By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen and Chris Petersen.
Title: Voices of Oregon State University Oral History Collection, 1995-2024
Predominant Dates: 2008-2024
ID: OH 009
Extent: 0.6 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: Interviews are arranged into two series - one describing analog materials and the other describing born digital content. Within each series, interviews are arranged chronologically by date of interview.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Voices of Oregon State University Oral History Collection consists primarily of oral history interviews conducted by students as part of anthropology, history, sociology and honors colloquium classes, as well as Special Collections and Archives internships. The interviewees include Oregon State alumni, faculty, administrators, and current students. Many of the interviews described in this collection have been contextualized and made available online. Digital files of other interviews are available upon patron request.
Access to the Vivian Le Interview is restricted due to the presence of confidential information. Permission for access may be granted only by Vivian Le. For more information about access to restricted materials, please see our Guide to the Special Collections and Archives Research Center.
The Voices of Oregon State University Oral History Collection consists of oral history interviews conducted largely by Oregon State students as part of a series of classes including Anthropology 498 (Oral Traditions), History 415/515 (Digital History), Honors 407 (OSU, Women and Oral History: An Exploration of 150 Years/The Hidden History of Women at OSU), Sociology 418/518 (Qualitative Research Methods), and U-Engage (What Am I Doing Here?! Being the First in the Family at College) classes, as well as internships within the Special Collections & Archives Research Center. The interviewees include Oregon State alumni, faculty, administrators and current students.
Materials have been donated to the Center on many different types of media, but all sound formats have been converted to digital *.wav files and all video formats have been converted to *.mpg files for preservation purposes. All audio-only interviews are currently available for reference use as *.mp3 digital sound files upon request. The original born-digital sound files deposited with SCARC came in several formats, including *.aif, *.dct, *.dss, *.ds2, *.mp3, *.wav and *.wma. The original born-digital video files deposited with SCARC came in either *.mov or *.mts format. All contents deposited on physical media have been migrated to digital format.
Signed permissions forms, where obtained, are also available for reference use upon request.
Gail Nickerson was interviewed in February 1995 by Natasha Allaire for the Anthropology 498 course. The interview includes information about Waldo Hall dorm life and campus activities in 1956. The interview was originally recorded onto two audio cassettes, now available as digital sound recordings. A transcript is also available. Nickerson was interviewed again in March 2013 by Allison Burr and Mike Jager for the History 415/515 course. The 2013 interview, which also focused on Nickerson's recollections of life in Waldo Hall, was video recorded and a dvd containing a *.mov file was deposited with the Special Collections & Archives Research Center. That file was converted to *.mpg format and both files are available for patron use.
Miriam Minnick (OSU Libraries Information Services) and Rod Waldron (OSU Libraries Director) were interviewed during the summer of 2004 by University Archives student intern Rachael Wilson. In 2009 these recordings were transferred from the original audio cassette tapes to two sets of three compact discs.
Four interviews were conducted during Fall 2008 by students in Sociology 418/518. The interviewees were Helen Berg (Survey Research Center; Mayor of Corvallis), Gwil Evans (College of Agricultural Sciences), Bryce Gregory (Contractor), and Clifford Trow (History Department Professor Emeritus). The collection includes born digital sound recordings for these interviews. No transcripts were deposited for these interviews, though an outline is available for Helen Berg. Consent forms are available for all interviews except for Bryce Gregory. Background information is available for Gwil Evans.
Eight interviews were conducted during Winter 2010 by students in Sociology 418/518. The interviewees were Emery Castle (Agriculture & Resource Economics Professor Emeritus), Wil Gamble (Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics Professor Emeritus), C. Warren Hovland (Department of Religious Studies Professor Emeritus), Phyllis Lee (Office of Multicultural Affairs), Carol Menken-Schaudt (OSU Women's Basketball), Richard Morita (Department of Microbiology Professor Emeritus), Miriam Orzech (Educational Opportunities Program), and Clara Pratt (School of Social & Behavioral Health Sciences Professor Emeritus). All of these interviews provide information about the subjects' personal background and family history, educational background, and activities as a faculty member or administrator at Oregon State University. Transcripts, compact discs and born digital sound recordings are available for all interviews, and consent forms are available for all interviews except for Carol Menken-Schaudt. Background material is available for C. Warren Hovland.
