Oregon State UniversitySpecial Collections & Archives Research Center

History of Atomic Energy Collection, 1896-1991

Entire Container List

1. Early Physics. 1896-1942.

This series documents the history of nuclear physics, radiation, and radium studies from 1896 up to, but not including, the Manhattan Project. The core of Series 1 comprises a collection of original editions and secondary references tracing the sequence of discoveries that revealed the feasibility of the release of energy on a large scale by means of a fission chain reaction in uranium.

291 items
AMALDI, EDOARDO. Il sistema protone-neutrone. pp. (555)-615. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDITION. Roma: Reale Accademia d'Italia. 1942. QC793.5.P72 A43 1942
Amaldi was a member of the elite inner circle of particle physicists in pre-war Italy, and was Fermi's chief collaborator in the important series of neutron bombardment experiments of 1934-1935. See Rhodes, pp. 208-09, 211-12, 216-21 & 231.
ANDERSON, HERBERT L., ENRICO FERMI & LEO SZILARD. Neutron Production and Absorption in Uranium. pp. 284-286. 4to, printed wrappers, housed in protective leatherette case provided. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Physical Review. 1939. QC793.5.S625 A53 1939
A major landmark in the development of the atomic bomb, Fermi, Szilard and Anderson here established experimentally the possibility of a chain reaction in uranium under the action of slow neutrons. See Rhodes, pp. 298-300. PRESENTATION COPY, signed & inscribed by LEO SZILARD on the front wrapper.
ANDRADE, PROF. E.N. DA C. Some Problems of Atomic Structure. pp. 46-60. 8vo, printed wrappers. (N.p.: Mathematical Gazette, 1926). 1926. QC173.4.A87 A53 1926
FIRST SEPARATE EDITION, offprinted from the Mathematical Gazette, March 1926.
ARCHIVES DE L'INSTITUT DU RADIUM & DE LA FONDATION CURIE. Radiophysiologie et Radiotherapie. Recueil de Travaux Biologiques, Techniques et Therapeutiques. Publie par Cl. Regaud, A. Lacassagne & R. Ferroux. Volume I, Fasicule I-IV. 4 Volumes. 646 pages. Illustrated. Large 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut. Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France. 1927-1929.
ASTON, F.W. Isotopes. 152 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Edward Arnold. 1922. QD463 .A7
Aston (1877-1945) received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1922. This is his classic publication in which he details his experiments demonstrating the existence of isotopes. This work led to "the reconstruction of the table of atomic weights. . . (showing) that they are only in exceptional cases whole numbers when considered as multiples of the weight of a hydrogen atom. The ultimate consequences of these discrepancies are far-reaching. The ratio between hydrogen and helium is not 4:1 as it 'should' be, but rather less; which means that when four atoms of hydrogen are transformed into one helium atom some matter is annihilated. In fact this is an example of the interchangeability between mass and energy which is postulated in Einstein's 'General Theory of Relativity'." -PMM 412; Heirs of Hippocrates 1183.
ASTON, FRANCIS WILLIAM. Isotopes. Illustrated with 21 figures and 4 full page plates. VIII, 152 p. 8vo. Original blue cloth, gilt lettering. New York, Longmans, Green & Co. First American edition. 1923. QD463 .A7 1923b
ASTON, F.W. Isotope. Autorisierte Uebertragung ins Deutsche von Dr. Else Nort-Rubinowicz. 163 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed boards. FIRST EDITION IN GERMAN. Leipzig: Hirzel. 1923. QD466 .A77 1923
ASTON, F.W. Isotopes. Second Edition. 182 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Longmans. 1924. QD463 .A7 1924b
BADASH, LAWRENCE. Radioactivity in America. Growth and Decay of a Science. 327 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins. 1979. QC794.98 .B33
An excellent history of the study of radioactivity in the United States.
BAKKER, DR. C.J. Grepen uit de Kernphysica. Rede uitgesproken bii de Aanvaarding van het Ambt van Hoogleereer aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op 24 februari 1947. 19 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Amsterdam: Uitgeverii Vrij Nederland. 1947. QC173 .B17
Capsule history of nuclear research from Zeeman to Hahn & Strassman.
BAZZONI, CHARLES B. Energy and Matter. Building Blocks of the Universe. 133 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: University Society. 1932. QC173 .B36 1932
BECKING, L.G.M.B. Radiation and Vital Phenomena. Proefschrift ter Verkrijging van den Graad van Doctor...aan de Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht. 66 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Utrecht: F.W. Hajer. 1921. QC475 .B23 1921
BECQUEREL, HENRI. Collection of 6 original papers, as listed below, IN: Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Vol. CXXII. 1633 pages. 4to, contemporary 1/2 morocco. Paris. January-June 1896.
Comprises: Sur les radiations emises par phosphorescence, p. 420. Sur les radiations invisibles emises par les corps phosphorescents, p. 501. Sur quelques propriete nouvelles des radiations invisibles emises par divers corps phosphorescents, p. 559. Sur les radiations invisibles emises par les sels d'uranium, p. 689. Sur les proprietes differentes des radiations invisibles emises par les sels d'uranium, et du rayonnement de la paroi enticathodique d'un tube de Crookes, p. 762. Emission de radiations nouvelles par l'uranium metalique, p. 1086. FIRST APPEARANCE OF THE FIRST ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE DISCOVERY OF RADIOACTIVITY AND THE RADIATION OF URANIUM. Cajori 272; Dibner 163; PMM 393; G-M 2001; Romer, papers 1-4 and pp. 7-21; Becquerel, 1903 checklist, 1-6.
BECQUEREL, HENRI. On the Radio-Activity of Matter. pp. (197)-206 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington: USGPO. 1903. Q11 .S66 1903
FIRST SEPARATE EDITION, off-printed from the Smithsonian Report for 1902. This is probably the first publication of Becquerel in America.
BECQUEREL, HENRI. Recherches sur une proprieté nouvelle de la matiere. Activité radiante spontanée ou radioactivité de la Matiere. (4), 360, (4) pages. 13 photolithographed plates. 4to, printed blue wrappers FIRST EDITION. Paris: Firmin-Didot. 1903. QC475 .B4
PMM 393; Dibner 163. Within months after Roentgen's discovery, Becquerel discovered the new and previously unsuspected property which produced X-rays, and before the end of the year he coined the term "radioactivité." Becquerel continued his researches until 1903 when he summed up his results in the definitive work above. It contains a chronological narrative of his investigations, his mature conclusions, and a bibliography of 214 treatises and papers on radioactivity. LEWIS STRAUSS'S COPY, with an 8-line autograph note initialled by Strauss inserted, summarizing the importance of the work and indicating that he "bought this from E. Offenbacher in 1966."
BENNER, SVEN. "F. W. Astons Undersoekningar oever Isotopa Element." IN: Kosmos, Band 7, pp. 16-48 232 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. Stockholm: Norstedt & Soener. 1929.
BERTHELOT, ANDRE. De l'Atome a l'Energie Nucleaire. Preface de F. Joliot-Curie. 235 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Paris: Editions Correa. 1947. QC173 .B45 1947
BEYER, ROBERT T., Editor. Foundations of Nuclear Physics. Facsimiles of Thirteen Fundamental Papers. 272 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. New York: Dover. 1949. QC173 .B44
BJERGE, T. Studier over Kunstig Radioaktivitet med Kort Halveringstid. With a Summary in English. 75 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Levin & Munksgaard. 1938. QC795 .B626 1938
BOHR, NIELS. Abhandlungen ueber Atombau aus den Jahren 1913-1916. Autorisierte deutsche Uebersetzung mit einem Geleitwort von N. Bohr von Dr. Hugo Stintzing. 155 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Braunschweig: Vieweg. 1921. QC173 .B62
FIRST EDITION IN GERMAN of Bohr's first papers on atomic constitution, with an original foreword for this edition by Bohr.
BOHR, NIELS. Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature. Four Essays with an Introductory Survey. 119 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Cambridge: University Press. 1934. QC173 .B63 1934
BOHR, NIELS. "Atomteorien og Grundprincipperne for Naturbeskrivelsen." IN: Beretning om det 18 Skandinaviske Naturforskermode i Kobenhavn 26-31 August 1929, pp. 71-83. 557 pages. Large 8vo, printed wrappers. Kobenhavn: Frederiksberg Bogtrykkeri. 1929. Q101 .S6 1929
BOHR, NIELS. Drei Aufsaetze ueber Spektren und Atombau. 148 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION AND FIRST EDITION IN GERMAN. Braunschweig: Vieweg. 1922. QC172 .B64 1922
Translated from Danish into German and first collected here are: 1. 'Ueber das Wasserstoffspektrum' (read 1913, published 1914); and 3. 'Der Bau der Atome und die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Elemente.' Number 2, 'Ueber die Serienspektren der Elemente' (1920) appeared originally in German. Bohr was awarded the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms, and of the radiation emanating from them."
BOHR, NIELS. Festskrift til Professor Dr. Niels Bohr paa 50 aars Dagen D. 7. Oktober 1935. Saertryk af Fysisk Tidsskrift. 220 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Kjobenhavn: Gjellerups Boghandel. 1935. QC174.12 .F47 1935
The very scarce festschrift for Bohr's 50th birthday. Includes contributions by Werner Heisenberg, O. Klein, C. Moller, and others.
BOHR, NIELS. "Neutron Capture and Nuclear Constitution." IN: Nature, Vol. 137, No. 3461, pp. 344-348. (3) leaves; (337)-374, (2) leaves + xvi-page Supplement laid-in. 4to, unbound. London: Nature. February 29, 1936.
This issue also includes, in the Letters to the Editor section, "Capture of Slow Neutrons" by O.R. Frisch & G. Placzek.
BOHR, NIELS. "Nyere Undersogelser over Atomkernernes Omdannelser." IN: Kosmos, Band 24, pp. 24-57. 176 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. Stockholm: Norstedt & Soener. 1946.
FIRST EDITION, written in 1941 but unpublished because of the war. This issue also includes Anna Beckman's biographical profiles of Nobel prize-winners Otto Hahn & Wolfgang Pauli, "Transuraner" by John Tandberg, "Ur Urans Kemi" by Lars Gunnar Sillen, "Urantillgangar och energifoersoerjning" by Av Josef Eklund, etc.
BOHR, NIELS. "On the Constitution of Atoms and Molecules." IN: Philosophical Magazine (Sixth Series) July-December 1913 pp. (1)-25; 476-501; 857-875. viii, 1064 pages. Illustrated. Thick 8vo, contemporary cloth-backed boards. FIRST EDITION. London: Taylor and Francis. 1913. Q1 .L6
FIRST APPEARANCE of Bohr's epoch-making quantum theoretic reformulation of atomic theory, which revolutionized modern views of the atom. "In his great papers of 1913, Bohr presented his theory as being founded upon two postulates, whose formulation he refined in later papers. The first postulate enunciates the existence of stationary states of an atomic system, the behavior of which may be described in terms of classical mechanics; the second postulate states that the transition of the system from one stationary state to another is a nonclassical process, accompanied by the emission or absorption of one quantum of homogeneous radiation..." -DSB II, 244.
BOHR, NIELS. The Penetration of Atomic Particles through Matter. 144 pages. 8vo, later buckram. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Munksgaard. 1948. QC173 .B536 1948
Bohr here takes up the subject from the standpoint of high energy fission fragments.
BOHR, NIELS. The Theory of Spectra and Atomic Constitution. Three Essays. 126 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION & FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Cambridge: University Press. 1922. QC451 .B67 1922
BOHR, NIELS & L. ROSENFELD. Zur Frage der Messbarkeit der elektromagnetischen Feldgroessen. 65 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Levin & Munksgaard. 1933. QC665.E4 B64 1933
BOORSE, HENRY A. & LLOYD MOTZ, Editors. The World of the Atom. Foreword by I.I. Rabi. 2 volumes. 1873 pages. 8vo, cloth, slipcase. FIRST EDITION. New York: Basic Books. 1966. QC173 .B638 1966
Excellent anthology of original writings on atomic physics from Lucretius to Victor Weisskopf.
BORDEN, W.C. The Use of the Roentgen Ray by the Medical Department of the United States Army in the War with Spain. (1898). 98 pages. 38 plates; text illustrations. 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Washington: USGPO. 1900. RC78 .U51
PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed by the author to T. Ritchie Stone, M.D. Includes the first published illustrations and discussion of radiation burns.
BORN, MAX. Atomic Physics. Authorized Translation from the German Edition by John Dougall. 352 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London: Blackie. 1935.
First English Edition of Moderne Physik.
BORN, MAX. Der Aufbau der Materie. Drei Aufsaetze ueber moderne Atomistik und Elektrontheorie. 81 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Berlin: Springer. 1920. QC173 .B6 1920
BORN, MAX. The Constitution of Matter. Modern Atomic and Electron Theories. Translated from the Second Revised German Edition by E.W. Blair and T.S. Wheeler. 80 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. London: Methuen. 1923. QC173 .B65
BRAGG, W.H. Studies in Radioactivity. 196 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Macmillan. 1912. QC795 .B67
Bragg here presents in detail his researches and views on ionization and X-rays and the phenomena of beta and alpha particle scattering.
BRAGG, W.H. & W.L. BRAGG. X-Rays and Crystal Structure. 228 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Bell and Sons. 1915. QD945 .B7
The Braggs developed the powerful technique of X-Ray crystallography for which they shared the Nobel Prize in Physics. PMM 406b.
BRAGG, W.H. & W.L. BRAGG. X-Rays and Crystal Structure. Second Edition. 228 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London: Bell. 1916. QD945 .B7 1916
BRILLOUIN, L. L'Atome de Thomas-Fermi et la Methode du Champ "Self-Consistent." 46 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Herman & Cie. 1934.
An analysis of the Thomas-Fermi model of the atom, by one of France's most brilliant theoretical physicists. See DSB II 465-466.
BRILLOUIN, LEON. La Structure des Corps Solides dans la Physique Moderne. 53 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Hermann & Cie. 1937. QC191 .B7
CABRERA, BLAS. El Atomo y sus Propriedades Electromagneticas. 191 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Madrid: Editorial Paez. 1927. QC173 .C3
CALDERARO, JOSE D. La Energia Atomica: Historia y Evolucion de la Teoria Nuclear. 48 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Toulouse: Ediciones "Universo,". 1949.
Comprises "El Mundo al Diam" No. 13, 15 mars 1949.
CAMERON, A.T. Radium and Radioactivity. 185 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1912. QC721 .C35
From the "Romance of Science" Series.
CASTEDO, SEBASTIAN. El Radio y el Selenio. Revolucionadores del Mundo. . . Radioactividad: argo, cripto, neo, xeno y helio; uranio, torio, radio. . .influencia del radio y del selenio en la vida humana. 111 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut and unopened. Madrid: Editorial Grafica Espanola. 1916. QC721 .C35
A popular survey of recent developments in radioactivity, by one of Spain's leading radium researchers.
CHALMERS, T.W. A Short History of Radio-activity. 78 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. London: The Engineer. 1951. QC721 .C47
Collected articles published in The Engineer, 1950.
CHAMPETIER, GEORGES. Deuterium and Deuterium Compounds. With the Collaboration of Mlle. Monnet and M. Magat. Preface by H.C. Urey. 79 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Hermann et Cie. 1937.
Comprises Annual Tables of Constants and Numerical Data 1. Text in French and English.
COLLIE, C.H. & J.H.E. GRIFFITHS. "The Passage of Neutrons Through Matter." pp. 434-446. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. (London: Harrison and Sons). 1936.
Offprint from Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A, Vol. 155, No. 885, pp. 434-446, June 1936.
COMPTON, ARTHUR HOLLY. The Cosmos of Arthur Holly Compton. Edited by Marjorie Johnston. Introduction by Vannevar Bush. 468 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Knopf. 1967. Q171 .C58
The collected public papers of Compton. With the errata slip inserted.
COMPTON, ARTHUR HOLLY. Scientific Papers. Edited with an Introduction by Robert S. Shankland. 777 pages. 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. University of Chicago Press. 1973. QC71 .C64 1973
CONDON, E.U. "Sharpshooting at the Atom." In: Popular Mechanics Magazine, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 1-5 et passim. 144 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: Popular Mechanics. July 1940.
Mentions the potential liberation of vast amounts of energy through uranium fission.
CONN, G.K.T. & H.D. TURNER. The Evolution of the Nuclear Atom. 266 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Iliffe Books. 1965. QC173 .C74
CURIE, IRENE. Les Radioelements Naturels. Proprietés Chimiques, Preparation-Dosage. 188 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Hermann & Cie. 1946. QC795 .J64 1946
CURIE, IRENE & F. JOLIOT. La Projection de Noyaux Atomique par un Rayonnement tres penetrant. L'Existence de Neutron. 22 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Hermann et Cie. 1932.
Comprises Actualites Scientifiques et Industrielles XXXII. The Joliot-Curie's studies of the ejection of atomic nuclei by Bothe-Becker rediation were the immediate precursors of Chadwick's identification of the neutron in 1932.
CURIE, MARIE SKLODOWSKA. Oeuvres. Recueillies par Irene Joliot Curie. 685 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Varsovie: Panstowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. 1954.
Marie Curie's complete scientific papers, arranged in chronological order.
CURIE, MDME SKLODOWSKA. Radio-Active Substances. Thesis presented to the Faculté des Sciences de Paris. (Second Edition). [sic]. 94 pages. Figures in the text. 8vo, printed wrappers. London: Chemical News Office. 1904. QC721 .C96
FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH of Marie Curie's epochal doctoral dissertation which she announced the results of 4 years of investigations, including her discovery that radium is a new chemical element. This edition was translated from the second French edition, hence the "Second Edition" on title-page. This is in fact the only English edition published in 1904. Very rare, with no copy located in BM.
CURIE, MARIE. Traité de Radioactivité. 2 volumes. xiii, 426; 548 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, contemporary 3/4 leather. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. 1910. QC721 .C98 1910
FIRST EDITION of Marie Curie's most extensive treatise on radioactivity, summarizing all significant contributions to the subject, including her own and those of other researchers to date.
CURIE, MME S. Untersuchungen ueber die Radioactiven Substanzen. Uebersetzt und mit Litteratur-Ergaenzungen versehen von W. Kaufmann. Zweite unveraenderte Auflage. 132 pages. 8vo, cloth-backed boards, printed paper spine-label. Braunschweig: Vieweg. 1904. QC721 .C955 1904
The second German edition of Madame Curie's epochal doctoral dissertation, which was originally published in French in a very limited edition for private distribution the previous year. See PMM 394a. See Horblit 19. See Dibner 164.
CURIE, PIERRE. Oeuvres. 621 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, contemporary cloth-backed boards. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. 1908. QC3 .C8
PMM 394b. The collected writings of Curie, whose tragic death at the age of 47 after being hit by a truck was a terrible loss to science. Curie's work can be divided into 3 periods. The first concerned the physics of crystals, and led to the discovery of piezoelectricity. In the second period Curie concentrated on theoretical problems of crystallography and magnetism. The third period mainly involved study of radioactivity with his wife, Marie, in perhaps the greatest and most romantic husband/wife collaboration in the history of science. The above volume includes an important 22-page biographical tribute by Marie.
DANSK INGENIORFORENING. Award of the Niels Bohr Gold Medal to Professor Werner Karl Heisenberg 7 October 1970. 33 pages. Illustrated. Small 4to, boards, pictorial cover-label, dust jacket. (Kobenhavn: Teknisk Forlags Trykkeri). 1970.
The main body of text, in English, consists of Heisenberg's lecture for the award ceremony, in which he delivers a panegyric on Niels Bohr and a capsule history of the discovery of nuclear fission and the development of atomic energy, together with thoughtful prognostications for its political implications.
DAVIS, WILLIAM E., JR. Early History of the Nuclear Atom. 155 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt. 1974. QC773 .D33 1974
A good survey history of the fundamental discoveries in nuclear physics.
DE BROGLIE, LOUIS, et al. Structure des Atomes et Energie Atomique. 144 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Hermann & Cie. 1948.
Title article is by De Broglie. Also includes "La Fission du Noyau et l'Energie Atomique" by Francis Perrin; "Transmutations et Rayonnements Correspondants" by Mme. Joliot-Curie, etc.
DE GROOT, W. Het natuurlijke Systeem der Elementen van het Standpunt der Kernphysica. 13 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Amsterdam: D.B. Centen's Uitgevers. 1937. JX1974.A1 U49
Offprint from Chemisch Weekblad, deel 34.
DEN HOED, DANIEL. Over de Werking van harde Roentgenstralen en Gammastralen van Radium. 172 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Amsterdam: J.H. De Bussy. 1934.
Presentation copy, signed and inscribed by the Author.
THE DESCENT OF THE ATOM. A Layman's Creation. Anonymous. 154 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Lothrop. 1934. QC173 .D454 1934
DEUTMANN, L. Radium and Stoffwechsel. 38 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Munchen: Otto Gmelin. 1910.
DIEBNER, KURT & EBERHARD GRASSMANN. Kuenstliche Radioaktivitaet. Experimentelle Ergebnisse. 87 pages. 10 folding tables. 4to, plain grey wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Leipzig: Hirzel. 1939. QC721 .D47
Diebner was the chief physicist in charge of the German War Office's atomic fission project. See Rhodes, pp. 311, 344, 517 & 607.
DORSEY, N. ERNEST. Physics of Radioactivity. The text of a Correspondence Course prepared especially for the Medical Profession. 223 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers, in the original 23 parts. N.p.: Williams & Wilkins. 1921. QC721 .D75 1921
EATON, PETER, Bookseller. The Eaton-Richardson Library on the Atom. About 400+ leaves. Mimeographed typescript, printed on one side only. Folio, loose in original cloth portfolio and slipcase. London. 1960. QC173.A1 E3
Comprises checklist of the library and manuscript archives of Nobel Laureate Professor Sir Owen Willans Richardson, as offered for sale by Peter Eaton. Especially strong in electron theory and manuscript materials, the catalogue is also a useful reference for ephemeral material relating to pre-World War II atomic science. Loosely inserted is an autograph note signed by Peter Eaton, indicating that the collection was purchased by Texas University. This catalogue is very scarce, as apparently only a small number were issued.
EHRENFEST, PAUL. Collected Scientific Papers. Edited by Martin J. Klein. Introduction by H.B.G. Casimir. 632 pages. 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing. 1959. QC3 .E4
One of the leading theoretical physicists of his day, both Oppenheimer and Fermi studied with Ehrenfest to hone their mathematical skills. See Rhodes, pp. 127 & 206; DSB IV, pp. 292-294.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. "Ueber das Relativitaetsprinzip und die aus demselben gezogenen Folgerungen." In: Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitaet und Elektronik 4, No. 4 (1907): pp. 411-462. IV, 486 pages. 8vo, contemporary cloth. Leipzig: Hirzel. 1908.
FIRST EDITION OF THIS PIVOTAL PAPER in modern physics and the development of the atomic bomb. "On p. 443 are probably the first explicit statements both of the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass and of the equation for mass in terms of energy now regarded as the theoretical basis for the release of atomic energy." -Weil 21; Stanitz sale, lot 131.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. "Ueber das Relativitaetsprinzip. . . (Berichtigungen)." IN: Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitaet und Elektronik 5, No. 1 (1908): pp. 98-99. IV, 576 pages. 8vo, contemporary cloth. Leipzig: Hirzel. 1908.
Einstein's addendum to the preceding paper. Weil 21. This volume also includes papers by Rutherford, Soddy, and Geiger.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT & LEOPOLD INFELD. The Evolution of Physics. The Growth of Ideas from Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta. 319 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. (Weil 201). New York: Simon and Schuster. 1938. QC7 .E5
FAJANS, K. Radioactivity and the Latest Development in the Study of the Chemical Elements. Translated from the Fourth German Edition by T.S. Wheeler and W.G. King. 138 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. London: Methuen. 1923. QD466 .F282
FAJANS, KASIMIR. Radioelements and Isotopes: Chemical Forces and Optical Properties of Substances. 125 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1931. QD466 .F2
FARKAS, ADALBERT. Orthohydrogen, Parahydrogen and Heavy Hydrogen. 215 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: University Press. 1935. QD181.H1 F2
FEINBERG, J.G. The Story of Atomic Theory. Foreword by Frederick Soddy. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Dover. 1960. QC173 .F36 1960
First edition thus, with new foreword and postscript.
FERMI, ENRICO. Collected Papers (Note e Memorie). 2 volumes. 1043; 1083 pages. Illustrated. Thick large 8vo, cloth. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1962-1965. QC3 .F4
Edited by E. Amaldi, H.L. Anderson, E. Persico, F. Rasetti, C.S. Smith, A. Wattenberg & E. Segre. The complete scientific papers of Fermi.
FERMI, ENRICO. "Experimental Production of a Divergent Chain Reaction." IN: American Journal of Physics, Volume 20, Number 9: pp. 536-558. iv, pp. 527-610. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: American Institute of Physics. December 1952.
FIRST PUBLISHED APPEARANCE of Fermi's hitherto classified account of the first atomic pile, written for the Manhattan project's Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago after the first successful production of a neutron chain reaction in uranium in 1942.
FERMI, ENRICO. Molecules, Crystals, and Quantum Statistics. Translated by M. Ferro-Luzzi. 300 pages. 8vo, cloth. New York: Benjamin. 1966. QC173 .F46
FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH of this classic 1934 text, "still very valuable as an introduction to the subject."
FERMI, ENRICO. Nuclear Physics. A Course Given at the University of Chicago. Notes Compiled by Jay Orear, A.H. Rosenfeld, and R.A. Schluter. Revised Edition. 248 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. University of Chicago Press. 1958.
Reproduces the compilers' notes of lectures given by Fermi January-June 1949.
FERMI, ENRICO. On the Velocity Distribution Law for Slow Neutrons. pp. 128-130. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. The Hague: Nijhoff. 1935.
OTTO FRISCH'S COPY, signed by him in pencil on the front wrapper. Offprint from Zeeman, Verhandelingen.
FERMI, ENRICO. Thermodynamics. 160 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Prentice-Hall. 1937. QC311 .F4
FRISCH, OTTO R. On the Selective Capture of Slow Neutrons. 31 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Levin & Munksgaard. 1937.
FRISCH, O.R. H.V., HALBAN JUN & JORGEN KOCH. On the Slowing Down and Capture of Neutrons in Hydrogenous Substances. 37 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Levin & Munksgaard. 1938.
FRISCH, OTTO R., F.A. PANETH, et al, Editors. Trends in Atomic Physics. Essays dedicated to Lise Meitner, Otto Hahn, Max von Laue on the Occasion of their 80th birthday. 285 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. New York: Interscience. 1959. QC475 .B45 1959
Includes: C.S. Wu. History of Beta Decay; Glenn T. Seaborg. Early Radiochemical Investigations of Plutonium; etc., etc.
FUERSTENBERG, ALFRED. Physiologische und therapeutische Wirkungen des Radiums und Thoriums. 68 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Halle a.S.: Carl Marhold. 1912.
A curious homeopathic treatise on radium therapy. At the end are ads for various medicinal preparations, including radium mineral waters, etc.
GAMOW, GEORGE. Atomic Energy in Cosmic and Human Life. Fifty Years of Radioactivity. 161 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Macmillan. 1946. QC173 .G19
GAMOW, GEORGE. Atomic Energy in Cosmic and Human Life. Fifty Years of Radioactivity. 161 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST BRITISH EDITION. Cambridge: University Press. 1947. QC173 .G19 1947
GAMOW, GEORGE. Constitution of Atomic Nuclei and Radioactivity. 114 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1931. QC173 .G3 1931
GAMOW, GEORGE. Der Bau des Atomkerns und die Radioaktivitaet. Ins Deutsche uebertragen von C. u. F. Houtermans. 147 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST GERMAN EDITION. Leipzig: Hirzel. 1932. QC173 .G314 1932
Translated from Russian. Presentation copy, inscribed by the Translator. Includes a summary of Gamow's work on estimates of energy required to split the nucleus by means of artificially accelerated protons.
GAMOW, GEORGE. Mr. Tompkins Explores the Atom. 97 pages. Illustrated by the Author. Square 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Macmillan. 1944. QC173 .G29
GAMOW, GEORGE. Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland or Stories of C, G, and H. Illustrated by John Hookham. Square 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Macmillan. 1940. QC6 .G2
The first "popular" scientific book by "one of the most talented and creative popularizers of science of all time." -DSB.
GAMOW, GEORGE. Structure of Atomic Nuclei and Nuclear Transformations. Second Edition of Constitution of Atomic Nuclei and Radioactivity. 270 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION THUS. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1937. QC173 .G2 1937
GEITEL, H. Die Bestaetigung der Atomlehre durch die Radioaktivitaet. 24 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Braunschweig: Vieweg. 1913. QD461 .G4
GERLACH, WALTHER. Materie, Elektrizitaet, Energie. Die Entwicklung der Atomistik in den letzten zehn Jahren. 195 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Dresden & Leipzig: Steinkopff. 1923. QC173 .G4 1923
GIESEL, FRIEDRICH OSCAR. Ueber radioaktive Substanzen und deren Strahlen. 28 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. [Stuttgart]. 1902.
FIRST EDITION. Becquerel checklist, Number 152. The present copy has no title-page, apparently never bound in.
GLEDITSCH, ELLEN. Radioaktivitet och Grundamnesomvandling. Auktoriserad Oversattning fran Norskan av Astrid Cleve-Euler. 78 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Uppsala: Lindblads Forlag. 1925.
First edition in Swedish, translated from Norwegian. A survey of current knowledge of radioactivity. Concludes with a chapter on the geology of uranium and thorium.
GOEHRING, OTTO. Autograph letter signed from Goehring to the noted gemologist George F. Kunz. 1-3/4 pages, on 2 conjugate folio sheets. Karlsruhe. May 17, 1915.
Goehring was the discover of "Uranium X2." Here he thanks Kunz for interest in his work, discusses the new element brevium of 1913 and his dissertation on uranium, etc., mentions Kasimir Fajans and his theories. Text in German. With the original stamped mailing envelope from the Chemisches Laboratorium, Karlsruhe.
GRAETZER, HANS G. & DAVID L. ANDERSON. The Discovery of Nuclear Fission: A Documentary History. 120 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Van Nostrand. 1971. QC790 .G68
GREY, VIVIAN. Secret of the Mysterious Rays. The Discovery of Nuclear Energy. Illustrated by Ed Malsberg. 120 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Basic Books. 1966. QC778.5 .G73 1966
GRIFFITHS, J.H.E. "The Absorption of Neutrons of Medium Energy." pp. (513)-519. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. (Cambridge: University Press). 1939.
Offprint from Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A, Vol. 170, No. 943.
GRUNER, DR. PAUL. Die Radioaktiven Substanzen und die Theorie des Atomzerfalles. 103 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Bern: A. Francke. 1906. QD601 .G7 1906
GUENTHER, HANNS. Ins Innere des Atoms. Autorisierte deutsche Bearbeitung nach John Mills, Within the Atom. 206 pages. Illustrated. 12mo, printed wrappers. Leipzig: Reclam. 1928.
HAAS, PROF. W.J. DE. Grepen uit den Ontwikkelingsgang der Atomtheorie. 22 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Groningen: Noordhoff. 1922.
HAHN, OTTO. "Ueber die Erscheinungen des radioaktiven Rueckstosses." IN: Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitaet und Elektronik 7, No. 2(1910): pp. 296-312. IV, 662 pages. 8vo, contemporary cloth. Leipzig: Hirzel. 1910. JX1974.A1 U49
FIRST EDITION of Hahn's report on his pioneering work on radioactive recoil. See DSB VI, 16.
HAHN OTTO. "Ueber ein neues, die Emanation des Thoriums gebendes radioaktives Element." IN: Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitaet und Elektronik 2, No. 3(1905): pp. [233]-266. IV, 486 pages. 8vo, contemporary cloth. Leipzig: Hirzel. 1906.
FIRST EDITION. Hahn's first detailed account of his discovery of radiothorium, made in England early in 1905. Weeks, 796; Romer, 38. The volume also includes "Die Definition der Radioaktivitaet" by Soddy; & "Die a-Strahlen des Radiums" by W.H. Bragg.
HAHN, OTTO & FRITZ STRASSMAN. Die chemische Abscheidung der bei der Spaltung des Urans entstehenden Elemente und Atomarten (Allgemeiner Teil). 14 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Berlin: Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1944.
Offprint from Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Jahrgang 1944 Nr. 12.
HAHN, OTTO & FRITZ STRASSMANN. Ueber das Zerplatzen des Urankernes durch langsame Neutronen. 20 pages. Text figures. 4to, original printed blue wrappers. Berlin: Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1939.
FIRST EDITION, the very scarce offprint from Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrgang 1939 Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Nr. 12. "THE DISCOVERY OF NUCLEAR FISSION OF URANIUM." -Heralds of Science 168; see also PMM 422. "[Hahn & Strassmann] found that barium, a medium-weight element, was one of the products when uranium was bombarded by neutrons. . . The presence of barium meant that uranium had been split into two nearly equal fragments, which represented a tremendous jump in energy over all previous transmutation reactions. Calculations showed that such a reaction should yield 10 to 100 times the energy of less violent nuclear disintegrations." -Ency. Brit, (1971).
HAHN, OTTO, FRITZ STRASSMANN & HANS GOETTE. Einiges ueber die experimentelle Entwirrung der bei der Spaltung des Urans auftretenden Elemente und Atomarten. 30 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Berlin. 1942.
FIRST EDITION, offprinted from the Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrgang 1942. Math.-naturw. Klasse. Nr. 3.
HAISSINSKY, M. Electrochimie des substances radioactives et des solutions extrement diluées. 67 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Herman & Cie. 1946.
HAISSINSKY, M. Les Radiocolloides. 25 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Herman & Cie. 1934.
HAMMER, WILLIAM J. Radium, and Other Radioactive Substances; Polonium, Actinium, and Thorium. 72 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Van Nostrand. 1903. QC721 .H22 1903a
Presentation copy, signed & inscribed by Hammer. One of the first books on the subject, by the inventor of the luminous watch-face utilizing micro-quantities of radium.
HAMPSON, DR. W. Radium Explained. A Popular Account of the Relations of Radium to the Natural World, to Scientific Thought, and to Human Life. 122 pages. 8vo, pictorial cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Jack. 1905. QC721 .H25 1905
HARKINS, WILLIAM D. "The Evolution of the Elements and the Stability of Complex Atoms." pp. (856)-879. 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: American Chemical Society. May 1917.
FIRST EDITION, offprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. XXXIX, No. 5. Harkins here demonstrates a relation between the abundance of the elements and the structure of the nuclei of the atoms. See DSB VI, pp. 117-119.
HARKINS, WILLIAM D. "Isotopes: A New Relation Concerning the Periodic System of the Atomic Species." pp. (1426)-1433. 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: American Chemical Society. June 1923.
FIRST EDITION, offprinted from The Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. XLV, No. 6.
HARKINS, WILLIAM DRAPER. "The Nuclei of Atoms and the New Periodic System." pp. 73-94. 8vo, printed wrappers. Ithaca, N.Y.: The Physical Review. February 1920.
FIRST EDITION, offprinted from the Physical Review, N.S., Vol. XV, No. 2. This paper announces THE FIRST EXPERIMENTAL SEPARATION OF AN ELEMENT INTO ITS COMPONENT ISOTOPES, in this case chlorine. For a summary of Harkins's important contributions to nuclear physics, see DSB, VI, 117-119.
HARKINS, WILLIAM D. "Periodic System of Atomic Nuclei and the Principle of Regularity and Continuity of Series." pp. 1270-1288 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: Physical Review. October 1, 1931.
FIRST EDITION, offprinted from Physical Review, Vol. 38, No. 7.
HARKINS, WILLIAM DRAPER. "The Stability of Atoms as Related to the Positive and Negative Electrons in their Nuclei, and the Hydrogen, Helium, H3, H2 Theory of Atomic Structure." pp. 1956-1997. 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: American Chemical Society. October 1920.
FIRST EDITION, offprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. XLII, No. 10. BERNARD JAFFE'S COPY, signed by him on the front wrapper.
HARKINS, WILLIAM D. "The Synthesis of Atoms, the Whole Number Rule, and the Periodic System of the Atomic Species." pp. 371-435 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: Chemical Reviews. December 1928.
FIRST EDITION, offprinted from Chemical Reviews, Vol. V, No. 4.
HARKINS, WILLIAM D. & S.L. MADORSKY. "A Graphical Study of the Stability Relations of Atomic Nuclei." pp. (135)-156. 8vo, printed wrappers. Ithaca, N.Y.: Physical Review. February 1922.
FIRST EDITION, offprinted from The Physical Review, N.S., Vol. XIX, No. 2.
HARKINS, WILLIAM D. & R.W. RYAN. "A Method for Photographing the Disintegration of an Atom, and a New Type of Rays." pp. (2095)-2107. 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: American Chemical Society. September 1923.
FIRST EDITION, offprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. XLV, No. 9. Harkins was the first to use the C.T.R. Wilson cloud chamber to obtain exact determinations of the energy and mass of nuclear reactions.
HARKINS, WILLIAM D. & A.E. SCHUH. "The Frequency of Occurence of the Disintegrative Synthesis of Oxygen 17 from Nitrogen 14 and Helium." pp. 809-813. 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: Physical Review. April 1, 1930.
FIRST EDITION, offprinted from Physical Review, Vol. 35, No. 7.
HARKINS, WILLIAM DRAPER & ERNEST D. WILSON. "The Structure of Complex Atoms and the Changes of Mass and Weight Involved in their Formation." pp. 276-283. 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: National Academy of Sciences. May 1915.
FIRST EDITION, offprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. I. One of the first important papers in nuclear physics by American researchers. Harkins & Wilson here proposed the greater stability of even-numbered isotopes, and presented evidence for the existence of isotopes not yet observed.
HARRISON, GEORGE RUSSELL. Atoms in Action. The World of Creative Physics. 370 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Morrow. 1939. QC28 .H37 1939
HARROW, BENJAMIN. The Romance of the Atom. 162 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Boni and Liveright. 1927. QC173 .H335 1927
HEIJN, FRANS ADRIAAN. Radioactivity Induced by Neutrons. 96 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Delft: W.D. Meinema. 1938.
HEINEKE, H. & G. PERTHES. "Die biologische Wirkung der Roentgen-und Radiumstrahlen." pp. (725)-802. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Berlin & Wien: Urban & Schwarzenberg. 1925.
PRESENTATION COPY, signed & inscribed by Perthes. Off- printed from Lehrbuch der Strahlentherapie, Bd. I.
HEVESY, GEORGE. Artificial Radioactivity and Scandium. 17 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Levin & Munksgaard. 1935.
HEVESY, GEORGE. Selected Papers. 447 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Pergamon Press. 1967.
Collection of 51 papers in radiochemistry and the life sciences.
HEVESY, GEORGE V. & FRITZ PANETH. Lehrbuch der Radioaktivitaet. 213 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed boards. FIRST EDITION. Leipzig: Barth. 1923. QC721 .H48 1923
ROBERT W. LAWSON'S COPY, with numerous penned marginal notes and corrections in Lawson's hand. It is undoubtedly this copy that Lawson used in preparing the first English translation (see below). George Hevesy (1885-1958) was a pioneer in isotopic enrichment, and was the first to use radioactive tracers as biological indicators. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1943. Paneth (1887-1958) likewise made important contributions to the study of radioactivity. During WWII he was head of the joint British-Canadian atomic energy team in Montreal.
HEVESY, GEORGE & FRITZ PANETH. A Manual of Radioactivity. Translated by Robert Lawson. 252 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. London: Oxford University Press. 1926. QC795 .H413
"The present edition is not a literal translation of the original; it is essentially a new edition." -(Hevesy, in his preface to this edition).
HEVESY, GEORGE & F.A. PANETH. A Manual for Radioactivity. Second Edition, Completely Revised and Enlarged. Translated by Robert W. Lawson. 306 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London: Oxford University Press. 1938. QC795 .H413 1938
HOLST, HELGE & H.A. KRAMERS. Bohrs Atomteori. Almenfatteligt Fremstillet. 134 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Kjobenhavn: Gyldendalske Boghandel. 1922. QD461 .H6 1922
One of 200 copies printed.
HOLST, HELGE & H.A. KRAMERS. Bohrs Atomteori. Almenfatteligt Fremstillet. Anden aendrede og udvidede under Medvirkning af O. Klein. 168 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Kobenhavn: Gyldendalske Boghandel. 1929.
HONORE, F. Le Radium. Decouverte de la Radioactivité et du Radium. Origine de l'Energie Radioactive. Le Radium dans la Nature. Ses Emplois Usuels. 140 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. 1926.
HUGHES, DONALD J. The Neutron Story. 158 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. A paperback original. 1959. QC793.5.N462 H84
The Author was a member of the Manhattan project.
HULTHEN, ERIK. "Nyare Undersoekningar oever Atomkaernans Konstitution." IN: Kosmos, Band 10, pp. 69-100. 251 pages. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. Stockholm: Norstedt & Soener. 1932.
INSTITUTE SOLVAY, BRUSSELS. Rapports et Discussions sur les Isotopes. Septieme Conseil de Chemie tenu a l'Université de Bruxelles, du 22-27 Septembre 1947. 411 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Bruxelles: R. Stoops. 1948. QD466 .I54 1948
Contributors include M.F. Joliot-Curie, F.A. Paneth, G. de Hevesy, and others.
JANET, CHARLES. La Structure du Noyau de l'Atome Considerée dans la Classification Periodique des Elements Chimiques. 67 pages. 3 folding plates. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Beauvais: Imprimerie Departmentale de l'Oise. 1927. QC173 .J35 1927
JOLY, J. Radioactivity and Geology. An Account of the Influence of Radioactive Energy on Terrestrial History. 287 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Constable. 1909. QC795.3 .J65
FIRST BOOK ON RADIO-GEOLOGY, by the founder of the science. DSB VII, 160-161.
JOLY, JOHN. The Surface-History of the Earth. 192 pages. Illustrated, including folding map. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1925. QE511 .J6
Joly's work in radiogeology since 1909 is summarized here. See Lawrence Badash, "The Age-of-the-Earth Debate" in Scientific American, August 1989 for a good assessment of Joly's place in the history of geology.
KIRCHHEIMER, FRANZ. Das Uran und seine Geschichte. 371 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1963. TN490.U7 K5
The definitive history of uranium from its discovery in 1789 to 1898.
KLEIN, O. "Teoretiska foerstaellningar om atomkaernorna." IN: Kosmos, Band 14. pp. (7)-28. 217 pages. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. Stockholm: Norstedt & Soener. 1936.
KLEIN, OSKAR. "Den Bohrska Atomteorien." IN: Kosmos, Band 3, pp. 72-120. 242 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. Stockholm: Norstedt & Soener. 1923.
