By Finding aid prepared by Karl McCreary and Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: Rangeland Resources Department Photographs, 1934-1982
Predominant Dates: 1960-1982
ID: P 288
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. Department of Rangeland Resources
Extent: 7.4 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Rangeland Resources Department Photographs document ranges and rangeland research in Oregon and other western states and were taken and assembled by Department faculty and staff. Rangeland research began at Oregon State in 1934 and an undergraduate program in range management was established in the late 1940s.
Images from this colleciton have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
The Rangeland Resources Department Photographs consist of images taken and assembled by the department staff depicting range landscapes in Oregon. The collection also includes images of ranges in Utah, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Texas, Nevada, and Arizona. The photographs document rangeland research, livestock grazing operations, wildlife, plants, dams, insects, and recreational activities. Research projects on juniper control, pesticide use, the impact of grazing on vegetation, range management planning, effective irrigation, and brush burning are reflected in the photographs. Some of the slides include research data presented in text, charts, and graphs. The images depict locales throughout Oregon, including Long Creek, the Strawberry Mountains, John Day River, Pass Creek, Rogue National Forest, Owyhee River, and Malheur Wildlife Refuge.
The collection consists predominantly of color slides (4651); 49 prints are also part of the collection. Most of the slides have been assigned a unique number, ranging from 1 to 4236. Two inventories accompany the slides and provide detailed descriptions of the images. One is arranged by subject and the other by number. The subject guide lists the numbers of slides that were assembled for particular presentations.
A report on state-owned rangelands that references research projects depicted in the photographs and a survey of range lands in Oregon Grazing District #7 (Gilliam, Morrow, and Umatilla Counties) are also included with the collection. The survey includes maps.
An addition to the Rangeland Resources Department Photographs (Accession 2013:079) is made up of photographic images taken by Rangeland Resource and Animal Husbandry Department staff. In addition to depicting various research projects involving pastureland vegetation, these images also document class field trips/tours, Range Club members, weed control projects, livestock grazing trials, soil studies, the impact of ants and views of research data/paperwork management. Numbering about 1880 images in total (950 prints, 910 negatives, and 20 slides), most of the prints are attached to envelopes with handwritten notes on the date, subject matter, location, and photographer of the image. Corresponding negatives to these prints are inside the envelopes. The photographs in six of the eight boxes are arranged chronologically by date while boxes 7 and 8 are organized by topic or project. Other than a "file guide" prepared in 1947 for a group of images currently housed in box 7, there is no comprehensive inventory for these photographs. Primarily reflecting landscapes east of the Cascades, some of these images also feature projects in Clatsop, Douglas, and Lane Counties as well. The photographers are identified as D W. Hedrick, C. E. Poulton, B.J. Schrumpf, and W.T. White.
Images from this colleciton have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
The first course in range management at Oregon State, Range and Pasture Botany, was offered by the Botany Department in 1917. Additional courses were offered by the Farm Crops and Animal Husbandry Departments during the 1930s. In 1949, C.E. Poulton was hired to develop a 4-year undergraduate curriculum in range management; Poulton had a joint appointment in the Departments of Farm Crops and Animal Husbandry. In 1971, the rangeland curriculum was reorganized as the Rangeland Resources Program within the Department of Animal Science. The Department of Rangeland Resources was established 10 years later in 1981; in about 2007, it was re-named the Department of Rangeland Ecology and Management. The former Animal Sciences and Rangeland Ecology and Management Departments were merged in 2012 to form the new Animal and Rangeland Sciences Department.
Range management research began at Oregon State in 1934 with the selection of the Squaw Butte Experimental Range near Burns. In 1953, E.R. Jackman was appointed the first Range Management Specialist for the Extension Service in Oregon.
More Extent Information: 6580 photographs; 14 boxes, including 1 oversize box
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: The photographs were transferred to the Special Collections & Archives Research Center in 2012.
Related Materials: The College of Agricultural Sciences Records (RG 158) include materials that document rangeland resources research and academic programs at Oregon State. The Agricultural Experiment Station Records (RG 025) and the Extension Service Records (RG 111) also provide additional information about the Rangeland Resources Department. The Edwin Russell Jackman Papers (MSS Jackman) and the Edwin Russell Jackman Photographic Collection (P 089) include extensive documentation of rangeland issues in Oregon. A film about the effects of clearcut logging on the tributaries of the North Umpqua River is available in the Pass Creek Motion Picture Film Collection (FV 273).
Preferred Citation: Rangeland Resources Department Photographs (P 288), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: This collection is not fully processed; this guide is preliminary.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 14, 2014.
Oregon State University. Department of Rangeland Resources
Oregon State University. Agricultural Experiment Station
John Day River (Or.)
Long Creek (Or.)
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (Or.)
Natural Resources
Oregon State University. Department of Rangeland Resources
Owyhee River
Pass Creek (Douglas County, Or.)
Plants--Effect of grazing on--Oregon.
Range ecology--Oregon.
Range management--Oregon.
Rogue River National Forest (Or. and Calif.)
University History
Maps (documents)
Photographic prints.
Slides (photographs).
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