Six interviews were conducted during Winter 2011 by students in Sociology 418/518. The interviewees were Kent Daniels (International Research and Development), Larry Griggs (Educational Opportunity Program), Zoe Ann Holmes (Food Science & Technology), Richard Tubb (Fisheries and Wildlife), Paul Valenti (OSU Men’s Basketball Coach), and Aaron Wolf (Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Professor). Compact discs and born digital sound recordings are available for all interviews. In addition, transcripts are available for all interviews except for Aaron Wolf, and consent forms are available for Kent Daniels, Larry Griggs, Zoe Ann Holmes, and Paul Valenti. Background material is available for Kent Daniels.
Four interviews were conducted during Winter 2012 by students in Sociology 518. The interviewees were Jimmy Anderson (OSU Men’s Basketball Coach), Erlinda Gonzales-Berry (Ethnic Studies Professor), Mike Maksud (Public Health & Family Sciences Dean Emeritus), and Terri Tower (University Housing & Dining Services). Transcripts, compact discs and born digital sound recordings are available for all interviews. Consent forms are available for Jimmy Anderson and Terri Tower.
Leroy Wilder was interviewed in May 2012 by SCARC student intern Hannah Mahoney. The interview contains information about Wilder's experience participating in the ROTC Raiders program, which trained undergraduate students in counter-warfare techniques during the Vietnam War era. The interview is available as a born digital sound recording. A permissions form and an outline of questions are also available.
Six interviews were conducted in Winter 2013 by students in Sociology 518. The interviewees were Joseph Cone (Sea Grant Communications), Margaret Fox (Educational Opportunities Program), Sylvia Moore (Health and Human Performance; Women's Intercollegiate Athletics), Beth Rietveld (OSU Women's Center), Jo Anne Trow (Associate Dean of Students; Vice Provost for Student Affairs) and Charles Vars (Economics; Mayor of Corvallis). Transcripts are available for all interviews as are compact discs and/or digital sound recordings. Signed permissions forms were obtained for Moore, Rietveld and Trow.
Four interviews were deposited in Winter 2014 by students in Sociology 518. The interviewees were David Brauner (Anthropology), Roberta Hall (Anthropology), Carol Savonen (OSU Extension and Experiment Station Communications) and Susan Shaw (Women Studies). Transcripts are available for all interviews as are born digital sound recordings. Signed permissions forms were obtained for all four interviewees. Also included is the final paper written by the Roberta Hall group and describing methodology, data, limitations and ethical considerations pertinent to their research process.
Four video recorded interviews were conducted between 2011 and 2015 by alumnus Bob Schapper for a project documenting the history of OSU's bands.
Six audio recorded interviews added in 2015, and seven in 2016, were part of an assignment for the U-Engage course “What am I Doing Here?! Being First in the Family at College” co-taught by Kim McAloney and Janet Nishihara. The students conducted interviews with prominent members of the OSU faculty and administration who were first generation college students. The interviews focus on the interviewees’ experiences of being the first in the family at college. Born digital sound recordings are available for all interviews.
Court Smith was interviewed by the Society for Applied Anthropology in Spring 2017. A copy of this interview was later donated to SCARC by the narrator.
Two video recorded interviews were conducted in late 2017 and early 2018 with Bob Moore by Janice Dilg, a contract oral historian based in Portland. These interviews were conducted with the support of the OSU Foundation.
Seven video recorded interviews were conducted in February 2018 by students in the class "OSU, Women and Oral History: An Exploration of 150 Years" (HC 407). One of these interviews, with Vivian Le, is restricted. An eighth audio recorded interview was conducted by the entire class in March 2018, with Janet Nishihara, Beth Rietveld and Jo Anne Trow serving as narrators.
One audio recorded group interview and four video recorded interviews were conducted in February-March 2019, again by students in the class "OSU, Women and Oral History: An Exploration of 150 Years" (HC 407). Four audio recorded interviews conducted by SOC 418/518 students were deposited around the same time.
Ten video recorded interviews and one audio recorded group interview were conducted in January-March 2020 by HC 407 students enrolled in the newly renamed class, "The Hidden History of Women at Oregon State University." One video recorded interview with George Constantine was conducted by a student enrolled in PHAR 705.
Four interviews with OSU Faculty were conducted in fall 2024 by students enrolled in Dr. Dwaine Plaza's course SOC 318 Qualitative Research Methods.
