By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen and Brooke Marston.
Title: Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Oregon, 1879-1956
Predominant Dates: 1884-1928
ID: MAPS Sanborn
Primary Creator: Sanborn Map Company.
Extent: 25.0 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Oregon consist of 3 series: I. Maps, 1884-1951; II. Microfiche, 1879-1956; and III. Description and Utlization of the Sanborn Map, 1953.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Oregon are an extensive collection of detailed maps of 178 towns and cities in Oregon beginning in the 1880s. The maps depict both business and residential areas and provide information about the location of structures and type of construction.
The Library of Congress has made its entire collection of Sanborn maps available online; their collection includes well over 500 maps of Oregon cities.
The Sanborn maps for Corvallis (1927), Hermiston (1922), Hillsboro (1884, 1888, 1892), Philomath (1925), Toledo (1925), Sutherlin (1927), and the Dalles (1927), and a booklet, prepared and published by the Sanborn Map Company, have been digitized and are available upon request.
The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Oregon are an extensive collection of detailed maps of 178 towns and cities in Oregon prepared for the primary use of insurance companies. The bulk of the maps were prepared in the 1880s through 1920s. The maps depict both business and residential areas and provide detailed information about the location and type of construction of structures. Most of the maps are at a scale of 1 inch = 50 feet.
The collection includes maps of Portland, Astoria, Bend, Corvallis, Eugene, Medford, and Salem as well as numerous smaller towns and villages. Of special note are maps of the 1905 Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition grounds in Portland.
All types of structures are represented, including homes, apartments, and boarding houses; churches; schools, courthouses, community halls, parks, playgrounds, and other public facilities; warehouses, factories, mills, dryers, canneries, and creameries; retail stores, banks, and other businesses; and garages, barns, and sheds. The maps provide detailed information about lumber and saw mills and log ponds. Information about streets and railroads as well as the water system and fire department for each municipality are provided on the maps.
The Sanborn Maps indicate the type of construction of each structure, whether it is wood, brick, stone, or a combination; the size of the structure and number of floors; and the heating source.
This collection includes original color maps; b/w microfiche of maps; and a booklet summarizing the history and development of the Sanborn Map and a color key to the map symbols. Encapsulation of some sheets was begun in the late 1980s. Only a small percentage of the maps have been encapsulated. Maps of larger towns and cities (Portland, Eugene, Salem, Klamath Falls, and Medford) are in bound volumes; some of the volumes have been completely or partially dis-bound.
The Library of Congress has made its entire collection of Sanborn maps available online; their collection includes well over 500 maps of Oregon cities.
The Sanborn maps for Corvallis (1927), Hermiston (1922), Hillsboro (1884, 1888, 1892), Philomath (1925), Toledo (1925), Sutherlin (1927), and the Dalles (1927), and a booklet, prepared and published by the Sanborn Map Company, have been digitized and are available upon request.
More Extent Information: 5571 maps; 28 boxes, including 25 oversize boxes
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: The bulk of the maps were acquired by the Oregon State College Library in 1961; a few additional sheets were added to the collection in the late 1970s or early 1980s.
Related Materials: The Library Records (RG 009) include information about the acquisition, cataloging, and preservation of the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps.
Preferred Citation: Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Oregon (MAPS Sanborn), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Sanborn Map Company.
Adams (Or.)--Maps.
Albany (Or.)--Maps.
Albina (Portland, Or.)--Maps.
Amity (Or.)--Maps.
Antelope (Or.)--Maps.
Arlington (Or.)--Maps.
Ashland (Or.)--Maps.
Astoria (Or.)--Maps.
Athena (Or.)--Maps.
Aurora (Or.)--Maps.
Baker City (Or.)--Maps.
Bandon (Or.)--Maps.
Banks (Or.)--Maps.
Barlow (Or.)--Maps.
Bay City (Or.)--Maps.
Beaverton (Or.)--Maps.
Bend (Or.)--Maps.
Brownsville (Or.)--Maps.
Burns (Or.)--Maps.
Butte Falls (Or.)--Maps.
Canby (Or.)--Maps.
Canyon City (Or.)--Maps.
Cartography--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Cascade Locks (Or.)--Maps.
Central Point (Or.)--Maps.
Chiloquin (Or.)--Maps.
Cities and towns--Oregon--Maps.
Clatskanie (Or.)--Maps.
Condon (Or.)--Maps.
Coos Bay (Or.)--Maps.
Coquille (Or.)--Maps.
Cornelius (Or.)--Maps.
Corvallis (Or.)--Maps.
Cottage Grove (Or.)--Maps.
Dallas (Or.)--Maps.
Dalles (Or.)--Maps.
Dayton (Or.)--Maps.
Delake (Or.)--Maps.
Drain (Or.)--Maps.
Dufur (Or.)--Maps.
Eagle Point (Or.)--Maps.
Echo (Or.)--Maps.
Elgin (Or.)--Maps.
Empire (Or.)--Maps.
Enterprise (Or.)--Maps.
