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Siletz News, 2007-2017

By Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Nielsen.

Collection Overview

Title: Siletz News, 2007-2017

ID: MSS SiletzNews

Primary Creator: Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Reservation, Oregon

Extent: 1.5 cubic feet. More info below.

Languages of Materials: English [eng]


This collection consists of issues of the monthly Siletz News published by the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians.  The collection includes both paper and electronic copies of the newspaper.  Electronic copies are available online in the Oregon Multicultural Archives digital collection.

Scope and Content Notes

The Siletz News consists of issues of the monthly newspaper published by the Confederated Tribes of Siletz. It includes information on tribal programs, events, and members; health news from the tribal clinic; and details of activities at the Chinook Winds Casino.  Of special note are notices of life events of tribal members such as birthdays, weddings, and graduations.  The newspaper includes numerous color photographs of programs, events, and members.

The collection consists of both paper and electronic copies of the newspaper.  Electronic copies are available online in the Oregon Multicultural Archives digital collection.

Paper copies span from 2007 to 2016.  Only the February and December 2007 issues are available for that year.  All issues are availalbe for 2008-2012 and 2014-2015.  For 2013, the collection does not include issues for May 2013 or December 2013.  The paper copies end with the February 2016 issue.

Electronic versions of 39 issues of the newspaper, spanning from February 2014 thru April 2017, are part of the collection.

Biographical / Historical Notes

The Confederated Tribes of Siletz is a federally-recognized confederation of 27 Native American tribal bands that originally lived from northern California to Washington. The tribal headquarters is in Siletz, Oregon. The tribe owns and operates the Chinook Winds Casino in Lincoln City, Oregon. Federal status was restored to the Confederated Tribes of Siletz in 1977.

Administrative Information

Accruals: The Special Collections and Archives Research Center will add additional electronic versions of the newspaper to this collection annually.

More Extent Information: 3 oversize boxes; 1.7 Gbytes (39 files)

Statement on Access: Collection is open for research.

Acquisition Note: These materials were initially transferred to the Archives in 2008 and additional paper issues were received regularly through 2016.  Born-digital versions of the newspaper for February 2014 through February 2016 were downloaded from the Siletz Tribe website in March 2016.  Born-digital versions of the newspaper for March 2016 through April 2017 were downloaded from the Siletz Tribe website in April 2017.

Related Materials:

This collection is a component of the Oregon Multicultural Archives, which documents the lives and activities of African American, Asian American, Latino and Native American communities of Oregon.  The Oregon Multicultural Communities Research Collection (MSS OMCRC)  includes materials pertaining to Native Americans in Oregon and at Oregon State University.

Recent issues of the Siletz News are also available online.

Preferred Citation: Siletz News (MSS SiletzNews), Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.

Processing Information:

We acknowledge that materials in SCARC collections and the language that describes them may be harmful. We are actively working to address our descriptive practices; for more information please see our SCARC Anti-Racist Actions Statement online. SCARC describes the contents of its collections using the language and terminology of the collections themselves. Since culturally acceptable terminology shifts over time, some of the terms that appear in these materials are currently outdated or offensive.

The term “gypsy” appears in this collection and is considered derogatory by many Roma people. It comes from the word “Egyptian,” where many Europeans mistakenly believed the Romani came from. In 1971, at the First World Roma Congress, a majority of attendees voted to reject the use of the term “gypsy,” however some still use it to self-identify.

In the U.S., “gypsy” has also come to signify a free-spirited person, or someone who moves from one place to another without settling down. This use references the traditional migratory lifestyle historically practiced by Roma. In this collection, “gypsy” is used in this manner. There are no references to this term in the finding aid, but it does appear in materials that have been scanned and uploaded to Oregon Digital.

In order to provide historical context and to enable standardized searching and access across our collections, we have retained the original wording. We acknowledge the racism represented by the term “gypsy” and the harm it may cause our users. Providing access to these historical materials does not endorse any attitudes or behavior depicted therein. For more information, please see our blog post.

[Date of Acknowledgement: November 2024]

Finding Aid Revision History: Finding aid revised April 14, 2016 and April 24, 2017 to incorporate additions to the collection.


Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Reservation, Oregon

People, Places, and Topics

Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Reservation, Oregon
Indians of North America--Oregon--Newspapers.
Oregon Multicultural Archives
Siletz (Or.)--Newspapers.
Siletz Indian Reservation (Or.)--Newspapers
Siletz Indians--Newspapers.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.