Ron Adams is an OSU mechanical engineering alum who has held a number of administrative positions at Oregon State, including Dean of the College of Engineering, and Executive Vice President for Research.
Dawn Marie Alapisco is the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act coordinator, working in the Office of Institutional Diversity at Oregon State University.
Jimmy Anderson both played for and coached Oregon State’s men’s basketball team, first serving as an assistant coach and chief recruiter for head coach Ralph Miller before taking over the program as the new head coach in 1989. The Beavers were PAC-10 champions for the 1989-1990 season, and Anderson retired as head coach after the 1994-1995 season.
Natchee Barnd is an assistant professor in the Ethnic Studies program at Oregon State University. He is a comparative and critical ethnic studies scholar interested in the intersections between ethnic studies, cultural geography, and indigenous studies.
Angela Batista became the Associate Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Student Life in June 2015 at Oregon State University. Batista was named Interim Chief Diversity Officer in February 2016.
Helen Berg earned an MS in statistics from Oregon State University in 1973 and worked as a statistician and Director of the Survey Research Center at OSU from 1975 until her retirement in 1993. She was active in a variety of community organizations including the Madison Avenue Task Force and the Corvallis Community Day Care Board. She served on the Corvallis City Council from 1991 to 1994 and as mayor for three 4-year terms (1995-2006).
SueAnn Bottoms is Director of Precollege Programs at Oregon State University and a faculty member in the College of Education.
David Brauner has served as professor of anthropology at OSU since 1977, with a research focus on historical archeology of the Pacific Northwest. With his students, Brauner has researched topics including the French-Canadian/Métis employees of the Hudson's Bay Company (Oregon's first non-native settlers), and the role of the military and its forts in Oregon during and after the American Civil War.
Leslie Burns served on the OSU faculty from 1985-2015 in Apparel Design and Merchandising Management. During her tenure at Oregon State, Burns also held the positions of Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Chair of the Department of Design and Human Environment.
Emery Castle joined the faculty of Oregon State in 1954 in agricultural and resource economics. He held several administrative posts including department head, Dean of Faculty, and Dean of the Graduate School before leaving OSU in 1976 for a position as senior research fellow at Resources for the Future. Castle returned to Oregon State in 1986 as chair of the University Graduate Faculty of Economics, a position he held until his retirement in 1992.
Carol Caudle attended Oregon State College during the 1960-61 academic year, studying Mathematics. She returned to OSU in later years to pursue coursework in support of her Nursing degree.
Marisa Chappell is a professor of History in the OSU School of History, Philosophy and Religion, and was a member of the United Academics of OSU bargaining team that negotiated the first faculty labor contract in university history.
Melissa Cheyney is a professor of biocultural anthropology at OSU, a medical anthropologist and a licensed midwife.
Jessica Church is an instructor and the Climbing and Wilderness Skills Coordinator at the OSU Adventure Leadership Institute.
Josie Clark is an alumna (Marketing, 2023) and MBA graduate student at OSU. During her undergraduate years, she also served as chapter president of the Sigma Kappa sorority.
Joseph Cone is Assistant Director and Communications Leader for Oregon Sea Grant; he began work with Oregon Sea Grant in 1983. A Common Fate, explores the history and sociology of salmon depletion in the Pacific Northwest and tells the stories of Northwest citizens working to prevent extinction. Cone's book was originally published in 1995 by Henry Holt. A revised edition, with epilogue, was published by the Oregon State University Press in 1996.
George Constantine earned his Ph.D. in Pharmacy from Oregon State in 1966 and was a member of the OSU Pharmacy faculty from 1966-1999.
Susan Crist is the Assistant Director of Employer Relations for the OSU College of Business.
Kenton Daniels is a retired co-director of the OSU Office of International Research and Development. Daniels is a former Corvallis City Council member and Benton County Commissioner who remains active in local government as the Corvallis Planning Commissioner.
Abigayle Darula is a senior majoring in Business Management with an option in International Business. During her years at OSU, she has been a member of the school's Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) equestrian team, serving as captain for the past two years and competing with the polo team her freshman and sophomore years. Darula is also the first woman to be awarded an internship working for the OSU baseball team with DAM Analytics.
