By Finding aid prepared by Michael Dicianna and Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: John W. Trigg Photograph Album, 1915-1918
Predominant Dates: 1915-1916
ID: P 227
Primary Creator: Trigg, John W.
Extent: 0.05 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The John W. Trigg Photograph Album consists of photographs assembled by Trigg, primarily during the academic year 1915-1916 when he attended Oregon Agricultural College as a vocational student in agriculture. The images depict campus buildings and views, athletics, student activities, and military cadets.
Images from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
The John W. Trigg Photograph Album was assembled by Trigg during the 1915-1916 academic year and includes images of campus views and building, athletics, student activities, and military cadets. The campus views include an image of Benton Hall in snow and the interior of the Armory (now McAlexander Fieldhouse). The album includes several views of the Corvallis area, especially of the 1916 flood in the Willamette Valley. Images of the Oregon Electric Railway Station and a farmhouse submerged in 3 feet of water are of special note.
Student activities are depicted in photos of serpentines on the football field and the Class of 1919 forming the numerals "19" on the parade field (lower campus). Several images of individual cadets, military cadets in formation and drilling, and a platoon-level group photograph of 39 cadets in uniform are part of the collection. This was the last year for military cadets as the ROTC program was initiated in 1917.
The only photograph in the collection that post-dates the 1915-1916 year is a 1918 photographic postcard of a group of students and cadets in uniform with the title The Fate of Folly. The image appears to memorialize two OAC students who died in World War I. This photo was probably added to the album after Trigg learned of the death of his classmates.
Photographs of football games, players, and a football coach; the basketball team; and several track and field events, including shot put, javelin, and pole vault, are part of the album. Of special note are several images of a rodeo.
The photographs in the album are primarily photographic postcards with a few snapshots. Several loose photographs, not affixed in the album, are also part of the collection.
Images from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.
More Extent Information: 54 photographs; 1 box
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: The album and photographs were transferred from the Horner Museum Collection to the Archives in 1996.
Related Materials:
The Special Collections and Archives Research Center holdings include many photograph albums and scrapbooks assembled by Oregon Agricultural College students during the 1910s, including the David Robert Marr Photograph Album (P 232), A. Freeman Mason Scrapbook (MSS Mason), Leslie Miller Scrapbook (MSS Miller), Francis and Lois Wilson Neer Photograph Album (P 206), Thayer Raymond Collection (MSS Raymond), and Marshall S. Wright Photograph Album (P 276), which was also assembled during the 1915-1916 academic year.
Additional photographs of track and field events in the early 20th centry are part of the Track and Field Photograph Collection (P 010), William Harling Davolt Scrapbook and Photographs (MSS Davolt), James A. Sewell Photograph Album (P 259), and the Jerry D. Belcher Collection of Oregon Agricultural College Track Photographs (P 128).
Preferred Citation: John W. Trigg Photograph Album (P 227), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Trigg, John W.
College buildings--Oregon--Corvallis.
College students--Oregon--Corvallis.
Corvallis (Or.)
Local History
Military education--Oregon--Corvallis.
Oregon Agricultural College--Buildings.
Oregon Agricultural College--Students.
Oregon Agricultural College--Track and field.
Student activities--Oregon--Corvallis.
Track and field athletes--Oregon--Corvallis.
Trigg, John W.
University History
Willamette River (Or.)
Photograph albums.
Photographic postcards.
Photographic prints.
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