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Home Economics Club Records, 1937-1974

By Finding aid prepared by Trevor Sandgathe

Collection Overview

Title: Home Economics Club Records, 1937-1974

ID: MSS HomeEcClub

Primary Creator: Oregon State University. Home Economics Club

Extent: 1.1 cubic feet. More info below.

Arrangement: The Home Economics Club Records are arranged into two series: 1. Administrative Records, 1946-1974 and 2. Scrapbooks, 1937-1958.

Languages of Materials: English [eng]


The Home Economics Club Records document the activities and operations of the Oregon State University (OSU) Home Economics Club. The records are comprised of constitutions, correspondence, financial records, meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, materials from state and national organizations, and scrapbooks.

Scope and Content Notes

The Home Economics Club Records document the activities of the Oregon State University Home Economics Club. The collection is comprised of administrative documents such as meeting minutes, financial records, constitutions, newsletters, and officers' records. The majority of this content relates to the planning and execution of club events including the annual Spring Honors Luncheon, the Silver Tea, and club meetings and ceremonies. The collection also includes copies of distributed materials such as handbooks and newsletters generated by the OSU chapter, other chapters outside Oregon, the state organization (Oregon Home Economics Association), and the national organization (American Home Economics Association).

The collection also contains four scrapbooks spanning 1937-1958 that are comprised predominately of newspaper clippings featuring coverage of club events and activities but also include minutes, brochures, photographic prints, and other ephemera.

Biographical / Historical Notes

The Margaret Snell Club was established at Oregon Agricultural College in about 1910 for students in domestic science and arts and became the Home Economics Club several years later. The organization sponsored events including the Spring Honors Luncheon and participated in various activities to promote home economics. Beginning in the 1920s, the organization funded an International Friendship Scholarship for a foreign graduate student to attend Oregon State for one year. During the 1960s and 1970s, the club was also known as the Oregon State Chapter of the American Home Economics Association and the College Chapter of the Oregon Home Economics Association.

Author: Elizabeth Nielsen

Administrative Information

More Extent Information: 4 boxes including 1 oversize box and 4 photographic prints

Statement on Access: This collection is open for research.

Acquisition Note: The materials in this collection were transferred from the College of Health and Human Sciences to the University Archives in 2009. The collection now resides in the Special Collections and Archives Research Center.

Related Materials:

The College of Home Economics and Education Records (RG 141) include records of the Home Economics Club and additional materials about the state organization can be found in the Oregon Home Economics Association Records (MSS OHEA). Other collections with material documenting the home economics program at Oregon State University include the Oregon State University Home Economics Alumni Association Records (MSS HomeEcAlumni), the Student Club and Organization Records (RG 276), the College of Home Economics Oral Histories (OH 011), and the Omicron Nu Records (MSS OmicronNu).

Collections of home economics professionals include the Ava Milam Clark Papers (MSS ClarkAvaM), the Betty E. Hawthorne Collection (MSS Hawthorne), and the Edna Amidon Papers (MSS Amidon).

Preferred Citation: Home Economics Club Records (MSS HomesEcClub), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.

Processing Information: Full processing and description of this collection was done in 2018. The full finding aid completed in 2018 replaces a preliminary collection-level description that was prepared in 2009.


Oregon State University. Home Economics Club
Oregon State College. Home Economics Club

People, Places, and Topics

American Home Economics Association
College students--Oregon--Corvallis.
Home economics--Study and teaching (Higher)--Oregon--Corvallis.
Home economics students--Oregon--Corvallis.
Home economists--Oregon.
Oregon Home Economics Association
Oregon State College--Students.
Oregon State College. Home Economics Club
Oregon State University--Students.
Oregon State University. Home Economics Club
Student activities--Oregon--Corvallis.
University History
Women--Education (Higher)--Oregon--Corvallis.

Forms of Material

Photographic prints.

Box and Folder Listing