An examination of Bohr's theory of the atom, by one of the leading physicists of the day.
KLEIN, OSKAR. Orsak och Verkan i den nya Atomteorins Belysning. 125 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur. 1935.
KOCH, HERMAN WILLIAM. Thresholds of Photofission in Uranium and Thorium. (4), 24 leaves, printed on rectos only. 4to, buckram. Urbana: U. of Illinois. 1944.
Number 2 of 4 copies printed. Author's doctoral thesis.
KRAMERS, H.A. & HELGE HOLST. De Bouw der Atomen. 201 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Amsterdam: N.V.D.B. Centen. 1927. QC173 .K854 1927
KUNZ, GEORGE F. & CHARLES BASKERVILLE. The Action of Radium, Actinium, Roentgen Rays and Ultra-violet Light on Minerals and Gems. 32 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York Academy of Sciences. 1903.
LANCIEN, ANDRE. Le Radium. Sa genese, ses proprietés et ses emplois. 108 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Paris: Bibliotheque Larousse. 1912. QC621 .L3 1912
LANGDON-DAVIES, JOHN. Inside the Atom. Illustrated by Betty Barr. 184 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper. 1933. QC173 .L25 1933
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. "The Charging Effect Produced by the Rotation of a Prolate Iron Spheroid in a Uniform Magnetic Field." pp. (842)-847. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Philosophical Magazine. 1924.
LAWRENCE'S FIRST PUBLISHED PAPER, written under the tutelage of his mentor at the U. of Minnesota, W.F.G. Swann, during his second year of graduate school. Bernard Jaffe's copy.
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. "The Ionization of Atoms by Electron Impact." pp. (947)-961. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Physical Review. 1926.
Offprint from Physical Review, Vol. 28, No. 5. Bernard Jaffe's copy, signed by him on the front wrapper.
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. "The New Frontiers in the Atom." pp. 163-173 + 9 plates, IN: Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution 1941. 596 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Washington: USGPO. 1942.
A typically circumspect wartime discussion of uranium fission.
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. "On the Apparatus for the Multiple Acceleration of Light Ions to High Speeds." pp. (1131)-1140 Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Physical Review. 1936.
Report of "significant improvements of the apparatus. . . now called the 'cyclotron.'" Offprint from Physical Review, Vol. 50, No. 12.
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. Presentation of the Nobel Prize to Professor Ernest O. Lawrence. By Professor Raymond T. Birge. Response by Dr. Ernest O. Lawrence. 7 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Science Press. 1940.
Excellent short biography of Lawrence by Prof. Birge. Lawrence's speech makes a pitch for funds to build a 4,000 ton, 100 MV cyclotron, a wish soon to be realized in principle in the Manhattan project's D-shaped mass-spectrometer with its 4,500 ton magnet, dubbed "calutron" by Lawrence, after the University of California, + tron from cyclotron.
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. The Role of the Faraday Cylinder in the Measurement of Electron Currents. pp. (29)-31. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: National Academy of Sciences. 1926.
Offprint from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 1. Bernard Jaffe's copy, signed by him on the front wrapper.
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. "Transition Probabilities: Their Relation to Thermionic Emmission and the Photo-Electric Effect." pp. (555)-561 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Physical Review. May 1926.
Offprint from Physical Review, Vol. 27, No. 5. PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed "With compliments of E.O.L," and signed by Bernard Jaffe on the front wrapper.
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. "Transmutation of Sodium by Deutons." pp. (17)-27. 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Physical Review. 1935.
FIRST REPORT ON THE ARTIFICIAL CREATION OF ISOTOPES WITH AN ACCELERATOR. Bernard Jaffe's copy, signed by him on the front wrapper.
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. & J.W. BEAMS. "Element of Time in the Photoelectric Effect." pp. (477)-485. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Physical Review. 1928.
Offprint from Physical Review, Vol. 32, No. 3. Bernard Jaffe's copy, signed by him on the front wrapper.
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. & J.W. BEAMS. On the Nature of Light. pp. (207)-212. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: National Academy of Science. 1927.
Establishes experimentally upper limits to the possible magnitudes of the length of time elapsing during the process of absorption of a quantum of energy photo-electrically by an electron, and the so-called length of a light quantum. Bernard Jaffe's copy, signed by him on the front wrapper.
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. & M. STANLEY LIVINGSTON. "Production of High Speed Light Ions without the Use of High Voltages." pp. 19-35. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Physical Review. 1932.
FIRST REPORT OF THE INVENTION OF THE CYCLOTRON, a major step towards the release of atomic energy. The cyclotron was used by Lawrence to initiate and study nuclear reactions of many kinds, and was an indispensable tool in the development of the atomic bomb, not to mention all subsequent work in nuclear physics. Bernard Jaffe's copy, signed by him on the front wrapper.
LAWRENCE, ERNEST O. & DAVID H. SLOAN. "Production of Heavy High Speed Ions without the Use of High Voltages." pp. (2021)- 2032. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Physical Review. 1931.
Offprint from Physical Review, Vol. 38, No. 11. LAWRENCE'S FIRST PAPER ON ION ACCELERATION, offering improvements on Wideroe's linear accelerator, yielding for heavier ions an acceleration corresponding to 1.26 mv. Bernard Jaffe's copy, signed by him on the front wrappers.
LAWRENCE, JOHN H., PAUL C. ABERSOLD & ERNEST O. LAWRENCE. "Comparative Effects of X-Rays and Neutrons on Normal and Tumor Tissue." pp. (543)-557. Illustrated. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: National Academy of Sciences. 1936.
First demonstration of the greater biological effect, per unit ionization, of neutrons versus X-rays. Bernard Jaffe's copy, signed by him on the front wrapper.
LIND, SAMUEL C. The Chemical Effects of Alpha Particles and Electrons. 182 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Chemical Catalog Company. 1921. QC795 .L56
(LIND, SAMUEL COLVILLE). Journal of Chemical Education. Lind Jubilee Symposium. Development of Radiation Chemistry. 25 leaves. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. N.p.: American Chemical Society. 1959.
History of radiochemistry and Lind Festschrift.
LINDSAY, ROBERT, Editor. Early Concepts of Energy in Atomic Physics. 402 pages. 8vo, cloth. Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania: Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross. 1979. QC173 .E2
Reprints with explanatory notes various classic papers.
LIVINGSTON, M. STANLEY. Particle Accelerators: A Brief History. 122 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Harvard. 1969. QC786 .L53
LODGE, SIR OLIVER. Atoms and Rays. An Introduction to Modern Views on Atomic Structure and Radiation. 222 pages. 12mo, cloth. London: Ernest Benn. 1931. QC171 .L8 1931
LODGE, SIR OLIVER. Radioaktivitaet und Kontinuitaet. Zwei Vortaege. 217 pages. Small 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION IN GERMAN. Leipzig: Ambrosius Barth. 1914.
LORENTZ, DR. H.A. Stralingstheorie (1910-1911). Bewerkt door Dr. A.D. Fokker. 77 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 1919. QC475 .L6 1919
5 chapters, each in turn devoted to the radiation theories of Kirchhoff, Boltzmann, Wien, Jeans, and Planck.
LORING, F.H. Atomic Theories. Second Edition, Revised. 218 pages. 8vo, cloth. London: Methuen. 1923. QC173 .L85 1923
MAKOWER, WALTER. The Radioactive Substances. Their Properties and Behaviour. 301 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York: Appleton. 1908. QC795 .M2 1908
MAKOWER, WALTER & HANS GEIGER. Practical Measurements in Radio-activity. 151 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Longmans. 1912. QC795.42 .M26
This is the first general manual for making radioactive measurements, and the first separately printed account of the instrument now known as the "Geiger Counter." For biography of Geiger, see DSB V, 330-333.
MARCKWALD, W. Autograph letter signed, to the noted gemologist George F. Kunz. 2 pages, on 2 4to sheets. Berlin. March 14, 1904.
Marckwald was the discover of ionium. Here he sends Kunz a sample of radium telluride for his exhibit, presumably at the American Museum of Natural History. He discusses the scarcity of Joachimsthal pitchblende, and remarks on the difficulty of purchasing commercial radium samples. Text in German, with accompanying English translation.
MARKE, A.W. Atomer og Molekyler. Traek af den Moderne fysik. 203 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: P. Hasse. 1931. QC173 .M34 1931
MAYER, HANS. Die Neuren Strahlungen. Kathoden-, Kanal, Roentgen-Strahlen und die radioaktive Selbstrahlung (Becquerelstrahlen). 65 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Maehr.-Ostrau: R. Papauschek. 1904. QC475 .M43 1904
MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. Medical Uses of Radium. Summary of Reports from Research Centres for 1931. 56 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. London: HMSO. 1932.
MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. Medical Uses of Radium. Summary of Reports from Research Centres for 1934. 45 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. London: HMSO. 1935.
MEITNER, LISE. "Der Zusammenhang zwischen B- und y-Strahlen." IN: Ergebnisse der exakten Naturwissenschaften. Dritter Band (1924): pp. (160)-181. (IV), 404 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Berlin: Springer. 1924.
Dibner 168. In this classic paper, Meitner signals the study of nuclear change by means of the bombardment of atoms of many elements by alpha particles.
MEITNER, LISE & O.R. FRISCH. On the Products of the Fission of Uranium and Thorium under Neutron Bombardment. 14 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Munksgaard. 1939.
MEITNER, LISE & OTTO R. FRISCH. "Disintegration of Uranium by Neutrons: A New Type of Nuclear Reaction." IN: Nature, Volume 143, pp. 239-240. 1080 pages + Index. 4to, buckram. London: Macmillan. January 7-June 24, 1939.
FIRST EDITION AND APPEARANCE OF ONE OF THE MOST MOMENTOUS SCIENTIFIC PAPERS EVER PUBLISHED, IN WHICH NUCLEAR FISSION IS FIRST RECOGNIZED AND NAMED. PMM 422; Smyth, p. 10 ff. Meitner and Frisch here report their interpretation of the recent results achieved by Hahn & Strassmann with the following now-famous lines: "It seems therefore possible that the uranium nucleus has only small stability of form, and may, after neutron capture, divide itself into two nuclei of roughly equal size. . . ." Meitner and Frisch christened the "new type of nuclear reaction 'Nuclear Fission.'" The present volume also includes other important related contributions by Meitner, Frisch, and Niels Bohr.
MEYER, KIRSTINE. Radium og Radioaktiver Stoffer samt nyere Opdagelser angaaende Straaler. 98 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed boards. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Gyldendalske Boghandel. 1904.
MEYER, R.J. Bibliographie der seltenen Erden Ceriterden, Yttererden und Thorium. 78 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDITION. Hamburg & Leipzig: Leopold Voss. 1905. Z5524.C41 M5 1905
MEYER, STEFAN & EGON R.V. SCHWEIDLER. Radioaktivitaet. 541 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed cloth-backed boards. FIRST EDITION. Berlin: Teubner. 1916. QC776 .M48
JAMES CHADWICK'S COPY, signed by him on the front free endpaper.
MOSELEY, H.G.J. "The High Frequency Spectra of the Elements." IN: Phil. Mag. 26: pp. 1024-34; 27: 703-13. 1 plate. The complete nos. 156 & 160. 8vo, printed wrappers, housed in protective cloth case provided. FIRST EDITION. London: Taylor & Francis. 1913-1914.
PMM 407. Moseley's work, first reported here, gave experimental confirmation that it is nuclear charge (atomic number), not atomic weight, that determines the properties of the elements. "Considered by Rutherford as 'a born experimenter,' Moseley in his brief life established one great fact-the primacy of atomic number. On this basis all later developments in nuclear physics and atomic chemistry have been built." -Williams, p. 380.
MOTT, N.F. & H.S.W. MASSEY. The Theory of Atomic Collisions. 283 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1933. QC794.6.C6 M6
MUNOZ DEL CASTILLO, JOSE. Radiactividad y Radibiologia. Curso profesado en Facultad Medicina. 677 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Madrid: Liberia International. 1919.
NAHMIAS, MAURICE E. Le Cyclotron. La Desintegration de la Matiere et la Radiobiologie. Preface de Frederic Joliot. 254 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Editions de la Revue d'Optique Theorique et Instrumentale. 1945. QC544.C85 N3 1945
The first significant work on cyclotrons published in France. Presentation copy, signed & inscribed by the Author.
NAHMIAS, MAURICE E. Machines Atomiques. Cyclotron et autres Accelerateurs Piles Atomiques. Edition Remaniée et Completée de l'Ouvrage 'Le Cyclotron' (1945). 310 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Editions de la Revue d'Optique Theorique et Instrumentale. 1950. QC786 .N3 1950
NEWLANDS, JOHN A.R. On the Discovery of the Periodic Law, and on Relations Among the Atomic Weights. viii, 39 pages + Spon's 16-page catalogue. 2 folding tables. 12mo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Spon. 1884.
J.A.R. Newlands is credited with taking the pioneering step toward the discovery of the periodic law. "In 1864 he arranged the elements in the order of increasing atomic weights, and noticed that after each interval of eight elements, similar physical and chemical properties reappeared. . . but for this law of octaves he gained nothing but public ridicule from the English Chemical Society." -Weeks. In 1884, Newlands collected his papers on the subject into the present monograph in an attempt to support his priority over Mendeleev.
NORLING, FOLKE. "De nya elementarpartiklarna och deras roll i den moderna kaernforskning." IN: Kosmos, Band 16, pp. 55-100. 246 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. Stockholm: Norstedt & Soener. 1938.
Also includes Anna Beckman's report on the awarding of the 1938 Nobel prize in physics to Enrico Fermi.
OPPENHEIMER, J. ROBERT. The Flying Trapeze: Three Crises for Physicists. 65 pages. 12mo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Oxford U. Press. 1964. QC71 .O7
The Whidden Lectures for 1962.
PAULI, WOLFGANG. Collected Scientific Papers. Edited by R. Kronig and V.F. Weisskopf. 2 volumes. 1133; 1408 pages. Thick 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Interscience. 1964. QC3 .P3
PAULI, WOLFGANG. Ueber die Intensitaeten der im Elektrischen Feld erscheinenden Kombinationslinien. 20 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Bianco Lunos. 1925.
PEIERLS, R.E. The Laws of Nature. 284 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Scribner's. 1956. QC23 .P4
PERRIN, JEAN. Les Atomes. 291 pages. 8vo, newer cloth, original printed wrappers bound in. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Felix Alcan. 1913. QC173 .P4 1913
Perrin (1870-1942) is known for his work on cathode rays, the Brownian motion, and for his calculation of the Avogadro number. "At the turn of the century there was still considerable doubt as to whether matter was really composed of atoms. . . it was Perrin's experiments which finally convinced the world that atoms existed." -Williams, p. 414.
PETTERSSON, HANS. Kuenstliche Verwandlung der Elements (Zertruemerung der Atome). Aus dem Schwedischen uebersetzt von Elisabeth Kirsch. 159 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. Berlin & Leipzig: De Gruyter. 1929. QC721 .P4 1929
PETTERSSON, HANS. "The Reflexion of a-particles against Atomic Nuclei." IN: Arkiv foer Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik utgivet av K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. Band 19, Haefte 2. Irregular pagination. 8vo, printed wrappers. Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksells. 1925.
PETTERSSON, HANS & GERHARD KIRSCH. Atomzertruemmerung. Verwandlung der Elemente durch Bestrahlung mit a-Teilchen. 247 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. 1926. QC794.6.R3 P48
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 1. 112 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. January 1, 1939.
Includes: "Energy Production in Stars" by H.A. Bethe (Boorse & Motz, paper 90); and "Radioactivity Induced by Nuclear Excitations: I. Excitations by Neutrons" by M. Goldhaber, R.D. Hill, and Leo Szilard.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 2. 113-243 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. January 15, 1939.
Includes "The Isotopic Constitution of Uranium and the Half-Lives of the Uranium Isotopes. I" by A.O. Nier-A CRUCIAL PAPER IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ATOMIC BOMB. Nier here reports his study of Uranium isotopes as a tool for geological dating; he finds only 3 isotopes, determines their relative abundances, and calculates their half-lives; most importantly, Nier used a mass spectrograph for the separations and he was in a position to respond to the urgent need, recognized just weeks later, for separated isotopes to determine which isotope fissioned with slow neutrons; sufficient material was not available until early 1940 to prove conclusively that U-235, not U-238, fissioned with thermal neutrons.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 3. 245-322 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. February 1, 1939.
Includes contributions by W.F. Libby, H.A. Bethe, E. Segre, and Glenn T. Seaborg.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 4. 323-424 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. February 15, 1939.
Contains THE FIRST PUBLICATIONS ON FISSION FROM U.S. RESEARCHERS. The short notes describe hastily done experiments to confirm the news that Bohr brought to the U.S. of the Meitner-Frisch explanation (fission) of the Hahn-Strassman experiments. Included are: "Droplet Fission of Uranium and Thorium Nuclei" by Philip Abelson; and "Resonance in Uranium and Thorium Disintegrations and the Phenomenon of Nuclear Fission" by Niels Bohr, his first note on the recent discovery of fission, in which he predicts, correctly, that U-235 will fission with slow (thermal) neutrons, but that U-238 will not.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 5. 425-512 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. March 1, 1939.
Includes: "Disintegration of Uranium" by D.R. Corson & R.L. Thornton-the first direct observation with a cloud chamber; "Radioactive Recoils from Uranium by Neutrons" by Edwin McMillan; "Further Observations on the Splitting of Uranium and Thorium" by R.B. Roberts, R.C. Meyer, & P. Wang-discovery of the delayed neutron emission, important for the control of fission reactors; and, "The Fission of Uranium" by Anderson, Booth, Dunning, Fermi, Glasoe, & Slack-here Fermi reports his first experiment; 16 days later, in a letter to the Navy seeking funding, Fermi pointed out the possibility of the liberation of huge quantities of energy from fission reactions. Also includes H.A. Bethe's "Energy Production in Stars," announcing the discovery of the CNO cycle.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 6. 515-608 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. 1939.
Contributors include I.I. Rabi, E. Segre, Y. Nishina, and others.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 7. 609-686 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. April 1, 1939.
Includes: "The Delayed Neutron Emission which Accompanies Fission of Uranium and Thorium" by Roberts, Hafstad, Meyer, and Wang-more details to follow their previous note. Other contributors to this issue include Glenn T. Seaborg, Edward Teller, G. Gamow, and I.I. Rabi.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 8. 687-800 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. April 15, 1939.
Includes: "Production of Neutrons in Uranium Bombarded by Neutrons" by H.L. Anderson, E. Fermi, and H. B. Hanstein - the discovery of the instantaneous neutron emission that accompanies fission, with the first crude estimate that 2 neutrons per fission are produced; and, "Instantaneous Emission of Fast Neutrons in the Interactions of Slow Neutrons with Uranium" by Leo Szilard and Walter H. Zinn - where it is estimated, by another experiment, that 2 neutrons per fission are produced and that the vast majority of emitted neutrons are instantaneous, not delayed.
THE PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 9. 803-882 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. May 1, 1939.
Includes: "Delayed Neutron Emission from Uranium" by E.T. Booth, J.R. Dunning, and F.G. Slack, reporting the instantaneous-to-delayed neutron ratio and the slow neutron fission cross section.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 10. 883-989 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. May 15, 1939.
Includes "Energy Distribution of Uranium Fission Fragments" by E.T. Booth, J.R. Dunning, and F.G. Slack. This is the first evidence that fission fragments divide into two mass groups; the now familiar bimodal distribution curve is shown; a good estimate of the kinetic energy per fission is determined from measurements.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 11. 991-1150 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. June 1, 1939.
Includes "Simple Capture of Neutrons by Uranium" by H.L. Anderson and E. Fermi-the first attempt to evaluate the relative rates of neutron capture vs. fission with thermal neutrons by calculation of cross sections from data.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 55. Second Series. Number 12. 1151-1300 pages plus Table of Contents. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. June 15, 1939.
Contributions by I.I. Rabi, H.A. Bethe, Glenn T. Seaborg, W.F. Libby, et al.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 1. 124 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. July 1, 1939.
Includes report on the "Initial Performance of the 60-Inch Cyclotron of the William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory, University of California" by Ernest O. Lawrence, Luis W. Alvarez, et al.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 2. 125-218 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. July 15, 1939.
Includes "Study of Uranium Thorium Fission Produced by Fast Neutrons of Nearly Homogeneous Energy" by S. Millman, P. Kusch, and I.I. Rabi.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 3. 219-290 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. August 1, 1939.
Includes "Neutron Production and Absorption of Uranium" by H.L. Anderson, E. Fermi, and Leo Szilard. Acknowledging that large errors may have been associated with the previous estimate of two neutrons per fission, a new apparatus is used to determine if an excess of neutrons results from the interaction of thermal neutrons with Uranium. The authors "conclude that a nuclear chain reaction could be maintained. . . ."
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 4. 291-385 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. August 15, 1939.
Contributors include J.L. Lawson, R.P. Feynman, Edward Teller, and Luis W. Alvarez.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 5. 387-486 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. September 1, 1939.
Includes "Mechanism of Nuclear Fission" by Niels Bohr and John Archibald Wheeler. This is the first quantitative development of theory to calculate: 1) available energy for the various possible fission fragments; 2) binding energy of neutrons in fission fragments; and 3)energy of beta emission. Threshold energies of neutrons to produce fission are calculated and negative values are found for U-234 and U-235.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 6. 487-617 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. September 15, 1939.
Includes contributions by R.A. Millikan, E.P. Wigner, Edward Teller, Luis Alvarez, and others.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 7. 619-707 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. October 1, 1939.
Includes "Emission of Neutrons by Uranium" by W.H. Zinn and Leo Szilard. This reports a more elaborate experiment by a different method to confirm that the absorption of one thermal neutron by Uranium produces, on net, more than one neutron. These results prompted Szilard to draft the letter, signed by Einstein, that reached the president a few weeks later. After this issue, the open publication of research came to a virtual halt.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 8. 709-861 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. October 15, 1939.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 9. 863-964 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. November 1, 1939.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 10. 965-1068 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. November 15, 1939.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 11. 1069-1173 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. December 1, 1939.
The PHYSICAL REVIEW. Volume 56. Second Series. Number 12. 1175-1264 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lancaster & New York: American Physical Society. December 15, 1939.
LES PRIX NOBEL EN 1901. 92; 7; 13 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Stockholm: Imprimerie Royale. 1904.
THE FIRST NOBEL PRIZE. W.C. Roentgen is recipient of the prize in Physics, for his discovery of X-rays. Fine photogravure portrait of Roentgen, with facsimile signature.
LES PRIX NOBEL EN 1903. 92; 15; 14; 8 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Stockholm: Imprimerie Royale. 1906.
HENRI BECQUEREL, PIERRE CURIE & MARIE CURIE share the prize in Physics. Includes Becquerel's speech "Sur une Proprieté Nouvelle de la Matiere, la Radio-Activité," and Pierre Curie's "Conference Nobel."
LES PRIX NOBEL EN 1940-1944, 158 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Stockholm: Imprimerie Royale. 1946.
Nobel prize in physics for I.I. Rabi ("pour la methode de resonance qu'il a decouverte en vue de l'enregistrement des proprietés magnetiques des noyaux atomiques"), and in chemistry for George Hevesy ("pour ses travaux sur l'emploi des isotopes en qualité d'indicateurs lors de l'etude des processus chimiques").
RADIUM, LE: Publication Mensuelle. Directeur Henri Farjas. 1er Annee. No. 1-No. 6 (all published). Together, 6 issues. 16 pages each. Many illustrations from photographs. 4to, contemporary cloth-backed boards. Paris: Henri Farjas. Janvier-Juin 1904.
COMPLETE FILE of this extremely rare journal, the first devoted to the study of Radium, and the immediate predecessor of the more well-known journal of similar title (see next item). The full title of the present journal appears in issues 2-6 as Le Radium. La Radioactivité et les Sciences qui s'y rattachent. Publication Mensuelle Illustree.
RADIUM, LE: La Radioactivité et les Radiations qui s'y rattachent et leurs Applications. Comité de Direction: d'Arsonval -H. Becquerel -A. Beclere -R. Blondlot -Ch.Bouchard -P.Curie -Danysz -Debierne -Ch. Fery -Finsen -Ch. Ed. Guillaume -Oudin -Rubens -Rutherford. Tome Premiere, No. 1-6. 212 pages. Illustrated. 4to, contemporary cloth-backed boards, bound with the preceding item. Paris: Masson et Cie. 15 Juillet-15 Decembre 1904.
RAMSTEDT, EVA. "De sista arens framsteg pa radioaktivitetens omrade." IN: Kosmos, Band I, pp. 160-169. 219 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. Stockholm: Norstedt & Soener. 1921.
ROMER, ALFRED, Editor. Radiochemistry and the Discovery of Isotopes. 261 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Dover. 1970.
26 classic papers, including 18 printed here in English translation for the first time.
RUSSELL, A.S. An Introduction to the Chemistry of Radioactive Substances. 173 pages. 8vo, cloth-backed boards, paper spine-label. FIRST EDITION. London: John Murray. 1922. QC721 .R9 1922
RUTHERFORD, ERNEST. The Collected Papers. Published Under the Scientific Direction of Sir James Chadwick. 3 volumes. 931; 590; 428 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jackets. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. London: George Allen and Unwin. 1962-1963-1965. Q113 .R87 1962
RUTHERFORD, ERNEST. Collision of Alpha Particles with Light Atoms. pp.(537)-616. 8vo, unbound. FIRST EDITION. London: Taylor & Francis. 1919.
PMM 411. Rutherford's first announcement that alpha particles in collision with nitrogen atoms liberated nuclei of hydrogen atoms from the nitrogen. This was the FIRST INSTANCE OF ARTIFICIAL TRANSMUTATION OF ONE ELEMENT INTO ANOTHER, AND A GIANT STEP TOWARD NUCLEAR FISSION. Comprises Philosophical Magazine (Sixth Series) June 1919.
RUTHERFORD ERNEST. The Natural and Artificial Disintegration of the Elements. An Address on the Occasion of the CEntenary Celebration of the Founding of the Franklin Institute and the Inauguration Exercises of the Bartol Research Foundation. 24 Pages. 8vo, stiff printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia: Franklin Institute. 1924. QC721 .R93 1924
RUTHERFORD, ERNEST. The Newer Alchemy. Based on the Henry Sidgwick Memorial Lecture delivered at Newnham College Cambridge November 1936. 67 pages. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Macmillan. 1937. QD466 .R87
RUTHERFORD, ERNEST. Radioactive Substances and their Radiations. 699 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: University Press. 1913. QC795 .R86
RUTHERFORD, ERNEST. Radioactive Transformations. 287 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Scribner's. 1906. QC721 .R95 1906
"Contains the subject matter of eleven lectures delivered under the Silliman Foundation at the Yale University, March 1905."
RUTHERFORD, ERNEST. Radio-activity. 399 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: University Press. 1904. QC721 .R97 1904
ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL AND IMPORTANT BOOKS IN MODERN SCIENCE. Rutherford here published his "proposal of a new theory of atomic disintegration and of the nuclear nature of the atom. He reports on his discovery and naming of alpha, beta, and gamma rays" (Horblit) and puts forward the revolutionary theory that radio-activity is a by-product of the transmutation of one form of matter into another. Horblit, 100 Books Famous in Science No. 91; Dibner 51; PMM 411.
RUTHERFORD, ERNEST. Die Radioaktivitaet. Unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers ergaentzte autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe. 597 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. FIRST EDITION IN GERMAN. Berlin: Springer. 1907. QC795 .R87 1907
RUTHERFORD, ERNEST. "Der Unterscheid zwischen radioaktiver und chemischer Verwandlung." IN: Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitaet und Elektronik, Erster Band, 1905, 103-127 pp. IV, 464 pages. 8vo, buckram. Leipzig: S. Hirzel. 1905.
FIRST APPEARANCE of this seminal paper on radioactive transformations and their relationship to chemical changes. The present volume also includes "Literatur der Radioaktivitaet vor dem Jahre 1904" by M. Ikle, one of the earliest attempts at a general bibliography of radioactivity.
RUTHERFORD, ERNEST, JAMES CHADWICK & C.D. ELLIS. Radiations from Radioactive Substances. 588 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: University Press. 1930.
RUTHERFORD, ERNEST, JAMES CHADWICK & C.D. ELLIS. Radiations from Radioactive Substances. 588 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. Cambridge: University Press. 1951. QC795 .R85
Corrected re-issue of the 1930 edition.
RUTHERFORD, ERNEST & T. ROYDS. "Die Natur des aus radioaktiven Substanzen stammenden a-Teilchens." IN: Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitaet und Elektronik 6, No. 1(1909): pp. 1-7. IV, 656 pages. 8vo, contemporary cloth. FIRST EDITION. Leipzig: Hirzel. 1910.
Report on the nature of alpha particles as radioactive decay products. This volume also includes Curie, "Ueber das Atomgewicht des Radiums;" Meyer, "Bericht ueber das Uran und seine ersten Zerfallsprodukte," etc.
RUTHERFORD AND BOLTWOOD: Letters on Radioactivity. Edited by Lawrence Badash. 378 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New Haven: Yale. 1969. QC16.R8 A43
The collected correspondence of these two pioneering researchers.
RYDBERG, J.R. Contributions al la Connaissance des spectres lineaires. pp. 505-520; 677-700. 8vo, unbound, laid into plain blue wrappers. FIRST EDITIONS. Stockholm. 1893.
Comprise Oefversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Foerhandlingar 1893, Nos. 8 & 10.
RYDBERG, J.R. Die Gesetze der Atomgewichtszahlen. 18 pages + table. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Stockholm: Kongl. Boktryckeriet. 1886. QD467 .R92 1886
RYDBERG, J.R. Om de Kemiska Grundaemnenas Periodiska System. 31 pages. 2 plates. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Stockholm: Kongl. Boktryckeriet. 1885. QD467 .R922 1885
SANDERS, L.A. Universeele Atoom-Theorie. 80 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. 's-Gravenhage: Uitgeverij Pax. 1940.
SARMENTO DE VASCONCELOS E CASTRO, JOSE. Consideracoes sobre um novo Sistema coerente de Unidades, baseado na equivalencia entre a Massa e a Energia, e na Relacao de Planck. 24 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Porto: Empresa Industrial Grafica. 1945.
Presentation copy, signed & inscribed by the Author.
SAVIDGE, EUGENE COLEMAN, M.D. The Philosophy of Radio- activity or Selective Involution. 151 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Jenkins. 1914. QC721 .S28 1914
A curious treatise, mixing medicine, physics, and mysticism, by a leading cancer researcher of the day.
SHIPLEY, MAYNARD. The Wonders of Radium. 64 pages. 16mo, printed blue wrappers. Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius. 1926.
Little Blue Book No. 1000.
SILBERSTEIN, L. Report on the Quantum Theory of Spectra. 42 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Adam Hilger. 1920. QC454.A8 S5 1920
SIMONS, LENNART. Measurements of the Neutron-Proton Scattering Cross-Section. 16 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Munksgaard. 1940.
SLATER, MISS. J.M.W. Some Recent Developments in Radioactivity, and their Bearing on General Scientific Views. 14 pages. 4to, unbound. (Birmingham). 1913.
"A paper read at Birmingham before the Association of Science Teachers, May 31, 1913."
SLUITER, C.H. Electronen en Atomen. Handleiding ter Aanvulling van het Middelbaar en Voorbereidend hooger Onderwijs in Natuur-en Scheikunde. 51 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Groningen: Nordhoff. 1928.
SMYTH, HENRY DE WOLF. "From X-Rays to Nuclear Fission." IN: American Scientist, Volume 35, Number 4, pp. 485-501. pp. 435-584 Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. New Haven: Society of the Sigma Xi. October 1947.
Good short history of atomic physics from 1895-1939.
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF & C.J. BRASEFIELD. The Secondary Spectrum of Hydrogen and the Occurence of H3+. pp. (443)-447 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: NAS. 1926.
Offprint from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 7. PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed "To Professor Richardson with the Authors' compliments."
SODDY, FREDERICK. The Chemistry of the Radio-Elements. 92 pages + folding table of half-lives. 8vo, flexible cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Longmans. 1911. QC795 .S6 1911
SODDY, FREDERICK. The Chemistry of the Radio-Elements. Part 1. Second Edition (Revised and Largely Rewritten). 151 pages. Folding table. 8vo, cloth. London: Longmans. 1914. QC795 .S6 1914
All published. This is a completely rewritten version of the complete 1911 edition, which became Part 1 retroactively when a Part 2 was published at the end of 1913. The present edition takes into account the new theory of isotopic elements.
SODDY, FREDERICK. "Der gegenwaertige stand der Radioaktivitaet." IN: Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitaet und Elektronik 3, n. 1(1906): pp. 1-23. IV, 506 pages. 8vo, contemporary cloth. FIRST EDITION. Leipzig: Hirzel. 1907.
Excellent survey of early radioactivity investigations. Volume also includes Soddy's "Die Entwickelung der Elemente," pages 247-263.
SODDY, FREDERICK. The Interpretation of Radium. Being the Substance of Six Free Popular Experimental Lectures Delivered at the University of Glasgow, 1908. 256 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Putnam's. 1909. QC721 .S65 1909
SODDY, FREDERICK. Radio-Activity: An Elementary Treatise, from the Standpoint of the Disintegration Theory. 214 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: "The Electrician". 1904. QC721 .S67 1904
FIRST BOOK BY SODDY, in which he attempts "to give a connected account of his remarkable series of investigations which have followed M. Becquerel's discovery, in 1896, of a new property of the element uranium." At the end are five pages of illustrated ads for spinthariscopes and radium compounds.
SODDY, FREDERICK. Die Radioaktivitaet vom Standpunkt der Desaggregationstheorie elementar dargestellt. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. L.F. Guttman. Uebersetzt von Prof. G. Siebert. 216 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION IN GERMAN. Leipzig: Barth. 1904.
SODDY, FREDERICK. Radioactivity and Atomic Theory. Facsimile Reproduction of the Annual Progress Reports on Radioactivity 1904-1920 to the Chemical Society. Edited with Commentary by Thaddeus J. Trenn. 517 pages. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Taylor & Francis. 1975. QC795 .S62 1975
SODDY, FREDERICK. The Story of Atomic Energy. 136 pages. Illustrated. 4to, newer buckram. FIRST EDITION. London: Nova Atlantis. 1949. QC780 .S6 1949
SOLOMON, ARTHUR K. Why Smash Atoms? 174 pages. Illustrated by Katherine R. Campbell. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Harvard. 1940. QC778 .S6
STRANSKY, SIEGMUND. Die Struktur der Atomkerne. 50 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDITION. Leipzig & Wien: Franz Deuticke. 1932.
STUEWER, ROGER H., Editor. Nuclear Physics in Retrospect. Proceedings of a Symposium on the 1930's. 340 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Minneapolis. 1979. QC773 .S95 1977
Includes contributions by Bethe, Segre, Frisch, Wigner, et al.
SUE, PIERRE. Dix Ans d'Application de la Radioactivité Artificielle. Preface de Frederic Joliot-Curie. 258 pages. Small 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Societé d'Editions Scientifiques. 1948. QC795.55.A7 S84 1948
SZILARD, LEO. The Collected Works, Scientific Papers. Bernard T. Feld and Gertrud Weiss Szilard, Editors. Foreward by Jacques Monod. 737 pages. Numerous facsimile illustrations. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1972. QC3 .S97
TAFT, ROBERT B., M.D. Radium Lost and Found. Introduction by George E. Pfahler. 77 pages. Illustrated by Mercedes Hoshall. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Charleston, S.C.: Furlong & Son. 1938. RM859 .T12 1938
The Author developed a "Radium Hound," actually a portable electroscope, to aid in the recovery of lost or stolen radium. In the present work, he recounts a number of case histories in a most amusing style. One need only note here that in 1938 a 100 milligram specimen of radium cost $12,000-a fact which justified heroic efforts in finding and recovering wayward radium samples-above and beyond the obvious public health factors. This is a very scarce book.
THOMSON, J.J. Conduction of Electricity Through Gases. 566 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: University Press. 1903. QC711 .T5 1903
"The theory of the atom as the basis of the physical world was dissolved on the evening of April 29, 1897 when Thomson announced that cathode rays consisted of negatively charged particles of a mass no greater than a thousandth part of a hydrogen atom...Thomson concluded that in the process of electrification these negatively charged particles...were detached from the atom leaving the positively charged core and remaining particles...." -Dibner 165; PMM 386d.
THOMSON, SIR J.J. The Electron in Chemistry. Being Five Lectures Delivered at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. 144 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia: Franklin Institute. 1923. QD461 .T5
THOMSON, SIR J.J. Rays of Positive Electricity and their Application to Chemical Analyses. 132 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Longmans. 1913. QC711 .T55 1913
Summary of 7 years research at the Cavendish Laboratory. Thomson's work on positive rays, in conjunction with F.W. Aston, was the beginning of the method of analysis now called mass spectrography. By means of the magnetic deflection of positive ions, Aston & Thomson demonstrated that neon (atomic weight about 20) had a minor component of mass 22, a major step toward the discovery of the nature of isotopes. See PMM 386 & 412.
THOMSON, J.J. "Strahlen positiver Elektrizitaet." IN: Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitaet und Elektronik 8, No.2 (1922): pp. 197-226. IV, 570 pages. 8vo, contemporary cloth. Leipzig: Hirzel. 1911.
FIRST EDITION of these landmark studies leading to the development of the mass spectrograph.
TRAVERS, MORRIS W. The Experimental Study of Gases. With an Introductory Preface by William Ramsey. 323 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Macmillan. 1901. QD531 .T78 1901
Travers was co-discoverer, with Ramsey and Rayleigh, of the rare gases. The present work presents a detailed analysis of the methods used in their discovery.
TURNER, DAWSON. Radium. Its Physics & Therapeutics. 86 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: William Wood. 1911. RM859 .T94 1911
URBAIN, GEORGES. Les Notions Fondamentales d'Element Chimique et d'Atome. 171 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. 1925. QD7 .U72 1925
UREY, H.C. On the Effect of Perturbing Electric Fields on the Zeeman Effect of the Hydrogen Spectrum. 19 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Bianco Lunos. 1924.
UREY, HAROLD C., F.G. BRICKWEDDE & G.M. MURPHY. "A Hydrogen Isotope of Mass 2." IN: The Physical Review, Volume 39, Number 1, pp. 164-165. 191 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Minneapolis: American Physical Society. January 1, 1932.
FIRST PUBLISHED REPORT OF THE EXISTENCE OF DEUTERIUM, appearing in the "Letters to the Editor" column. A detailed follow-up article appeared in the next issue.
VEGARD, LARS. Materiens Byggnad och Atomernas Inre. Auktoriserad Oeversaettning fran Norskan av Paul Valberg. 87 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Uppsala: Lindblads Forlag. 1925.
First edition in Swedish, translated from Norwegian. A survey of the current state of atomic physics and the Bohr atom.
WECKERING, RUDOLPH. Stereophysique. Nouvelles Theories sur la Constitution de la Matiere et l'Origine des Rayonnements. 662 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Dunod. 1935. QD481 .W35
WEINBERG, STEVEN. The Discovery of Subatomic Particles. 206 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Scientific American. 1983. QC793.2 .W44 1983
An excellent history of the discovery of fundamental particles for lay readers.
WEIZSAECKER, C.F. VON. Die Atomkerne. Grundlagen und Anwendungen ihrer Theorie. 214 pages. Folding table. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. 1937. QC173 .W45 1937
WHYTE, LANCELOT LAW. Essay on Atomism: From Democritus to 1960. 108 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Middletown: Wesleyan U. Press. 1961. BD646 .W5
WIGNER, EUGEN. Gruppentheorie und ihre Anwendung auf die Quantenmechanik der Atomspektren. 332 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Braunschweig: Vieweg. 1931. QA171 .W5
Wigner's classic application of group theory to quantum mechanics. One of the many Jewish scientists who fled Germany with the rise of the Nazis, he became a leading theoretician on the Manhattan Project.
WOHLFARTH, HORST, Editor. 40 Jahre Kernspaltung. Eine Einfuehrung in die Originalliteeratur. 379 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1979. QC790 .F67 1979
WOOD, ALEXANDER. The Cavendish Laboratory. 59 pages. Illustrated. 12mo, printed boards. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge. 1946. QC51.C3 W6
WURTZ, AD. The Atomic Theory. 344 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Appleton. 1881. QD461 .W942 1881
One of the best general surveys of the state of atomic theory at the end of the classical period.
WYTZES, S.A. Een Bepaling van de Dracht der A-Deeltjes van Uraan I en Uraan II. 120 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Amsterdam: H.J. Paris. 1944. QD181.U7 W9 1944
YANG, CHEN NING. Elementary Particles. A Short History of Some Discoveries in Atomic Physics. 68 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. Princeton University Press. 1963.

