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Government Relations Office Records, 2000-2013

By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.

Collection Overview

Title: Government Relations Office Records, 2000-2013

Predominant Dates: 2000-2013

ID: RG 254

Primary Creator: Oregon State University. Government Relations Office

Extent: 1.75 cubic feet. More info below.

Languages of Materials: English [eng]


The Government Relations Office Records document Oregon State University's interactions with federal, state, and local governments. The collection includes both paper and electronic records. The paper records consist primarily of Federal Agendas for 1999 through 2007; the electronic records include the Office's website and updates issued regularly by the Office. The Government Relations Office represents Oregon State University with federal, state, and local governments.

The born-digital materials in this collection are available online at an archived version of the Government Relations website and at ScholarsArchive@OSU.

Scope and Content Notes

The Government Relations Office Records document Oregon State University's interactions with federal, state, and local governments. The collection includes both paper and electronic (born-digital) records. The paper materials consist of Federal Relations Records. The electronic records include the Government Relations Office website, captured in April 2013, and periodic updates issued by the Government Relations Office on events and activities in Washington D.C. and Salem, Oregon for 2007-2010. The electronic records are available online.

The Federal Relations Records document OSU's interactions with members of Congress, executive branch agencies, and federal officials. The Records consist predominantly of Federal Agendas for the years 1999 through 2007. These agendas list proposed projects to be funded by federal government agencies such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and NASA. The records include congressional bills, correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, and press releases. The correspondence includes letters from OSU Presidents Ed Ray and Paul Risser to Oregon's Senators and U.S. House members regarding specific pieces of legislation. Information pertaining to endophyte research, the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, and the Sun Grant Initiative are included. Materials documenting visits to campus by First Lady Hillary Clinton in November 1996 and Oregon Senator Gordon Smith in 1998 are part of the collection. One folder of materials pertaining to the transfer of Horner Museum collections from Oregon State University to the Benton County Historical Society is part of the collection.

The Government Relations website documents the functions and activities of the office from 2007 to 2013; the website was captured on April 23, 2013 and is available online. The April 2013 capture consists of 200 megabytes in 421 documents. The website provides information on State Relations, including legislative priorities, Oregon higher education governance in Oregon, state advocacy, and the OSU Day at the Capitol. The Federal Relations component of the website includes the OSU Federal Agendas for FY 2009 through FY 2014, information about federal budget sequestration in 2012-2013, federal advocacy, the 2007 Federal Task Force Report, and information about Oregon's Congressional delegation. The "Your OSU" section of the website provides information about OSU's presence in each Oregon legislative district, including the current OSU enrollment from the district, OSU alumni, OSU payroll, and support generated for the OSU Foundation within the district. The website also provides information about internships, Government Relations Office staff, and events.

The website also includes the Government Relations Update which describes activities of the Government Relations Office in Washington, D.C. and in Salem, Oregon from September 2009 to March 2013. The Updates provide insights on how policy decisions at the state and federal level affect OSU and are issued once or twice per month, depending on the level of activity. These are published in a newsletter format, with photographs, as pdfs. Updates for January 2007 through August 2009 are available in the Office of Government Relations Collection in ScholarsArchive@OSU. These earlier updates are pdfs of e-mail messages sent by Jock Mills, head of Government Relations; these are titled Salem Update or Washington Update. The ScholarsArchive@OSU collection also includes several issues of the Government Relations Update, for September 2009 through May 2010. The total extent of the electronic materials in ScholarsArchive is 128 documents (65 megabytes).

Biographical / Historical Notes

The Government Relations Office represents Oregon State University (OSU) with federal, state, and local governments. The Office assists the OSU community in its interactions with Oregon legislators, the Governor's office, the Oregon University System, and state and local officials and agencies. The Government Relations Office promotes OSU with all public officials and responds to their inquiries and concerns. In the area of federal relations, the Office represents OSU with members of Congress and executive branch agencies and advocates for OSU by direct lobbying and by providing opportunities for the OSU community to interact with federal officials both in Oregon and in Washington, D.C. The goals of the office include promoting funding for federal research and student financial aid as well as weighing in on relevant public policy debates. Jonathan S. (Jock) Mills has served as OSU's Director of Government Relations since 2000.

Administrative Information

Accruals: Additions to the collection are expected.

More Extent Information: 2 boxes; 265 megabytes; 550 documents

Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.

Acquisition Note: The paper records were transferred to the University Archives from the Government Relations Office in 2011. They were initially considered a component of the President's Office Records (RG 013); in 2013, they were separated to form this collection. The Government Relations website was captured in April 2013 and will be re-crawled regularly.

Related Materials: Additional materials documenting federal relations, especially prior to the mid-1990s, are part of the President's Office Records (RG 013). The Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU) Records (RG 011) include records of the ASOSU Federal Affairs Task Force.

Preferred Citation: Government Relations Office Records (RG 254), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.

Processing Information: This collection is not fully processed; this guide is preliminary.


Oregon State University. Government Relations Office
Mills, Jock
Oregon State University. Office of the President
Ray, Edward J. (Edward John) (1944-)
Risser, Paul G.

People, Places, and Topics

Oregon. Governor
Oregon. Legislative Assembly
Oregon State University--Research grants.
Oregon State University. Government Relations Office
Oregon University System
Student aid--Law and legislation--Oregon.
Universities and colleges--Law and legislation--Oregon.
University History

Forms of Material

Born digital.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.