Nancy (Pace) Davis attended Oregon State College for two academic years (1953-1955), focusing primarily on liberal arts courses offered by the Lower Division.
Liddy Detar is a Senior Instructor in Women, Gender and Sexuality.
Marianne Dickson is a Senior Instructor in the OSU College of Business, focusing on apparel design. She is also a graduate of the university - completing a master's degree in Fashion Design 2005 - and the owner of a custom wedding dress business.
Laurie Dwire is a Dining Operations Manager at Oregon State University.
Willie Elfering is a Military Veteran Resources Advisor in the Office of Student Life.
Gwil Evans graduated from Oregon State in 1961 and was editor of the student newspaper, the Daily Barometer, during his senior year. He joined the Oregon State faculty in 1966 as an assistant professor of journalism and held a variety of positions before his retirement in 2003. He served as the first director of communications for the Sea Grant College Program, director of communications for the OSU Extension Service, and director and head of the Department of Agricultural Communications. In 1992, he began an assignment in the Dean's Office of the College of Agricultural Sciences where he oversaw communications, organizational design, strategic planning, computing and networking, the Art about Agriculture program, and research accountability.
Carrington Fastelin is an honors undergraduate student in Public Health who transferred to the OSU Corvallis campus from the OSU-Cascades branch in Bend, Oregon.
Dawn Figueroa is the collection curator for the Historic and Cultural Textile and Apparel Collection at OSU.
Beth (Simkins) Fischer graduated from Oregon State University in 1991 with a Business Administration degree. During her time at Oregon State University, she was highly active in Greek Life as a member of Kappa Delta sorority and took part in establishing Mock Rock, which has since grown to be the largest philanthropic event on campus.
Margaret Fox, assistant professor, taught classes through OSU's Educational Opportunities Program (EOP) from 1982 to 2007.
Kryn Freehling-Burton is a Senior Instructor in the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program at OSU.
Kali Furman is a post-doctoral scholar in the Difference, Power and Discrimination program at Oregon State University, and also an instructor in the OSU Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies program. She earned master's (2015) and Ph.D. (2021) degrees from OSU as well as a graduate certificate in college and university teaching (2016).
Wilbert (Wil) Gamble became a faculty member in biochemistry and biophysics at Oregon State in 1962; Gamble retired in 1998 but continues to research atherosclerosis.
Erlinda Gonzales-Berry joined the Oregon State University faculty in 1997 as chair of the Department of Ethnic Studies, a position she held until her retirement in December 2007. Gonzales-Berry specialized in teaching Latino literature and culture, published extensively on Chicano and Nuevomexicano literature and culture, and conducted research on immigration from Mexico to the United States.
Bryce Gregory is a contractor based in Portland, Oregon.
Shelley Griffiths is a Resident Director with University Housing and Dining Services.
Lawrence (Larry) Griggs served in various positions for the OSU Educational Opportunities Program (EOP) from 1974 until his retirement in 2008. Starting as an instructor and counselor, Griggs soon became Coordinator of Admissions and Financial Aid for the program before serving as Assistant Director of EOP from 1978 to 1986. The following year he was the Acting Director of the Affirmative Action Office and was officially promoted to Director of the EOP in 1987.
Rachel Grisham is an OSU alumna (Class of 2017) and a past president of both the Associated Students of Oregon State University as well as Sigma Delta Omega sorority, which provides support for women in the sciences.
Roberta Hall is an emeritus professor of anthropology who was on faculty at OSU from 1974 to her retirement in 2003. A major theme of her research is human adaptation, which has led to studies on health, prehistory, human biology, culture and skeletal biology. She is particularly well-known for her work with the Coquille Indian Tribe, based on the southern Oregon coast.
Suzy Hartman is a practicing veterinarian who graduated from the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine in 1987.
Marie Harvey is Associate Dean for Research and Distinguished Professor of Public Health at OSU.
Charlotte Headrick is a Professor Emerita of Theatre Arts who was a member of the Speech Communications faculty at OSU from 1982 to her retirement in 2016. An expert on Irish theatre, Headrick is also the first woman to receive tenure within the Theatre Arts program in OSU history.
Selina Heppell is a professor within the College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences.
Peg Herring is a Professor Emerita in Extension Communications who served as head of that department from 2010-2014. With Judith Li, she is also co-author and illustrator of several successful children's books published by the OSU Press.
