Guedel Association Memorial Medallion, The Guedel Association.

June 14, 1964

Circular medal, obverse features portrait of Arthur Guedel and inscription: "Arthur E. Guedel, June 13, 1883 - June 10, 1956." Reverse side is inscribed: "The Guedel Association Memorial Medallion, the Guedel Memorial Medallion is presented to Linus Pauling who by precept and example has demonstrated excellence in scholarship, devotion to truth, and adherence to the principles which characterized the life of Arthur E. Guedel in whose memory this award is made on the 14th day of June-year 1964."

Awarded by The Guedel Association.

Subject: Medical sciences
Name: The Guedel Association
ID: 1964h.3

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Oregon State University, Charter Day Convocation, Distinguished Service Award, Medal.