2. The Manhattan Project and the Use of Nuclear Weapons during World War II. 1936-1988.

The focus of this series is the time period from the development of the first nuclear weapons by the Manhattan Project through the aftermath of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the close of World War II.

177 items
THE A.C. GILBERT COMPANY, New Haven, Conn. "Atomic Bomb." Curious children's puzzle-game, comprising a map of Japan with holes for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, housed in a glass-topped cardboard box with 2 "bombs" in the shape of jumping beans, which must be inserted in the holes by judiciously shaking the box. Approximately 4 x 3 x 1 inches. New Haven: Gilbert Co. circa late 1945.
ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI. Celebrazione del Ventesimo Anniversario della Prima Reazione Nucleare a Catena Controllata. 15 pages. Tall 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Roma: ANL. 1963.
Includes "Discorso per la Celebrazione di Enrico Fermi" by Albert Wattenberg; and, "Vent'anni dalla prima Reazione Nucleare a Catena Controllata" by Edoardo Amaldi.
ALAMOGORDO ARMY AIR BASE PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICE. Alamogordo Army Air Base (cover title). 16 leaves. Illustrated throughout from photographs. 4to, pictorial self-wrappers. San Antonio: Universal Press. n.d. (circa 1943)..
A view of recruit life at the newly constructed bomber base.
ALLARDICE, CORBIN & EDWARD R. TRAPNELL. "The First Atomic Pile." IN: Astounding Science Fiction. Vol. XLVIII, No. 4, pp. 82-98. 170 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Street & Smith. December 1951.
ALLARDICE, CORBIN & EDWARD R. TRAPNELL. "The First Pile." 21 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Argonne National Laboratory. February 1961. QC790.4.P5 A44 1961
A reprint of AEC Report TID-292, March 1955, with additional photographs. CHARTER HESLEP'S COPY, signed & annotated by him.
ALSOP, JOSEPH & STEWART. "The Atom Bomb: Your Flesh Should Creep." Feature article IN: The Saturday Evening Post, Vol. 219, No. 2. 124 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. Philadelphia: Curtis Publishing. July 13, 1946.
"Did our national safety die at Hiroshima? Can we protect the country against atomic warfare? Experts of the General Staff, after calmly studying frightful possibilities, see no military defense-and only one hope. Here are the facts-cold turkey."
AMRINE, MICHAEL. The Great Decision. The Secret History of the Atomic Bomb. 251 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Putnam's. 1959. D767.2 .A5
"ANNIHILATION BOMB - FRIEND OR FOE?" A Statement by the Editors of Popular Science Monthly. IN: Popular Science, Vol. 147, No. 3. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. New York: Popular Science. September 1945.
An early look at the atomic bomb. Compares and contrasts its effects to that of the explosion of nine million pounds of ammonium nitrate near Oppau, Germany, in 1921.
[ANONYMOUS]. The Release of Atomic Energy, by The Tibetan. 6 pages. Mimeographed typescript. 4to, stapled. New York: Arcane School, 11 West 42nd Street, 32nd Floor. August 9, 1945.
A very unusual analysis of the atomic bombing of Japan in the light of Eastern mystical philosophies. The date "Aug 9, 1945" is hand-stamped in the upper right corner. Possibly a unique exemplar, as it is doubtful that very many copies of this highly ephemeral piece have survived.
THE ATOMIC AGE OPENS. Prepared by the Editors of Pocket Books. 252 pages. Illustrated. 12mo, decorative wrappers. New York: Pocket Books, Inc. August 1945. QC173 .P55 1945
FIRST EDITION, first issue, of the first mass market account of the atomic bomb.
THE ATOMIC AGE OPENS. Edited by Gerald Wendt & Donald Porter Geddes. 251 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST HARDCOVER EDITION. Cleveland: World Publishing. November 1945. QC173 .P55 1945b
"THE ATOMIC BOMB: How Weapon that Launched a New Age was Produced; Here is what Americans Can and Must Know About It." IN: Life, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 90-100. 120 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. New York: Time, Inc. February 27, 1950.
Stated purpose of the article "is to make public the information that Americans must have in order to think clearly in an atomic age."
ATOMIC BOMB CASUALTY COMMISSION. General Report. January 1947. 112 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Illustrated with photographs. 4to, printed wrappers, stapled. Washington: NRC. 1947.
The very scarce first report by the commission, headed by Dr. Austin M. Brues and Dr. Paul S. Henshaw.
BARKER, RODNEY. The Hiroshima Maidens. A Story of Courage, Compassion, and Survival. 240 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Penguin Books. 1986. D767.25.H6 B37 1986
Story of twenty-five Japanese women who travelled to the United States in 1955 to undergo reconstructive surgery to repair their injuries from the atomic bomb. Two of the Hiroshima Maidens had stayed with the Author's family when he was a child.
BAXTER, JAMES PHINNEY, 3rd. Scientists Against Time. 473 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Little, Brown. 1946. Q127.U6 B3
BENEDICT, MANSON & CLARKE WILLIAMS, Editors. Engineering Developments in Gaseous Diffusion Process. 129 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1949. TP245.U7 B4
From the Manhattan Project Technical Series.
BOND, HORATIO, Editor. Fire and the Air War. A Compilation of Expert Observations on Fires of the War Set by Incendiaries and the Atomic Bombs. 262 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Boston: National Fire Protection Association. 1946. UG447 .N3 1946
BOSTON HERALD NEWSPAPER. Atomic Bomb Hits Nagasaki. Soviet Enters War. U.S. Bids Tokyo Quit. August 9, 1945.
BURTON, PROF. E.F. "The Background of the Atomic Bomb." 16 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. FIRST SEPARATE EDITION. Canada: The Globe and Mail. 1945.
An offprint from the Globe and Mail. Possibly the earliest popular explanation of the atomic bomb published in Canada.
BUSH, VANNEVAR. Pieces of the Action. 366 pages. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: William Morrow. 1970. Q127.U6 B87
Presentation copy, signed & inscribed by Bush.
CHURCH, FERMOR S. & PEGGY POND. When Los Alamos was a Ranch School. 64 pages. Illustrated. Oblong 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Los Alamos Historical Society. 1974. LD7501.L7298 C48 1974
CHURCH, PEGGY POND. The House at Otowi Bridge. The Story of Edith Warner and Los Alamos. Drawings by Connie Fox Boyd. 149 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. 1960. F804.L6 C5
CHRISTRUP, JUDY. A New Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. IN: Greenpeace, Volume 13, Number 4, p. 9. 23 pages. Illustrated. Unbound. Washington, D.C.: Greenpeace USA. July/August 1988.
CITIZENS' GROUP TO CONVEY TESTIMONIES OF HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI. Give Me Water. Testimonies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 60 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. (Tokyo). 1973. D767.25.H6 G45 1972
Third printing.
COHEN, KARL. The Theory of Isotope Separation as Applied to the Large-Scale Production of U235. Edited by George Murphy. 165 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1951. QD466.5.U7 C6
Manhattan Project Technical Series. Div. III. Vol. 1B.
COMMITTEE FOR THE COMPILATION OF MATERIALS ON DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE ATOMIC BOMBS IN HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings. Translated by Eisei Ishikawa and David L. Swain. 706 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. London: Hutchinson. 1981. D767.25.H6 H67 1981c
CROWTHER, J.G. & R. WHIDDINGTON. Science at War. 185 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. London: HMSO. 1950. UG145 .C7 1948b
"The Atomic Bomb," pp. 121-150.
D'ALBUQUERQUE, PROF. ARTUR. Bomba Radiognetica (Bomba Atomica) 1936-1940. 62 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Lisboa: Livraria Renascenca. n.d. (1945).
PRESENTATION COPY, Inscribed by the Author, who here presents his claim as an inventor of the atomic bomb, a plan for which he submitted to the United States Government in May 1943. Very scarce.
DIEKE, G.H. & A.B.F. DUNCAN. "Properties of Uranium Compounds." 290 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1949. QC464.U7 D5
From the Manhattan Project Technical Series.
DITLEV, HANS. Atom Spraengning. 75 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Kjobenhavn: Arnold Busck. 1945.
One of the earliest Danish accounts of the atomic bomb.
DUNHAM, CHARLES L., M.D. Second Inter-American Symposium on the Peaceful Application of Nuclear Energy, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 1-5, 1959. Trip Report. Original mimeographed typescript. 18 leaves, printed on rectos only. 4to, unbound, stapled. (Buenos Aires). 1959.
Includes text of Dunham's speech at the symposium, in which he reminisces about worker health and safety during the Manhattan project.
EATHERLY, CLAUDE. Burning Conscience. The case of the Hiroshima pilot. . . told in his letters to Guenther Anders. Preface by Bertrand Russell. 135 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1961. BR115.A85 E2131 1961
EATHERLY, CLAUDE. Burning Conscience. The Case of the Hiroshima Pilot, Claude Eatherly, told in his letters to Gunther Anders, with a postcript for American Readers by Anders. Preface by Bertrand Russell. Foreword by Robert Jungk. 139 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Monthly Review Press. 1962. BR115.A85 E213 1962
"EFFECTS OF ATOMIC BOMB: What Ended the War." IN: Life, Vol. 19, No. 12, pp. 36-39. 148 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: Time, Inc. September 17, 1945.
EVANS, MEDFORD. The Secret War for the A-Bomb. Introduction by James Burnham. 302 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: Henry Regnery. 1953. HD9698.A28 E8 1953
FEIS, HERBERT. Japan Subdued. The Atomic Bomb and the End of the War in the Pacific. 199 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Princeton University Press. 1961. D767.2 .F4
FINK, ROBERT M. Biological Studies with Polonium, Radium, and Plutonium. 411 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1950. QP913.P6 F5
NNES Manhattan Project Technical Section Division VI- Volume 3.
FISHER, PHYLLIS. Los Alamos Experience. Foreword by Alan Cranston. 266 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Tokyo: Japan Publications Inc. 1985. F804.L6 F51
First-hand account by a social worker at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project. Her husband was Leon Fisher, one of the physicists who helped develop the bomb.
FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY. "The Battle of the Laboratories." IN: The Laboratory. Volume 15: Number 5. pp. 98-138. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Pittsburgh: Fisher. n.d. (1945).
Includes "Science Contributes the Atom Bomb."
GIORGI, GIOVANNI. La Frantumazione dell'Atomo. Come si e pervenuti a leberare l'Energia Subatomica e a Produrre le Esplosioni. 134 pages. Frontispiece. 8vo, decorative wrappers, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDITION. Roma: Ruffolo-Editore. 1946.
GIOVANNITTI, LEN & FRED FREED. The Decision to Drop the Bomb. A Political History. 348 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Coward-McCann. 1965. UA23 .G53
GOLIK, MIROSLAV. Atom i Atomska Bomba. 230 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Zagreb: A. Velzek. 1945.
Possibly the first separately published account of the atomic bomb issued in Yugoslavia.
GOUDSMIT, SAMUEL A. Alsos. 259 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Henry Schuman. 1947. D810.S2 G6 1947
History of atomic physics under the Nazis.
GOUDSMIT, SAMUEL A. Alsos. With a New Introduction by R.V. Jones. 259 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Los Angeles: Tomash Publishers. 1983. D810.S2 G6 1983
GOULD, S.H. "The Theory of Relativity and the Atomic Bomb." IN: The Scientific Monthly, Vol. LXV, No. 1, pp. 48-60. 90 pages. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science. July 1947. QC6 .G68
GOWING, MARGARET. Britain and Atomic Energy 1939-1945. 464 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: St. Martin's Press. 1964. QC773.A1 G6
GRAVES, ALVIN C. & DAROL K. FROMAN, Editors. Miscellaneous Physical and Chemical Techniques of the Los Alamos Project. Experimental Techniques. 323 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1952. QC784 .G7
GREAT BRITAIN. Statements Relating to the Atomic Bomb. 23 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. London: HMSO. 1945. UF767 .G7 1945
First published account of the tube alloys project by the British government.
GROOT, DR. H. Atoomopbouw, Atoomafbraak, Atoomsplitsing. 62 pages. 8vo, decorative boards. FIRST EDITION. (Laren, N.H.). September 1945.
First published Dutch account of the atomic bomb.
GROUEFF, STEPHANE. Manhattan Project. The Untold Story of the Making of the Atomic Bomb. 372 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Little, Brown. 1967. QC773.3.U5 G7
Still the best "unofficial" history of the Manhattan project- invaluable in conjunction with Hewlett & Anderson's official history, The New World.
GROVES, LESLIE R. Now It Can Be Told. The Story of the Manhattan Project. 464 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper & Row. 1962. QC773.A1 G7
GUTHRIE, A. & R.K. WAKERLING, Editors. The Characteristics of Electrical Discharges in Magnetic Fields. 376 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1949. QC711 .G8
GUTHRIE, A. & R.K. WAKERLING, Editors. Vacuum Equipment and Techniques. 264 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1949. QC166 .G8
HACHIYA, MICHIHIKO, M.D. Hiroshima Diary. The Journal of a Japanese Physician August 6-September 30, 1945. Translated and Edited by Warner Wells, M.D. 238 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina Press. 1955. D767.25.H6 H3
HACKER, BARTON C. The Dragon's Tail. Radiation Safety in the Manhattan Project, 1942-1946. 258 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Berkeley: U. of California Press. 1987. U264 .H33 1987
This is the official DOE-sponsored history of health and safety during the Manhattan project. For a detailed critique of this book, in which it is maintained that Hacker ignores or suppresses information on radioactive contamination of early nuclear weapons workers, particularly in the lower ranks, see Robert Alvarez's review in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, December 1987, pp. 46-48.
(HAHN, OTTO). Bothe, Walther & Siegfried Flugge. Nuclear Physics and Cosmic Rays: FIAT Review of German Science 1939-1946. 2 volumes. 230; 198 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Wiesbaden: Office of Military Government for Germany. 1948. QC776 .B6 1948
Thorough review of German nuclear research during the war years. Includes Hahn's "Die Auffindung der Uranspaltung." Other contributors include Werner Heisenberg, K. Starke, E. Bagge, and F.G. Houtermans.
HAWLEY, GESSNER G. & SIGMUND W. LEIFSON. Atomic Energy in War and Peace. 212 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Reinhold. 1945. QC173 .H36 1945
HEWLETT, RICHARD G. & OSCAR E. ANDERSON, JR. A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Volume I. The New World, 1939/1946. 766 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. University Park: Penn. State University Press. 1962. HD9698.U52 H55 1962
An indispensable reference - the official history of the Manhattan project.
HIROSHIMA: Published by Hiroshima City. 103 pages. Illustrations throughout from photographs. 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Hiroshima City. 1970. DS897.H5 H57413 1970
A picture chronicle documenting the rebirth of Hiroshima after the atomic bombing.
HIROSHIMA COMMITTEE FOR WORLD PEACE COUNCIL. It Was 8:15 AM. A Record of Atomic-bomb Hiroshima for the Last Ten Years. 88 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Hiroshima: HCWPC. 1955.
(HIROSHIMA & NAGASAKI PILOTS). Glossy black-and-white 7-1/2 x 7-1/2 inch photograph depicting Charles W. Sweeney, pilot of the "Bock's Car," and Paul W. Tibbets, pilot of the "Enola Gay" shaking hands, mounted in mat with inset autographs of Sweeney and Tibbets. N.p. No Date.
HIROSHIMA PHOTOGRAPH (cover title). 6 leaves. Illustrated with 24 actual mounted photographs. Small 4to, decorative wrappers, upper wrapper with schematic design of an atom in red, white, and, blue on a purple ground, rear wrapper with map of Hiroshima. Hiroshima: Hiroshima Peace Society. October. 1, 1949.
Includes original prints of 2 of the very few known photographs taken in Hiroshima on the day of the bombing.
HIROSHIMA PLUS 20. Prepared by the New York Times. Introduction by John W. Finney. 211 pages. Illustrated 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Delacorte Press. 1965. UF767 .N4
HIROSHIMA PUBLISHING COMPANY. Hiroshima. 27 pages. Illustrated, including reproduction of paintings in color by Hatsusaburo Yoshida. 4to, color-pictorial self-wrappers. Hiroshima: Hiroshima Publishing Company. 1949. D767.25.H6 H66 1949
An interesting information brochure for tourists visiting Hiroshima under the American Occupation. Includes much on the atomic bombing and subsequent recovery.
HUIE, WILLIAM BRADFORD. The Hiroshima Pilot. 318 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Putnam's. 1964. CT275.E237 H8 1964
The case of Major Claude Eatherly.
HUIE, WILLIAM BRADFORD. The Hiroshima Pilot. 344 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: Pocket Books. April 1965. CT275.E237 H8 1965
IRVING, DAVID. The German Atomic Bomb. The History of Nuclear Research in Nazi Germany. 329 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1967. QC773.A1 .I7
JANIS, IRVING L. Psychological Effects of the Atomic Attacks on Japan. [2], vi, 69 numbered leaves, mimeographed typescript printed on rectos only. 4to, printed looseleaf wrappers. Santa Monica: The RAND Corporation. 29 August 1950. UF767 .J3 1950
Research Memorandum RM-439. Copy No. 16 of an unspecified limitation. The first "comprehensive description of the psychological impact of the A-bomb."
JANIS, DR. IRVING L. Psychological Effects of Atomic Bombing. 17 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Industrial College of the Armed Forces. 1954.
"Not for General Publication." Issued for official use only by resident students at the ICAF.
JETTE, ELEANOR. Inside Box 1663. 135 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Los Alamos Historical Society. 1977. QC773.3.U5 J47 1977
Intimate contemporary reminiscences of life in wartime Los Alamos, unpublished until 1977.
JUNGK, ROBERT. Heller als tausend Sonnen. Das Schicksal der Atomforscher. 368 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Bern: Alfred Scherz Verlag. 1956. QC773 .J8 1956
JUNGK, ROBERT. Brighter than a Thousand Suns. A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists. 369 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Harcourt, Brace. 1958. QC773 .J813
English translation of Heller als tausend Sonnen.
JUNGK, ROBERT. Brighter than a Thousand Suns. The Story of the Men who Made the Bomb. Translated by James Cleugh. 369 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: Grove Press. 1958. QC773 .J814 1958
JUNGK, ROBERT. Gli Apprendisti Stregoni. 367 pages. Small 4to, printed wrappers, dust jacket. Torino: Giulio Einaudi Editore. 1959. QC773 .J95 1959
Italian translation by Piero Bernardini Marzolla of Heller als tausend Sonnen.
JUNGK, ROBERT. Brighter than a Thousand Suns. A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists. Translated by James Cleugh. 330 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST PENGUIN EDITION. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 1960. QC773 .J813 1960
JUNGK, ROBERT. Children of the Ashes. The Story of a Rebirth. Translated by Constantine Fitzgibbon. 317 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERCIAN EDITION. New York: Harcourt. 1961. DS897.H5 J8 1961
Story of the destruction and revovery of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
KILBOURN, CPL. JONATHAN. "The Mighty Atom." IN: Yank. The Army Weekly, Vol. 4, No. 12. 12 unnumbered leaves. Folio, pictorial self-wrappers. New York: Yank. September 7, 1945.
Six-page illustrated account of the Manhattan project and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
KIMBALL, ALICE H. Bibliography of Research on Heavy Hydrogen Compounds. Edited by Harold C. Urey and Isidor Kirshenbaum. 350 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1949. Z5524.H9 K5
Manhattan Project Technical Series, Div. III-Volume 4 C.
KINNAIRD, CLARK, Editor. It Happened in 1945. 464 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce. 1946. D410 .I8 1945
PP. 127-153 comprise a rather detailed history of the development of the atomic bomb and its aftermath.
KIRSHENBAUM, ISIDOR. Physical Properties and Analysis of Heavy Water. Edited by Harold C. Urey and George C. Murphy. 438 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1951. QD181.H1 K5
From the Manhattan Project Technical Series.
KNEBEL, FLETCHER & CHARLES W. BAILEY II. No High Ground. 209 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Bantam Books. First Bantam edition. 1961. D767.25.H6 K68 1961
Well-written account of the first atomic bomb.
KUNETKA, JAMES W. City of Fire. Los Alamos and the Birth of the Atomic Age 1943/1945. 234 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. 1978. QC792.8.U6 L674 1978
KURZMAN, DAN. Day of the Bomb. Countdown to Hiroshima. 546 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1986. D767.25.H6 K865 1986
LAMONT, LANSING. Day of Trinity. 333 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Atheneum. 1965. QC773.A1 L3
LAMONT, LANSING. Day of Trinity. 254 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: Signet Books. 1966. QC773.A1 L3 1966
LANG, DANIEL. Early Tales of the Atomic Age. Introduction by Carl Van Doren. 223 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Doubleday. 1948. QC173 .L28
LAURENCE, WILLIAM L. Dawn Over Zero. The Story of the Atomic Bomb. 274 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Knopf. 1946. UF767 .L387 1946
LAURENCE, WILLIAM L. The Story of the Atomic Bomb. A Series of Articles Reprinted from the New York Times. 40 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York Times. 1945. UF767 .L38 1945
LIBBY, LEONA MARSHALL. The Uranium People. 341 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Crane, Russack. 1979. QC773.3.U5 L52
Account of the Manhattan project, by the youngest and only woman member of the team that built the first nuclear reactor.
LIEBOW, AVERILL A. Encounter with Disaster. A Medical Diary of Hiroshima, 1945. 209 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: W.W. Norton. 1970. RA645.7.J3 L5 1970
LIEBOW, AVERILL A., M.D., SHIELDS WARREN, M.D. & ELBERT DE COURSEY, COL., M.C., U.S.A. Pathology of Atomic Bomb Casualties. Reprinted from the American Journal of Pathology, 1949, Vol. XXV, No. 5, pp. 853-1027. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST SEPARATE EDITION. Ann Arbor: Am. Journal of Pathology. 1949.
LIFE. August 1945. 124 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. New York: Time, Inc. 1945.
Includes: "The Atom Bomb and Future War" by Hanson W. Baldwin; "Manhattan Project" by Francis Sill Wickware (photo-essay); "The Atomic Bomb: Its First Explosion Opens New Era" (photo-essay); "Atom Bombs Obliterate Hiroshima and Nagasaki;" and, "Editorial: The Atomic Age."
LIFTON, ROBERT JAY. Death in Life. Survivors of Hiroshima. 594 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Random House. 1967. D767.25.H6 L4 1967
MACPHERSON, MALCOLM C. Time Bomb. Fermi, Heisenberg, and the Race for the Atomic Bomb. 316 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Dutton. 1986. QC773 .M24 1986
MANHATTAN PROJECT PIN. Circular sterling silver pin, lettered "MANHATTAN PROJECT A BOMB." 9/16 inches in diameter. N.p. circa 1945.
This commemorative pin is of extreme rarity. It was apparently given to selected members of the project upon its successful completion. It is lettered in miniscule type on the reverse "WHITEHEAD-HOAG STERLING."
(illustrate the item)
MARUKI, TOSHI. Hiroshima No Pika. Illustrated after paintings by the Author. Unpaginated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Lothrop. 1980. D767.25.H6 M2913 1980
MARUKI, IRI & TOSHI MARUKI. The Hiroshima Murals. Edited by John W. Dower & John Junkerman. 128 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Tokyo: Kodansha. 1985. ND1059.M3 H57 1985
MARX, JOSEPH LAURANCE. Nagasaki. The Necessary Bomb? 239 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Macmillan. 1971. JX1963 .B6773 1950
MARX, JOSEPH LAURENCE. Seven Hours to Zero. 224 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: Macfadden-Bartell. 1969. D767.25.H6 M3 1969
Interviews of the crew members of the Enola Gay and Great Artiste 22 years after the bombing of Hiroshima.
MILLER, SGT. MERLE. "GI Atom Detail at Oak Ridge." Cover story in Yank. The Army Weekly. Vol. 4, No. 19. 23 pages. Folio, pictorial self-wrappers. N.p. October 26, 1945.
MOERKERK, J.J. Atoomkrachten. Hun ontdekking en beteeekenis. 91 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. pictorial dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Rotterdam: Wyt-Rotterdam. 1945. QC173 .M6 1945
MONK, GEORGE S. & W.H. MCCORKLE, Editors. Optical Instrumentation. By Members of the Staff of the Optics Section Metallurgical Laboratory University of Chicago. 262 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1954. QC787.O6 U5
From the Manhattan Project Technical Series.
MONTHLY SCIENCE NEWS. No. 52. Atomic Energy. 6 leaves. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial self-wrappers. London: The British Council. 1945.
Entire issue devoted to the British wartime atomic research project.
MURPHY, GEORGE MOSELEY, Editor. Production of Heavy Water. Part I by James O. Maloney, George F. Quinn, and Harold S. Ray (deceased). Part II by Maxwell L. Eidinoff, George G. Joris, Ellison Taylor, Hugh S. Taylor, and Harold C. Urey. 394 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1955. TP245.H9 M8
First published account of heavy water production in the Manhattan Projects. From the Manhattan Project Technical Section series.
NAGAI, TAKAHASHI. We of Nagasaki. The Story of Survivors in an Atomic Wasteland. Translated by Ichiro Shirato and Herbert B.L. Silverman. 189 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Duell, Sloan. 1951. D767.25.N3 N3 1951
Collected accounts of 8 survivors, interwoven in the manner of Hersey.
NAGAI, TAKASHI. We of Nagasaki. Foreword by Norman Cousins. 188 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. London: Harborough. 1958. D767.25.N3 N3 1958b
NEEL, J.V. & W.J. SCHULL. The Effect of Exposure to the Atomic Bombs on Pregnancy Termination in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 241 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Washington, D.C.: NAS/NRC. 1956. RA1231.R2 N4
In collaboration with the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, Hiroshima, Japan.
OAK RIDGE. Group of 4 picture postcards depicting scenes at Oak Ridge. 2 in color. Each about 3-1/2 x 5-1/2 inches. (Oak Ridge). circa 1946-1950.
"View of One of the Processing Areas, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 'City of the Atomic Bomb'" * "Steam Power Plant, Oak Ridge, Tenn." * "A View of the Powerhouse in One of the Process Areas" * "One of the Gigantic Production Areas."
OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY. BIOLOGY DIVISION. Symposium on Effects of Radiation and Other Deleterious Agents on Embryonic Development Given at Research Conference for Biology and Medicine of the Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge, Tennessee April 20-21, 1953. 337 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia: Wistar Institute. 1954. QH643 .S91 1953
Includes the first appearance of Yamazaki, et al, "A Study of the outcome of pregnancy in women exposed to the atomic bomb blast in Nagasaki."
O'NEILL, JOHN J. "Enter Atomic Power." IN: Harpers Magazine, No. 1081, pp. 1-10. 128 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Harper's Magazine. June 1940.
OPPENHEIMER, J. ROBERT. "The Atom Bomb and College Education." IN: The General Magazine and Historical Chronicle, Vol. XLVIII-No. 4. pp. 209-272. 8vo, printed wrappers. Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania. Summer 1946.
OSADA, DR. ARATA. Children of the A-Bomb. Translated by Jean Dan and Ruth Sieben-Morgen. Illustrated by Mr. & Mrs. Minoru Kuroki. 255 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST BRITISH EDITION. London: Peter Owen. 1963. D767.25.H6 O8 1963a
OSADA, DR. ARATA, Compiler. Children of the A-Bomb. Testament of the Boys and Girls of Hiroshima. Translated by Jean Dan and Ruth Sieben-Morgen. Illustrated by Mr. & Mrs. Minoru Kuroki. 437 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Tokyo: Uchida Rokakuho. 1959. D767.25.H6 O8 1959
OUGHTERSON, ASHLEY W. & SHIELDS WARREN, Editors. Medical Effects of the Atomic Bomb in Japan. 477 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1956. RC93 .O8
NNES Manhattan Project Technical Section. Division VIII- Volume 8.
PETTERSSON, HANS. Fran Atomkaernans Explosion till Atombombens. 194 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Stockholm: Bonniers Forlag. 1945.
PIEROTTI G. Misteri e storia dell'Atomo. Come si e giunti alla "Bomba Atomica." 48 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, color-pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Firenze: Nerbini Editore. 1945.
One of the earliest accounts of the atomic bomb published in Italy.
PUIG, IGNACIO. La Bomba Atomica y las Colocales Reservas de Energia de la Materia. Segunda Edicion. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Barcelona: Ediciones Betis. 1945. UF767 .P8 1945
PURCELL, JOHN. The Best-Kept Secret. The Story of the Atomic Bomb. 188 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Vanguard. 1963. QC773.A1 P8
RHODES, RICHARD. The Making of the Atomic Bomb. 886 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1986. QC773 .R46 1986
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, 1987. This outstanding history is probably the single most authoritative work on the subject to date.
ROBERTSON, J.K. Atomic Artillery and the Atomic Bomb. 173 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Van Nostrand. 1945. QC173 .R6 1945
ROBINSON, GEORGE O. The Oak Ridge Story. The Saga of a People who Share in History. 181 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Kingsport, Tenn.: Southern Publishers. 1950. F444.O3 R6 1950
ROSSI, BRUNO B. & HANS H. STAUB. Ionization Chambers and Counters. Experimental Techniques. 243 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1949. QC702 .R6
From the Manhattan Project Technical Series.
ROUGEMONT, DENIS DE. The Last Trump. Translated by Parmenia Migel. 151 pages. Small 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Garden City: Doubleday. 1947. JX1954 .R672 1947
Translation of Lettres sur la Bombe Atomique, (1946)
SACHS, JOHN H. Behind the Atomic Bomb. 26 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New Oxford, Pennsylvania: Lincoln Way Booklets. 1947.
A critique of American justifications for using the atomic bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
SATURDAY EVENING POST. "Drop that Post!" IN: Saturday Evening Post, September 8, 1945. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Philadelphia. September 8, 1945.
This editorial reveals that the War Department tried to prevent the distribution of the Post's September 7, 1940 issue, containing William L. Laurence's article "The Atom Gives Up." See Brians, pp. 6-7.
SAVAGE, H. WESLEY. Separation of Isotopes in Calutron Units. 437 pages. Many illustrations and folding diagrams. 8vo, cloth. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1951.
THE EXTREMELY RARE ACCOUNT of the development of the operating units and their functions in the electromagnetic process of uranium-isotope separation in the Manhattan Project. ONE OF 150 COPIES PRINTED, of which this is number 13. Each page has the word "SECRET" printed in the lower margin, and the "DECLASSIFIED" perforation stamp in the outer margin. This document was declassified 12/31/59, and bears the hand-stamp to that effect on the front free endpaper. Comprises Manhattan Project Technical Series, Div. I, Vol. 7.
SAVAGE, JOHN & BARBARA STORMS. Reach to the Unknown. The Trinity Story July 16, 1945. 48 pages. Numerous illustrations from photographs. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. July 16, 1965. QC773.3.U5 S37 1965
Comprises the special anniversary edition of The Atom, Volume 2, Number 8.
SCANDONE, PROF. DOTT. FRANCESCO. La Fisica Atomica e le Recenti Applicazioni Belliche. 44 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Firenze: Associazione Elettrotecnica Italiana, et al. 1946.
SCHOENBERGER, WALTER SMITH. Decision of Destiny. 330 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Athens: Ohio U. Press. 1969. D767.2 .S33
In-depth analysis of the decision to use the atomic bombs in 1945.
SEABORG, GLENN T. The Transuranium Elements. 328 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New Haven: Yale. 1958. QD172.T7 S4 1958b
Includes detailed account of the Manhattan Project Metallurgical Laboratory. About 110 pages on Plutonium.
SEABORG, GLENN T. & ARTHUR C. WAHL. "The Chemical Properties of Elements 94 and 93." IN: Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 70, No. 3, pp. 1128-1134; 887-1296. 4to, printed wrappers. Cambridge: American Chemical Society. March 1948.
FIRST PUBLISHED APPEARANCE of this landmark report on the chemistry of plutonium, which represented the crucial step in obtaining sufficient quantities of the purified element to use in a weapon. The article was originally mailed as a secret report from Berkeley, California, to the "Uranium Committee" in Washington, D.C., on March 21, 1942, and appears here in slightly abridged form. See Rhodes, p. 353-354, and footnote 1b to the article.
SHERWIN, MARTIN J. A World Destroyed. The Atomic Bomb and the Grand Alliance. 315 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Knopf. 1975. D753 .S48 1975
SLESSER, CHARLES, Editor. Preparation, Properties, and Technology of Fluorine and Organic Fluoro Compounds. 868 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw Hill. 1951. QD181.F1 S5
From the Manhattan Project Technical Series.
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF. A General Account of the Development of Methods of Using Atomic Energy for Military Purposes under the auspices of the United States Government 1940-45. 97 leaves printed offset from typescript. 4to, original cream-colored wrappers, stapled. (Washington, D.C.). August 1945. QC173 .S474 1945a
FIRST ISSUE of the announcement of the work leading to the development of the atomic bomb, SIGNED BY SMYTH on the title-page. This is the rare "lithoprint" version printed offset from typescript in a very small edition for distribution to the press in advance of the 8vo letterpress edition printed shortly after by the USGPO. Released only 5 days after Hiroshima, the Smyth report was "a remarkably full and candid account of the development work carried out. . . under the code name of 'Manhattan District' which culminated in the production of the first atomic bomb." -PMM 422e; Coleman 3.
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF. A General Account of Methods of Using Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. vii, 182 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C. August 1945. QC173 .S55 1945
FIRST (second?) PUBLISHED EDITION of the Smyth report. Coleman 5. There is some uncertainty as to the exact date of issue. Coleman, page 209, notes that it was "probably published September 20 plus or minus five days." It is thus quite possible that this issue, usually offered by booksellers as the 'first published edition,' actually appeared after the Princeton "'trade' edition, which was advertised as "just published" in the New York Times Book Review September 16, 1945.
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF. Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. The Official Report on the Development of the Atomic Bomb. (xii), 264 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, salmon colored cloth, dust jacket. Princeton University Press. 1945. QC173 .S55
FIRST PRINTING of the Princeton edition, possibly the first published edition (see previous item). Coleman 4.
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF. Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. The Official Report on the Development of the Atomic Bomb. (xii), 264 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. Princeton University Press. 1945. QC173 .S55
Another copy of the first printing of the Princeton edition. This is an association copy, signed by EDWARD TELLER in a bold hand on the title-page. Coleman 4.
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF. Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. (xii), 264 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed yellow wrappers. Princeton University Press. 1945. QC173 .S55
FIRST PRINTING of the Princeton edition, the alternate paperback issue.
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF. A General Account of the Development of Methods of Using Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. (iv), 144 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. London: HMSO. 1945. UF767 .S52 1945b
FIRST BRITISH EDITION. The title on the front cover is headed by "Atomic Energy" printed in blue. Coleman 7.
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF. "Atomic Energy for Military Purposes." pp. 351-490. 4to, printed orange wrappers. Lancaster, Pa.: American Physical Society. October 1945.
Comprises Reviews of Modern Physics Vol. 17, No. 4. Coleman 8. Contains "Statements by the Prime Minister and Mr. Churchill Issued on Monday, August 6th, 1945" which are not in the Princeton edition. A very scarce issue.
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF, et al. l'Energie Atomique et son Utilisation Militaire. Documents Officiels: Rapport Britannique. Rapport U.S.A. de H.D. Smyth. Monographie de L.A. Turner. Traduit par Maurice E. Nahmias. VII, 297 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, library buckram. Paris: Editions de la Revue d'Optique Theorique et Instrumentale. 1946.
FIRST APPEARANCE IN FRENCH of the "Smyth Report." Also translated L.A. Turner's 1940 report on Nuclear Fission, originally issued in Review of Modern Physics, Vol. 12, No. 1 (January 1940).
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF. Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. (viii), 308 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed yellow wrappers. Princeton University Press. 1946. UF767 .S5 1946
Sixth printing. "New and Enlarged Edition, Including Statements by the British and Canadian Governments."
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF. A General Account of the Development of Methods of Using Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. (viii), 182 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington: USGPO. 1946. QC173 .S55 1945
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF. A General Account of the Development of Methods of Using Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. II, 182 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington: USGPO. 1947. QC173 .S55 1945
Differs from former USGPO issues by Omitting the Table of Contents and re-paginating the front matter. "Price 40 cents" appears on front cover.
SMYTH, HENRY DEWOLF. A General Account of the Development of Methods of Using Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. II, 182 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington: USGPO. 1947. QC173 .S55 1945
Another issue of the preceding item, with "price 40 cents" inked out and "Price 50 cents" handstamped onto front cover.
(SMYTH, HENRY DE WOLF). The "Smyth Report." Offprint from the Princeton University Library Chronicle, Volume XXXVII, Number 3. pp. 173-218. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Princeton. Spring 1976.
Includes "The 'Smyth Report'" by H.D. Smyth; "The Publishing History of the 'Smyth Report'" by Datus C. Smith; and, "The 'Smyth Report': A Descriptive Check List" by Earle E. Coleman. This is the primary bibliography of the various issues of the "Smyth Report."
SOLOMON, ARTHUR K. Why Smash Atoms? 204 pages. Illustrated by Katherine Campbell Duff. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge: Harvard. 1946. QC721 .S68 1946
The second edition, revised to include the atom bomb. (See No. 0294 for first edition.)
STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Impact of Air Attack in World War II: Selected Data for Civil Defense Planning. Division III: Social Organization, Behavior, and Morale Under Stress of Bombing. Volume 1: Public Attitudes and Behavior. 271 pages. Mimeographed typescript. 4to, printed wrappers. Stanford: SRI. June 1953. D785 .S8
"Prepared for Federal Civil Defense Administration." Includes much on the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
STEINBERG, RAPHAEL. Postscript from Hiroshima. 119 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Random House. 1966. DS897.H5 S8
PRESENTATION COPY, signed & inscribed by the Author.
STIMSON, HENRY L. "The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb." IN: Harper's Magazine. February 1947. pp. 97-107. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Harper. 1947. UF767 .S7
FIRST APPEARANCE of Stimson's lengthly justification for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
STONE, ROBERT S., Editor. Industrial Medicine on the Plutonium Project. Survey and Collected Papers. 511 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1951. RA1231.R26 S8
STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION. A Report to the People. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation in World War II. 144 pages. Illustrated, including a large folding map of Oak Ridge inside special pocket. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Stone & Webster. 1946.
Stone & Webster was the prime contractor for the electromagnetic separation plant at Oak Ridge.
STOUT, WESLEY W. Secret. 67 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Detroit: Chrysler Corporation. 1947. UF767 .S8 1947
Chrysler manufactured the diffusers for the Y-12 plant at Oak Ridge for the Manhattan Project.
SZASZ, FERENC MORTON. The Day the Sun Rose Twice. The Story of the Trinity Site Nuclear Explosion July 16, 1945. 233 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico Press. 1984. QC773.A1 S93 1984
SZILARD, LEO. His Version of the Facts. Selected Recollections and Correspondence. Edited by Spencer R. Weart and Gertrud Weiss Szilard. 244 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1978. QC16.S95 A254 1978
Excellent collection of 122 documents, mostly from Szilard's hand, relating to the development and use of the atomic bomb.
TANNENBAUM, ALBERT, Editor. Toxicology of Uranium. Survey and Collected Papers. 333 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1951. RA1231.U7 T3
From the Manhattan Project Technical Series.
TELLER, EDWARD, EMILIO SEGRE, et al. Lecture Series in Nuclear Physics. 132 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. December 1947.
Reprints the series of lectures given at Los Alamos 1943-1944.
THIBAUD, JEAN. Energie Atomique et Univers. Du microscope electronique a la Bombe Atomique. 304 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Lyon: M. Audin. 1945. QC173 .T53 1945
THIBAUD, JEAN. Energie Atomique et Univers. 318 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Lyon: M. Audin. 1946. QC792 T4 1946
THIRRING, HANS. Die Geschichte der Atombombe. 150 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Wien: "Neues Oesterreich". 1946. QC778 .T47 1946
The first book on the atomic bomb published in Austria, and the first book to suggest a practical design for the H-bomb, by means of lithium deuteride. Robert Lawson's copy, signed by him on the title-page.
THOMAS, GORDON & MAX MORGAN-WITTS. Enola Gay. 327 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Stein and Day. 1977. D767.25.H6 T5
THOMAS, GORDON & MAX MORGAN WITTS. Enola Gay. 387 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: Pocket Books. 1978. D767.25.H6 T5 1978
TIME: THE WEEKLY NEWS MAGAZINE. Volume XLVI, Number 8. 108 pages. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: Time. August 20, 1945.
Includes "Atomic Age," pp. 29-36, profiling the Manhattan project and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with the attendant speculations for the future.
TSUZUKI, DR. MASAO, et al. Medical Report on Atomic Bomb Effects. 118 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. (Tokyo): National Research Council of Japan. 1953. RA1231.R2 J3 1953
PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed by Tsuzuki to Dr. Herman E. Pearse, August 1953.
UNFORGETTABLE FIRE: Pictures Drawn by Atomic Bomb Survivors. Edited by the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation (NHK). 111 pages. Illustrated. Small 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Pantheon. 1977. D767.25.H6 G613 1977
U.S. ARMY. MANHATTAN ENGINEER DISTRICT. The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 42 pages. 1 chart; 2 folding maps. Mostly mimeographed typescript. 4to, printed stapled wrappers. N.p.: Manhattan Engineer District. 1945. D767.25.H6 U6 1946
"Emergency Provisional Edition." The very scarce summary report of the first American scientific committees to visit the target cities.
U.S. ARMY. MANHATTAN ENGINEER DISTRICT. Photographs of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 2 folding maps; 1 chart; 98 plates from photographs, printed on rectos only. 4to, printed wrappers. N.p.: Manhattan Engineer District. 1946. D767.25.H6 U62
The very scarce "Restricted Emergency Provisional Edition."
UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY. The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Health and Medical Services in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 91 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. March 1947.
UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY. The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 46 pages. Illustrated, including a large folding color map of the target area in Nagasaki. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 30 June 1946.
UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY. Effects of the Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki, Japan. 2 volumes. 423; 353 pages. Illustrated with a profusion of photographs, folding maps and charts, etc. 4to, printed wrappers. N.p. June 1947.
The extremely rare provisional secret report of the Physical Damage Division's survey of 13 October-20 November 1945. Each title-page, and some of the plates and charts, bears the army's "Secret" stamp, and with the de-classification stamp of 4/10/1950. Included at the end of each volume is a large color wall-map of "Atomic Bomb Damage Nagasaki Japan."
VAN DER POST, LAURENS. The Night of the New Moon. 157 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Hogarth Press. 1970. D805.J4 V34 1970
Fascinating and well-written account of the effect of the bombing of Hiroshima on the prisoners of war in the hands of the Japanese in South East Asia.
VAUCOULEURS, GERARD DE. La Conquete de l'Energie Atomique. I. Des Rayons uraniques a la scission de l'Uranium (1896-1940). II. De la scission de l'Uranium a la Bombe atomique (1940-1945). 114 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Hermann & Cie. 1946.
VISIONS OF WAR. Volume I. The Birth of the Bomb. 50 minute videotape, documenting the making and testing of the first atomic bomb. In original pictorial box. N.p.: New Star Video. 1988. QC773.A1 B57 1988
Includes rare footage relating to the German atomic bomb project, as well as some seldom seen U.S. material previously classified Top Secret.
VOEGTLIN, CARL & HAROLD C. HODGE, Editors. Pharmacology and Toxicology of Uranium Compounds. With a Section on the Pharmacology and Toxicology of Flourine and Hydrogen Fluoride. 4 volumes. 2466 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1949-1953. RA1231.U7 V6
From the Manhattan Project Technical Series.
WEART, SPENCER R. Scientists in Power. 343 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Harvard. 1979. Q125 .W34
The definitive history of French work on the atomic bomb during WWII.
WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION. The World Within the Atom. How Scientists Explored the Atom and Learned to Release Its Energy. 32 pages. 8vo, decorative self-wrappers. Pittsburgh: Westinghouse. 1946.
WILSON, JANE S. & CHARLOTTE SERBER, Editors. Standing By and Making Do: Women of Wartime Los Alamos. 130 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. No Date. QC773.A1 S82 1988
Collection of reminiscences by Los Alamos women compiled in 1946, but only published from the original manuscript in 1988.
WYDEN, PETER. Day One. Before Hiroshima and After. 412 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1984. D767.25.H6 W93 1984

3. The Struggle for International Control. 1945-1980.

This series covers the early legislative history of atomic energy up to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.