Amanda Hertzberg is an OSU alumna who completed her degree in Chemical Engineering in 2019.
Kassena Hillman is an academic advisor for the Oregon State University Honors College.
Zoe Ann Holmes was Professor of Nutrition and Food Management at Oregon State University from 1974 until her retirement in 2002. Holmes’ research focused on food production, processing, and preparation.
C. Warren Hovland was a professor of religious studies at Oregon State from 1949 until his retirement in 1986. Under his leadership as chair, the Oregon State Department of Religious Studies was the first authorized by the Oregon State System of Higher Education to offer an undergraduate degree in religious studies.
Allison Hurst is Associate Professor in the Sociology Program, School of Public Policy.
Judith "Teddy" (McMahon) Johnnie studied Business and Technology at Oregon State College from 1957-1958.
Sandy (Winter) Jones earned Bachelor's (1985) and Master's (1986) degrees in Education from OSU, and taught in the Beaverton School District for thirteen years.
Robin (Wells) Kassman is a 1979 Home Economics graduate and a long-time advisor to Kappa Delta sorority.
Julie Koyama is a judo instructor in the OSU College of Health.
Barbara Lachenbruch was a professor of Ecophysiology in the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society from from 1992-2018.
Appointed to the OSU Board of Visitors in 1986, Phyllis Lee served as acting director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs before assuming the directorship in 1992. After earning a doctorate in counseling from OSU in 1983, Lee worked for Kaiser Permanente in Portland before returning to campus in 1991. Lee also worked as a public school teacher and in counseling education at Portland State University prior to her post with the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
Vivian Le is an undergraduate at OSU studying Accounting and Economics. She is also an ASOSU Senator and a former intern with the OSU Office of Advocacy.
Nordica MacCarty is the Evans' Scholar of Humanitarian Engineering in the School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at OSU.
Katherine MacTavish is a professor in the College of Health, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences.
Harnit Mahal earned a bachelor's degree in Communications and Psychology in 2023, and was an OSU graduate student in Communications as well.
Michael (Mike) Maksud is dean emeritus from the OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences (1980 – 1995). Maksud’s distinguished career includes being inducted into the University of Illinois – Chicago Athletic Hall of Fame and receiving the Distinguished Administrator Award from the National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education.
Maia Mansour is an undergraduate in Chemical Engineering at OSU.
Robert Mason is a professor within the College of Science, Department of Integrative Biology, J.C. Braly Curator of Vertebrates.
Megan McClelland is the Katherine E. Smith Healthy Children and Families Professor in the OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences, and also the Hallie Ford Director for the Center for Healthy Children and Families.
Carol Menken-Schaudt was a Kodak All-American in basketball for Oregon State University. In 1981, she led the nation in scoring and in field goal shooting percentage (.750). At 6-5, she was the first player in school history in either men’s or women’s basketball to score 2,000 points in a career. Menken led the 1981 team to a 21-6 record and won the Olympic gold medal with the United States team in 1984. She graduated from Oregon State in 1983 and played professional basketball in Italy before returning to Corvallis.
Miriam Minnick is professor emeritus of information services for the OSU Valley Library. As a librarian Minnick specialized in both interlibrary loans and references.
Richard Mitchell is a professor within the College of Liberal Arts, Department of Sociology.
Bob Moore is the founder of Bob's Red Mill Natural Foods, based in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Sylvia Moore was an OSU employee for more than 30 years as a member of the faculty of the College of Health and Human Performance, deputy director of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and director of University Conference Facilities, Services and Special Events. A past coach of OSU's gymnastics and women's basketball teams, Moore was a leader in promoting women's athletics.
Richard Morita began his career at Oregon State University in 1962 as an Associate Professor of Microbiology and Oceanography. Specializing in the study of microbial life forms in oceanic environments, Morita participated in several deep-sea research expeditions early in his career. In 1964, Morita achieved the post of Professor; he retired in 1989.
Susan Mowery is an alumna of Oregon State University, graduating in 1970 and double-majoring in Zoology and Microbiology.
Mike Nelson is a Senior Instructor in the Economics Program within the OSU School of Public Policy.
Daniel Newhart is Assistant Vice Provost, Student Affairs, Director, Student Affairs Research, Evaluation and Planning, and Assistant Professor of Practice, College of Liberal Arts.
