membership Lists and Information; II. Minutes; III. Correspondence; IV. Publications; V. Constitutions and Bylaws; VI. Newspaper Clipping; VII. Scrapbooks; VIII. Photographs; IX. Sound Recordings; and X. Artifacts.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Triad Club Records document the activities and operation of this organization of Oregon State University faculty established in 1926 to further "fellowship, cooperation, and service" among faculty, students, and the citizens of Corvallis. The records include membership lists, minutes, scrapbooks, photographs, and anniversary publications.
Items from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
Series I contains materials relating to club membership and includes lists of members organized by year, chronologically, and alphabetically; and lists of officers and committee members. Records relating to meeting attendance and membership information forms compiled for the 30th anniversary of the club are included in this series. The information forms contain biographical data such as work histories, education, etc. Series II consists of meeting minutes. Series III is primarily correspondence and pertains to meeting attendance, remembrance of deceased members, committees, budgetary expenditures, topics of weekly meetings, and the Oregon State College Masonic student organization the Square and Compass Club. Series IV contains publications published for the Triad Club membership and includes booklets commemorating the club's 30th and 50th anniversaries, the club Songbook, and printed quotations and invocations by club chaplain and member Delmer Goode.
Series V consists of copies of the club's constitutions and bylaws, as well as revisions and amendments to the original charter. Series VI consists of newspaper clippings from The Oregon Journal and The Corvallis Gazette-Times on the activities and deaths of Triad Club members, the history of OSU, and the Square and Compass Club. Series VII is a scrapbook with newspaper clippings on Triad club events and members, Christmas cards, thank you notes, and correspondence. Materials date from 1926 to 1940. Series VIII contains photographs of club members in group shots, monthly meetings, and holiday parties. Series IX is an audiotape recording and two scripts of a speech delivered by Ken Munford for the 60th Anniversary celebration. Series X consists of two artifacts: the old gavel used to open club meetings and a charter member ribbon prepared for the 30th Anniversary celebration.
An addition to the Triad Club Records (Accession 2001:023) is made up of two signs created for the Triad Club's 75th Anniversary celebration gathering at the Memorial Union in January 2001. Displayed in an exhibit case along the Memorial Union concourse, both of the signs have velcro adhesive on the back and have the club's triangular logo. The signs were produced and transferred to the Archives by the Memorial Union Catering Services. They were part of a larger display which included scanned photographic reproductions of club group shots from each decade starting with the 1920's.
A second addition to the Triad Club Records (Accession 2001:110) consists of records generated by the Triad Club primarily in planning for the 75th Anniversary of the organization in 2001. In addition to copies of a 75th Anniversary book and black and white prints of group shots of the 2000/01 membership, there are also correspondence, minutes, newspaper clippings, and table tents in this accession. Also included is a paper weight with the Triad Club logo and a key which were both produced to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the club in 1975/76.
A third addition to the Triad Club Records (Accession 2006:030) includes committee reports, constitutions, correspondence, game scoring cards, meeting announcements/agendas, membership lists, newspaper clippings, notes, photographs, and publications. These materials document club business and activities, including games played at annual picnics. The publications found in this transfer are club histories.
A fourth addition to the Triad Club Records (Accesion 2006:054) consists of committee lists, correspondence, event announcements, membership lists, a new member notebook, photographs, and a paperweight with the Triad Club symbol. The notebook is made up of a membership list, a brief history of the club, past officer rosters, and updated constitutions/bylaws. The photographs are group shots of club members.
A fifth addition to the Triad Club Records (Accession 2009:088) is made up of membership/officer lists, photographs, and two printing blocks with the club logo. The two photographic prints and one slide image depict group shots of members in 1951 and the first club picnic.
Items from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
More Extent Information: 6 boxes
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Related Materials: Documentation pertaining to the Triad Club can also be found in the records of several OSU Departments and offices, including Crop Science Department Records (RG 095), Mathematics Department Records (RG 136), and the Landscape Architecture Department Records (RG 089). The Paul E. Bernier Papers (MSS Bernier) document the life and career papers of former Triad President Paul Bernier and also contain materials relating to the club. There are photographs of Triad Club activities and members in a variety of collections, including the Robert W. Henderson Photograph Collection (P 098).
Preferred Citation: Triad Club Records (MSS TraidClub), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 19, 2015.
Triad Club (Oregon State University)
Goode, Delmer M.
Munford, James Kenneth
Goode, Delmer M.
Grace at meals.
Local History
Munford, James Kenneth
Oregon State University--Faculty.
Square and Compass Club (Oregon State College)
Triad Club (Oregon State University)
University History
Photographic prints.
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