Estacada (Or.)--Maps.
Eugene (Or.)--Maps.
Falls City (Or.)--Maps.
Fire insurance--Oregon--Maps.
Florence (Or.)--Maps.
Forest Grove (Or.)--Maps.
Fossil (Or.)--Maps.
Gardiner (Or.)--Maps.
Garibaldi (Or.)--Maps.
Gearhart (Or.)--Maps.
Gervais (Or.)--Maps
Gladstone (Or.)--Maps.
Glendale (Or.)--Maps.
Gold Hill (Or.)--Maps.
Grants Pass (Or.)--Maps.
Grass Valley (Or.)--Maps.
Gresham (Or.)--Maps.
Haines (Or.)--Maps.
Halsey (Or.)--Maps.
Harrisburg (Or.)--Maps.
Helix (Or.)--Maps.
Heppner (Or.)--Maps.
Hermiston (Or.)--Maps.
Hillsboro (Or.)--Maps.
Hood River (Or.)--Maps.
Hubbard (Or.)--Maps.
Huntington (Or.)--Maps.
Independence (Or.)--Maps.
Ione (Or.)--Maps.
Island City (Or.)--Maps.
Jacksonville (Or.)--Maps.
Jefferson (Or.)--Maps.
John Day (Or.)--Maps.
Joseph (Or.)--Maps.
Junction City (Or.)--Maps.
Klamath Falls (Or.)--Maps.
Lafayette (Or.)--Maps.
La Grande (Or.)--Maps.
Lakeview (Or.)--Maps.
Lebanon (Or.)--Maps.
Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition (1905 : Portland, Or.)--Maps.
Lexington (Or.)--Maps.
Local History
Madras (Or.)--Maps.
Malin (Or.)--Maps.
Marcola (Or.)--Maps.
McMinnville (Or.)--Maps.
Medford (Or.)--Maps.
Merrill (Or.)--Maps.
Mill City (Or.)--Maps.
Milton (Or.)--Maps.
Milwaukie (Or.)--Maps.
Molalla (Or.)--Maps.
Monmouth (Or.)--Maps.
Monroe (Or.)--Maps.
Moro (Or.)--Maps.
Mosier (Or.)--Maps.
Mount Angel (Or.)--Maps.
Multnomah (Portland, Or.)--Maps.
Myrtle Creek (Or.)--Maps.
Myrtle Point (Or.)--Maps.
Natural Resources
Nehalem (Or.)--Maps.
Nelscott (Or.)--Maps.
Newberg (Or.)--Maps.
New Pine Creek (Or.)--Maps.
Newport (Or.)--Maps.
North Bend (Or.)--Maps.
North Plains (Or.)--Maps.
North Powder (Or.)--Maps.
Nyssa (Or.)--Maps.
Oakland (Or.)--Maps.
Oakridge (Or.)--Maps.
Oceanlake (Or.)-- Maps.
Ontario (Or.)--Maps.
Oregon City (Or.)--Maps.
Oswego (Or.)--Maps.
Pendleton (Or.)--Maps.
Philomath (Or.)--Maps.
Phoenix (Or.)--Maps.
Pilot Rock (Or.)--Maps.
Portland (Or.)--Maps.
Powers (Or.)--Maps.
Prairie City (Or.)--Maps.
Prineville (Or.)--Maps.
Rainier (Or.)--Maps.
Real property--Oregon--Maps.
Redmond (Or.)--Maps.
Reedsport (Or.)--Maps.
Riddle (Or.)--Maps.
Rogue River (Or.)--Maps.
Roseburg (Or.)--Maps.
Saint Helens (Or.)--Maps.
Saint Johns (Portland, Or.)--Maps.
Saint Paul (Or.)--Maps.
Salem (Or.)--Maps.
Sanborn Map Company
Sandy (Or.)--Maps.
Scappoose (Or.)--Maps.
Scio (Or.)--Maps.
Seaside (Or.)--Maps.
Shaniko (Or.)--Maps.
Shedd (Or.)--Maps.
Sheridan (Or.)--Maps.
Sherwood (Or.)--Maps.
Silverton (Or.)--Maps.
Sodaville (Or.)--Maps.
Springfield (Or.)--Maps.
Stayton (Or.)--Maps.
Summerville (Or.)--Maps.
Sumpter (Or.)--Maps.
Sutherlin (Or.)--Maps.
Taft (Or.)--Maps.
Talent (Or.)--Maps.
Tigard (Or.)--Maps.
Tillamook (Or.)--Maps.
Toledo (Or.)--Maps.
Troutdale (Or.)--Maps.
Turner (Or.)--Maps.
Union (Or.)--Maps.
Vale (Or.)--Maps.
Vernonia (Or.)--Maps.
Wallowa (Or.)--Maps.
Wasco (Or.)--Maps.
Weston (Or.)--Maps.
Wheeler (Or.)--Maps.
Woodburn (Or.)--Maps.
Yamhill (Or.)--Maps.
Yoncalla (Or.)--Maps.
Maps (documents)