96 items
ACHESON, DEAN. Present at the Creation. My Years in the State Department. 798 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Norton. 1969. E744 .A21
ALPEROVITZ, GAR. Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam. The Use of the Atomic Bomb and the American Confrontation with Soviet Power. 317 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1965. E813 .A57
AMERICANS UNITED FOR WORLD ORGANIZATION INC. Atomic Age Dinner. Official menu-programme. 4 leaves. Photograph of mushroom cloud on upper cover. 8vo, unbound. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. November 28, 1945.
Listed Guests of Honor include Edward Condon, Enrico Fermi, J.H. Von Neumann, Robert Oppenheimer, I.I. Rabi, William Shockley, Henry D. Smyth, Leo Szilard, Harold Urey, et al. Speakers include Brian McMahon and Col. Paul W. Tibbets, Jr. Includes a printed "Statement of Dr. Albert Einstein."
"ATOMIC ENERGY: Agreed Declaration by the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and the Prime Minister of Canada." IN: The Department of State Bulletin, Vol. XIII, No. 334. November 18, 1945. pp. 777-820. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of State. November 18, 1945.
FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS DECLARATION, signed at the White House on November 15, by Truman, Attlee and King.
BARNARD, CHESTER I., J.R. OPPENHEIMER, DAVID E. LILIENTHAL, et al. A Report on the International Control of Atomic Energy. Prepared for the Secretary of State's Committee on Atomic Energy by a Board of Consultants. 61 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. March 16, 1946. UF767 .U58 1946
BARNARD, CHESTER I., J.R. OPPENHEIMER, DAVID E. LILIENTHAL, et al. A Report on the International Control of Atomic Energy. Prepared for the Secretary of State's Committee on Atomic Energy by a Board of Consultants. Preface by Dr. I.I. Rabi. 55 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST TRADE EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. 1946. QC173 .U58 1946
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume I. June 14, 1946. 51 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
Supervised by Richard C. Tolman. Includes "Introduction to Atomic Energy" by R.F. Bacher and R.P. Feynman; "The Military Effectiveness of the Atomic Bomb" by A.K. Solomon and Philip Morrison, etc.
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume II. July 10, 1946. Foreword by Richard C. Tolman. Preface by J. R. Oppenheimer. 20 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
"Primarily concerned with the future beneficial uses of atomic energy." -Foreword. Contributions by A.H. Compton, Ernest O. Lawrence, Harold C. Urey, et al.
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume III. Bibliography and Check List. August 15, 1946. 25 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume IV. Nuclear Power. September 5, 1946. Foreword by Richard C. Tolman. 6 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
Study made by members of the Monsanto Clinton Laboratories Staff.
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume V. Medical Uses of Atomic Energy. September 23, 1946. Foreword by Richard Tolman. 12 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
Text by Dr. C.P. Rhoads, Director of the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research.
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume VI. Technological Control of Atomic Energy Activities. October 14, 1946. 57 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
Incorporates 2 reports by Manhattan District technical committees.
BARUCH, BERNARD M. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume VII. Expert Testimony on Technological Control of Atomic Energy Activities. December 15, 1946. 38 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
BATCHELDER, ROBERT C. The Irreversible Decision 1939-1950. 306 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1962. BR115.A85 B3
BEERS, LT. COLONEL BARNET W. Anticipated Effects of Atomic and Radiological Attack. A Staff Study. 25 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Illustrated. 4to, stapled. N.p.: War Department General Staff. 19 September 1947.
John B. Miles's copy, signed by him on the title-leaf.
BIORKLUND, ELIS. Atompolitiken under ett decennium. En historisk-politisk undersokning av atomvapnens problem under aren 1945-1954. 132 pages. Folding map. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Stockholm: Gebers Forlag. 1955.
BIORKLUND, ELIS. International Atomic Policy During a Decade. An historical-political investigation into the problem of atomic weapons during the period 1945-1955. Translated in Stockholm by Albert Read. 148 pages. Folding map. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Princeton: Van Nostrand. 1956. JX1974 .B5 1956
BLACKETT, P.M.S. Fear, War, and the Bomb. Military and Political Consequences of Atomic Energy. 244 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Whittlesey House. 1949. HD9698 .B5
BLACKETT, P.M.S. Military and Political Consequences of Atomic Energy. 216 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Turnstile Press. 1948. UF767 .B58 1948
BOHR, NIELS. Open Letter to the United Nations, June 9th, 1950. 13 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Copenhagen: Schultz Forlag. 1950. JX1963 .B6773 1950
BORDEN, WILLIAM LISCUM. There Will Be No Time. The Revolution in Strategy. 225 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Macmillan. 1946. U42 .B57 1946
BOUTARIC, A. Au Seuil de l'Ere Atomique. 210 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Paris: Flammarion. 1947. QC173 .B687 1947
BRITISH BROADCASTING COMPANY. Atomic Challenge. A Symposium. Professor J.D. Cockroft, et al. 180 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Winchester Publications. 1947. TK9145 .A8 1947
Text of the talks given on B.B.C.'s "Atomic Week." Includes Cockroft, J. Bronowski, P.M.S. Blackett, Bertrand Russell, Henry A. Wallace, and others.
BRODIE, BERNARD, Editor. The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order. By Frederick S. Dunn, Bernard Brodie, Arnold Wolfers, Percy E. Corbett, William T.R. Fox. 214 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harcourt, Brace. 1946. UF767 .B7
BUSH, VANNEVAR. Modern Arms and Free Men. A Discussion of the Role of Science in Preserving Democracy. 273 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1949. U42 .B8
BUSH, VANNEVAR. Modern Arms and Free Men. A Discussion of the Role of Science in Preserving Democracy. 116 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1949. U102 .B985 1949b
COALE, ANSLEY J. The Problem of Reducing Vulnerability to Atomic Bombs. xvi, 116 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Princeton University Press. 1947. UF767 .C6 1947
THE CONTROL OF ATOMIC ENERGY: Proposals Before the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission and Unofficial Plans. 438 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1946.
Comprises International Conciliation. No. 423, September 1946.
COUSINS, NORMAN. Modern Man is Obsolete. 59 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Viking. 1945. HM101 .C6
DENNETT, RAYMOND & ROBERT K. TURNER, Editors. Documents on American Foreign Relations, Vol. VIII. July 1, 1945-December 31, 1946. 962 pages. 8vo, cloth. Princeton U. Press for World Peace Foundation. 1948.
Pp. 544-576 deal with atomic energy issues.
DENNETT, RAYMOND & ROBERT K. TURNER, Editors. Documents on American Foreign Relations, Vol. IX. January 1-December 31, 1947. 759 pages. 8vo, cloth. Princeton U. Press for World Peace Foundation. 1949.
"International Control of Atomic Energy," pp. 341-349.
DESSAUER, FRIEDRICH. Atomenergie und Atombombe. Fassliche wissenschaftliche Darstellung und Wuerdigung. Zweite bedeutend erweiterte Auflage. 342 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Olten: Otto Walter AG. 1947. QC778 .D4 1945
DISARMAMENT AND ARMS CONTROL: An International Quarterly Journal. Volume I, Number I. 110 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Summer 1963.
Includes "The International Control of Missile Material Production" by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. "Atomic War or Peace." As told to Raymond Swing. IN: The Atlantic, Volume 180, Number 5, pp. 29-32. 192 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Atlantic Monthly. November 1947.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. Atomic War or Peace. 4 leaves. 4to, unbound. Princeton: Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. n.d. (1947).
Reprinted from the Atlantic Monthly. Laid in is a single-sheet "Statement by the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists" summarizing their program and appealing for funds.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. "Einstein on the Atomic Bomb." By Albert Einstein as told to Raymond Swing. IN: The Atlantic, Volume 176, Number 5. pp. (43)-45. 176 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Atlantic Monthly. November 1945.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. Out of My Later Years. 282 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Philosophical Library. 1950. QC6 .E49
Includes "The Way Out," "Atomic War or Peace (I & II)," and other essays relating to atomic weapons.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. Typed letter to "Dear Friend," signed with stamped signature. Single sheet 4to, 20 lines, on Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists letterhead stationery. Princeton, New Jersey. February 10, 1947.
Appeals to the recipient for a pledge toward a $1,000,000 educational fund "to carry to our fellow citizens an understanding of the simple facts of atomic energy and its implications for society."
EMERGENCY COMMITTEE OF ATOMIC SCIENTISTS. Albert Einstein, Chairman. Harold C. Urey, Vice-Chairman. "The Last Hour Before Midnight." Text of the Statement Issued on June 30, 1947. 4 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. (Princeton, New Jersey: ECAS.). June 30, 1947.
Critique of the failure of the year-long discussions in the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission to achieve international control. The source of Einstein's oft-quoted statement, "one cannot prepare for war and expect peace." Co-signers of the letter include H.A. Bethe, Leo Szilard, and Victor Weisskopf.
FIGUEIREDO, NUNO FIDELINO DE. O Problema de Energia Atomica. 152 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Lisboa: Cosmos. 1946.
FOX, WILLIAM T.R. "The Struggle for Atomic Control." 32 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Washington, D.C.: National Committee on Atomic Information. 1947. HD9698.A3 A35 1947
Comprises Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 129.
FRIENDLY, ALFRED. Civilian vs. Military Control of Atomic Age. 8 articles reprinted from The Washington Post. 4 pages, printed in newspaper format. Folio, unbound. Washington D.C.: The Washington Post. 1946.
Friendly's collected articles for the Post. Very scarce in this format.
GALLOWAY, EILENE. Atomic Power. Issues Before Congress. Mimeographed typescript. 143 pages + folding table "Comparative Summary of Six Atomic Energy Bills." 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress Legislative Reference Service. 1946.
GOTLIEB, ALBERT. Achieving International Control of Atomic Energy. Critical Thinking for a New Age. 66 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Columbia University. 1947. HD9698.A3 A353 1947
HADLEY, HAMILTON. The United States: Guardian of Atomic Weapons. 43 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Tyrell for the Author. 1947. TK9145 .H3
"The thesis of this pamphlet is that neither the Baruch Plan nor any sort of international police force or superstate offers any prospect of effective control of atomic weapons, and that if atomic warfare is to be avoided it can only be by means of control by the United States and its Allies."
HARRIS, HENRY W. To Wage Peace. Russia Now Has the Atomic Bomb! But There Is Something We Can Do About It. 183 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Aldino Feliciani. 1949. D843 .H3 1949
HERKEN, GREG. The Winning Weapon. The Atomic Bomb 1945-1950. 425 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Knopf. 1980. D843 .H438 1980
Excellent analysis of post World War II atomic politics.
HESSLER, WILLIAM H. Operation Survival. America's New Role in World Affairs. 282 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Prentice-Hall. 1949. E744 .H5 1949
HILL, DAVID L., EUGENE RABINOWITCH & JOHN A. SIMPSON, JR. "The Atomic Scientists Speak Up." Nuclear Physicists Say There is No Secrecy in Atomic Bomb and No Defense Against It. IN: Life, Vol. 19, No. 18, pp. 45-48. 148 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: Time, Inc. October 29, 1945.
Statement prepared on behalf of the executive committee of the atomic scientists of Chicago, comprising most ofthe scientists attached to the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago during the Manhattan Project. Advocates International Control.
HUTCHINS, ROBERT M. "The Atomic Bomb Versus Civilization." 14 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: Human Events, Inc. 1945.
Comprises the Human Events Pamphlets Number I. December 1945.
JORDAN, VIRGIL. Manifesto for the Atomic Age. 70 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Rutgers U. Press. 1946. E169.1 .J6
By the President of the National Industrial Conference Board.
LAPP, RALPH E. Must We Hide? 182 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Addison-Wesley. 1949. UF767 .L3
LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I. The Scorpion and the Tarantula. The Struggle to Control Atomic Weapons 1945-1949. 460 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1970. JX197.7 .L46
LOSEE, MADELEINE W. Legislative History of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (public Law 703, 83rd Congress). 3 volumes. Irregular pagination. Very thick 4to, buckram. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1955. KF2138.A313 A15
MARKS, HERBERT S. & GEORGE F. TROWBRIDGE. Framework for Atomic Industry. A Commentary on the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. 119 pages + extensive Appendix. 4to, silver-gilt flexible plastic. FIRST EDITION. Washington: BNA Inc. 1955. KF2138.15 .M37 1955
MASTERS, DEXTER & KATHERINE WAY, Editors. One World or None. A Report to the Public on the Full Meaning of the Atomic Bomb. Foreword by Niels Bohr. Introduction by A.H. Compton. 79 pages. 4to, printed red and black wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1946. QC173 .M18
A landmark publication in the abortive movement for international control. Contributors include Hans Bethe, Albert Einstein, Irving Langmuir, J.R. Oppenheimer, Leo Szilard, Harold Urey, and other luminaries.
MIDDLETOWN OHIO. Crossroads Middletown. 24 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Middletown Ohio. 1946.
This is a very unusual grass-roots publication by the citizens of a small midwest town, calling for strengthened resolutions in the U.N. to control the spread of atomic weapons. It advocates a version of "The Quota Force Plan," which had been developed by the noted Bridge expert Ely Culbertson and others. This is Ely Culbertson's copy, and is signed by him on the front wrappers.
MUSTE, A.J. "The Atomic Bomb and the American Dream." 4 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. New York: Fellowship. 1945.
Offprint from the October 1945 issue of Fellowship. A plea for international control, by the noted activist A.J. Muste.
MUSTE, A.J. An Open Letter to Dr. Einstein. 1 leaf broadsheet. 4to, unbound. New York: Fellowship. 1946.
Calls on the community of scientists to refuse to participate in the making of atomic bombs.
NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC INFORMATION. "12 Proposed Russian Amendments to the First Report of the U. N. Atomic Energy Commission." Submitted to the Security Council February 18, 1947 showing Omissions, Modifications and Additions. 4 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. New York: NCAI. 1947.
Reprinted from the United Nations Weekly Bulletin.
NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC INFORMATION. Discussion Outline on Atomic Energy. 8 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: NCAI. 1946. HD9698.A2 N3
NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC INFORMATION. Twelve Points on Atomic Energy. 1 leaf, printed broadsheet. Folio, unbound. Washington, D.C.: NCAI. n.d. (circa 1946).
Information sheet supporting the American plan for International Control.
NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC INFORMATION. "U. N. Scientific and Technical Report on Atomic Energy Control." 10 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers, stapled. New York: NCAI. 1946.
This is the full text of the first official international report on the control of atomic energy, originally published as a special to the New York Times, September 28, 1946.
NEWMAN, JAMES R. & BYRON S. MILLER. The Control of Atomic Energy. A Study of its Social, Economic, and Political Implications. 434 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Whittlesey House. 1948. HD9698.U52 N4 1948
NEW REPUBLIC. Breaking the Atomic Deadlock. First of a Series by the Editors * Who Prevents Atomic Agreement? Part II. Together, 2 consecutive issues. Each 23 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. New York: New Republic. April 3-10, 1950.
A history of international negotiations on the atom bomb and atomic energy, and an analysis of the reasons for the deadlock in International Control. The first part includes a separate 8-page insert on "Atomic Energy: The Technical Facts."
OSBORN, FREDERICK H. "The Search for Atomic Control." IN: The Atlantic, Volume 181, Number 4, pp. 48-50. 120 pages. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Concord: Atlantic Monthly. April 1948.
The Author was Deputy U.S. Representative on the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission. This issue also includes "Russia, the U.S., and the Atom. By a Foreign Observer."
PLAN FOR THE ATOM. "What Russia and the West Could Do Now." A Proposal for Atomic Peace. Feature article IN: New Republic, Volume 121, Number 19. 23 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. New York: New Republic. November 7, 1949.
Presents a plan for international ownership of all atomic plants in the hope of breaking the U.N. deadlock on atomic energy control.
POSIN, DANIEL Q. I Have Been to the Village. Introduction by Albert Einstein. 151 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Ann Arbor: Edwards Brothers. 1948. HD9698.A2 P6 1948
SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR. Record of a speaking tour through rural North Dakota, and a plea for International Control.
SMITH, ALICE KIMBALL. A Peril and a Hope. The Scientists' Movement in America: 1945-1947. 591 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1965. Q127.U6 S5
Excellent history of the post-war "atomic scientists' movement." "Records the dramatic change in [the] attitude of scientists toward public affairs which followed on the release of atomic energy."
SPAIGHT, J.M. The Atomic Problem. 56 pages. 8vo, boards. FIRST EDITION. London: Arthur Barron. 1948. JX5133.A7 S67 1948
On post WWII nuclear policy.
SYMPOSIUM ON ATOMIC ENERGY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS. Papers read at the Joint Meeting of the American Philosophical Society and the National Academy of Sciences November 16 and 17, 1945. 79 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. 1946. QC780 .S9 1945
Includes papers by Oppenheimer, Fermi, Smyth, et al.
SZILARD, LEO. Memorandum on "Citizens' Committee." 9 leaves, printed on one side only. 4to, unbound, stapled. N.p. March 27, 1950.
The is a contemporary mimeographed copy of a typed letter to Albert Einstein, concerning the "setting up of an organization to study what type of an over-all Russian and American settlement would provide a framework in which international control of atomic energy could satisfactorily operate."
TAYLOR, HON. GLEN H. Creation of a World Republic. Speech in the Senate of the United States Wednesday, October 24, 1945. 4 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Record. 1945.
Calls for a world government as the only effective means of assuring the survival of civilization in the age of atomic weapons.
THOMAS, MORGAN. Atomic Energy and Congress. 301 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan Press. 1956. HD9698.U5 T5
TUTIN, JOHN, Editor. Atomic Energy Year Book. 237 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Prentice-Hall. 1949.
"At once a history, a contemporary account, and a prediction of things to come."
UNITED NATIONS. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. First Report. . . to the Security Council December 31, 1946. 101 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1947.
UNITED NATIONS. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. The International Control of Atomic Energy. The Second Report. . . to the Security Council September 11, 1947. 106 pages. 8vo, cloth. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1947. HD9698.A3 A263 1947
UNITED NATIONS. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. The International Control of Atomic Energy. The Second Report of the UNAEC to the Security Council 11 September 1947. Mimeographed typescript. 91 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. N.p.: United States Mission to the United Nations. 1947. HD9698.A2 U272 1947
UNITED NATIONS. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. Third Report. . . to the Security Council. May 17, 1948. 78 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Department of State. 1948.
UNITED NATIONS. Scientific and Technical Aspects of the Control of Atomic Energy. The Full Text of the First Report. 42 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Lake Success: U.N. 1946. HD9698.A24 S3
U.S. CONGRESS. Hearing Before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. . . on Investigation into the United States Atomic Energy Project. Parts 1-17, 21 & 22. Together, 19 volumes. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1949. HD9698.U52 A5 1949c
Hearings into charges by Senator Hickenlooper that "the United States atomic energy program is virtually a failure."
U.S. CONGRESS. Hearings Before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. . . on Los Alamos Retrocession Bill and AEC Contract Policy. February 17, 21, and 24, 1949. 127 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1949. JS999.L8 A24 1949
U.S. CONGRESS. Hearings Before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy.. Eighty-Third Congress Second Session on S. 3323 and H.R. 8862, to Amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1946. 2 volumes. 1157 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO. 1954. KF25 .A8 1954s
U.S. CONGRESS. JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY. The Hydrogen Bomb and International Control: Technical and Background Information. 41 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. July 1950. UF767 .U48
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. The International Control of Atomic Energy. Growth of a Policy. An Informal Summary Record of the Official Declarations...Made Between August 6, 1945 and October 15, 1946. 281 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of State. 1946. QC173 .U58 1946a
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. The International Control of Atomic Energy. Policy at the Crossroads. An Informal Summary Record of the Policy Developments...October 15, 1946-May 17, 1948. 251 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of State. 1948.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. "United States Atomic Energy Proposals." Statement of the United States Policy on Control of Atomic Energy as Presented by Bernard M. Baruch, Esq., to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission June 14, 1946. 12 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept of State. 1946. HD9698.A2 B33
This is the text of Baruch's famous speech, beginning "We are here to make a choice between the quick and the dead...." Comprises The United States and the United Nations Report Series No. 2.
U.S. SENATE. Hearings Before the . . . Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. . . on Confirmation of Gordon E. Dean and Henry DeWolf Smyth as Members of the Atomic Energy Commission. 36 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1949. KF25 .A8 1949
Includes a very interesting series of questions from Senator Hickenlooper to Dr. Smyth concerning the AEC and the "Loyalty Oath."
U.S. SENATE. Hearings before the Special Committee on Atomic Energy. . . on S. 1717. A Bill for the Development and Control of Atomic Energy. Parts 1-5 (complete). 539 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers, stapled. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1946. QC173 .U5 1946
This is the first printing of the famous "Atomic Energy Act of 1946," which defined U.S. nuclear policy until 1954. Very scarce.
U.S. SENATE. Hearings Before the Special Committee on Atomic Energy Seventy-Ninth Congress First Session Pursuant to S. Res. 179. A Resolution Creating a Special Committee to Investigate Problems Relating to the Development, Use, and Control of Atomic Energy. Parts 1-5 (complete). 573 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1945-1946. QC173 .U5 1945
Hearings from November 27, 1945-February 15, 1946. These are the FIRST CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS ON ATOMIC ENERGY. Includes testimony of Leslie Groves, Harold Urey, J.R. Oppenheimer, Hans A. Bethe, Leo Szilard, S.A. Goudsmit, S. A. Parsons, and many others. The present set bears the stamp "Office Copy-War Resisters League."
U.S. SENATE. Special Committee on Atomic Energy. Essential Information on Atomic Energy (Including a Glossary and Bibliography). . . Pursuant to S. Res. 179. A Resolution Creating a Special Committee to Investigate Problems Relating to the Development, Use, and Control of Atomic Energy. 94 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1946. QC173 .U6 1946a
UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ROUND TABLE. "The Atlantic Community Faces the Bomb." An NBC Radio Discussion by William Ogburn, Leo Szilard, Harold Urey and Louis Wirth. Including "A Personal History of the Atomic Bomb" by Leo Szilard. 16 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. University of Chicago. September 25, 1949.
Comprises The University of Chicago Round Table, Number 601.
U.S. CAMERA ANNUAL 1947. Edited by Tom Maloney. Profusely illustrated from photographs selected by Edward Steichen. 4to, cloth. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce. 1947.
Includes photo-essays on "The Atom Bombs," "Bikini-1946 by William L. Laurence," and "The Baruch Plan."
VYSHINSKY, A.Y. The Soviet Position on Prohibition of Atomic Weapons and International Control of Atomic Energy. Speeches at the Fourth Session of the United Nations General Assembly, November 1949. 56 pages. Portrait. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Information Bulletin of the Embassy of the USSR. 1949. HD9698.A28 V88 1949
WIMPERIS, H.E. World Power and Atomic Energy. The Impact on International Relations. 87 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Constable. 1946. HD9743.A2 W55 1946
WOODROW WILSON FOUNDATION. The Politics of Atomic Energy. By Harry D. Gideonse, Raymond B. Fosdick, William F. Ogburn, & Frederick L. Schuman. 56 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Woodrow Wilson Foundation. March 1946. JX1954 .P58 1946
WUESTHOFF, FREDA. Atomic Energy and Peace. 28 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. Muenchen: Franz Wuesthoff. 1957.
Reprints the text of the inaugural speech for the "Working Programme for Lasting Peace" first given in 1947.

4. Atomic Espionage and the Oppenheimer Hearings. 1948-1985.

Incidents of clandestine exchange of atomic secrets - both verified and merely accused - are surveyed in this series, as are the details of J. Robert Oppenheimer's security hearings in April-May 1954.

24 items
ATOMIC SPY CASES. Vol. l, No. l. Based on True Stories! 14 leaves. Color-illustrated comic book. 4to, pictorial wrappers. New York: Avon Periodicals. March-April 1950.
Fascinating mirror of the atom spy hysteria of the period, summarized in the opening lines: "History's darkest pages contain no more violent and explosive passages than those now being written in the intense struggles of foreign powers to learn the secret of the Atom Bomb. Only the eternal vigilance of our own undercover agents keeps this deadly information from the evil hands that would turn this powderkeg of desperate hates and vicious emotions into a world-wide cataclysm. . . ."
COOK, FRED J. "Hiss: New Perspectives on the Strangest Case of Our Time." pp. 141-184. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: The Nation. 1957.
Comprises essentially the entire issue of The Nation for September 21, 1957.
CURTIS, CHARLES P. The Oppenheimer Case. The Trial of a Security System. 281 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1955. QC16.O62 C8
DANIELS, FRED E. "The Rosenbergs." A Year After. IN: Masses & Mainstream, Vol. 7, No. 6. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Masses & Mainstream. June 1954.
DAVENPORT, ELAINE, PAUL EDDY & PETER GILLMAN. The Plumbat Affair. 192 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia: Lippincott. 1978. HD9539.U7 D38
True story of the theft of 200 tons of Uranium Oxide from the freighter 'Scheersburg A' by the Israeli Secret Service in 1968, resulting in the diversion to Israel of enough uranium for 20 nuclear weapons.
GELLHORN, WALTER. Security, Loyalty, and Science. 300 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Ithaca: Cornell U. Press. 1950. UB270 .G4
GROVES, LT. GEN. LESLIE R. "The Atom General Answers His Critics." IN: The Saturday Evening Post, Vol. 220, No. 15. 144 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. Philadelphia: Curtis Publishing Company. June 19, 1948.
Groves defends himself against charges by David E. Lilienthal that the publication of the "Smyth Report" was a breach of security.
HOLIFIELD, CHET. Sabotage of American Science: The Full Meaning of Attacks on Dr. Condon. Speech in the House of Representatives Tuesday, March 9, 1948. 18 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1948.
Acerbic rebuttal of the "fantastic renewal of the attempts to discredit the scientists who worked on the atomic bomb. . . It is significant that the question of reappointment or replacement of the present members of the Atomic Energy Commission comes up this August. I wonder if a certain clique of the military is working closely with the chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, [i.e. Joseph McCarthy] in an effort to so discredit civilian control that the army will be handed back the atomic energy project on a platter appropriately stained with the sacrificial blood of the lopped-off heads of our scientists who advocated civilian control."
KAMEN, MARTIN D. Radiant Science, Dark Politics. A Memoir of the Nuclear Age. Foreword by Edwin M. McMillan. 348 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Berkeley: U. of California Press. 1985. QH31.K277 A37 1985
By the co-discoverer of 14C. History of the Author's persecution by the federal security program.
MAJOR, JOHN. The Oppenheimer Hearings. 336 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Stein and Day. 1971. QC16.O62 M3 1971
NEWMAN, BERNARD. Soviet Atomic Spies. 239 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Robert Hale. 1952. HD9698.A28 N45 1952
NIZER, LOUIS. The Implosion Conspiracy. 495 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. 1973. KF224.R6 N58
PRESENTATION COPY from Nizer to Harry Hershfield. This is the famous jurist's detailed and eloquent account of the Rosenberg trials.
PILAT, OLIVER. The Atom Spies. 312 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Putnam's. 1952. HD9698.A28 P53 1952
RADIO REPORTS, INC. Paul Harvey Incident [in manuscript]. Special for United States Atomic Energy Commission. 7 leaves of miscellaneous typescript excerpts, quotes, etc., with some manuscript notes, probably in the hand of Charter Heslep, marked "Confidential" on the front leaf. 4to, unbound, stapled. New York: Radio Reports, Inc. February 7, 1951.
A very interesting collection of material, apparently compiled by Radio Reports as an internal briefing memo, relating to the so-called "Paul Harvey Incident." Harvey, the noted radio commentator, was apprehended by the FBI on February 7, 1951 while making an "unauthorized entry" at Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago. Includes a transcript of Harvey's radio broadcast of March 18, 1951, in which he explains and defends his actions.
REUBEN, WILLIAM A. The Atom Spy Hoax. 504 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Action Books. 1955. HD9698.A28 R4
Signed by the Author. A carefully researched critique of the Cold War atomic espionage cases-Greenglass, Fuchs, Gold, the Rosenbergs, et al.
REUBEN, WILLIAM A. The Atom Spy Hoax. 504 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Action Books. 1960.
The second edition.
ROOT, JONATHAN. The Betrayers. The Rosenberg Case - a Reappraisal of an American Crisis. 305 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Coward McCann. 1963. HX84.R6 R6 1963
SMITH, JOHN CHABOT. Alger Hiss. The True Story. 485 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Holt, Rinehart. 1976. E743.5.H55 S58 1976
STEN, HEMMING, JR. & OLLE SVENSSON. Spioneri. 95 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Stockholm: Folk Och Foersvar. 1952.
Concerns contemporary espionage cases: Fuchs, the Rosenbergs, David Greenglass, et al.
STERN, PHILIP M. The Oppenheimer Case: Security on Trial. With a Special Commentary by Lloyd K. Garrison. 591 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper & Row. 1969. QC16.O62 S69
USAEC. In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Texts of Principal Documents and Letters of Personnel Security Board General Manager Commissioners. Washington, D.C. May 27, 1954-June 29, 1954. 67 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1954.
USAEC. In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Transcript of Hearing Before Personnel Security Board Washington, D.C. April 12, 1954, through May 6, 1954. 993 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO. 1954.
U.S. CONGRESS. JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY. Soviet Atomic Espionage. April 1951. 222 pages. 8vo, library binder. Washington, D.C.: GPO. 1951. UB270 .U5
WEXLEY, JOHN. The Judgement of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. 672 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Cameron & Kahn. 1955. KF224.R6 W4
The definitive contemporary study of the case. Dust jacket designed by Rockwell Kent.
WILSON, THOMAS W. The Great Weapons Heresy. The Struggle Behind our Present Nuclear Dilemma as Reflected in the Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer. 275 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1970. QC16.O62 W5 1970

5. Military Aspects of Atomic Energy from 1949. 1946-1989.

This large series documents the development of post-war military research and policy from the time period beginning in 1949. Topics covered include nuclear proliferation and the arms race, arms control, strategic doctrine, nuclear weapons and nuclear war, and the interface between military and civilian aspects of atomic energy.

