By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: College of Home Economics Motion Picture Films and Videotapes, 1950-1998
Predominant Dates: 1985-1998
ID: FV 044
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. College of Home Economics
Extent: 1.01 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The College of Home Economics Motion Picture Films and Videotapes document home economics instruction and extension activities at Oregon State University. The films include footage of the home management houses, including Withycombe House, and the nursery school from the 1950s and a color film on mattress construction. A film on home economics careers is a kinescope recording of a KOAC-TV broadcast.
The bulk of the collection consists of videotapes, primarily of lectures and presentations by faculty and off-campus speakers for home economics education classes. Speakers include Joanne Miksis, Debbie Zeller, Doris Brannan, Kay Mehas, Gini Teemer, and Clara Pratt. Topics include teen/parent programs, food science and technology, fashion merchandising, and teaching about interpersonal relationships in high school.
The videotapes also include a recording of Dean Betty Hawthorne and one pertains to home economics in the Portland (Oregon) Public Schools. Two videotapes in the When Dependence Increases series by Extension Gerontology are included. Promotional productions for a proposed Family Study Center and the Mini-College extension program are part of the collection. A recording of a rehearsed statement by a crowd in front of the Memorial Union declaring the 100th anniversary of the College of Home Economics in May 1988 was made for the Good Morning America television program. The videotape was provided by the KEZI television station in Eugene.
All of the videotapes are VHS format. Three of the films are 16 mm; 4 reels are super 8 mm. Most of the films are b/w. Much of the collection has been digitized and made available online.
An addition to the collection (Accession 2012:001) is made up of three DVDs that contain recordings of sessions from the Western Region College and University Professors of Home Economics Education Biennial Meeting. Among the OSU faculty featured on these recordings include: College of Home Economics Dean Kinsey Green and Marjorie Brown.
The College of Home Economics at Oregon State University was established in 1889 as the Department of Household Economy and Hygiene and was the first such program west of the Rocky Mountains. The College merged with the College of Health and Human Performance in 2002 to form the College of Health and Human Sciences.
Home management houses (or practice houses) were established in the School of Home Economics in 1916 and a six-week residency in one of the houses was required of all home economics students. Beginning in 1926, infants and toddlers lived in the home management houses and were cared for by the students and resident advisor. More than 50 children lived in the home management houses for several weeks to a year from 1926 through the 1940s.
Accruals: Additions to the collection are expected.
More Extent Information: 25 videotapes and 7 motion picture film reels; 5 boxes
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Use Restrictions: Copyright, reproduction, and use restrictions may apply to the videotape made by KEZI television for Good Morning America.
Acquisition Note: The materials were transferred in several accessions from 1996 to 2007. The mattress construction film was part of the Alumni Association Motion Picture Films and Videotapes (FV 017) until it was transferred to this collection in 2008.
Related Materials: Additional documentation of the instruction and extension programs of the College are available in the College of Home Economics and Education Records (RG 141), the College of Home Economics Photograph Collection Photographs (P 044), and numerous other collections of faculty and alumni. Other moving images of home economics extension activities are available in the Extension and Experiment Station Communications Moving Images (FV 120). The Home Management House Photograph Collection (P 266) includes images of students residing in the house in the mid-1940s.
Preferred Citation: College of Home Economics Motion Picture Films and Videotapes (FV 044), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: This collection is not fully processed; this guide is preliminary.
Other URL: A preliminary container list was created for this collection on or before November 14, 2014.
Oregon State University. College of Home Economics
Hawthorne, Betty Eileen
KOAC (Television station : Corvallis, Or.)
Mehas, Kay Yockey
Miksis, Joanne S.
Oregon State College. School of Home Economics
Pratt, Clara C.
Home economics--Study and teaching (Higher)--Oregon.
Home economics extension work--Oregon.
Home economics students--Oregon--Corvallis.
Oregon State College--Students.
Oregon State College. School of Home Economics
Oregon State University. College of Home Economics
Oregon State University. Extension Service
University History
Motion pictures (visual works)
Silent films.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
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