Melanie Nichol is an Instructor in the School of School of Language, Culture and Society.
Gail Nickerson attended Oregon State College and lived in Waldo Hall in 1956.
Janet Nishihara is an OSU alumna (Class of 1978) and has spent more than three decades on staff at the Educational Opportunities Program. She has served as director of the program since 2009.
Miriam Orzech was Assistant Director and Academic Coordinator for the Educational Opportunities Program from 1969 to 1974, when she became Director of the program.
Mike Parker (b. 1959) has been the radio "Voice of the Beavers" since 1999, during which time he has broadcast OSU football, men's basketball, and baseball games.
Dwaine Plaza is Professor, Program Coordinator of the Sociology Program in the School of Public Policy.
Clara Pratt joined the faculty of Oregon State University in 1978 as director of the gerontology program and a professor in human development and family sciences. Pratt served as Interim Dean of the College of Home Economics beginning in 2000 and retired in 2005.
Indira Rajagopal is a Senior Instructor in Biology and Biochemistry/Biophysics, and a University Honors College Eminent Professor.
Sabah Randhawa joined the Oregon State University community in 1970s as a graduate student. Randhawa eventually became a faculty member with the College of Engineering, and in 2005 became Provost and Executive Vice President under President Ed Ray. In August 2016, Randhawa became president of Western Washington University.
Edward Ray became president of Oregon State University in July 2003. Dr. Ray was a member of the economics faculty at Ohio State from 1970-2003, serving as economics department chair from 1976 to 1992. He served as associate provost from May 1992 until May 1993, senior vice provost and chief information officer from 1993-1998, and executive vice president and provost from 1998-2003.
Betty Reynolds is a 1972 graduate of Oregon State University in American Studies who went on to a long career in civic engagement, including a tenure as president of the Oregon School Board Association.
Beth Rietveld served as director of the OSU Women's Center from 1993-2011 and as coordinator of OSU's Growing Oaks child care center from 1997-1999. Rietveld was also instrumental in the founding of the OSU Faculty Women's Network and the Graduate Women's Network, as well as the Office of Women's Advancement and Gender Equity and the Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Office.
Susana Rivera-Mills serves as the Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Oregon State University. She previously served as Executive Associate Dean in the College of Liberal Arts and Professor of Spanish Linguistics and Diversity Advancement.
Lucía Robelo is a Spanish instructor at OSU and the coordinator of the university's Chillán Study Abroad Program in Chile.
Heather Rodgers is the director of the House of Charis, a Christian discipleship at Oregon State University.
Larry Roper is a Professor in the School of Language, Culture and Society and Coordinator of the College Student Services Administration program and the undergraduate Social Justice Minor at Oregon State University. Previously he served as Vice Provost for Student Affairs from 1995-2014.
Robin Rosetta is a retired Nursery Integrated Pest Management Extension Agent with the North Willamette Research and Extension Center.
Vicki Russell attended OSU during the 1970-71 academic year, where she majored in Business Administration and was a member of Alpha Chi sorority.
Carol Savonen is an emeritus professor and science writer for OSU Extension and Experiment Station Communications. A master gardener, Savonen also served as associate producer and head writer for "Northwest Gardening," on Oregon Public Broadcasting. She retired from OSU in 2008.
Susan Shaw is a professor of Women Studies at OSU, having first arrived in Corvallis in 1996. Shaw earned masters and Ph.D. degrees in religious studies from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Her research interests include religion, rock and roll, and HIV/AIDS.
Yoonie Shin is an undergraduate in Computer Science at OSU.
Zoe Simmons is an undergraduate Kinesiology major and a member of the OSU women's cross-country team.
Staci Simonich is Chemistry and Toxicology professor at OSU as well as Associate Vice President for Research Operations and Integrity.
Courtland (Court) Smith was a professor of Anthropology at OSU from 1969 to his retirement in 2003. Smith's research interests focused on environmental, community and equity issues, and included major projects on the impact of the Green Peter and Foster Dams, and problems associated with salmon fisheries in the Pacific Northwest.
Michelle (Estell) Smith was a member of the OSU women's basketball team from 1999-2003, graduating with a degree in Psychology. She later worked for the OSU Extension Service as Physical Activity Outreach Coordinator.
Marilyn Stewart is an Academic Advisor in the College of Liberal Arts.