421 items
ABEL, ELIE. The Missile Crisis. 220 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia: Lippincott. 1966. E841 .A2 1966
ABT, CLARK C. A Strategy for Terminating a Nuclear War. 253 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Boulder: Westview Press. 1985. U263 .A27 1985
ADAMS, RUTH & SUSAN CULLEN, Editors. The Final Epidemic. Physicians and Scientists on Nuclear War. 254 pages. Illustrations by Robert Jay Lifton. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Chicago: Educational Foundation for Nuclear Science. 1981. RA569 .F561
AHEARNE, JOHN F. Fixing the Nation's Nuclear-Weapons Reactors. IN: Technology Review, Volume 92, Number 5, 24-29pp. 80 pages. Illustrated. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. July 1989.
ALDRIDGE, ROBERT C. The Counterforce Syndrome. A Guide to U.S. Nuclear Weapons and Strategic Doctrine. 79 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Washington & Amsterdam: Transnational Institute. 1978. UA23.A1 A4
ALDRIDGE, ROBERT C. The Counterforce Syndrome: A Guide to U.S. Nuclear Weapons and Strategic Doctrine. 86 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington: Institute for Policy Studies. 1979. UA23.A1 A41 1979
ALLEN, CHARLES R., Jr. German Hand on the Nuclear Trigger. 60 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. New York: Marzani & Munsell. 1966. UA710 .A45 1966
Dedicated to the Committee to Combat Nazism and Anti- Semitism.
ALLISON, GRAHAM T., ALBERT CARNESALE & JOSEPH F. NYE, Jr., Editors. Hawks, Doves, and Owls. An Agenda for Avoiding Nuclear War. 282 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Norton. 1985. U263 .H39 1985
ALTERNATIVES TO THE H-BOMB. By Lewis Mumford, Reinhold Niebuhr, Chester Bowles, Eugene Rabinowitch, W. Averell Harriman, et al. A Symposium Organized by The New Leader and Edited by Anatole Shub. 124 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Boston: Beacon Press. 1955. JX1953 .N37 1955
ALVES, DORA. Anti-Nuclear Attitudes in New Zealand and Australia. A National Security Affairs Monograph. 91 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Washington: National Defense University Press. 1985. UA874.3 .A48 1985
ANDERSON, COMMANDER WILLIAM R. & CLAY BLAIR, Jr. Nautilus 90 North. 251 pages. Illustrated with photographs by John Krawczyk. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cleveland: World Publishing. 1959. VA65.N3 A5
ANDERSON, POUL. Thermonuclear Warfare. 157 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Derby, Conn.: Monarch. 1963. UF767 .A52 1963
"Popular nonfictional account of the subject based largely on Kahn and Kissinger." -Brians, p. 118.
ANDREWS, JOHN WILLIAMS. Triptych for the Atomic Age. Foreword by Louis Untermeyer. Illustrations by Arthur Schaffert. 90 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Branden Press. 1970. PS3501.N565 T7 1970
ANDREWS, MARSHALL. Disaster Through Air Power. 143 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York & Toronto: Rinehart. 1950. UA23 .A6
ARMAGNAC, ALDEN P. What is the H-Bomb? IN: Popular Science, Vol. 156, No. 4, pp. 141-149. 296 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Popular Science. April 1950.
ARON, RAYMOND. The Great Debate. Theories of Nuclear Strategy. Translated from the French by Ernst Pawel, 265 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. 1965. UA11 .A7 1965
Analysis of France's desire for its own nuclear forces in relation to U.S. policy.
ARONOV, SAUL, FRANK R. ERVIN & VICTOR W. SIDEL. The Fallen Sky. Medical Consequences of Thermonuclear War. 134 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Hill and Wang. 1963. RA569 .A7 1963
Edited for Physicians for Social Responsibility.
ASPEN, LES. "The Verification of the SALT II Agreement." 11 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1979.
Off-printed from Scientific American.
ATOMIC SCIENTISTS NEWS. Vol. III, No. 4. A Special Issue on the Hydrogen Bomb. pp. 72-102. 8vo, printed wrappers. London: Atomic Scientists' Association. March 1950.
BAAR, JAMES & WILLIAM HOWARD. Polaris! 245 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harcourt. 1960. VG93 .B3 1960
BADER, WILLIAM B. The United States and the Spread of Nuclear Weapons. 176 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Pegasus. 1968. JX1974.7 .B2
BAKER, DAVID. The Shape of Wars to Come. Foreword by General George Keegan. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Stein and Day. 1982. UG1530 .B34 1982
BALDWIN, HANSON W. The Great Arms Race. A Comparison of U.S. and Soviet Power Today. 116 pages. 8vo, cloth. New York: Praeger. 1958. UA23 .B25 1958
"Second printing."
BALE, BOB. How to Make an Atomic Bomb in your Own Kitchen [Well, Practically!]. 191 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Frederick Fell. 1951. QC778 .B3 1951
BAMFORD, JAMES. The Puzzle Palace. A Report on America's Most Secret Agency. 465 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1982. UB251.U5 B35
First book-length study of the National Security Agency.
BARNABY, F. & E. BOEKER. Defensie zonder kernwapens. 95 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff Informatief. 1982. JX1974.7 .B373 1982
BASTIAN, GERT. Atomtod oder europaeische Sicherheits- gemeinschaft. Abruestung statt Abschreckung. Reden und Schriften zur Kritik der "Nachruestung" und zur Friedensbewegung. Mit einem Vorwort von Karl D. Bredthauer. 136 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Koeln: Pahl-Rugenstein. 1982. JX1963 .B373 1982
BAUER, ALFRED W., M.D. "Dear Mr. President." An Open Letter to Ronald Reagan About War and Peace and Our Chances for Survival in a World Gone Nuclear-mad. 170 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. (Kirkland, Washington: Alfred W. Bauer). 1984. UA23 .B381
BEACH, CAPTAIN EDWARD L. Around the World Submerged. The Voyage of the Triton. 293 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Holt. 1962. VA65.T7 B38 1962
BEATON, LEONARD. Must the Bomb Spread? 147 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Middlesex: Penguin Books. 1966. UF767 .B38
BEATON, LEONARD. Would Labor Give Up the Bomb? 34 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. London: Sunday Telegraph. August 1964.
Advance review copy. Analysis of the Labour Party's position towards nuclear weapons in the context of the NATO alliance.
BECHHOEFER, BERNHARD G. Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control. 641 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Washington: Brookings Institution. 1961. JX1974 .B4
BECKETT, BRIAN. Weapons of Tomorrow. 160 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Plenum Press. 1983. UF500 .B43 1983
BEHRENS, CHARLES F. After the A Bomb? ? ? ? ? ? ? Emergency Care in Atomic Warfare. 182 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Thomas Nelson. 1951. RC87 .B36 1951
BENSEN, DAVID W. & ARNOLD H. SPARROW, Editors. Survival of Food Crops and Livestock in the Event of Nuclear War. Proceedings of a Symposium held at Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, Long Island, New York September 15-18, 1970. 745 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. December 1971. QH652.A2 S84
BERES, LOUIS RENE. Apocalypse. Nuclear Catastrophe in World Politics. Foreword by Paul C. Warnke. 315 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. U. of Chicago Press. 1980. JX1974.7 .B457
BERMAN, ROBERT & BILL GUNSTON. Rockets & Missiles of World War III. 192 pages. Illustrated. Folio, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Exeter Books. 1983. UG1310 .B47 1983
BERZINS, OTTO. Nuclear Weapons. How they work, the damage they can cause, and what can be done to save lives and reduce casualties. 140 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. London: Pan Books. 1966. UF767 .B463 1966
BETHE, HANS A., RICHARD L. GARWIN, KURT GOTTFRIED & HENRY W. KENDALL. Space-based Ballistic-Missile Defense. IN: Scientific American, Volume 251, Number 4, 39-49pp. 156 pages. Illustrated. October 1984.
BITTEL, PROF. DR. KARL. Atomwaffenfreie Zone in Europa. 136 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Berlin: Kongress-Verlag. 1958. JX1974.7 .A86 1958
BJOL, ERLING. Atomvabnene og Fremtiden. Sikkerhedsproblemet i Atomalderen og Danmark. 166 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Udenrigspolitske Selskab. 1963. UA11 .B45 1963
BLACKETT, P.M.S. Atomic Weapons and East-West Relations. 107 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: University Press. 1956. D842 .B5
Presentation copy, signed & inscribed by the author to A.J. Toynbee.
BLACKETT, P.M.S. Studies of War. Nuclear and Conventional. 242 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Hill and Wang. 1962. UA11 .B5 1962
BLAIR, CLAY, Jr. The Atomic Submarine and Admiral Rickover. 277 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Herny Holt. 1954. VA65.N3 B4 1954
The authorized biography.
BLECHMAN, BARRY M. & MARK R. MOORE. "A Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Europe." 12 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1983.
Off-printed from Scientific American.
BOFFEY, PHILIP M., et al. Claiming the Heavens. The New York Times. Complete Guide to the Star Wars Debate. 299 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Times Books. 1988. UG743 .C58 1988
BOLTE, CHARLES G. The Price of Peace. A Plan for Disarmament. 108 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Beacon Press. 1956. JX1974 .B6
THE BOMB: Challenge and Answer. By Alexander Haddow, Bertrand Russell, Lord Beveridge & Henry Usborne. Edited by Gilbert McAllister. 160 pages. 8vo, cloth, FIRST EDITION. London: Batsford. 1955. JX1952 .M161 1955
BOND VOOR DIENSTPLICHTIGEN. Bulletin 38. De Nederlandse Kernbewapening. 56 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Amsterdam: BVD. circa 1980.
BOSKEY, BENNETT & MASON WILLRICH, Editors. Nuclear Proliferation: Prospects for Control. 191 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Dunellen Company. 1970. JX1974.7 .N83 1970
BOTTOME, EDGAR M. The Balance of Terror. A Guide to the Arms Race. 215 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Beacon Press. 1971. UA23 .B67
Errata slip laid-in.
BRANCH, COLONEL CHRISTOPHER I. Fighting a Long Nuclear War. A Strategy, Force, Policy Mismatch. 77 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press. 1984.
BREAKTHROUGH TO PEACE: Twelve Views on the Threat of Thermonuclear Extinction. Introduction by Thomas Merton. 253 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. 1962. JX1974.7 .B68
BRENNAN, DONALD G., Editor. Arms Control, Disarmament, and National Security. 475 pages. Frontispiece showing "before" and "after" at Nagasaki. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Braziller. 1961. JX1974.7 .B7
BRODIE, BERNARD. Strategy in the Missile Age. 423 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. Princeton University Press. 1959. UA11 .B7
BUNDY, MCGEORGE. Danger and Survival. Choices About the Bomb in the First Fifty Years. 735 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Random House. 1988. UA23 .B786 1988
Advance review copy.
BURLESON, CLYDE W. The Day the Bomb Fell on America. True Stories of the Nuclear Age. 261 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. 1978. TK9153 .B85
BURTON, JOHN W. Peace Theory. Preconditions of Disarmament. 201 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Knopf. 1962. JX1952 .B84
CALDER, NIGEL. Nuclear Nightmares. An Investigation Into Possible Wars. 168 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Penguin Books. 1981. UF767 .C264 1981
CALDER, NIGEL, Editor. Unless Peace Comes. A Scientific Forecast of New Weapons. 243 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Viking. 1968. U104 .C16
CALDER, NIGEL, Editor. Unless Peace Comes. A Scientific Forecast of New Weapons. 243 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: Viking. 1968. U104 .C16
CALDICOTT, DR. HELEN. Missile Envy. The Arms Race and Nuclear War. 365 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: William Morrow. 1984. JX1974.7 .C31
CALDICOTT, DR. HELEN. Nuclear Madness. What You Can Do. 120 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. Brookline: Autumn Press. 1978. TK9146 .C31 1978
CALDICOTT, DR. HELEN. Nuclear Madness. What You Can Do! 120 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Brookline: Autumn Press. 1979. TK9146 .C31 1978
CARLSON, DON & CRAIG COMSTOCK. Securing Our Planet. How to Succeed When Threats Are Too Risky and There's Really No Defense. 395 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Los Angeles: Tarcher. 1986. JX1963 .S37 1986
CAROTHERS, ANDRE. Loose Cannons: The Nuclear Navies and the Next War. IN: Greenpeace, Volume 12, Number 4, 6-10pp. 23 pages. Illustrated. October-December 1987.
CAROTHERS, ANDRE. Peace Now: A New Look at Security in the Nuclear Age. IN: Greenpeace Examiner, Volume 11, Number 1, 8-17pp. 29 pages. Illustrated. Unbound. Washington, D.C.: Greenpeace USA. March 1986.
CARTER, ASHTON B. The Command and Control of Nuclear War. IN: Scientific American, Volume 252, Number 1, 32-39pp. 120 pages. Illustrated. January 1985.
CERVENKA, ZDENEK & BARBARA ROGERS. The Nuclear Axis. Secret Collaboration Between West Germany and South Africa. 464 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Times Books. 1978. HD9698.G42 C43 1978
CHALFONT, ALUN. Star Wars. Suicide or Survival? 169 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1985. UG743 .C47 1985b
CHANT, CHRISTOPHER & IAN HOGG. Nuclear War in the 1980's? 160 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Harper & Row. 1983. U263 .C448 1983
CHAYES, ABRAM & JEROME B. WIESNER, Editors. ABM. An Evaluation of the Decision to Deploy an Antiballistic Missile System. 281 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Harper. 1969. UG633 .A5958
Contributors include Bill Moyers, Hans H. Bethe, George W. Rathjens, and others.
CHOLLICK, EUGENE. "FY'88 Defense Contracting: The Cast Remains the Same." In CEP Research Reports, May 1989, pp. 1-5. 6 pages. Unbound. New York: Council on Economic Priorities. 1989.
CHURCHILL, SIR WINSTON. "La Historia de la Bomba H." Pp. 47-63, IN: Biblioteca del Oficial del Circulo Militar, Volumen 439a. 355 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Buenos Aires: Republica Argentina, Mayo. 1955.
This issue comprises Politica Internacional y Fuerzas Armadas en la Era Atomica. I.
CIOC, MARK. Pax Atomica: The Nuclear Defense Debate in West Germany During the Adenauer Era. 251 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Columbia U. Press. 1988. UA710 .C54 1988
CLARK, IAN. Limited Nuclear War. Political Theory and War Conventions. 266 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Princeton University Press. 1982. UF767 .C515 1982
CLARK, JOSEPH. Hell-Bomb or Peace? 15 pages. 16mo, pictorial self-wrappers. New York: New Century Publishers. February 1950.
The Author was Foreign Editor of The Daily Worker.
CLARK, RONALD W. The Greatest Power on Earth. The International Race for Nuclear Supremacy from Earliest Theory to Three Mile Island. 342 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Harper. 1980. QC791.96 .C55 1981
COCHRAN, THOMAS B., WILLIAM M. ARKIN & MILTON M. HOENIG. Nuclear Weapons Databook. Volume I. U.S. Nuclear Forces and Capabilities. 342 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Ballinger. 1984. U264 .C6 1984
COCHRAN, THOMAS B., WILLIAM M. ARKIN & MILTON M. HOENIG. Nuclear Weapons Databook. Volume II. U.S. Nuclear Warhead Production. 223 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Ballinger. 1987. U264 .C6 1984
COCHRAN, THOMAS B., WILLIAM M. ARKIN & MILTON M. HOENIG. Nuclear Weapons Databook. Volume III. U.S. Nuclear Warhead Facility Profiles. 132 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Ballinger. 1987. U264 .C6 1984
COCKROFT, SIR JOHN. Problems of Disarmament. 14 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. London: David Davies Memorial Institute. 1962. JX1974 .C624 1962
Advance review copy.
COHEN, SAM. The Truth About the Neutron Bomb. The Inventor of the Bomb Speaks Out. 226 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: William Morrow. 1983. UG1282.N48 C64 1983
CONNIFF, JAMES C.G. "Housekeeping Secrets of an Atomic Sub." IN: Today's Health, Volume 37, Number 3. 72 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: American Medical Association. March 1959.
CONTINENTAL AIR AND MISSILE DEFENSE FORCES. IN: Armed Forces Management, Volume 9, Number 7, 45-53pp. 70 pages. Washington, D.C.: American Aviation Publications. April 1963.
COOK, FRED J. The Warfare State. Foreward by Bertrand Russell. 376 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Macmillan. 1962. UA23 .C67
Pathbreaking analysis of the military-industrial complex.
COUSINS, NORMAN. Dr. Schweitzer of Lambarene. 254 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper. 1960. CT1098.S45 C6
Reprints in full Schweitzer's "Peace or Atomic War?"
COX, JOHN. Overkill. Weapons of the Nuclear Age. Preface by Joseph Rotblat. 208 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Crowell. 1977. UF767 .C69 1978
COX, JOHN. Overkill. The Story of Modern Weapons. Preface by Professor Joseph Rotblat. 203 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books. 1977. UF767 .C69 1977b
CRUSSARD, JEAN. Principe de la Fusion Thermonucleaire. L'Energie Thermonucleaires dans les Etoiles, La Bombe Thermonucleaire. 159 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Editions Fayard. 1963. QC791 .C75 1963
CUSTERS, PETER. Waaromn Starwars? De Nederlandse betrokkenheid bii de Amerikaanse oorlogsekonomie. 115 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Amsterdam: Vredesaktiekrant. September 1985.
DAEDELUS: Special Issue. "Arms Control." Fall 1960. pp. 671-1075. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Cambridge: American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1960.
Comprises Proceedings of the Academy. Volume 89. Contributors include Edward Teller, Herman Kahn, Henry Kissinger, Erich Fromm, et al.
DAVIS, ELMER. Two Minutes Till Midnight. 207 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. 1955. E835 .D3
About the possibility of thermonuclear conflict.
DEAN, JONATHAN. "The Gorbachev Reductions in Europe: Can NATO Seize the Initiative?" In Nucleus, Volume 11, Number 1, Spring 1989, p. 3. 8 pages. Unbound. Cambridge: Union of Concerned Scientists. 1989.
DEAN, JONATHAN. Watershed in Europe. Dismantling the East- West Military Confrontation. 286 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. Lexington: D.C. Heath. 1987. UA646 .D42 1987
Sponsored by the UCS.
DEAN, JONATHAN & PETER CLAUSEN. The INF Treaty and the Future of Western Security. 24 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Cambridge: UCS. January 1988. JX1974.7 .D42 1988
DEL TREDICI, ROBERT. At Work in the Fields of the Bomb. Introduction by Jonathan Schell. 192 pages. Photographs throughout by the Author. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper & Row. 1987. U264 .D445 1987
An outstanding photo-essay on the nuclear weapons industry.
DE RUITER, BOB, Editor. Kernwapens, met welk recht? Een bundel opstellen naar aanleiding van het Tribunaal voor de Vrede gehouden te Rotterdam, 19-21 September 1985. 297 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Amsterdam: Jan Mets. 1986. JX1974.7 .K4 1986
Report of a conference on the legal aspects of nuclear weapons.
DETZER, DAVID. The Brink. Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. 299 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Crowell. 1979. E841 .D4 1979
DIEPENHORST, I.A. Inde schaduw der vernietiging. Het van de moderne oorlog. 124 pages. 8vo, decorative, flexible boards. FIRST EDITION. Wageningen: N.V. Gebr. Zomer en Keunings. 1962. BT736.2 .D53 1962
DISARMAMENT, SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENT. Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs held in Muhlhausen. 233 Pages. 26-31 August 1976. Q101 .P8 1976
DUNBAR, PHILIP R. Politics, Fetishism and War. A Study of Artifice in Government. 172 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Vintage Press. 1956. CB481 .D8 1956
DUTTON, WILLIAM S. One Thousand Years of Explosives. From Wildfire to the H-Bomb. 183 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia: Winston. 1960. TP268 .D95 1960
EDWARDS, JOHN. Superweapon. The Making of MX. 287 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Norton. 1982. UG1312.I2 E38
EHRLICH, PAUL R., CARL SAGAN, DONALD KENNEDY & WALTER ORR ROBERTS. The Cold and the Dark. The World after Nuclear War. Foreword by Lewis Thomas. 229 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Norton. 1984. QH545.N83 C66 1983
Report of the conference that first defined the concept of "nuclear winter."
ENGLAND, BETTY. British Nuclear Disarmament-Why We Need Actions Not Words. A CND Pamphlet. 23 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. London: CND. 1980.
ENGLEBARDT, STANLEY L. Strategic Defenses. 168 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Crowell. 1966. UG633 .E55 1966
EPSTEIN, WILLIAM. "A Ban on the Production of Fissionable Material for Weapons." 12 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed self-wrappers. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1980.
Off-printed from Scientific American.
FALLOWS, JAMES. National Defense. 204 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Random House. 1981. UA23 .F343
Critique of the American defense establishment.
FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SCIENTISTS. Problems of the Nuclear Arms Race. A Portfolio of Background Information. Looseleaf folder containing 8 articles and offprints, mostly mimeographed typescripts. Irregular pagination. 4to, flexible wrappers. N.p.: FAS. circa June 1959.
Apparently prepared as a handout for attendees at an unidentified conference. Includes: "World-Wide Capabilities for Production and Control of Nuclear Weapons" by Howard Simons; "The Geneva Negotiations" by M. Stanley Livingston; "The Second Pugwash Conference and its Significance" by John T. Edsall, and other papers.
FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SCIENTISTS. Seeds of Promise. The First Real Hearings on the Nuclear Arms Freeze. Hearings Held September 21 and 22, 1982 in the Dirksen Senate Office Building. 213 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Andover: Brick House. 1983. JX1974.7 .S4323 1983
FELD, BERNARD T. & KOSTA TSIPIS. "Land-Based Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles." 14 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed self-wrappers. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1979.
Off-printed from Scientific American.
FINNIS, JOHN, JOSEPH M. BOYLE, JR. & GERMAIN GRISEZ. Nuclear Deterrence, Morality and Realism. 429 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1987. U162.6 .F48 1987
Publisher's advance review copy.
FLEMING, D.F. Does Deterrence Deter? A Study and Commentary in the Beyond Deterrence Series. 48 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Philadelphia: American Friends Service Committee. 1962. U162.6 .F55 1962
FOELL, EARL W. & RICHARD A. NENNEMAN, Editors. How Peace Came to the World. 257 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1986. JX1963 .H738 1986
Collection of fictional scenarios of world peace and nuclear disarmament, all winners of the "Peace 2010" contest sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. Foreword by Kurt Waldheim.
FORD, DANIEL, et al. Beyond the Freeze. The Road to Nuclear Sanity. 132 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Union of Concerned Scientists. 1982. JX1974 .F59 1982
FORROW, LACHLAN, M.D. New Tests Produce New Weapons. IN: PSR Reports, Volume IX, Number 3, 7-8pp. 2 leaves. 8 pages. Unbound. Washington, D.C.: Physicians for Social Responsibility. Summer 1988.
FORSBERG, RANDALL. "A Bilateral Nuclear-Weapon Freeze." In Scientific American, Volume 247, No. 5, November 1982, pp. 52-61. 208 pages. Illustrated. New York: Scientific American. 1982.
FREEMAN, HARROP A. & STANLEY YAKER. "Disarmament and Atomic Control: Legal and Non-Legal Problems." pp. 236-262. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. (Ithaca: Cornell University). 1958.
Offprint from Cornell Law Quarterly, Vol. XLIII, No. 2, Winter 1958.
FREI, DANIEL. Risks of Unintentional Nuclear War. 255 pages. Large 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Geneva: United Nations. 1982. U263 .F73 1982
FRIEDMAN, COL. RICHARD S., et al. Advanced Technology Warfare. A detailed study of the latest weapons and techniques for warfare today and into the 21st century. 208 pages. Illustrated. Small folio, pictorial wrappers. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Harmony. 1985. UF500 .A38 1985
FRYKLUND, RICHARD. 100 Million Lives. Maximum Survival in a Nuclear War. 175 pages. 8vo, New York: Macmillan. 1962. U162 .F7
"The first book for the layman on nuclear-war strategy." One of the earliest expositions of "flexible response."
FUCHS, GEORG. Atomenergie, Kernwaffen und die Friedens- bewegung. 125 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Wien: Gazzettaverlag. 1979. JX1974 .A83 1979
GALLOIS, PIERRE. The Balance of Terror. Strategy for the Nuclear Age. Foreword by Raymond Aron. Translated from the French by Richard Howard. 234 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1961. UA11 .G3 1961
GANTZ, KENNETH F. Nuclear Flight. The United States Air Force Programs for Atomic Jets, Missiles, and Rockets. 216 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Duell, Sloan. 1960. UG633 .G29 1960
GATLAND, KENNETH W. Development of the Guided Missile. 133 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Flight. 1952. UG630 .G3
An early survey of guided missiles as weapons and as research tools, including material on atomic warfare and nuclear propulsion.
GAVIN, LT. GENERAL JAMES M. War and Peace in the Space Age. 304 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper. 1958. UA23 .G3
GAVIN, LT. GENERAL JAMES M. War and Peace in the Space Age. Introduction by Lt.-Gen. Sir Brian Horrocks. 287 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. London: Hutchinson. 1959. UA23 .G3 1959
GERVASI, TOM. The Myth of Soviet Military Supremacy. 548 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: Harper & Row. 1987. UA770 .G42 1987
GIGON, FERNAND. Formula for Death. E=MC2 (The Atom Bombs and After). Translated from the French by Constantine Fitz Gibbon. 223 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. London: Wingate. 1958. D767.25.H6 G513 1958
GILPIN, ROBERT. American Scientists and Nuclear Weapons Policy. 352 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Princeton U. Press. 1962. UA23 .G5
GLASSTONE, SAMUEL, Editor. The Effects of Atomic Weapons. Prepared. . . Under the Direction of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. 456 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. June 1950. UF767 .U594 1950
FIRST ISSUE, "Advance Copy," with the red printed security sticker on upper wrapper.
GLASSTONE, SAMUEL, Editor. The Effects of Atomic Weapons. Prepared. . . Under the Direction of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. 456 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. June 1950. UF767 .U594 1950
GLASSTONE, SAMUEL, Editor. The Effects of Atomic Weapons. Prepared. . . Under the Direction of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. 456 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST TRADE EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1950. UF767 .U594 1950b
GLASSTONE, SAMUEL, Editor. The Effects of Atomic Weapons. Prepared. . . Under the Direction of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. 456 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. Washington, D.C.: Combat Forces Press. August 1950. QC173 .U45
GLASSTONE, SAMUEL, Editor. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons. Revised September 1950. 456 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. September 1950. UF767 .U594 1950c
GLASSTONE, SAMUEL, Editor. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons. Revised Edition. 730 pages. Illustrated, and with the circular slide-rule "Nuclear Bomb Effects Computer" inside rear cover pocket. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. April 1962. U162.6 .G7 1966
GLASSTONE, SAMUEL, Editor. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons. Revised Edition. 730 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. Reprinted February 1964. UF767 .U444 1962
GLASSTONE, SAMUEL & PHILIP J. DOLAN, Editors. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons. Third Edition. 653 pages. Illustrated, and with the revised circular slide-rule "Nuclear Bomb Effects Computer" inside rear cover pocket. 8vo, cloth. Washington, D.C.: U.S. DOD & U.S. DOE. 1977. UF767 .E33 1977
GLASSTONE, SAMUEL & PHILIP J. DOLAN. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons. Revised Edition. 653 pages. Illustrated, and with "Nuclear Bomb Effects Computer" inside rear cover pocket. 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: Headquarters, Department of the Army. March 1977. UF767 .E34 1977
Comprises Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 50-3.
GOLLANCZ, VICTOR. The Devil's Repertoire of Nuclear Bombing and the Life of Man. 192 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. 1959. BR115.A85 G6
GOMES DE COSTA BELA, JOSE. A agressao atomica. 20 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Lisboa: Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. 1950.
Signed by the Author. Published for the Portuguese Red Cross.
GOURE, LEON, FOY D. KOHLER & MOSE L. HARVEY. The Role of Nuclear Forces in Current Soviet Strategy. 148 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Miami: Center for Advanced International Studies. 1974. UA770 .G68 1974
GREAT BRITAIN. ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS. Atomic Attack. Can Britain Be Defended? 22 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. London: ASW. 1950. UF767 .A63 1950
GREAT BRITAIN. ROYAL NAVAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. Notes on Atomic Energy for Medical Officers. An Introduction to the Subject for Service and Other Medical Officers who may be concerned with defence against atomic bombs and similar problems. 169 pages. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Philosophical Library. 1956. QC782 .A4 1956
