By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: Alpha Zeta Oregon State Chapter Records, 1918-1983
Predominant Dates: 1940-1980
ID: MSS AlphaZeta
Primary Creator: Alpha Zeta. Oregon State Chapter
Extent: 1.2 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Alpha Zeta Oregon State Chapter Records document the membership, governance, and programs of the agricultural honor society at Oregon State University. The records include certificates, constitutions and bylaws, correspondence, event brochures, a history of the organization, ledgers, manuals, meeting minutes, membership lists, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, posters, and a trophy. Communications with the national Alpha Zeta office as well as materials documenting the biennial national meetings and local Ag Weekend celebrations are included in the collection. Minutes of the Agricultural Council for 1951-1954 are part of the collection. The Agricultural Council included an Alpha Zeta representative. Of special note is the Chapter Register, which includes information about each member initiated into the chapter between 1918 and 1943. The Register includes name, date and place of birth, graduation date, college activities, and record since graduation for each initiate. A history of the national organization, published in 1972 to commemorate the 75th anniversary, includes information about the Oregon State chapter.
The photographs consists of 58 b/w prints and 31 negatives depicting the 1949 initiation banquet and Ag Weekend activities in the mid-1950s. Two posters (circa 1950s) promoting Ag Weekend events are included in the collection. The trophy lists the names of students who received the Alpha Zeta Freshman Scholarship in 1937-1938 through 1957-1958.
More Extent Information: 89 photographs; 2 boxes, including 1 oversize box
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: These materials were transferred from the College of Agricultural Sciences in 2013.
Related Materials:
The College of Agricultural Sciences Records (RG 158), Ronald V. and John G. Hogg Papers (MSS Hogg), and Robert E. McDole Papers (MSS McDole) include additional materials pertaining to the Oregon State chapter of Alpha Zeta. The Gamma Sigma Delta Records (RG 020), an honorary agricultural society, are also available.
The Special Collections and Archives Research Center has records from several other academic honor societies at Oregon State. Holdings include the Alpha Epsilon Oregon Upsilon Chapter Records (MSS Alpha Epsilon) (biological and agricultural engineering); Alpha Phi Omega - OSU Chapter Reocrds (MSS AlphaPhiOmega); (Epsilon Pi Tau Records (MSS EpsilonPiTau) (industrial arts and vocational education); Eta Sigma Gamma Alpha Tau Chapter Records (MSS EtaSigma) (health education); Omicron Nu Records (MSS OmicronNu) (home economics); Phi Kappa Phi - OSU Chapter Records (MSS PhiKappaPhi); Sigma Delta Chi Oregon State Chapter Records (MSS SigmaDeltaChi) (journalism); Theta Sigma Phi Records (MSS ThetaSigmaPhi) (women in journalism); and Xi Sigma Pi Records (forestry).
Preferred Citation: Alpha Zeta Oregon State Chapter Records (MSS AlphaZeta), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Processing Information: This collection is not fully processed; this guide is preliminary.
Alpha Zeta. Oregon State Chapter
Agricultural colleges--Oregon--Corvallis.
Agricultural education--Oregon--Corvallis.
Agricultural students--Oregon--Corvallis.
Alpha Zeta. Oregon State Chapter
Greek letter societies--Oregon--Corvallis.
Natural Resources
Oregon Agricultural College. School of Agriculture
Oregon State Agricultural College. School of Agriculture
Oregon State College. School of Agriculture
Oregon State University. College of Agricultural Sciences
Oregon State University. School of Agriculture
University History
Film negatives.
Photographic prints.
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