By Finding aid prepared by Karl McCreary and Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: George S. Bailey Papers, 1969-2007
Predominant Dates: 1986-2000
ID: MSS Bailey
Primary Creator: Bailey, G. S. (George Samuel)
Extent: 34.0 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The George S. Bailey Papers document research conducted by Bailey and several research faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers working under his direciton on dietary cancer prevention agents. The research focussed on the mechanisms whereby chlorophylls (specifically chlorophyliin) and indoles inhibit the carcinogens Aflatoxin B1 and Dibenzo(a,1,)pyrene (DBP) in trout. Research with zebrafish is also reflected in the records.
The Papers include research and laboratory notebooks, correspondence, drafts of articles, manuals, photographs, reference materials, research data, and theses. The research and laboratory notebooks include research data, laboratory procedures (such as PCR), and reference materials. The research data include sequenced gels containing DNA information. The photographs consist of color slides of trout specimens, chlorphyll, charts and graphs of research data, and researchers at work in the laboratory.
Graduate students and researchers whose work comprise a substantial component of the papers include Vibeke Breinholt, R.H. Dashwood, Patricia M. Loveland, Patricia O'Neal-Tragen, Ashok P. Reddy, and Lijing You. Aflatoxin research conducted prior to Bailey's arrival at OSU in 1979 is available in the research notebooks of Patricia Loveland, Norman E. Pawlowski, and David Jones.
An addition to the Bailey Papers (Accession 2011:070) consists of materials reflecting research conducted by Bailey and several faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers working under his direction on dietary cancer prevention agents. Made up of notebooks and files containing research data, correspondence, and protocols for conducting experiments, these materials document various projects examining the mechanisms by which chlorophylls (specifically chlorophyliin) and indoles inhibit the carcinogens Aflatoxin B1 and Dibenzo(a,1,)pyrene (DBP) in trout. Reference materials found in this accession are primarily made up of photocopied articles on studies relating to chlorophyll, anti-cancer foods, indole-3-carbinol, and ellagic acid. Also found in this transfer is a notebook of class assignments, outlines, and notes reflecting the course: "Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Biology" (MCB 524). Other than Bailey, researchers represented in these records include: Tammie McQuistan, Kate Matthews, Ashok Reddy, Margaret Pratt, Ulrich Harttig, Mike Simonich, and Cliff Pereira.
George Samuel Bailey joined the faculty of the Oregon State University Department of Food Science and Technology in 1979 to research the role of dietary phytochemicals in inhibiting cancer growth using both trout and human models. Bailey continued studies begun at Oregon State in the 1960s on the carcinogen aflatoxin and rainbow trout; his major contribution was the discovery that chlorophyllin acts to inhibit aflatoxin uptake in the body. Bailey served as director of the OSU Marine and Freshwater Biomedical Sciences Center from 1985 to 2002 and served on the faculty advisory committee that assisted with establishment of the Linus Pauling Institute at OSU in 1996. Bailey was recognized for his research and service with his appointment as Distinguished Professor of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology in 1998. He retired in 2008.
Bailey earned a BS in chemistry at the University of Southern California (1965) and Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of California at Berkeley (1969). During his research career, he published more than 150 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and mentored many graduate students at Oregon State University.
More Extent Information: 207 photographs; 34 boxes
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: The papers were donated to the Archives by Bailey in 2009.
Related Materials: The OSU Special Collections and Archives Reserach Center holdings include the Environmental Health Sciences Center Records (RG 155) and the Biochemistry and Biophysics Department Records (RG 178). The John L. Fryer Papers (MSS Fryer) document Fryer's microbiology research on the diseases of fish.
Preferred Citation: George S. Bailey Papers (MSS Bailey), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: This collection is not fully processed; this guide is preliminary.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 14, 2014. The list provides, for each box, the researcher who generated the materials as well as the types of materials, research topic, and original titles on notebooks or folders.
Bailey, G. S. (George Samuel)
Breinholt, Vibeke
Dashwood, R. H.
Loveland, Patricia M.
O'Neal-Tragen, Patricia
Reddy, Ashok P.
You, Lijing
Bailey, G. S. (George Samuel)
History of Science
Oregon State University--Research.
Rainbow trout--Diseases--Prevention.
Rainbow trout--Metabolism.
Rainbow trout--Molecular genetics.
University History
Slides (photographs).
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