By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: Central and Eastern Oregon Township Plats, 1858-1939
Predominant Dates: 1868-1897
Primary Creator: United States. General Land Office
Extent: 1.5 cubic feet. More info below.
Arrangement: The Central and Eastern Oregon Township Plats consist of one series: I. Township Plats, 1858-1939.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Central and Eastern Oregon Township Plats consist of reproductions of the original manuscript plat maps for townships in regions of Oregon east of the Cascade Mountains. Most of the plats were prepared in the 1870s-1890s.
Survey Plats as well as Field Note Records for these townships are available online through the Land Status and Cadastral Survey Records website prepared by the Bureau of Land Management - Oregon State Office.
The Central and Eastern Oregon Township Plats consist of reproductions of the original manuscript plat maps for townships in regions of Oregon east of the Cascade Mountains prepared by the U.S. General Land Office and the U.S. Surveyor General; most of the maps were prepared in the 1870-1890s. Each township of 36 square miles is on a separate sheet. Most sheets have a scale of about 1:31,680 or 2 inches = 1 mile; the remainder are at a smaller scale of about 1.5 inches = 1 mile. These plats cover from Townships 4N to 41S and Ranges 6E to 37 E. Regions depicted in this collection include the Umatilla River basin, Blue Mountains, John Day River basin and tributaries, Snake River, Deschutes River, and Klamath Basin. Boundaries of the Umatilla, Malheur, and Klamath Indian Reservations are shown on the plats. Plats for the Vale and Owyhee Irrigation Projects prepared in the 1930s are included. Several of the plats show mining ditches and placer mining claims in the John Day River basin. The Klamath River, Klamath Lakes and associated marshes, Tule Marsh, and Modoc Lake as well as Fort Klamath and the Klamath Irrigation Project are depicted.
The plats show section lines as well as natural features and vegetation such as prairie; timber, soil types; rivers, streams, sloughs, and wetlands; and fields. The maps include some topographic features. Most of the plats include a narrative description indicating if the township is appropriate for grazing or cultivation, the soil quality, availability of water, and type of timber. Wagon trails and military roads are shown on the plats as well as land claims. This collection consists primarily of single copies of each township plat; however, there are some townships represented by multiple copies of the same plat or different editions of the same township.
Survey Plats as well as Field Note Records for these townships are available online through the Land Status and Cadastral Survey Records website prepared by the Bureau of Land Management - Oregon State Office.
More Extent Information: 556 maps; 3 oversize boxes
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: These maps were transferred to the Special Collections & Archives Research Center in 2013 from materials housed by the former the Rangeland Resources Department.
Related Materials: The Willamette Valley Township Survey Plats (MAPS Township) include similar survey plats for townships in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, primarily in the 1850s.
Preferred Citation: Central and Eastern Oregon Township Plats (MAPS GLOPlats), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
United States. General Land Office
Blue Mountains (Or. and Wash.)--Maps.
John Day River Valley (Or.)--Maps.
Klamath Basin (Or.)--Maps.
Klamath Indian Reservation (Or.)--Maps.
Klamath Project (U.S.)--Maps.
Malheur Indian Reservation (Or.)--Maps.
Natural Resources
Oregon Multicultural Archives
Owyhee Project (U.S.)--Maps.
Umatilla Indian Reservation (Or.)--Maps.
Umatilla River Valley (Or.)--Maps.
Vale Project (U.S.)--Maps.
Maps (documents)