Title: J. Ronald Miner Papers, 1953-2004
ID: MSS Miner
Primary Creator: Miner, J. Ronald
Extent: 5.25 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
This collection includes article reprints, certificates, correspondence, a diploma, employment records, grant proposals, photographs, publications, reports, research data and notes, and a plaque.
In addition to documenting Miner's research activities, these records also reflect his role in providing expert testimony in legal cases regarding the environmental impact of livestock management facilities. Two of the reports offer concluding analyses of the Tillamook Rural Clean Water Project, while the legal case involves a suit over a waste disposal permit application for a dairy in Texas. Transcripts of Miner's testimony as well as accompanying correspondence and informational materials are included.
The photographs consist primarily of slides (about 160) depicting a tour of international researchers (OIRD?) led by Miner to various OSU facilities and around Oregon, a presentation on the history of Tualatin, and a slide show relating to Tillamook/odor control.
Handouts and transparencies used in presentations and workshops are also included.
An addition to the collection (Accession 2014:065) is made up of artifacts, business cards, certificates, correspondence, newspaper clippings, a passport, patent paperwork, photographs, speeches, and yearbooks. These materials document various projects by Agricultural Engineering Professor J. Ronald Miner which include a visiting professorship at the University of Malawi (as a Fulbright Scholar), work on patent development for a waste removal process, a tour of pork and dairy production facilities in Russia, and involvement in the development of the Environmental Center for Livestock Waste Management at National Pingtung University (NPUST) in Taiwan. Miner's work with the company Odor Control Systems Inc.(which he co-founded) is also reflected in these records. Some of the speeches represent Miner's active participation in the Toastmasters organization. Related to the speeches is a transcript of a sermon Miner wrote and delivered to the Oakville Presbyterian Church. Filed with the sermon transcript is a brochure for a published book on Miner's sermons to children. In addition to portrait shots, the photographs depict Miner and his wife Betty in Malawi, taking Pakistani students on a tour to Crater Lake, and with other participants of the NPUST project. The photographs number 29 prints and 186 negatives. The yearbooks feature Miner as a student at Warren Central high School, Laurence High School, and the University of Kansas. The artifacts include a Triad Club paperweight, label pins, and a tie clip.
More Extent Information: 160 photographs; 7 cubic foot boxes, 1 document box and 1 16x20 oversize box
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation: J. Ronald Miner (MSS Miner), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: This collection is not fully processed and a complete finding aid is not available at this time.
Miner, J. Ronald
Miner, J. Ronald
Natural Resources
Oregon State University. Department of Bioengineering
University History
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.