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Letter from Linus Pauling to Carl Niemann. April 19, 1937.
Pauling writes to express his pleasure in learning that Niemann has accepted the offer of a position at Caltech. He also mentions pending grant applications including a request for training funds to be allocated to Niemann.


April 19, 1937

Dr. Carl Niemann

Rockefeller Institute

New York, New York

Dear Dr. Niemann:

I was very glad to learn from Professor Millikan that you had accepted the position ultimately offered to you, and I am looking forward with much enthusiasm to the time when you will take up residence here.

You have perhaps heard by this time that I have been appointed Chairman of the Division and Director of the Laboratories, and that application has been made to the Rockefeller Foundation for a grant permitting further development of our work in organic chemistry. I also wrote to Weaver a few days ago requesting that you be granted a training fellowship for the year July 1, 1937 to July 1, 1938, to permit you to visit and study in European laboratories and also to complete your work with Dr. Bergmann. The Institute, will, of course, bring the stipend and expense account allotted to you up to the sum provided for in your appointment to our staff. I would like to know what your plans are in detail regarding the coming year.

All of the members of the family join me in sending greetings to you.

Sincerely yours,

Linus Pauline

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