By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Department Faculty Research Publications, 1973-2010
Predominant Dates: 1983-2008
ID: RG 255
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Extent: 0.5 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Department Faculty Research Publications consist of reprints, offprints, and photocopies of journal articles written by department faculty and graduate student researchers. Many of the studies were conducted prior to the formation of the Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Department by faculty in the Food Science and Technology Department, Marine Freshwater Biomedical Center, and the Agricultural Chemistry Department. The topics addressed in these papers include the cancer chemoprevention effects of chlorophyllin in rainbow trout, zebrafish as a model for toxicological pathology research, the impact of dietary exposure to indole-3-carbinol, studies in mammalian flavin-containing mono-oxygenases, and hepatocarcinogenesis induced by aflatoxin B1.
Several of the papers were written by emeritus faculty George Bailey, Donald Buhler, and Jerry Hendricks. Other researchers whose work is represented in the collection include William Baird, Marita Barth, Robert Becker, Vibeke Breinholt, David Carlson, John Casteel, Yung-Jin Chang, Roger Coulombe, Roderick Dashwood, T.A. Eisele, A.T. Fong, Douglas Goeger, Diana Greene, Ulrich Harttig, Sharon Krueger, Shelley Larsen-Su, L.M. Libbey, Patricia Loveland, Koenraad Marien, Sarah Martin, Catherine Mathews, Theodore Meyers, Cristobal Miranda, Richard Moyer, Joseph Nixon, Gayle Orner, Norman Pawlowski, Cliff Pereira, Ashok Reddy, Daniel Selivonchick, Dennis Shelton, A.D. Shilling, Lisbeth Siddens, Russell Sinnhuber, Jan Spitsbergen, N. Takahashi, Matthew Taylor, Kensal Van Holde, J.L. Wang, Janet Wilcox, David Williams, and Mei-Fei Yueh.
The Environmental and Molecular Toxicology (EMT) Department is an academic unit within the College of Agricultural Sciences. The EMT Department offers graduate degrees (Ph.D. and M.Sc.) and an undergraduate minor in toxicology; faculty and graduate student researchers conduct toxicology-based research on the effects of chemicals on humans and the environment. Research expertise within the department is focussed on molecular and mechanistic toxicology and environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology.
The current department has its roots in the Agricultural Chemistry Department which was established in 1883 when the first agricultural chemist was hired for the Oregon Agricultural College faculty. In 1998, the agricultural chemistry and toxicology programs were reorganized and renamed the Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Department.
Accruals: Additions to the collection may be received in the future.
More Extent Information: 2 boxes
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: These materials were transferred to the Special Collections & Archives Research Center in 2014.
Related Materials: The Special Collections and Archives Research Center's collections also include the papers of George S. Bailey Papers (MSS Bailey) and Jerry D. Hendricks Papers (MSS Hendricks) which provide extensive documentation of their research as well as the Agricultural Chemistry Department Records (RG 081) and Agricultural Chemistry Department Photographs (P 177).
Preferred Citation: Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Department Faculty Research Publications (RG 255), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Oregon State University. Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Bailey, G. S. (George Samuel)
Hendricks, Jerry D. (Jerry Dean)
History of Science
Oregon State University--Research.
Oregon State University. Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Rainbow trout--Diseases--Prevention.
Rainbow trout--Metabolism.
Rainbow trout--Molecular genetics.
University History
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