By Finding aid prepared by Karl McCreary and Elizabeth Nielsen
Title: W. Dean Frischknecht Papers, 1938-2009
Predominant Dates: 1959-1997
ID: MSS Frischknecht
Primary Creator: Frischknecht, W. Dean
Extent: 7.6 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The W. Dean Frischknecht Papers document Frischknecht's work as an Extension Livestock Specialist with the Oregon State University Extension Service and Animal Sciences Department. The collection consists of books, cattle breeding records, correspondence, course materials, day calendars, a map, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, notes, photographs, a plaque, posters, publications, and speeches. The bulk of the Papers pertain to various aspects of livestock improvement in Oregon; Frischknecht's role in the organization of livestock programs such as the Wasco Bull Tour and in regional livestock associations; and his interactions with County Extension agents, teaching courses in livestock evaluation and sheep production, and preparation of numerous circulars, bulletins and other Extension Service publications. A book by Frischknecht about his experience as a manager of livestock in Utah, Old Deseret Live Stock Company: A Stockman's Memoir, is also included in this collection.
About a third of the collection consists of the records of the Western Oregon Livestock Association (WOLA) and includes bylaws, correspondence, financial statements, meeting minutes, membership lists, newsletters, reports, and resolutions. The cattle breeding records reflect the management of Frischknecht's personal herd and primarily contain information such as the names, birth dates, and the weight of the cattle.
The collection includes 218 photographs (176 prints, 34 negatives, and 8 slides), depicting Frischknecht's program work on events such as the Wasco Bull Tour, field days, and visits to ranches. Other Extension Service staff are also pictured in these images.
An addition to the collection (Accession 2014:076) consists of correspondence, day calendars, herd registers, narrative work reports, newspaper clippings, notes, photographs, and publications. Mostly documenting Frischknecht's work as an Extension Livestock Specialist that included the instruction of short courses and publication of research, these materials also reflect Frischknecht's management of his cattle herd. Frischknecht's writings are reflected in Extension bulletin, conference papers, and an essay on the history of the Western Oregon Livestock Association (WOLA). Making up about half of this transfer, the calendars date from 1974 to 2007 and reflect daily activities for work and "to-do" lists. Numbering 9 images in total (8 prints and 1 transparency), the photographs depict Frischknecht's involvement in WOLA that includes portrait shots of other members of the organization. There are also images of cattle that were featured in Extension publications.
More Extent Information: 218 photographs; 9 boxes, including 1 oversize box
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: The materials were donated to the Special Collections & Archives Research Center in 2011 by Kathryn Frischknecht, Dean Frischknecht's wife.
Related Materials: An oral history interview with W. Dean Frischknecht is part of the Oregon State University Extension Service Faculty and Staff Oral History Collection (OH 014). The Special Collections and Archives Research Center's holdings include the Animal Sciences Department Records (RG 189) and the collections of other Animal Sciences faculty including the David C. England Papers (MSS England) and James E. Oldfield (MSS Oldfield). In addition, the Center includes many collections documenting Extension Service programs and faculty including the Extension Service Records (RG 111), the records of Extension organizations, and the papers of many Extension agents and specialists.
Preferred Citation: W. Dean Frischknecht Papers (MSS Frischknecht), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: This collection is not fully processed; this guide is preliminary.
Other URL: Preliminary container list available online.
Frischknecht, W. Dean
Oregon State University. Extension Service
Western Oregon Livestock Association
Agricultural extension work--Oregon.
Agricultural extension workers--Oregon.
Beef cattle--Oregon.
Deseret Live Stock Company--History.
Frischknecht, W. Dean
Natural Resources
Ranch life--Oregon.
Ranch life--Wasatch Range (Utah and Idaho)
University History
Film negatives.
Photographic prints.
Slides (photographs).
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