Title: Paul R. Elliker Papers, 1934-1973
ID: MSS Elliker
Primary Creator: Elliker, P. R. (Paul Reuben) (1911-)
Extent: 1.2 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: The collection consists of five series: I. Correspondence; II. Teaching and Curriculum; III. Research Records; IV. Papers; and V. Photograph.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
Series I contains correspondence between Elliker and colleagues at Purdue and other universities, companies for which he conducted research, professional organizations and editors of scientific publications. It also includes office files and correspondence related to the Department of Microbiology generated during the time Elliker served as department chair. Series II includes curriculum materials for dairy courses, exams from dairy husbandry classes taught by Elliker, proposed lectures for a dairy technology extension course, and laboratory exercises for food bacteriology courses.
Series III consists of research records pertaining to fat hydrolysis, germicide research, and research that Elliker conducted for Klenzade Products, a Beloit, Wisconsin manufacturer of sanitation chemicals and equipment. Also included in series III is Elliker's research notes on Swiss cheese starter cultures (1934-35). Series IV contains two papers, "Practical Scientific Approach to Cream Quality Improvement," which Elliker presented to the American Butter Institute in 1946 and "The History of the Department of Microbiology", compiled by the faculty and staff of Oregon State University's Department of Microbiology. Series V contains a photograph of a Klenzade products display at a trade show.
Paul Reuben Elliker was born in 1911 in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. He received his B.S. (1934), M.S. (1935), and Ph.D. (1937) degrees in bacteriology from the University of Wisconsin. He joined the faculty of Purdue University's Dairy Husbandry Department in 1940. During the years 1944-1945 Elliker served at Fort Detrick, Maryland in the United State Army's Biowarfare Group. In 1947 he was appointed a member of the faculty in the Bacteriology Department at Oregon State College. He taught at Oregon State until his retirement in 1976, serving as department chair from 1952-1976. His areas of research included germicides, bacterial viruses, aerobiology, nutrition of lactic acid bacteria, and psychrophilic bacteria.
Elliker received numerous awards for teaching and research, including the OSC Sigma Xi All Campus Research Award in 1952 and the American Dairy Science Borden Award in Dairy Manufacturing in 1954. He authored over 136 articles in publications such as the Journal of Dairy Science and the Journal of Milk and Food. He wrote several technical papers for the OSU Agricultural Experiment Station and was the author of Practical Dairy Bacteriology, published in 1949.
More Extent Information: The materials are housed in one cubic foot box and in two document boxes.
Related Materials: Other materials relating to Paul Elliker can be found in the Microbiology Department Records (RG 191) and in the OSU Memorabilia Collection (MSS MC).
Preferred Citation: Paul R. Elliker Papers (MSS Elliker), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 19, 2015.
Elliker, P. R. (Paul Reuben) (1911-)
Bacteriology--Laboratory manuals
Dairying--Study and teaching.
Dairy microbiology.
Dairy plants--Sanitation--Wisconsin.
Elliker, P. R. (Paul Reuben), 1911-
History of Science
Natural Resources
Oregon State University. Department of Microbiology
Purdue University. Department of Dairy Husbandry
University History
Photographic prints.
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