By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: R. H. Robinson Papers, 1889-1968
Predominant Dates: 1925-1955
ID: MSS Robinson
Primary Creator: Robinson, R. H. (Reginald Heber) (1886-)
Extent: 8.8 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The R. H. Robinson Papers consist of materials generated and assembled by Robinson in his work as a chemist with the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. The papers reflect his research on insecticides, fungicides, and spray residues and include correspondence, article reprints and publications, research data, reference materials, and publications. The correspondence primarily pertains to Robinson's research and documents the interaction between Robinson and other scientists as well as vendors on topics such as removal of DDT residues, determination of arsenic residue on fruit, pesticide formulation, and patent conflicts. The correspondence also includes Robinson's congressional testimony in 1948-1951. The research data includes notes, residue study data, publications, correspondence, and report drafts.
The reference materials and publications comprise the bulk of the collection and include article reprints, literature reviews and bibliographies, reports, product brochures, Extension publications, and conference proceedings. The reference materials include compilations and reviews of U.S. patents pertaining to insecticides and pest control. Publications and reports by the USDA Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, the Division of Insecticide Investigations, and the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils are part of the reference materials. Most of the reference materials are arranged by topic.
The correspondence also includes materials created and assembled by Leon C. Terriere on feeding studies with insectides on forage crops that were conducted after Robinson's retirement.
R. H. Robinson joined the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station in 1911 as Assistant Chemist and served as a researcher with the Experiment Station until his retirement in 1951. Robinson specialized in the study of insecticides, fungicides, and spray residues (especially on fruits). According to an article in the November 2, 1951 issue of the Barometer campus newspaper, he was considered the nation's foremost authority on agricultural spray residue problems. He published extensively and produced more than 75 scientific publications and bulletins during his career. In the early 1920s, he was instrumental in writing (and supervising after its passage) Oregon's control law governing sale of insecticides and fungicides. In the mid-1920s, he worked with Henry Hartman of the Horticulture Department to develop a method for removal of spray residue from apples and pears; the presence of arsenical residues had threatened the apple and pear industry in Oregon. His method was used throughout the United States until new insecticides replaced the arsenicals.
Reginald Heber Robinson was born in Michigan in 1886 and earned an A.B. degree from Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon in 1909. He completed an MS in Chemistry at the University of California in 1912 and did post-graduate work in chemistry at Columbia University in the summer of 1914.
Leon C. Terriere joined the faculty of Oregon State College in 1950 as a researcher in insect toxicology after completing his Ph.D. at Oregon State. Terrier had a joint appointment in the Departments of Agricultural Chemistry and Entomology.
More Extent Information: 9 boxes
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: The Robinson Papers were transferred from Special Collections to the Archives in 2008.
Related Materials:
Reprints of some of Robinson's publications are available in the OSU Memorabilia Collection (MSS MC) file "MC-Robinson, R.H.". Extensive documentation of agricultural research activities at Oregon State are available in the Agricultural Experiment Station Records (RG 025). The records of the Agricultural Chemistry Department Records (RG 081), Crop Science Department Records (RG 095), Entomology Department Records (RG 027), and the Horticulture Department Records (RG 187) also document research projects pertaining to insecticides, fungicides, and spray residues. Materials pertaining to pesticides are also available in the College of Agricultural Sciences (RG 158), Environmental Health Sciences Center Records (RG 155), and the Extension Service Records (RG 111).
The Special Collections and Archives Research Center collections include the papers of several other Agricultural Chemistry faculty including the Joseph S. Butts Papers (MSS Butts), J.R. Haag Papers (MSS Haag), John R. Schubert Papers (MSS Schubert), Paul H. Weswig Collection (MSS Weswig), and James M. Witt Collection (MSS Witt).
Preferred Citation: R.H. Robinson Papers (MSS Robinson), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: This collection is not fully processed; this guide is preliminary.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 14, 2014.
Robinson, R. H. (Reginald Heber) (1886-)
Oregon State Agricultural College. Agricultural Experiment Station
Oregon State College. Agricultural Experiment Station
Oregon State University. Agricultural Experiment Station
Terriere, Leon C.
United States. Bureau of Chemistry
United States. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine
Agricultural chemistry--Oregon.
History of Science
Insect pests--Control--Oregon.
Robinson, R. H. (Reginald Heber), 1886-
Spraying and dusting residues in agriculture.
University History
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