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Tideland Ownership Maps of the Oregon Coast, 1972-1973

By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen and Anna Stewart.

Collection Overview

Title: Tideland Ownership Maps of the Oregon Coast, 1972-1973

ID: MAPS Tidelands

Primary Creator: Oregon. Division of State Lands

Extent: 0.75 cubic feet. More info below.

Arrangement: This collection consists of one series: I. Tideland Ownership Maps, 1972-1973.

Languages of Materials: English [eng]


The Tideland Ownership Maps of the Oregon Coast consist of detailed maps for 16 tideland regions documenting the lands that are owned by the State of Oregon; those that are private; and land owned by ports, cities, counties or the federal government. The maps also show descriptions of the extent of tidal waters, airstrips, boat launches and landings, and roads in the region.

Scope and Content Notes

The Tideland Ownership Maps of the Oregon Coast are comprised of detailed maps of the ownership of 16 tideland areas on the Oregon coast. The collection includes maps for Alsea Bay, the Necanicum and Nehalem Rivers, Nestucca and Netarts Bays, the Salmon River, Sand Lake, Siletz Bay, the Siuslaw River, and Tillamook and Yaquina Bays on the north Oregon Coast. Maps for the Chetco River; Coos Bay; and the Coquille, Rogue, and Umpqua Rivers on the southern Oregon coast are also included.

Three categories of ownership are depicted on the maps: State of Oregon lands; private lands; and port, county, federal or city lands (as one category). Each map indicates the quadrangle on which it was based and the date that the map was verified through aerial photography. Most of the maps are at a scale of 1 inch = 1000 feet; the remainder have a scale of 1 inch = 2000 feet. In addition to ownership, the maps provide details on the tidal waters, including the location of the head of tide for each drainage; airstrips, boat launches and landings, and parks; creeks, sloughs, marshes, and non-tidal streams; major roads and streets; and nearby towns.

Administrative Information

More Extent Information: 16 maps; 1 map folder

Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.

Acquisition Note: These materials were transferred from the Oregon State University Libraries' maps collection to the Special Collections & Archives Research Center in 2014.

Related Materials: Other maps of Oregon coastal bays and rivers are available in the Historic Oregon Nautical Charts (MAPS Nautical), Tsunami Hazard Maps of the Oregon Coast (MAPS Tsunami), and Plans and Profiles of Oregon Rivers (MAPS RiverPlans).

Preferred Citation: Tideland Ownership Maps of the Oregon Coast (MAPS Tidelands), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.


Oregon. Division of State Lands

People, Places, and Topics

Alsea River Estuary (Or.)--Maps.
Chetco River Estuary (Or.)--Maps.
Coos Bay (Or. : Bay)--Maps.
Coos Bay Estuary (Or.)--Maps.
Coquille River Estuary (Or.)--Maps.
Natural Resources
Nehalem River (Or.)--Maps.
Nestucca Bay (Or.)--Maps.
Netarts Bay (Or.)--Maps.
Pacific Coast (Or.)--Maps.
Real property--Oregon.
Rogue River (Klamath County-Curry County, Or.)--Maps.
Salmon River (Or.)--Maps.
Sand Lake (Or. : Bay)--Maps.
Siletz Bay (Or.)--Maps.
Siuslaw River Estuary (Or.)--Maps.
Submerged lands--Oregon.
Tidal flats--Oregon.
Tillamook Bay (Or.)--Maps.
Tillamook Bay Estuary (Or.)--Maps.
Umpqua River Estuary (Or.)--Maps.
Yaquina Bay (Or.)--Maps.

Forms of Material

Coastal zone maps.
Land use maps.
Maps (documents)

Box and Folder Listing