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"Linus Pauling and the Twentieth Century."

"Linus Pauling and the Twentieth Century." 1996.
Produced by BMV Productions for Soka Gakkai International, used in conjunction with the traveling exhibit "Linus Pauling and the Twentieth Century."

An Act of Conscience. (0:36)


Narrator: A 1960 Senate internal security subcommittee demanded that Pauling turn over the names of people who helped to circulate the 1958 petition to the United Nations. Risking jail, he refused.

Linus Pauling: My conscience does not allow me to protect myself by sacrificing these idealistic and hopeful people and I am not going to do it. As a matter of conscience, as a matter of principle, as a matter of morality, I have decided that I shall not conform to the request of this subcommittee.


Creator: Linus Pauling
Clip ID: 1996v.4-siss

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Creator: Soka Gakkai International-USA
Associated: Lawrence Spivak, Linus Pauling

Date: 1996
Genre: video
ID: 1996v.4
Copyright: More Information

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