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Louis G. Gentner Papers, 1829-1980

By Finding aid prepared by Faye Harkins; updated by Elizabeth Nielsen.

Collection Overview

Title: Louis G. Gentner Papers, 1829-1980

Predominant Dates: 1914-1980

ID: MSS Gentner

Primary Creator: Gentner, Louis G. (1892-1980)

Extent: 2.2 cubic feet. More info below.

Arrangement: This collection is organized into six series: 1. Biographical Information; 2. Correspondence; 3. School Records and Materials; 4. Entomology Field Work and Research Notes; 5. Organizations; and 6. Photographs.

Languages of Materials: English [eng]


These papers were generated by Louis G. Gentner, entomologist, alumnus and faculty member at Oregon State College. They document his coursework at Oregon Agricultural College, species identification and his field research regarding insect damage to vegetation.

Scope and Content Notes

The Gentner Papers document the entomological research conducted by Gentner, primarily on flea beetles, as well as his professional activities and undergraduate and graduate education. The collection includes correspondence, class notebooks, publications, extensive field and research notes, and photographs.

Biographical / Historical Notes

Alumnus and entomologist, Louis G. Gentner, was born in Portland, Oregon, in February 1892. Gentner received his B. S. from Oregon Agricultural College in 1915, his M. S. from the University of Wisconsin in 1918, and completed his doctorate at Oregon State College in 1953. He did his post-graduate work at Oregon State College in 1945 and 1946. After working as an entomologist in Wisconsin and Michigan, he became associate entomologist and assistant superintendent of the Southern Oregon Branch Experiment Station in Medford in 1930. Gentner's studies with alfalfa varieties led to the selection and naming of "Talent" alfalfa, now grown extensively for seed production exports. His work with beetles led to the elimination of the Klamath goat weed infestation on southern Oregon infested rangeland and enabling thousands of acres to be become viable again. Gentner retired from the station in 1962 and died July 16, 1980. Additional biographical information is included in the collection.

Administrative Information

More Extent Information: 100 photographs; 8 boxes

Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.

Related Materials: Other materials relating to the Entomology Department can be found in the Agricultural Experiment Station Records (RG 025) and Entomology Department Records (RG 027). Other entomological collections held by the OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center are the papers of Ralph Berry Papers (MSS Berry), John D. Lattin Papers (MSS Lattin), Merton Lane Papers (MSS Lane), Charles H. Martin Papers (MSS MartinC), James McIver Papers (MSS McIver), Hugh E. Morrison Papers (MSS Morrison), Paul W. Oman Papers (MSS Oman), Paul Ritchter Papers (MSS Ritchter), Robert G. Rosenstiel Papers (MSS Rosenstiel), and Herman A. Scullen Papers (MSS Scullen) and the A.B. Cordley Entomological and Horticultural Scrapbook (MSS Cordley). Materials relating to Gentner's research on flea beetles are held by the Smithsonian Institution Archives (Louis G. Gentner Papers, RU 7341).

Preferred Citation: Louis G. Gentner Papers (MSS Gentner), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.


Gentner, Louis G. (1892-1980)

People, Places, and Topics

Beneficial insects.
Entomology--Study and teaching (Higher)--Oregon.
Gentner, Louis G., 1892-1980
History of Science
Natural Resources
Oregon Agricultural College
Oregon State University. Department of Entomology
University History

Forms of Material

Nitrate negatives.
Photographic prints.

Box and Folder Listing