By Finding aid prepared by Lauren Goss
Title: William H. Galvani Rare Maps Collection, circa 1570-1909
Predominant Dates: 1820-1870
ID: MAPS Galvani
Primary Creator: Galvani, W. H. (William Henry) (1864-1947)
Extent: 2.0 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: The William H. Galvani Rare Maps are arranged into seven geographic series: 1. Africa; 2. Asia; 3. Europe; 4. North America; 5. South America; 6. World; and 7. Miscellaneous. Within each series, maps are arranged by bibliographic source and subsequently by approximate size. Series 6 (World) is comprised of maps that depict more than one continent, but do not necessarily depict the entire world. Careful browsing of both a specific continent series and the world series is required to complete a thorough search of the collection. Each series contains some maps where the source is unknown. The dates listed for each series include approximations of publications and should be verified through independent sources. Some of the maps include a three digit numbering system, presumably imposed by Galvani.
Languages of Materials: English [eng], French [fre], Russian [rus], Italian [ita], German [ger], Spanish;Castilian [spa]
More Extent Information: 1054 sheets; 15 map folders
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: William H. Galvani bequeathed his private library, including his map collection, to the Oregon State College Library in 1947.
Related Materials: The Special Collections and Archives Research Center's holdings include many collections related to military history and activities. Of particular note are U.S. Civil War Collection (MSS CivilWar), and Harvey L. McAlister Collection (MSS McAlister). The Center's holdings also include temporally and geographically related collections such as Collection of Historical Newspaper Issues (MSS HistNewsIssues), and Gerald W. Williams Maps Collection (MAPS WilliamsG). Other maps in the collections can be located by looking under that genre term. Correspondence between William Galvani and Dean F.A. Gilfillan can be found in F.A. Gilfillan Papers (MSS Gilfillan).
Preferred Citation: William H. Galvani Rare Maps Collection (MAPS Galvani), Oregon State University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: These materials were uncataloged as part of the OSU Valley Library historical maps collection, and were accessioned into the Special Collections and Archives Research Center collections in 2014.
Galvani, W. H. (William Henry) (1864-1947)
Cook, James, 1728-1779
Crimean War, 1853-1856.
France--History--Revolution, 1789-1799.
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815.
North America--Maps.
Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905.
Sino-French War, 1884-1885.
South America--Maps.
Spanish-American War, 1898.
Spanish-Moroccan War, 1859-1860.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
Waterloo, Battle of, Waterloo, Belgium, 1815.
World maps.
Maps (documents)