GREATER BOSTON COMMITTEE FOR A SANE NUCLEAR POLICY, et al. (Untitled). Collection of essays on aspects of nuclear war. 26 leaves. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. (Boston: GBCSNP). 1960.
The Boston Chapter of the National Committee. Direct Action Lobby for bi-lateral disarmament down to police levels with adequate inspection and controls.
GREEN, PHILIP. Deadly Logic. The Theory of Nuclear Deterrence. 361 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Ohio State University Press. 1966.
GREENE, OWEN. Europe's Folly. The Facts and Arguments about Cruise. 99 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. London: CND. September 1983. UG1312.C7 .G74 1983
GRENIER, PAUL & ERIC STUBBS. Soviets Rethink Defense Spending: A Farewell to Arms? IN: CEP Research Report, 1-5pp. 1 leaf. 6 pages. Unbound. New York: Council on Economic Priorities. April 1989?.
GRIFFITHS, FRANKLYN & JOHN C. POLANYI, Editors. The Dangers of Nuclear War. A Pugwash Symposium. Foreword by Pierre Elliott Trudeau. 197 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. University of Toronto Press. 1979. JX1974.7 .D35
GROOM, A.J.R. British Thinking About Nuclear Weapons. 614 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Frances Pinter. 1974. UA647 .G75 1974
GUIDED MISSILES. A Compilation of Selected Guided Missile Articles That Have Appeared in the Coast Artillery Journal 1946-1948. 71 pages. Illustrated. 4to, library binder. N.p.: Coast Artillery Journal. 1948.
Includes discussion of fissionable materials for warheads.
HADLEY, ARTHUR T. The Nation's Safety and Arms Control. 160 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Viking. 1961. JX1974.7 .H2
HAFEMEISTER, DAVID, JOSEPH J. ROMM & KOSTA TSIPIS. The Verification of Compliance with Arms-Control Agreements. IN: Scientific American, Volume 252, Number 3, 39-45pp. 128 pages. Illustrated. March 1985.
HALLORAN, RICHARD. To Arm a Nation. Rebuilding America's Endangered Defenses. 396 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Macmillan. 1986. UA23 .H354 1986
HALPERIN, MORTON H. Nuclear Fallacy. Dispelling the Myth of Nuclear Strategy. 173 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Ballinger. 1987. U263 .H36 1987
HANSEN, CHUCK. U.S. Nuclear Weapons. The Secret History. 232 pages. Illustrated. Small folio, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Arlington, Texas: Aerofax. 1988. U264 .H36 1988
Outstanding work. An indispensable basic reference.
HANSEN, HAN. De zes atoomtaken van Nederland. 106 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Amsterdam: Van Gennep. 1982. UA730 .H35 1982
HARKABI, Y. Nuclear War and Nuclear Peace. Translated from Hebrew. 303 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Jerusalem: IPST. 1966. UF767 .H3
Translation of Milhama Gar'init Veshalom Gar'ini by Yigal Shenkam.
HART, B.H. LIDDELL. Deterrent or Defense. A Fresh Look at the West's Military Position. 257 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Praeger. 1960. UA11 .L5
HARVARD NUCLEAR STUDY GROUP. Living with Nuclear Weapons. Foreword by Derek Bok. 268 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Harvard U. Press. 1983. JX1974.7 .L58 1983
The authors are Albert Carnesale, Paul Doty, Stanley Hoffman, Samuel P. Huntington, Joseph S. Nye, Jr. & Scott D. Sagan.
THE H BOMB. Introduction by Albert Einstein. Commentary by George Fielding Eliot. 175 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Didier. 1950. UF767 .H2
HENTOFF, NAT. Peace Agitator. The Story of A.J. Muste. 269 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Macmillan. 1963. JX1962.M8 H4
SIGNED BY MUSTE, and with an original photographic portrait laid-in.
HERKEN, GREG. Counsels of War. 409 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Knopf. 1985. UA23 .H45 1985
Excellent history of American nuclear arms advisors since Hiroshima.
HESLEP, CHARTER. Typed letter to Captain H.G. Rickover. 2 pages, on 2 4to sheets. Unbound, stapled. Silver Spring, Maryland. June 23, 1953.
Heslep proposes himself to Rickover, at the suggestion of Gordon Dean, to be author of a forthcoming book on Rickover and the nuclear submarine. This is apparently Heslep's fair copy of the letter, which is not signed, but bears an inscription in Heslep's hand "Rick would not sign this and we dropped the project." Clay Blair subsequently wrote Atomic Submarine.
HEWLETT, RICHARD G. & FRANCIS DUNCAN. Nuclear Navy 1946- 1962. 477 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1974. VA58 .H43
HIPPEL, FRANK VON, DAVID H. ALBRIGHT & BARBARA G. LEVI. Stopping the Production of Fissile Materials for Weapons. IN: Scientific American, Volume 253, Number 3, 40-47pp. 144 pages. Illustrated. September 1985.
HITCH, CHARLES J. & ROLAND N. MCKEAN. The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age. 422 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Harvard. 1960. UA23 .H5
HOROWITZ, IRVING LOUIS. Games, Strategies and Peace. A Study and Commentary in the Beyond Deterrence Series. 64 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Philadelphia: AFSC. 1963. UA23 .H55 1953
HUBBELL, J.H. & L.V. SPENCER. "Shielding Against Gamma Rays, Neutrons, and Electrons from Nuclear Weapons." A Review and Bibliography. 36 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: N.B.S. 1964. UF767 .H8 1964
Comprises National Bureau of Standards Monograph 69.
HUNTER, MEL. Strategic Air Command. 191 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. 1961. UG633 .H83 1961
"THE HYDROGEN BOMB: Kind of Energy that Makes Life on Earth Possible Can Be Released By U.S. in Most Lethal of Weapons." IN: Life, Vol. 28, No. 5. 100 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: Time, Inc. January 30, 1950.
Takes an unflinchingly hawkish editorial position toward the United States's development of the H-bomb. This issue also includes a feature on the Alger Hiss conviction ("The Verdict: Hiss Did Lie"), without any of the ambivalence towards the case expressed in some other sectors of the press. It should be noted that Whittaker Chambers was a former senior editor of Time, the corporate parent of Life magazine.
THE HYDROGEN BOMB: "Strategy of Despair." An Editorial. Cover article IN: New Republic. 31 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. New York: New Republic. February 13, 1950.
Critique of President Truman's go-ahead order on the hydrogen bomb.
INDIA. MINISTRY OF INFORMATION & BROADCASTING. Nuclear Explosions and Their Effects. Foreword by Jawaharlal Nehru. 184 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative flexible boards. FIRST EDITION. Delhi: Government of India. 1956. UG1282.A8 N93 1956
INDIA. MINISTRY OF INFORMATION & BROADCASTING. Nuclear Explosions and their Effects. Foreword by Jawaharlal Nehru. Revised Edition. 276, (64) pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. Delhi: Government of India. 1958. UF767 .I45 1958
INSTITUT FUER INTERNATIONALE BEZIEHUNGEN. . . DER DDR. NATO Bruessel und Raketen. 79 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Berlin: Dietz. 1980. JX1393.N67 N35 1980
Analysis of NATO's nuclear policies from an East German perspective.
INTERNATIONAAL FORUM DE OPROEP VAN AMSTERDAM. Stop de neutronen Bom. 64 pages. Illustrated. Square 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Amsterdam: International Forum. 1978.
Well-illustrated history of the forum "Stop de Neutronenbom" held in Amsterdam 18-19 March, 1978.
INTERNATIONAL PHYSICIANS FOR THE PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR. Last Aid. The Medical Dimensions of Nuclear War. Edited by Eric Chivian, Susanna Chivian, Robert Jay Lifton, and John E. Mack. Foreword by Lewis Thomas. 338 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1982. RA1231.R2 L28 1982
JASTROW, ROBERT. How to Make Nuclear Weapons Obsolete. 175 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Little, Brown. 1985. UG743 .J37 1985
A puff for "Star Wars."
JESSUP, PHILIP C. & HOWARD J. TAUBENFELD. Controls for Outer Space and the Antarctic Analogy. 379 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Columbia U. Press. 1959. KZD1145 .J471 1959
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Problems of World Disarmament. A Series of Lectures Delivered at Johns Hopkins University; Coordinated by Charles A. Baker. 170 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1963. JX1974.7 .P7
KAHN, HERMAN. On Thermonuclear War. 651 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Princeton University Press. 1960. UF767 .K25 1960b
KAHN, HERMAN. On Thermonuclear War. Second Edition with Index. 668 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. Princeton U. Press. 1961. UF767 .K25 1960
KAHN, HERMAN. Thinking About the Unthinkable. Introduction by Raymond Aron. 254 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Horizon. 1962. U162 .K3
KAHN, HERMAN. Thinking About the Unthinkable. Introduction by Raymond Aron. 290 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: Avon. 1962. U162 .K3 1962b
Includes an additional chapter by Kahn, not in the hardcover edition.
KAHN, HERMAN. Thinking About the Unthinkable in the 1980s. 250 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1984. U263 .K33 1984
KAPLAN, FRED M. Dubious Specter. A Skeptical Look at the Soviet Nuclear Threat. 93 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Institute for Policy Studies. 1980. UA770 .K27 1980
Revised second printing. (First in 1977).
KAPLAN, FRED. The Wizards of Armageddon. 452 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: Simon & Schuster. 1983. U263 .K36 1983
Revised second printing. (First in 1977).
KARAS, THOMAS. The New High Ground. Systems and Weapons of Space Age War. 224 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1983. UG1520 .K37 1983
KATEB, GEORGE. "Nuclear Weapons and Individual Rights." IN: Dissent, pp. 161-172; 131-256 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas. Spring 1986.
KAVKA, GREGORY S. Moral Paradoxes of Nuclear Deterrence. 243 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge University Press. 1987. U162.6 .K38 1987
KEESING'S RESEARCH REPORT. Disarmament Negotiations and Treaties, 1946-1971. 385 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Scribner's. 1972. JX1974.7 .D57
A handy collection of excerpts from the original documents, with good explanatory commentary.
KEGLEY, CHARLES W., Jr. & EUGENE R. WITTKOPF, Editors. The Nuclear Reader. Strategy, Weapons, War. 332 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1985. U263 .N758 1985
KENNAN, GEORGE F. The Nuclear Delusion. Soviet-American Relations in the Atomic Age. 208 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Pantheon. 1982. JX1555.Z7 U437 1982
KENNAN, GEORGE F. Russia, the Atom and the West. 116 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper. 1958. D840 .K4
KENNARD, PETER. No Nuclear Weapons. The Case for Nuclear Disarmament. Photomontage. Text by Ric Sissons. 22 leaves. Photographs by Kennard. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. London: Pluto Press/CND. 1981. JX1974.73 .K46 1981
KIDRON, MICHAEL & DAN SMITH. The War Atlas. Armed Conflict- Armed Peace. Unpaginated. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1983. U42 .K521 1983
KING-HALL, STEPHEN. Defence in the Nuclear Age. 223 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Victor Gollancz. 1958. UA647 .K47 1958
Signed by the Author.
KING-HALL, STEPHEN. Defence in the Nuclear Age. 223 pages. 8vo, cloth. London: Victor Gollancz. 1958. UA647 .K47 1958
KING-HALL, STEPHEN. Defence in the Nuclear Age. Introduction by Edward R. Murrow. 234 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Fellowship Publications. 1959. UA647 .K47 1958
KINNARD, DOUGLAS. The Secretary of Defense. 252 pages. Photographic portraits of the secretaries in the text. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. 1980. UA23.6 .K56 1980
KIRIC, LABUD. A i H Bomba. Djelovanje * Naoruzanje * Zastita. 147 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Zagreb: Izdavacko Poduzece. 1956.
A history of the Hydrogen Bomb, in Yugoslavian.
KISSINGER, HENRY A. Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy. Foreword by Gordon Dean. 455 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper. 1957. JX1427 .M5 K5
KISSINGER, HENRY A. Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy. Foreword by Gordon Dean. 463 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1957. UA23 .K49 1957b
Second printing.
KISSINGER, HENRY A. Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy. Foreword by Gordon Dean. 463 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Harper. 1957. UA23 .K49 1957b
Third printing.
KISSINGER, HENRY A. Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy. Abridged Edition with a New Foreword by Gordon Dean. 259 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. 1958. UA23 .K493 1958
KNELMAN, F.H. Reagan, God, and the Bomb. From Myth to Policy in the Nuclear Arms Race. 343 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Buffalo: Prometheus Books. 1985. U263 .K54 1985b
KNORR, KLAUS. On the Uses of Military Power in the Nuclear Age. 185 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Princeton: Princeton U. Press. 1966. UA11 .K6
KNORR, KLAUS & THORNTON READ. Limited Strategic War. 258 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Praeger. 1962. UA11 .K6 1962
Comprises Princeton Studies in World Politics, Number 3.
KOCH, CHRISTIAN DAHLERUP. Kampen on Atombomben. 160 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn: Steen Hasselbalchs Forlag. 1962. QC773.A1 D34 1962
KOOY, J.M.J. & J.W.H. UYTENBOGAART. Ballistics of the Future. With Special Reference to the Dynamical and Physical Theory of the Rocket Weapons. 472 pages. Illustrated, including 11 folding maps and charts. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York and London: McGraw-Hill. 1946. UF820 .K6
A landmark study. This is the first full-scale technical treatise on ballistic missiles as weapons. The work had a major impact on the development of strategic missile systems in both the West and the East. Very scarce.
KOWALEWSKI, JERZY. Revanchisme en Raketten. West-Duitslands streven naar atoombewapening. 118 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST DUTCH EDITION. Amsterdam: Pegasus. 1965.
Translated from Polish. An analysis of West Germany's nuclear build-up.
KRAMISH, ARNOLD. The Peaceful Atom in Foreign Policy. 276 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper & Row. 1963. E744 .K7
Warns of the dangers of weapons proliferation through the export of "peaceful" reactor technology.
KRASS, ALLAN S. Verification: How Much is Enough? 271 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Lexington: D.C. Heath. 1986. UA12.5 .K73 1985b
Sponsored by SPIRI.
KRASS, ALLAN & CATHERINE GIRRIER. Disproportionate Response. American Policy and Alleged Soviet Treaty Violations. 92 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: UCS. 1987. JX1974.76 .K73 1987
LALL, BETTY G. The START Treaty: Nearing the Final Lap? IN: CEP Research Report. 1 leaf. 6 pages. Unbound. New York: Council on Economic Priorities. January 1989.
LALL, BETTY G. & EUGENE CHOLLICK. After INF. CTB: A Critical Step. IN: Research Report, CEP Publication N88-1. 1 leaf. 6 pages. Unbound. New York: Council on Economic Priorities. January 1988.
LALL, DR. BETTY G. & EUGENE CHOLLICK. The Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty: A Verification Breakthrough. IN: Research Report, CEP Publication N88-4, 1-5pp. 1 leaf. 6 pages. Unbound. Illustrated. New York: Council on Economic Priorities. April 1988.
LANG, DANIEL. An Inquiry Into Enoughness. Of Bombs and Men and Staying Alive. 216 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1965. JX1974.7 .L3
First serialized in The New Yorker.
LANGER, VICTOR & WALTER THOMAS. The Nuclear War Fun Book. Illustrated by Brent Richardson. 128 pages. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1982. UF767 .L238 1982
LAPP, RALPH E. Arms Beyond Doubt. The Tyranny of Weapons Technology. 210 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Cowles. 1970. UA23 .L28 1970
LAPP, RALPH E. The Weapons Culture. How the Tyranny of Weapons Technology has Taken Over Society. 230 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: W.W. Norton. 1968. UF767 .L273 1968
LAURENCE, WILLIAM L. The Hell Bomb. 198 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Knopf. 1951. UF767 .L33 1951
LAURENCE, WILLIAM L. The Hell Bomb. 198 pages. 8vo, cloth. New York: Knopf. 1951. UF767 .L33 1951
"First and second printings before publication."
LAWYERS FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT. Pamphlet One. The Illegality of Nuclear Warfare. 26 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. London: LND. 1983.
LE GHAIT, EDOUARD. No Carte Blanche to Capricorn. The Folly of Nuclear War Strategy. 114 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Brookfield House. 1960. UA11 .L4 1960
LENS, SIDNEY. The Bomb. 139 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Lodestar Books. 1982. UF767 .L395 1982
A broad survey of the history of nuclear weapons from the Manhattan Project to the 1980's.
LENS, SIDNEY. The Day Before Doomsday. An Anatomy of the Nuclear Arms Race. 274 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. 1977. JX1974.7 .L348
LENS, SIDNEY. Revolution and Cold War. A Study and Commentary in the Beyond Deterrence Series. 64 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Philadelphia: AFSC. 1962. D843 .L41 1962
LEVINE, ROBERT A. The Arms Debate. 347 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1963. UA23 .L48
LEWELLEN, JOHN. The Atomic Submarine. 134 pages. Illustrated by Paul Valentino. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Crowell. 1954. VA65.N3 L4 1954
LEWIS, RICHARD, JANE WILSON & EUGENE RABINOWITCH, Editors. Alamogordo Plus Twenty-Five Years. 281 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Viking Press. 1971. QC792 .A43 1971
LEYSON, CAPTAIN BURR W. Atomic Energy in War and Peace. 217 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Dutton. 1951. QC778 .L4
LIFTON, ROBERT JAY & NICHOLAS HUMPHREY, Editors. In a Dark Time. Images for Survival. 154 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1984. PN6084.W35 I5 1984
LILIENTHAL, DAVID. Change, Hope, and the Bomb. 168 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Princeton U. Press. 1963. HD9698.U5 L5
LIN, HERBERT. The Development of Software for Ballistic-Missile Defense. IN: Scientific American, Volume 253, Number 6, 46-53pp. 152 pages. Illustrated. December 1985.
LOCKE, ARTHUR S. Guidance. Principles of Guided Missile Design. 729 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Princeton: Van Nostrand. 1955. UG630 .L5
LYON, FERN & JACOB EVANS, Editors. Los Alamos: The First Forty Years. 176 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Los Alamos Historical Society. 1984. F804.L6 L67 1984
MACLEAN'S. CANADA'S NATIONAL MAGAZINE. "A Plain-spoken 1963 election report on The Nuclear Mess and what we can do about cleaning it up." Feature cover article IN: Maclean's. 66 pages. Folio, pictorial wrappers. Toronto: Maclean's. March 9, 1963.
Analysis of Canada's confused nuclear defense policies.
MAGNUSSON, TORSTEN. "Atomvapnens Konstruktion och Verkan." IN: Kosmos, Band 34, pp. (180)-208. 226 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. Stockholm: P.A. Norstedt & Soener. 1956.
An unusually frank discussion of the construction of thermonuclear weapons.
MANDELBAUM, MICHAEL. The Nuclear Question: The United States and Nuclear Weapons, 1946-1976. 277 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: University Press. 1979. UA23 .M277
MARCUS, DAVID A. Archive of 39 typed or autograph letters signed from various personages, all responding to a query from Marcus concerning the survival of mankind in the nuclear age in the light of the Club of Rome's study "Limit to Growth," and in relation to an article titled "Blueprint for Survival" published in Ecology Magazine, January 1972. Mostly single sheet 4to, on various letterhead stationeries, accompanied by a copy of Marcus's original letter. V.p. mostly 1973.
Includes letters from Paul R. Ehrlich, Barry Commoner, Helen Caldicott, Alan Cranston, Norman Cousins, Jakon Sverdrup, Harold Brown, Bernard T. Feld, and many others.
MARCUS, DAVID A. Group of 9 typed or autograph letters signed, from various scientists of note, to Dr. Marcus, answering in varying degrees of detail his queries concerning the effects of a nuclear holocaust on the ecosystem of the Earth. Accompanied by a copy of Marcus's original letter. Mostly single sheet 4to, on letterhead stationery. V.p. 1982.
Includes letters from George B. Kistiakowsky, Hans A. Bethe, Harvey Brooks, H.E. Carter, Marvin L. Goldberger, William A. Higinbotham (2-including a lengthy ALS), Glenn T. Seaborg, & Jerome Grossman. Also included in the lot is a large, signed glossy photographic portrait of W.R. Libby.
MARKEY, EDWARD J. & DOUGLAS C. WALLER. Nuclear Peril. The Politics of Proliferation. 183 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Ballinger. 1982. JX1974.73 .M37 1982
MARTIN, CHARLES-NOEL. Hat die Stunde H geschlagen? Die wissenschaftlichen Tatsachen ueber die Wirkung des Wasserstoffbombe. Vorwort von Albert Einstein. 141 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION IN GERMAN. Berlin: Fischer Verlag. 1955. UF767 .M2815 1955
Translation by Fritz Montfort of L'Heure H a-t-elle sonné pour le Monde?
MARTIN, LAWRENCE. The Changing Face of Nuclear Warfare. 158 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Harper & Row. 1987. U263 .M332 1987
Entirely rewritten and updated version of Nuclear War in the 1980's? by Chant & Hogg.
MARTIN, LAURENCE. "Nuclear Warfare." Color illustrations by Tony Gibbons, Peter Sarson, and Tony Bryan. 48 pages. 4to, pictorial self-wrappers, laid into larger folder bearing the design for the dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. Minneapolis: Lerner. 1989. U263 .M333 1989
Publisher's advance proof copy. From the Modern Military Techniques series.
MASSARRAT, MOHSSEN, et al. Ist der 3.Weltkrieg noch zu verhindern? 144 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Hamburg: Buntbuch. 1980.
Collection of German essays on nuclear militarism.
MATAXIS, THEODORE C. & SEYMOUR L. GOLDBERG. Nuclear Tactics, Weapons, and Firepower in the PENTOMIC Division, Battle Group, and Company. 254 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Harrisburg: Military Service Publishing Co. 1958. UF767 .M39 1958
MCGOVERN, SENATOR GEORGE. "The End of the World." IN: Playboy, February 1978. 214 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: Playboy. 1978.
MCNAMARA, ROBERT S. Blundering Into Disaster. Surviving the First Century of the Nuclear Age. 212 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Pantheon. 1986. UA10 .M39 1986
MELMAN, SEYMOUR, Editor. Inspection for Disarmament. 291 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Columbia University Press. 1958. UA12.5 .M4
Pioneering study in arms control treaty verification.
MERRILL, GRAYSON, Editor. Principles of Guided Missile Design. Operations Research, Armament, Launching. 508 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Princeton: Van Nostrand. 1956. UG632 .M38
MERSHON CENTER FOR EDUCATION IN NATIONAL SECURITY. Accidental War: Some Dangers in the 1960's. The Mershon Report. With an Introduction by Bertrand Russell. 24 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. London: Housmans. 1961. U21.2 .A3
Co-published by The Campaign in Oxford University for Nuclear Disarmament and Housmans, Publishers and Booksellers.
MIDDLETON, DREW. Submarine. The Ultimate Naval Weapon - Its Past, Present & Future. 256 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: Playboy Press. 1976. V210 .M52
MIKSCHE, LIEUT.-COL. F.O. Atomic Weapons and Armies. 222 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Faber and Faber. 1955. U165 .M495 1955
An amusingly naive manual of tactical weapon theory.
MOORE, J.D.L. South Africa and Nuclear Proliferation. 227 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1987. U264 .M66 1987
MORENUS, RICHARD. DEW Line. Distant Early Warning. The Miracle of America's First Line of Defense. 184 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Rand McNally. 1957. UG633 .M57 1957
MORGENSTERN, OSKAR. The Question of National Defense. 306 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Random House. 1959. UA23 .M6
One of the earliest advocates of widely dispersed SLBM's as an invulnerable retaliatory force.
MORLAND, HOWARD. The Secret that Exploded. 288 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Random House. 1981. QC778 .M68
True story of Morland's revelation of the "secret" of the H-Bomb in The Progressive, and the government's subsequent attempts at censorship.
MORRISON, PHILIP & PAUL F. WALKER. "A New Strategy for Military Spending." 16 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed self-wrappers. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman. 1978. UA23 .M652 1978
Off-print from Scientific American.
MOSS, NORMAN. Men who Play God. The Story of the H-Bomb and How the World Came to Live with It. 352 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Harper. 1968. UF767 .M68 1968b
MUMFORD, LEWIS. "The Morals of Extermination." 8 leaves. Tall 12mo, printed self-wrappers. FIRST SEPARATE EDITION. Philadelphia: AFSC. circa 1960. JX1974.7 .M853 1960
Reprinted from the Atlantic Monthly, October 1959.
MURPHY, DERVLA. Nuclear Stakes. Race to the Finish. 264 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New Haven & New York: Ticknor & Fields. 1982. TK9153 .M82 1982
MURRAY, THOMAS E. Nuclear Policy for War and Peace. 241 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Cleveland: World Publishing. 1960. HD9698.U5 M8
MUSTE, A.J. Gandhi and the H-Bomb. How Nonviolence Can Take the Place of War. 20 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Fellowship Publications. May 1950. DS481.G3 M8 1950
MYRDAL, ALVA. The Game of Disarmament. How the United States and Russia Run the Arms Race. 397 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Pantheon. 1976. JX1974 .M948
NAEVE, VIRGINIA, Editor. Changeover. The Drive for Peace. 282 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Denver: Alan Swalloe. 1963. JX1953 .N23 1963
Contributors include P.M.S. Blackett, Linus Pauling, S.I. Hayakawa, Norman Cousins, and many others.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Damage to Livestock from Radioactive Fallout in Event of Nuclear War. 93 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington: NAS/NRC. 1963. SF757.8 .N3
NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY. The Quick and the Dead. Volume 1. The Story of the Atom Bomb * Volume 2. The Story of the Hydrogen Bomb. Featuring Bob Hope & William L. Laurence. Set of nine 45 RPM records, in the original two pictorial boxes with slipcase, each box with accompanying text pamphlet. Camden, N.J.: RCA Victor. 1950.
Comprises recordings of the series of broadcasts aired by NBC on national radio in the Summer of 1950, featuring Bob Hope as "Everyman." The program was written and directed by Fred Friendly, and features actual interviews with Leslie Groves, William S. Parsons, David Lilienthal, Bernard Baruch, and many others. This set is very scarce.
NATIONAL COUNCIL AGAINST CONSCRIPTION. "The H-Bomb and the Conscript Army." 2 leaves. 4to, unbound. Washington, D.C.: NCAC. circa 1955.
Comprises Conscription Factfolder 5.
NEDERLANDSE HERVORMDE KERK. Het Vraagstuk van de Kernwapen. 93 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. 's-Gravenhage: Boekencentrum N.V. 1962.
NEDERLANDSE HERVORMDE KERK. Woord en Wederwoord. Voortzetting van het gesprek over het vraagstuk van de kernwapen. Aanvaard door de generale synode. . . van 30 juni 1964. 47 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. 's-Gravenhage: Boekencentrum. 1964. BR115.A85 N4 1964
NEDERLANDS INSTITUUT VOOR VREDESVRAAGSTUKKEN. Aspecten van de afschrikking. Over de rol van kernwapens in Europa. 216 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Den Haag: NIVV. November 1975.
NEWHOUSE, JOHN. War and Peace in the Nuclear Age. 486 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Knopf. 1989. U263 .N48 1989
Companion volume to the television series of the same name.
NEWMAN, JAMES R. The Rule of Folly. Preface by Erich Fromm. 64 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1962. UF767 .N438 1962
"A powerful and angry attack on the nuclear and civil defense policies that are leading the United States toward self-destruction."
NEW UNIVERSITY THOUGHT. Our Generation Against Nuclear War. Special Handbook on Peace. Special Issue-Spring,1962. Volume 2, Number 3. 167 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Chicago. Spring 1962.
NIMROODY, ROSY. SDI Spinoffs: Helping America Compete? IN: CEP Research Report. 1-5pp. l leaf. 6 pages. Unbound. New York: Council on Economic Priorities. October/November 1988.
NIMROODY, ROSY & PAUL GRENIER. Star Wars Spinoffs: Blueprint for a Hi-Tech USA? IN: CEP Research Report, Publication N88-6, 1-5pp. 1 leaf. 6 pages. Unbound. New York: Council on Economic Priorities. June 1988.
NINCIC, MIROSLAV. Can the U.S. Trust the U.S.S.R.? IN: Scientific American, Volume 254, Number 4, 33-41pp. 124 pages. Illustrated. April 1986.
NRDC NEWSLINE. NRDC and Soviets Renew and Expand Nuclear Verification Agreement. Volume 5, Number 4, 1 leaf. 4 pages. Unbound. New York: National Resources Defense Council. September/October 1987.
NRDC NEWSLINE. NRDC Moves to Block New Nuclear Weapons Facilities in Idaho and California. Volume 7, Number 3, p. 2. 10 pages. Unbound. New York: National Resources Defense Council, July/August. 1989.
THE NUCLEAR REVOLUTION IN SOVIET MILITARY AFFAIRS. Translated and Edited, with Introduction and Commentary, by William R. Kintner and Harriet Fast Scott. 420 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Norman: U. of Oklahoma Press. 1968. UA770 .K53
NUCLEAR SUPPLIERS AND NONPROLIFERATION. International Policy Choices. Edited by Rodney W. Jones, Cesare Merlini, Joseph F. Pilat & William C. Potter. 253 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Lexington: D.C. Heath. 1985. HD9698.A2 N84 1985
"Papers from a Seminar sponsored by Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies."