Pam Sullivan is an ecohydrologist and faculty member in the OSU College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences.
Emi Sumida-Brown is a licensed psychologist and group coordinator for OSU Counseling and Psychological Services.
Doug Sweet attended OSU as an undergraduate in the late 1960s and early 1970s, majoring in English and participating on the track team. Active in multiple anti-war protests, he served as president of the Associated Students of Oregon State University during the 1970-71 school year.
Terri Tower worked for the OSU University Housing and Dining Services from 1989 to 2006, starting as the Assistant Director for Resident Life and then moving between other positions related to family housing and conferences. Since retiring, Tower has been the volunteer coordinator and president (2011-2012) for the OSU Retirement Association.
Clifford (Cliff) Trow was a faculty member in history at Oregon State University from 1965 until his retirement in 1997. He also served seven 4-year terms (28 years total) as an Oregon State Senator, representing the Corvallis area from 1975 until 2003.
Jo Anne Trow worked as Dean of Women, Associate Dean of Students and Vice President of Student Affairs at OSU during a career that spanned the years 1965-1995. She was the last Dean of Women and the first woman Vice President in university history.
Richard Tubb is a professor emeritus in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife and served as department chair from 1975 to 1993. Tubb spent time in Kuwait investigating the possibility for creating tire reefs in place of coral reefs and also helped set up a fisheries research center in Oman.
Paul Valenti was recruited to play for the OSU men’s basketball team in 1938 and lettered three years on the varsity team from 1939 to 1942. After a stint in the Navy, Valenti served as Amory "Slats" Gill’s assistant for nineteen years before becoming the head coach in 1964. He retired as head coach in 1970 but has remained a part of OSU athletics. Valenti has been inducted into the halls of fame for the state of Oregon, Oregon State Athletics, and the Pac-12 Conference.
Froggi VanRiper is a Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Sciences at Oregon State.
Charles Vars is an OSU professor emeritus in economics who also served two terms on the Corvallis City Council (1983-1987) and was elected as mayor of Corvallis in 1986 and again in 1990.
Rican Vue is an assistant professor in the School of Public Policy.
Raven Waldron is a Doctor of Pharmacy student at OSU, and has been active with numerous campus organizations devoted to issues of diversity and social justice.
Rodney (Rod) Waldron came to Oregon State University in 1954 to assume the post of Administrative Assistant to the OSU Librarian. In 1962 Waldron was promoted to the position of Associate Director of OSU Libraries and, three years later, to the post of Director. Waldron served as the Director of OSU Libraries from 1965 to his retirement in 1984.
Jessica Wall is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Washington, and also a 2004 graduate of OSU, majoring in Biology.
Christina Walsh is the Student Engagement Coordinator for the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences.
Nethmini Weerasekera is an undergraduate international student from Sri Lanka majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Jennifer Wells is a Library Technician at OSU's Valley Library and a 2008 graduate in Liberal Studies.
Leroy Wilder is an OSU alumnus who participated in the ROTC Raiders program during the Vietnam War.
Becca Williams is the director of the Survivor Advocacy and Resource Center at OSU.
Aaron Wolf is both an Associate Professor of Geography and a trained mediator in conflict resolution. Wolf has been at OSU since 1998, and his professional interests include transboundary water conflict prevention and resolution, water resources institutional development and policy analysis, and environmental policy analysis.
Carmen Wong is a Research Associate in the OSU School of Biological and Population Health.
Accruals: Regular additions to the collection are expected.
More Extent Information: 3 boxes; 4 audio cassettes, 20 compact discs, 4 DVDs; 83.8 GB born digital
Statement on Access:
Access to the Vivian Le Interview is restricted due to the presence of confidential information. Permission for access may be granted only by Vivian Le. For more information about access to restricted materials, please see our Guide to the Special Collections and Archives Research Center.
The collection is otherwise open for research.
Acquisition Note: The materials were transferred to the University Archives in several accessions from 1995 through 2010, and to the Special Collections & Archives Research Center in several accessions from 2011 to present.
