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Excerpts from "U.S. Signatures to the Appeal by American Scientists to the Governments
and People of the World." January 15, 1958. Selections from Volume 1 (of 3) of the United Nations Bomb Test Petition.
Associated: Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, Severo Ochoa, Viktor Hamburger, Irwin H. Herskowitz,
Hermann J. Muller, Laurence H. Snyder, I.M. Kolthoff, Carl V. Moore, Leslie C. Dunn,
Charles Coryell, Chauncey Leake, Michael Heidelberger, Max Mason, E.C. Kemble, Salvador
Luria, Arthur Roberts, Oswald Veblen, Martin Kamen, Philip Morrison, Charles C. Price,
Matthew L. Sands, Maurice Visscher, William H. Zachariasen, Albert Szent-Györgyi,
William P. Murphy, Harold Urey, George H. Whipple, Max Theiler, Otto Loewi, Robert
H. Kent, Esper S. Larsen, O. H. Robertson, Edward C. Tolman, Walter P. Kelley, Robley
C. Williams, Max Delbrück, Percival Bailey, Merle A. Tuve, William W. Coblentz, Richard
Goldschmidt, Seth B. Nicholson, H.I. Schlesinger, Joseph L. Doob, Herbert E. Carter,
Raymond M. Fuoss, Robert K. Burns, Kirtley F. Mather, John T. Edsall, M.J. Buerger,
Alfred V. Kidder, Alexander Forbes, Alfred S. Romer, Oscar Zariski, Louis F. Fieser,
Karl Sax, James L. Gamble, Eugene M. Landis, Leo Loeb, Philip A. Shaffer, Jr., Harlow
Shapley, Solomon Lefschetz, John R. Pierce, James W. Alexander, Oskar Wintersteiner,
Arthur F. Buddington, M. N. Bramlette, Gilbert Dalldorf, Tom Stonier, Louis O. Kunkel
Date: January 15, 1958 Genre: petitions ID: peace5.008.1 Copyright: More Information