NUCLEAR TIMES. Volume I, Number 1-Volume VII, Number 2. Together, 44 issues. Illlustrated 4to, pictorial wrappers. New York or Washington, D.C.: Nuclear Times. October 1982-November/December 1988.
Complete file of the leading "Newsmagazine on the Anti- Nuclear Weapons movement."
OSMAR, NILS. A Cartoon History of the Nuclear Arms Race. 24 pages. Illustrated in comic-strip format throughout. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Seattle: Starwind Press. 1984. UA23 .O82 1984
PARFIT, MICHAEL. The Boys Behind the Bombs. 298 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Little, Brown. 1983. UA23 .P277 1983
PARMENTOLA, JOHN & KOSTA TSIPIS. "Particle-Beam Weapons." 15 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1979.
Off-print from Scientific American.
PARSON, NELS A., Jr. Missiles and the Revolution in Warfare. 245 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Harvard U. Press. 1962. UG630 .P3 1962
PATTERSON, WALTER C. The Plutonium Business and the Spread of the Bomb. 272 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books. 1984. TK9360 .P38 1984
PAULING, LINUS. No More War! Illustrated by Roger Hayward. 254 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Dodd, Mead. 1958. JX1974.7 .P3
PAULING, LINUS. "Would Civilization Survive a Nuclear War?" IN: The Minority of One Independent Monthly, Volume V, 11 (48). 32 pages. Folio, self-wrappers. Passaic, N.J.: Minority of One. November 1963.
Also includes Bertrand Russell's "Sequel to the Test-Ban Treaty?"
PEACE FORUM OF THE SWEDISH LABOUR MOVEMENT. Europa, Kaernvapen och Arbetsloeshet. Rapport fran en hearing i Riksdagshuset 5 maj 1983. 53 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Tibatryck City: Arbetarroerelsens Fredsforum. 1983.
PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. People of the World, Unite, for the Complete, Thorough, Total and Resolute Prohibition and Destruction of Nuclear Weapons! 208 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Peking: Foreign Languages Press. 1963. JX1974.7 .P461 1963
Laid in is a carbon of a form letter from GUOZI SHUDIAN China Publications Centre, sending "Dear Reader" a complimentary copy of the above, "in view of the successful explosion of China's first atom bomb on October 16, 1964" for readers "interested in China's policy toward nuclear weapons."
PERRY, TODD. INF: First Step on Road to Abolition. IN: PSR Reports, Volume IX, Number 3, p. 1. 2 leaves. 8 pages. Unbound. Washington, D.C.: Physicians for Social Responsibility. Summer 1988.
PETERSON, JEANNIE, Editor. The Aftermath: The Human and Ecological Consequences of Nuclear War. 196 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Pantheon. 1983. U263 .N8 1983
PHILLIPS, JOHN ARISTOTLE. "How I Designed the A-Bomb (for My Physics Class)." IN: Science Digest, January 1977. 96 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Des Moines: Science Digest. 1977.
PHYSICIANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Symposium on the Medical Consequences of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War. 74, 21, 17 leaves. Photocopied (?) typescript, printed on one side only. 4to, spiral-bound wrappers, hand-written cover-label reading in part "Property of Physicians for Social Responsibility." (Seattle, Washington). April 18, 1981.
Apparently comprises the printed text of the lectures, for use of attendees at the conference. Texts by Judith Eve Lipton, John Kenneth Galbraith, Roger Fisher, Bernard Feld, Victor W. Sidel, et al.
PIERRE, ANDREW J., Editor. Nuclear Weapons in Europe. 118 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York University Press. 1984. UA646 .N79 1984
Contributions by William G. Hyland, Lawrence D. Freeman, Paul C. Warnke & Karsten D. Voigt. A Council on Foreign Relations Book.
POGODZINSKI, MICHAEL. Second Sunrise. Nuclear War: The Untold Story. 236 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Thorndike, Maine: Thorndike Press. 1983. U263 .P63 1983
POLMAR, NORMAN. Atomic Submarines. 286 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. Princeton: Van Nostrand. 1964. V858 .P6 1964
PORRO, JEFFREY D. The Pentagon and Basic Research. IN: Technology Review, Volume 91, Number 4, 12-14pp., 1 p. advertisements. 72 pages. Illustrated. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. May/June 1988.
PORTERFIELD, AUSTIN L. Wait the Withering Rain? Studies in the Conditions of Survival and Peace Beyond 1976. 147 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Fort Worth: Leo Potishman Foundation. 1953. CB155 .P63 1953
POWERS, THOMAS & RUTHVEN TREMAIN. Total War. What It Is, How It Got that Way. 188 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Morrow. 1988. U21.2 .T68 1988
PRADOS, JOHN, JOEL S. WIT & MICHAEL J. ZAGUREK, JR. The Strategic Nuclear Forces of Britain and France. IN: Scientific American, Volume 255, Number 2, 33-41pp. 120 pages. Illustrated. August 1986.
PRATT, FLETCHER. "Tomorrow's Sub: On Target." Special 7-page Supplement. Atom War Undersea! The Killer Submarine of the Future. IN: Esquire. The Magazine for Men, Vol. XXXVII, No. 5. Illustrations after paintings by Fred Freeman. 150 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. New York: Esquire. May 1952.
PSR REPORTS. Star Wars Fails OTA Exam. Volume IX, Number 3, p. 2. 2 leaves. 8 pages. Illustrated. Unbound. Washington, D.C.: Physicians for Social Responsibility. Summer 1988.
RAND CORPORATION. Index of Selected Publications. Volume I: 1946-1962. Irregular pagination. Thick 8vo, cloth. N.p.: RAND Corporation. 1962.
RAPOPORT, ROGER. The Great American Bomb Machine. 160 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Dutton. 1971. UF767 .R33
RATHJENS, GEORGE W. "The Dynamics of the Arms Race." 15 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed self-wrappers. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1969.
Offprint from Scientific American.
REINHARDT, COLONEL G.C. & LIEUTENANT COLONEL W.R. KINTNER. Atomic Weapons in Land Combat. 182 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Harrisburg: Military Service Publishing Co. 1953. UF767 .R4 1953
An unwittingly humorous manual for infantry on the tactical nuclear battlefield.
RICHARDS, LEVERETT G. TAC. The Story of the Tactical Air Command. 254 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: John Day. 1961. UG633 .R5 1961
RICKOVER, VICE ADMIRAL HYMAN G. Report on Russia. Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Eighty-Sixth Congress First Session. 82 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1959. KF27 .A6 1959c
RIORDAN, MICHAEL, Editor. The Day After Midnight. The Effects of Nuclear War. Based on a Report by the Office of Technology Assessment. 143 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Palo Alto: Cheshire Books. 1982. UF767 .D38 1982
RITCHIE, DAVID. Space War. 224 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Atheneum. 1982. UG1530 .R57 1982
ROSE, ULRICH DETLEV. Die unheimlichen Waffen. Atomraketen ueber uns. Lenkwaffen, Raketengeschosse, Atombomben. Mit Beitragen von Generaloberst a. D. Dr. Lothar Rendulic. 302 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Muenchen-Lochhausen: Schild-Verlag. 1957. UG630 .R58 1957
ROSECRANCE, R.N., Editor. The Dispersion of Nuclear Weapons. Strategy and Politics. 343 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Columbia U. Press. 1964. UF767 .R6
ROTBLAT, J. Scientists in the Quest for Peace. A History of the Pugwash Conference. 399 pages. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1972. Q101.P8 R62
RUDLING, ANNA. Kampen mot Atomvapen. 83 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. N.p.: Tidens foerlag. 1975.
RUSSELL, WALTER & LAO. Atomic Suicide? Illustrations by Walter Russel. 304 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Swannanoa: University of Science and Philosophy. 1957. BD701 .R89 1957
With a lengthy inscription from Lao Russell. Several pieces of ephemera relating to the Russells inserted.
RYAN, WILLIAM L. & SAM SUMMERLIN. "The Incredible Story of How China Got the Bomb." IN: Look, Vol. 31, No. 15, pp. 19-25. 82 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. New York: Look. July 25, 1967.
Fascinating analysis of how two U.S.-trained Chinese scientists, Tsien Hsue-shen & Chao Chung-yao, were driven out of the U.S. by Hoover's FBI during the McCarthy period, only to flee to China where they subsequently developed China's strategic missile capacity. Ironically, both men had formerly had high security clearance in the U.S., and both were seeking U.S. citizenship and permanent residence at the time of their expulsion.
SCHEAR, JAMES A., Editor. Nuclear Weapons Proliferation and Nuclear Risk. 185 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: St. Martin's Press for the IISS. 1984. U264 .N83 1984
SCHEER, ROBERT. With Enough Shovels. Reagan, Bush and Nuclear War. 285 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Random House. 1982. UF767 .S2364 1982
SCHELL, JONATHAN. The Abolition. 173 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Knopf. 1984. JX1974.7 .S2194 1984
SCHELL, JONATHAN. The Fate of the Earth. 244 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Knopf. 1982. UF767 .S2365 1982
SCHELLING, THOMAS C. & MORTON H. HALPERIN. Strategy and Arms Control. 148 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Twentieth Century Fund. 1961. UA11 .S3
SCHLAFLY, PHYLLIS & CHESTER, WARD. Strike from Space. How the Russians May Destroy Us. 218 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Devin-Adair. 1966. UA23 .S33
PRESENTATION COPY, signed & inscribed by Schlafly to Ferdinand Mayer.
SCHWEITZER, ALBERT. On Nuclear War and Peace. Edited by Homer A. Jack. Preface by Rhena Schweitzer Miller. 216 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press. 1988. U263.S39 A2 1988
Schweitzer's collected writings on nuclear war.
SCHWEITZER, ALBERT. Peace or Atomic War? 47 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Holt. 1958. JX1974.7 .S3 1958
Advance review copy, with 2 glossy photographic promotional portraits of Schweitzer inserted.
SCHWIEBERT, ERNEST G. A History of the U.S. Air Force Ballistic Missiles. 264 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Praeger. 1965. UG633 .S3
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Progress in Arms Control? Readings from Scientific American. Introductions by Bruce M. Russett and Bruce G. Blair. 238 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative wrappers. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1979. JX1974.73 .P76
SCIENTISTS' COMMITTEE ON RADIATION INFORMATION. "The Effects of a 20 Megaton Bomb". IN: New University Thought, Volume 2, Number 3. 168 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: New University Thought. Spring 1962.
Special issue devoted to disarmament. The above article analyzes in detail the effects of the detonation of a 20-megaton hydrogen bomb over New York City.
SCOVILLE, HERBERT & ROBERT OSBORN. Missile Madness. Foreword by George Kistiakowsky. Illustrated by Robert Osborn. 75 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1970. UF767 .S35 1970
SEABORG, GLENN T. Kennedy, Khrushchev and the Test Ban. Foreword by W. Averell Harriman. 320 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1981. JX1974.7 .S414 1981
SEARS, THAD P. The Physician in Atomic Defense. Atomic Principles, Biological Reaction and Organization for Medical Defense. Foreword by James J. Waring. 308 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative cloth. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: Year Book Publishers. 1953. RC93 .S4 1953
SEMLER, ERIC, JAMES BENJAMIN & ADAM GROSS. The Language of Nuclear War. An Intelligent Citizen's Dictionary. 325 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper. 1987. U263 .S44 1987
SHEPLEY, JAMES R. & CLAY, BLAIR, JR. The Hydrogen Bomb. The Men. The Menace. The Mechanism. 244 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: McKay. 1954. UF767 .S4
SIBLEY, MULFORD. Unilateral Initiatives and Disarmament. A Study and Commentary in the Beyond Deterrence Series. 64 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Philadelphia: AFSC. 1962. JX1974 .S514 1962
SIGAL, LEON V. & JACK MENDELSOHN. The Stage Shifts in Arms Control. IN: Technology Review, Volume 91, Number 5, 52-61pp. 80 pages. Illustrated. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. August/September 1988.
SIMPSON, JOHN, Editor. Nuclear non-proliferation: an agenda for the 1990's. 237 pages. 8vo, pictorial boards. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1987. JX1974.73 .N76 1987
A Ford Foundation research project.
SIVARD, RUTH LEGER. World Military and Social Expenditures 1987-88. 12th Edition. 56 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington: World Priorities. 1987. HJ7469 .S58 1987
The most recent installment in this thought-provoking series.
SKALL SVERIGE HA ATOMBOMB? Atta anforanden om OB oc atomkapprustningen. 70 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Stockholm: AMSA. 1958.
SNYDER, JED C. & SAMUEL F. WELLS, Jr., Editors. Limiting Nuclear Proliferation. Foreword by James R. Schlesinger. 363 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Ballinger. 1985. JX1974.73 .L56 1985
SOLOMON, FREDERIC, M.D. & ROBERT Q. MARSTON, M.D., Editors. The Medical Implications of Nuclear War. Institute of Medicine. National Academy of Sciences. 619 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Washington: National Academy Press. 1986. RA648.3 .M445 1986
SOVIET PEOPLE SAY NO TO ATOM WAR. A Cross-Section of Soviet Opinion. 19 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. London. December 1958.
Comprises Soviet Booklet No. 38.
SPACE WEAPONS: A Handbook of Military Astronautics. Compiled and Edited by the Editors of AIR FORCE Magazine. 245 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. New York: Praeger. 1959. UG633 .A57
STEELE, COMMANDER GEORGE P. & COMMANDER HERBERT J. GIMPEL. Nuclear Submarine Skippers and What They Do. 139 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Franklin Watts. 1962. V858 .S7 1962
STINE, G. HARRY. Confrontation in Space. Introduction by Dr. Herman Kahn. 209 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. 1981. UG1530 .S74
STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapon Proliferation. 462 pages. Large 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: SIPRI. 1979. TK9006 .N75
STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Tactical Nuclear Weapons. European Perspectives. 371 pages. Large 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: SIPRI. 1978. UA646 .T32 1978
STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Uranium Enrichment and Nuclear Weapon Proliferation. By Allan S. Krass, Peter Boskma, Boelie Elzen & Wim A. Smit. 296 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Taylor & Francis. 1983. TK9360 .U735 1983
STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE. World Armaments and Disarmament, SIPRI Yearbook 1975. 618 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1975.
STRANGE, PENNY. It'll Make a Man of You. A Feminist View of the Arms Race. 31 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Nottingham: Mushroom Books. 1983. U815 .S78 1983
SVENSKA ATOMVAPEN-for och emot. En diskussions-och studiehandledning utgiven av studieforbundet Medborgarskolans Samhallsnamnd. 90 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. (Uppsala: Medborgarskolan). 1959.
SZILARD, LEO. Toward a Livable World. Leo Szilard and the Crusade for Nuclear Arms Control. Edited by Helen S. Hawkins, G. Allen Greb & Gertrud Weiss Szilard. 499 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: MIT. 1987. JX1974.7 .S95 1987
Szilard's collected papers on nuclear weapons and arms control.
TALBOTT, STROBE. Deadly Gambits. The Reagan Administration and the Stalemate in Nuclear Arms Control. 380 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Knopf. 1984. JX1974.76 .T34 1984
TELLER, EDWARD & ALLEN BROWN. The Legacy of Hiroshima. 325 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. 1962. UF767 .T4
THOMPSON, E.P. Beyond the Cold War. A New Approach to the Arms Race and Nuclear Annihilation. 198 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Pantheon. 1982. JX1974.7 .T525 1982
Originally published in Britain as Zero Option.
TIME. THE WEEKLY NEWS MAGAZINE. "Special Section: The Atomic Age, 40 years later, remains the age of anxiety." Pp. 32-59 IN: Time, Vol. 126, No. 4. 76 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Los Angeles: Time. July 29, 1985.
TIRMAN, JOHN, Editor. Empty Promise. The Growing Case Against Star Wars. 238 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. Boston: Beacon Press. 1986. UG743 .E46 1986
TIRMAN, JOHN, Editor. The Fallacy of Star Wars. Based on Studies Conducted by the Union of Concerned Scientists. Co-chaired by Richard L. Garwin, Kurt Gottfried, and Henry W. Kendell. 293 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Vintage Books. 1984. UG1530 .F35 1984
TIRMAN, JOHN, Editor. The Militarization of High Technology. 247 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Ballinger. 1984. HD9743.U6 M53 1984
TITTERTON, E.W. Facing the Atomic Future. Foreword by M.L. Oliphant. 379 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Macmillan. 1956. TK9145 .T5 1956
TOLHOEK, DR. H.A., et al. De Gevaren van de Atoombom. Wetenschappelijke Onderzoekers Waarschuwen. 50 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Amsterdam: Wereld- Bibliotheek. 1956.
TOLHOEK, DR. H.A., FENNA VAN DEN GURG & LAURENS TEN CATE. De Gevaren van de Verspreiding van Kernwapens. 36 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: Nederlands Komitee tegen verspreidign van kernwapens. circa 1968.
TOYNBEE, PHILIP. The Fearful Choice: A Debate on Nuclear Policy. 112 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Gollancz. 1958. UA11 .T6 1958
Toynbee's correspondents include the Archbishop of Canterbury, Kingsley Amis, E.M. Forster, Nigel Gosling, Stephen Spender, Arnold Toynbee, and others.
TSIPIS, KOSTA. Arsenal: Understanding Weapons in the Nuclear Age. 342 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1983. U264 .T78 1983
TSIPIS, KOSTA. "Laser Weapons." 11 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed self-wrappers. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1981.
Off-printed from Scientific American.
TSIPIS, KOSTA, ANNE H. CAHN & BERNARD T. FELD, Editors. The Future of the Sea-Based Deterrent. 266 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1973. V993 .F87 1973
TYLER, PATRICK. Running Critical. The Silent War, Rickover, and General Dynamics. 374 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper & Row. 1986. HC110.D4 T95 1986
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Briefing Paper. Antisatellite Weapons. 3 leaves. Illustrated. 4to, unbound. Cambridge: UCS. 1988.
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Briefing Paper. The Balance of Forces. 3 leaves. 4to, unbound. Cambridge: UCS. April 1988.
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Briefing Paper. Chemical Weapons and Arms Control. 1 leaf. Illustrated. Unbound. Cambridge: UCS. June 1987.
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Briefing Paper. Command and Control of Strategic Forces. 3 leaves. Illustrated. 4to, unbound. Cambridge: UCS. February 1987.
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Briefing Paper. Dismantling Nuclear Weapons Under the INF Treaty. 1 leaf. 4to, unbound. Cambridge: UCS. April 1988.
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Briefing Paper. MX and Midgetman Missiles. 3 leaves. Illustrated. 4to, unbound. Cambridge: UCS. July 1987.
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Briefing Paper. Nuclear Proliferation. 2 leaves. Illustrated. 4to, unbound. Cambridge: UCS. July 1987.
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Briefing Paper. The Strategic Defense Initiative. 3 leaves. Illustrated. 4to, unbound. Cambridge: UCS. June 1987.
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Briefing Paper. Verification of Compliance with Arms Control Agreements. 3 leaves. Illustrated. 4to, unbound. Cambridge: UCS. February 1988.
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. The Bush National Security Agenda: What Can We Expect? IN: Nucleus, Volume 11, Number 1, (1, 3pp.) 2 leaves. 8 pages. Unbound. Cambridge: UCS. Spring 1989.
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Empty Promise. The Growing Case Against Star Wars. Edited by John Tirman. 238 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Beacon Press. 1986. UG743 .E46 1986
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Presidential Priorities-A National Security Agenda for the 1990s. 43 pages. Cambridge: UCS. 1988. JX1974.7 .P74 1988
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Removing the Roadblocks to START. IN: Nucleus, Volume 10, Number, 4, 1-5pp. 2 leaves. 8 pages. Illustrated. Unbound. 2 copies. Cambridge: UCS. Winter 1989.
U.S. ARMED FORCES SPECIAL WEAPONS PROJECT. Radiological Defense. Vol. I. A Manual Prepared by the Joint Crossroads Committee. 168 pages. Illustrated, including frontispiece with inset views of the first five atomic detonations. 4to, cloth. (Washington, D.C.: War and Navy Departments). 1948.
Foreword by Gen. L.R. Groves. Stamped "For Official Use Only" on cover and title-page.
U.S. ARMED FORCES SPECIAL WEAPONS PROJECT. Radiological Defense. Vol. II. The Principles of Military Defense against Atomic Weapons. 242 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. (Washington, D.C.: War and Navy Departments). November 1951.
Although the second in a series of 4 volumes, this is the last completed, "due to the additional time required to assemble the information required for this book." The present volume was originally classified as "Restriced Security Information" and is so stamped on covers and title-page. This is the first comprehensive American military manual of atomic defense.
U.S. ARMED FORCES SPECIAL WEAPONS PROJECT. Radiological Defense. Vol. III. A Series of Indoctrination Lectures on Atomic Explosions, with Medical Aspects. 137 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. (Washington, D.C.: War and Navy Departments). 1950.
U.S. ARMED FORCES SPECIAL WEAPONS PROJECT. Radiological Defense. Volume IV. RADIAC. An Introduction to Radiological Instruments for Military Use by D.C. Campbell, LCDR, USN. 90 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. (Washington, D.C.: War and Navy Departments. 1950.
Stamped "Restricted" on cover and title-page. Classification was cancelled October 19, 1956.
UNITED STATES ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT AGENCY. Disarmament: The New U.S. Initiative. 67 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1962. JX1974 .U541 1962
U.S. ARMY. INFANTRY SCHOOL, FORT BENNING, GA. Atomic Warfare Course. Information Folder. Restricted Security Information. (16), 18, 87 pages. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Fort Benning. July 1952.
Comprehensive program of instructions for officers at Fort Benning.
U.S. ARMY. INFANTRY SCHOOL, FORT BENNING, GA. Characteristics and Effects of Atomic Explosions. Advance Sheet. Restricted Security information. 26 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, self-wrappers. Fort Benning. July 1952.
A manual for infantry on the atomic battlefield.
U.S. CONGRESS. JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY. Biological and Environmental Effects of Nuclear War. Hearings before the Special Subcommittee on Radiation. . . June 23-26, 1959. Part 1. 966 pages. Several folding maps showing fallout dispersal in the U.S., with dosage contours, etc. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1959. UF767 .U52 1959a
Tipped-in, a typed letter signed by Chet Holifield, Chairman of the Special Subcommittee on Radiation, to Dr. George Mixter, whose testimony appears in this volume. This is George Mixter's copy, signed by him on the front wrapper.
U.S. CONGRESS JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY. Biological and Environmental Effects of Nuclear War. Summary-Analysis of Hearings June 22-26, 1959. 58 pages. 7 folding maps. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1959. RA1231.R2 U513 1959a
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. Medical Aspects of Atomic Weapons. 24 pages. 8vo, plain stiff wrappers. Washington, D.C.: National Security Resources Board. 1950. RA1231.R2 U445
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE. Hospital Planning for Nuclear Disaster. 61 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1965. RA645.5 .U48 1965
U.S. NAVY. BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL. Principles of Guided Missiles and Nuclear Weapons. Revised 1966. 366 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1968. UG630 .U513
U.S. NAVY DEPARTMENT. BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Manual of Radiological Safety. Revised March 1948. 182 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Navy. 1948. V386 .M35 1948
"For Official Use Only." The navy's first "post-crossroads" manual of radiological defense.
U.S. STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND. Radiation Facts and Fundamentals. 101 pages. Illustrated. Printed Wrappers. Offut, Nebraska: SAC. 18 December 1961.
URY, WILLIAM L. Beyond the Hotline. How Crisis Control Can Prevent Nuclear War. 187 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1985. JX1974.8 .U78 1985
VANDENBERG, GEN. HOYT S. "Air Power's Decisive Role in Europe." IN: Look, October 9, 1951. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Des Moines. October 9, 1951.
Advocates tactical use of atom bombs in Europe "to counter the 'Reds' mass armies."
WAR AND PEACE IN THE NUCLEAR AGE. Complete series of 13 videotapes, in original pictorial boxes, comprising the 13-part series broadcast by Public Television in 1989. Santa Barbara: Annenberg/CPB Collection. 1989. U264 .W371 1989
"The series traces the development of nuclear weapons and evolution of nuclear strategy in the context of international and domestic politics." See entry under Newhouse, this section, for the accompanying text volume. The present reviewer found both the book and the video series factually accurate but deficient in its presentation of contemporary dissenting views (for example, the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists receives no mention at all) and in its critical analysis of the underlying causes behind the events chronicled.
WAR RESISTERS LEAGUE. Nuclear America. Second edition. Color wall map, showing nuclear installations in the United States, with printed key on verso. 17 x 21-1/2 inches. New York: War Resisters League. June 1979. G3701.N35 N8 1979
WASKOW, ARTHUR. Unintended War. A Study and Commentary in the Beyond Deterrence Series. 64 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Philadelphia: AFSC. 1962. UA11 .W3 1962
Includes commentary by Herman Kahn, Michael Amrine, Morton H. Halperin, et al.
WASSERMAN, SHERRI L. The Neutron Bomb Controversy. A Study in Alliance Politics. 153 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Praeger. 1983. UA646.3 .W37 1983
WATSON-WATT, SIR ROBERT. Man's Means to his End. 221 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Clarkson N. Potter. 1961. CB358 .W3 1961
WEHR, M. RUSSELL & JAMES A. RICHARDS, JR. Physics of the Atom. 420 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. 1960. QC173 .W42 1960
WEISS, ANN E. The Nuclear Arms Race - Can We Survive It? 151 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin. 1983. U264 .W44 1983
WEISSMAN, STEVE & HERBERT KROSNEY. The Islamic Bomb. The Nuclear Threat to Israel and the Middle East. 339 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Times Books. 1981. UA830 .W46 1981
WENDT, GERALD. Atomic Energy and the Hydrogen Bomb. Illustrations by James Cutter. 192 pages. 8vo, cloth. New York: Medill McBride. 1950. UF767 .W4 1950
WESTER, PROF. DR. D.H. Van Spierkracht tot Atoomkracht. 283 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. 's-Gravenhage: H.P. Leopold. 1950.
WESTON, J. FRED, Editor. Defense-Space Market Research. 186 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1964. UG633 .W4
WILKERSON, CATHERINE, M.D. MX or Midgetman? Mobile Missiles Are No Option. IN: PSR Reports, Volume IX, Number 3, p. 7. 2 leaves. 8 pages. Unbound. Washington, D.C.: Physicians for Social Responsibility. Summer 1988.
WILLENS, HAROLD. The Trimtab Factor. How Business Executives Can Help Solve the Nuclear Weapons Crisis. 144 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Morrow. 1984. JX1974.7 .W525 1984
WILSON, ANDREW. The Bomb and the Computer. Wargaming from Ancient Chinese Mapboard to Atomic Computer. 218 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Delacorte Press. 1968. U310 .W5 1969
WISLEY, CHARLES. "World Without War." IN: Mainstream, Vol. 12, No. 10. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Mainstream. November 1959.
WORLD PEACE COUNCIL. In the Name of Life Itself. Ban the Neutron Bomb! 77 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Helsinki: WPC. 1977. UG1282.N48 W67 1977
WORLD PRESS REVIEW. "Seen From Abroad." 'The Bomb' at Forty -Special Report. Special feature cover article, pp. 39-44 IN: World Press Review, Vol. 32, No. 10. 64 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. New York: Stanley Foundation. October 1985.
YORK, HERBERT. Race to Oblivion: A Participant's View of the Arms Race. 256 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1970. UA23 .Y67
YOUNG, WAYLAND. Strategy for Survival. First Steps in Nuclear Disarmament. 95 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Harmondsworth, etc.: Penguin Books. 1959. JX1974.7 .Y6
ZUCKERMAN, EDWARD. The Day After World War III. 374 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Viking Press. 1984.
"Unrevised and Unpublished Proofs. Confidential."
ZUCKERMAN, EDWARD. The Day After World War III. The U.S. Government's Plans for Surviving a Nuclear War. 407 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Viking. 1984. UF767 .Z821
ZUCKERMAN, SOLLY. Nuclear Illusion and Reality. 154 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Viking. 1982. UF767 .Z8
ZUCKERMAN, SOLLY. Scientists and War. The Impact of Science on Military and Civil Affairs. 177 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Harper. 1967. Q175 .Z8

