By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.
Title: School of Oceanography Photographs, 1970-1972
ID: P 203
Primary Creator: Oregon State University. School of Oceanography
Extent: 0.8 cubic feet. More info below.
Languages of Materials: English [eng]
The School of Oceanography Photographs consist of three images depicting oceanographic research conducted by Oregon State University faculty and graduate students that were assembled as part of the School's biennial report for 1970/1972. One image shows a three-meter trawl with trawlometers used to sample deep ocean stations; a second depicts a buoy being lowered into the ocean for studying the nature of upwelling between Seal Rock and Cascade Head on the Oregon Coast. The third image shows School of Oceanography geophysicists placing seismometers in the Klamath Falls, Oregon, area during exploratory studies of geothermal energy.
All of the images are b/w photographic prints and have been assigned individual numbers P203:1 thru P203:3.
An addition to the School of Oceanography Photographs (Accession 2012:043) consists of photographs taken by College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences staff. Numbering 164 images in total (118 slides, 21 prints, 25 negatives), these photographs primarily document the research vessel Wecoma with most of the shots depicting research activities on deck (taking ocean samples and cores) and in labs inside the ship. Also pictured among these images is the research vessel New Horizon from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. There are also photographs of the construction of an unidentified building near the Hatfield Marine Science Center.
A second addition to the School of Oceanography Photographs (Accession 2013:006) consists of photographic images generated by the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences (COAS) for use in publications, brochures, and reports. Numbering 341 images (267 prints, 70 negatives, 4 slides) in total, the photographs depict COAS staff, various exterior and interior views of the Hatfield Marine Science Center, award ceremonies, research vessels, the OSU Totem research buoy, the 1965 dedication ceremony of the Hatfield Marine Science Center, and a coastal field trip by Educational Opportunities Program students. There are also scenic shots of the coastal landscape that are part of this accession.
A third addition to the School of Oceanography Photographs (Accession 2013:088) is made up of photographs taken and collected by the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences (COAS) that document research activities aboard the research vessels, COAS staff and students in portrait shots, the Totem research buoys, the dedication of the Oceanography Building as Burt Hall, construction of the Environmental Computing Center, and a trainee program for minorities led by Norma Small Bone. Numbering 308 images in total (271 prints and 37 slides), these photographs portray both interior and exterior views of the "Acona," "Yaquina," and "Wecoma" vessels that include shots of the Acona's construction. Most of the people depicted in these images are identified. A cd containing digital images of the 2012 retirement ceremony of the Wecoma was also found in this accession.
Accruals: Additions to the collection are expected.
More Extent Information: 816 photographs; 1 box
Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.
Acquisition Note: The photographs were transferred to the Archives in 1981 as part of the School of Oceanography 1970/1972 biennial report. The photographs were separated from the paper records in 1994 to form this collection.
Related Materials: The College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Records (RG 173) include substantive documentation of oceanography research conducted at Oregon State, including the annual and biennial reports from the same period as these photographs. Additional images of oceanographic research are available in the Dennis Barstow Photographs (P 280) and Hatfield Marine Science Center Photographs (P 254). Moving images are available in the Oregon Sea Grant Communications Moving Images (FV 185) and the Hatfield Marine Science Center Videotapes (FV 254).
Preferred Citation: School of Oceanography Photographs (P 203), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Oregon State University. School of Oceanography
History of Science
Natural Resources
Oregon State University--Research.
Oregon State University. School of Oceanography
Seismology--Oregon--Klamath Falls.
University History
Photographic prints.
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