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Quotes by or related to Virginia Mill

"There are other professors and scientists who are in jail for having used the First Amendment to the Constitution, which protects freedom of speech. If you invoke the Fifth Amendment instead, you don’t get sent to jail, you just lose your job."
Linus Pauling. "The War Against War -- Personal Attack and the Attempt to Smear the Peace Movement," interview conducted by Virginia Mill and Robert Carl Cohen. November 2, 1960.

"If you want to suppress any movement or any organization in the USA you accuse them of being 'pro-Communist' or 'infiltrated' with Communism."
Linus Pauling. "The War Against War -- Personal Attack and the Attempt to Smear the Peace Movement," interview conducted by Virginia Mill and Robert Carl Cohen. November 2, 1960.

"There’s no doubt that we have in this country a very powerful group of people, 'defense contractors,' so-called, who are profiting greatly from the military activities, and who will oppose international agreements that lead to a decrease in the military budget."
Linus Pauling. "The War Against War -- The Enemies of Peace: Cold War Profiteers, Politicians and the Press," interview conducted by Virginia Mill and Robert Carl Cohen. November 2, 1960.

"I know that no rational person, no sane person would work to initiate a nuclear war, but accidents can happen of one sort or another. A hydrogen bomb might accidentally explode. Or some step might be taken by some persons who are not sane, and there are a large number of these people. In the United States ten percent of the people who are born spend at some time during their lives a period in a mental hospital. This represents the incidence of mental disease. And we can’t be sure that everyone who is in a position of responsibility is really sane."
Linus Pauling. "The War Against War -- The Fight for an A-Bomb Test Ban," interview conducted by Virginia Mill and Robert Carl Cohen. November 2, 1960.

"We are spending in the world a large share, on the order of magnitude of 10 to 15 percent, of our national income, of world income, in a nonproductive way that doesn’t benefit the people, on armaments."
Linus Pauling. "The War Against War -- World Crisis, Possible Solutions, The Atomic Future," interview conducted by Virginia Mill and Robert Carl Cohen. November 2, 1960.

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