Related Materials: A 1980 oral history interview of Miriam Orzech is part of the History of Oregon State University Oral Histories and Sound Recordings (OH 003); an earlier interview (in 1981 or 1982) with C. Warren Hovland is available in the A.L. Strand Oral History Collection (OH 007). SCARC collections include the Helen M. and Alan B. Berg Papers (MSS Berg), Emery N. Castle Papers (MSS Castle), and the Richard Y. Morita Papers (MSS Morita). The College of Home Economics Oral Histories (OH 011) include interviews with home economics faculty, administrators, and alumni. The Oregon Multicultural Archives includes numerous collections documenting the college environment and experiences for minority students and faculty at Oregon State University including records of the Educational Opportunities Program Records (RG 230) and the Office of Multicultural Affairs Records (RG 225).
Preferred Citation: Voices of Oregon State University Oral History Collection (OH 009), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information:
We acknowledge that materials in SCARC collections and the language that describes them may be harmful. We are actively working to address our descriptive practices; for more information please see our SCARC Anti-Racist Actions Statement online. SCARC describes the contents of its collections using the language and terminology of the collections themselves. Since culturally acceptable terminology shifts over time, some of the terms that appear in these materials are currently outdated or offensive.
The term “gypsy” is considered derogatory by many Roma people. It comes from the word “Egyptian,” where many Europeans mistakenly believed the Romani came from. In 1971, at the First World Roma Congress, a majority of attendees voted to reject the use of the term “gypsy,” however some still use it to self-identify. In this collection, the term “gypsy” refers to the “Asian gypsy moth” or “gypsy moth,” a group of invasive moth species that includes Lymantria dispar dispar, Lymantria dispar asiatica, L. d. japonica, L. albescens, L. umbrosa, and L. postalba. In 2021, the Entomological Society of America (ESA) voted to change the common names, and in 2022, the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced new names for these species. Lymantria dispar dispar is now known as the “spongy moth,” and the rest are now the “flighted spongy moth complex.” The term also appears in reference to Roma themselves.
There are no references to this term in the finding aid, but it does appear in materials that have been scanned and uploaded to Oregon Digital. In order to provide historical context and to enable standardized searching and access across our collections, we have retained the original wording. We acknowledge the racism represented by the term “gypsy” and the harm it may cause our users. Providing access to these historical materials does not endorse any attitudes or behavior depicted therein. For more information, please see our blog post.
[Date of Acknowledgement: November 2024]
Anderson, Jimmy
Barnd, Natchee Blu
Basketball for women--Oregon--Corvallis.
Batista, Angela E.
Berg, Helen M.
Brauner, David Ray
Castle, Emery N.
Cone, Joseph
COVID-19 (Disease)
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-
Daniels, Kenton
Evans, Gwil
Fox, Margaret Wynne
Gamble, Wilbert
Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda, 1942-
Gregory, Bryce
Griggs, Larry
Hall, Roberta L.
History of Science
Holmes, Zoe Ann, 1942-
Home economics--Study and teaching (Higher)--Oregon--Corvallis.
Hovland, Clarence Warren
Lee, Phyllis S.
Maksud, Michael
Marching bands--Oregon--Corvallis.
Menken-Schaudt, Carol
Minnick, Miriam
Minority college students--Oregon--Corvallis.
Moore, Sylvia Lee, 1942-
Morita, R. Y. (Richard Y.)
Natural Resources
Nickerson, Gail
Nishihara, Janet Seiko
Oregon Multicultural Archives
Oregon State College--Bands.
Oregon State College--Students.
Oregon State University--Bands.
Oregon State University--Faculty.
Oregon State University--Students.
Oregon State University. College of Home Economics and Education
Orzech, Miriam Weitz, 1931-
Parker, Mike
Pratt, Clara C.
Randhawa, Sabah U.
Ray, Edward J. (Edward John), 1944-
Rietveld, Elizabeth A.
Rivera-Mills, Susana Victoria
Roper, Larry D.
Savonen, Carol
Shaw, Susan M. (Susan Maxine), 1960-
Student activities--Oregon--Corvallis.
Sweet, Doug, 1947-
Tower, Terri
Trow, Clifford Wayne, 1929-
Trow, Jo Anne J.
Tubb, Richard A.
University History
Valenti, Paul Bartholomew
Vars, R. Charles
Waldron, Rodney K.
Wilder, Leroy
Wolf, Aaron T.
Women--Education (Higher)--Oregon--Corvallis.
Born digital.
Compact discs.
Digital photographs.
Oral histories (literary genre)