6. Civil Defense. 1949-1982.

Evolving notions as to possible methods for surviving a nuclear conflict, including the debate over the viability of fallouts shelters, are chronicled in this series.

53 items
ALBRIGHT, GIFFORD H., Editor. Planning Atomic Shelters: A Guidebook for Architects and Engineers. 196 pages. Illustrated. Oblong 4to, decorative spiral-bound wrappers. University Park: Penn. State Press. 1961. TH1097 .A5
AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Bibliography Medical Aspects of Civil Defense. 40 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers, in library binder. Chicago: AMA. circa 1953.
BLAKE, LARRY. "The Complacent Americans." With: Robert Connelly as the American, who failed, both himself and his Country. And Jack F. Fuller, Office of Civil Defense, Coordinator City of Los Angeles. 12-inch long-playing phonograph record, in the original pictorial jacket. Los Angeles: Cee Dee Records. 1961.
A "mirrorphonic" recording on transparent red vinyl. The first side is a fictional nuclear attack on Los Angeles, with attendant sound effects. Side 2 comprises an extended plea for a stepped-up civil defense effort.
BOND, HORATIO. A "First Book" on Fire Safety in the Atomic Age. 72 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Boston: National Fire Protection Association. 1952. TH9241 .B65 1952
CIVIL DEFENSE AGENCY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Protection from the Atomic Bomb. 6 leaves. Illustrated. 12mo, pictorial self-wrappers. Boston: Civil Defense Agency. 1950. UG1282.A8 M37 1950
CRUIT, RONALD L., & ROBERT L. Survive the Coming Nuclear War: How to Do It. 208 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Stein & Day. 1982. UF767 .C78 1982
DAVIS, WATSON, et al. Atomic Bombing. How to Protect Yourself. By Science Service. 186 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Wise. 1950. UF767 .S3 1950
DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL DEFENSE. OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE. Personal and Family Survival. Civil Defense Adult Education Course. Student Manual. 127 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. (Washington, D.C.: USGPO). 1966. UA927 .U55 1966
Loosely inserted, a form letter from the Bureau of the Census, relating to "the recent Military Home Fallout Protection Survey," USGPO, 1967.
FAIRLAMB, JAMES R. Nuclear Survival Manual. BOSDEC - The Concrete Curtain. 187 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Butler, N.J.: Drexel Winslow & Farrington. 1963. TH1097 .F3 1963
A detailed manual on the construction and use of reinforced concrete shelters.
FRANK, PAT. How to Survive the H-Bomb - and Why. 160 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia: Lippincott. 1962. UF767 .F76 1962
Amusing in its naivete. Sample advice: "[During a nuclear attack] stop at the first filling station and fill up with gas. . . if possible, use your credit card. . .Don't annoy or fluster people. They will certainly be jittery. . . ."
GERSTELL, RICHARD. How to Survive an Atomic Bomb. 149 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Bantam Books. 1950. UF767 .G39 1950
"The first post-Hiroshima civil-defense manual." -Boyer, p. 315.
GRAY, DWIGHT E. & JOHN H. MARTENS. Radiation Monitoring in Atomic Defense. 122 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Van Nostrand. 1951. UF767 .G7
GREAT BRITAIN. HOME OFFICE. Civil Defense. Manual for Basic Training. Volume II. Atomic Warfare. 61 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed stapled wrappers. London: HMSO. 1950.
HESLEP, CHARTER. Mobilizing Radio and Television. (For delivery at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 11, 1951 at 10th Annual Conference on Station Problems, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.) 22 leaves. Original typescript for the speech with manuscript corrections. 4to, printed on one side only. Norman, Oklahoma. 1951.
Covers the role of radio and television in the event of an atomic attack against the United States. Heslep was then Chief of the Radio-Television Branch, Public Information Service, Atomic Energy Commission.
HESLEP, CHARTER. Radio's Role in Defense. (Prepared for delivery at annual dinner of Tennessee Broadcasters Association, Nashville, Tenn., December 6, 1950.) Original typescript for the speech. 12 leaves, printed on one side only. 4to, unbound, stapled. Nashville. 1950.
Discussion of the role of radio in the event of an atomic attack against the United States.
HOEGH, LEO A. "H-Bomb Survival: What Can We Do?" IN: Today's Health, Volume 37, Number 1, pp. 36-41. 72 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: American Medical Association. January 1959.
The author was the first Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization and of the Federal Civil Defense Administration.
KEARNY, CRESSON H. Nuclear War Survivial Skills. 230 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Scottsdale, Arizona: NWS Research Bureau. 1980. UF767 .K4 1980
KINDALL, SYLVIAN G. Total Atomic Defense. 224 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Richard R. Smith. 1952. UF767 .K56 1952
In-depth plan for civil defense of U.S. cities through population dispersal and relocation of industries to perimeters, to be implemented with 15 billion dollars in federal aid. Never caught on.
KING, CAPTAIN E. RICHARD. "Survival in Nuclear Warfare." 33 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Summit, N.J.: CIBA Pharmaceutical. 1962.
Comprises Clinical Symposia, Volume 14, Number 1.
(LAURENCE, WILLIAM L.). "We Are Not Helpless." How we can Defend Ourselves Against Atomic Weapons. A Series of Nontechnical articles Reprinted from the New York Times. 47 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. FIRST EDITION. (New York Times). 1950. U167.44 .L3 1950
MAWRENCE, COL. MEL & JOHN CLARK KIMBALL. You Can Survive the Bomb. 194 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: Quadrangle Books. 1961. UF767 .M3991 1961b
MELMAN, SEYMOUR. No Place to Hide. Fallout Shelters-Fact and Fiction. 206 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Grove Press. 1962. UG630 .M4
Contributors include Herman Kahn, Erich Fromm, Norman Cousins, Lester Grinspoon, and many others.
NEW HAMPSHIRE-VERMONT HOSPITALIZATION AND PHYSICIAN SERVICES. Survival Under Atomic Attack. The Official U.S. Government Booklet. 32 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. N.p. 1950. UF767 .U45
NEWSWEEK CLUB AND EDUCATIONAL BUREAUS. "Civilians: Vital Link in Defense." 19 pages. 4to, decorative wrappers. New York: Newsweek. 1951.
Comprises Platform for December 1951.
NEW YORK STATE. Report of Committee on Fallout Protection to Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller. February 15, 1960. 66 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. (Albany: State of New York). 1960. TH1097 .N48 1960
O'BRIEN, GLENN. "I Remember Civil Defense." How we Survived the Apocalypse. Pp. 63-66, 75-78 & 90-101. IN: High Times, May 1977. 114 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers showing a civil defense class in a 1950's grade school. New York: Trans-High Corporation. 1977.
Excellent and very funny history of the civil defense programs of the 'fifties.
OFFICE OF CIVIL AND DEFENSE MOBILIZATION. Clay Masonry Family Fallout Shelters. 16 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1960. NA4520 .S92 1960
OFFICE OF CIVIL AND DEFENSE MOBILIZATION. Individual and Family Survival Requirements. 10 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO, November. 1959.
OFFICE OF CIVIL AND DEFENSE MOBILIZATION. The Family Fallout Shelter. 32 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial self-wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1959. TH1097 .U53 1959
OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Survival Under Atomic Attack. 32 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. California State Printing Division. October 1950. U263 .S87 1950
OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE PLANNING. Civil Defense for National Security. Report to the Secretary of Defense. 301 pages. 17 charts, mostly folding. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1949. UA927 .A51
PRENTISS, AUGUSTIN M. Civil Defense in Modern War. A Text on the Protection of the Civil Population against A.B.C. Warfare (Atomic. Bacterial. Chemical). 429 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1951. UA926 .P71
PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES FOR CIVILIAN POPULATIONS. Proceedings of the Symposium held at Washington, D.C. April 19-23, 1965. 357 pages. 4to, decorative wrappers. N.p.: NAS. 1965. TH1097 .S93 1965
"General Remarks" by Eugene P. Wigner.
RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH AND CIVIL DEFENSE (Fourth National Public Health Engineering Conference) March 27-30, 1951. Sponsored by the Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station. 107 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Gainesville: Florida Engineering and Industrial Experimental Station. 1951.
SEVERUD, FRED N. & ANTHONY F. MERRILL. The Bomb, Survival and You. Protection for People, Buildings, Equipment. 264 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Reinhold. 1954. TH1097 .S4
SMITH, MARTIN A. & WILLIAM E. ELIASON. The Family Survival Handbook. 302 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Belmont Books. 1961. UA927 .S48 1961
"The first paperback ever compiled as a complete encyclopedia of protection in the Nuclear Age."
SPENCER, L.V. "Structure Shielding Against Fallout Radiation from Nuclear Weapons." 134 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington: NBS. 1962. UF767 .S59 1962
Comprises National Bureau of Standards Monograph 42.
SUPRON, L.F. & F.P. ZVEREV. Medical and Civil Defense in Total War. Edited by Professor A.P. Mukhin. 406 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Jerusalem: IPST. 1961. RC91 .S813 1961
Translation of the Russian book: Ministerstov zdravookhraneniya BSSR. Minsk, 1959
SYMPOSIUM ON HUMAN PROBLEMS IN THE UTILIZATION OF FALLOUT SHELTERS. Held at the National Academy of Sciences Washington, D.C. 11-12 February 1960. 234 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: NAS/NRC. 1960. UA926.5 .S9 1960
SZILARD, LEO. The Shelter Hoax and Foreign Policy. 96 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Marzani & Munsell. 1961. E183.8.R9 S5 1961
Essays by Szilard, Carl Marzani, Field-Marshall Montgomery & Fred Warner Neal.
TOWN OF FARMINGTON, CONNECTICUT. Survival Under Atomic Attack. 32 pages. 12mo, printed self-wrappers. Farmington. circa early 1950's.
U.S. CONGRESS. Civil Defense-1961. Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Eighty-Seventh Congress First Session. August 1-9, 1961. 554 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1961.
Testimony of Herman Kahn, Robert McNamara, and others.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE. In Time of Emergency. A Citizen's Handbook on Nuclear Attack. 92 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. (Washington, D.C.: USGPO). 1968. UA927 .A519 1968
U.S. FEDERAL CIVIL DEFENSE ADMINISTRATION. Battleground U.S.A. An Operations Plan for the Civil Defense of a Metropolitan Target Area. 117 pages. 21 large folding maps of an imaginary city named "Battleground." 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1957. UA927 .A39
U.S. FEDERAL CIVIL DEFENSE ADMINISTRATION. Cue for Survival. Operation Cue. A.E.C. Nevada Test Site May 3, 1955. 162 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1956. UF767 .U471
U.S. FEDERAL CIVIL DEFENSE ADMINISTRATION. Fire Effects of Bombing Attacks. 42 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. August 1952.
Relates in large part to incendiary effects of atomic bombs.
U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. Civil Defense Information for Food and Drug Officials. 188 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USFDA. 1955. RA1231.R2 U515
U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. Civil Defense Information For Food and Drug Officials. Compiled and Edited by Lowrie M. Beacham, Jr. Second Edition. 221 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USFDA. December 1956. RA1231.R2 U515 1956
U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY RESOURCES BOARD. United States Civil Defense. Health Services and Special Weapons Defense. 260 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. December 1950. UA927 .A52
Mostly radiological defense and atomic warfare.
U.S. OFFICE OF CIVIL AND DEFENSE MOBILIZATION. Clay Masonry Family Fallout Shelters. 16 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial self-wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USOCDM. 1960. NA4520 .S92 1960
USAEC. Civil Defense Against Atomic Warfare. A selected reading list. Prepared for the National Security Resources Board. 24 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. March 1950. Z6724.C6 U45 1950
WAKEFIELD, DAN. "Good-by New York. New York Prepares for Annihilation." IN: Esquire, August 1960. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Chicago. 1960.
A devastating analysis of the futility of Civil Defense in protecting urban populations from nuclear attack and of the wastefulness of New York City's Civil Defense spending ($92,188 for armbands, buttons, and pins; $166,869 for dog tags for school children, etc., etc.).
WASKOW, ARTHUR L. & STANLEY L. NEWMAN. America in Hiding. 160 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Ballantyne Books. 1962. UG630 .W36
A paperback original. "A surprising and controversial look at the [fallout] shelter mania."
WOLTMAN, H.R. & E.C. GOODROW. Civil Defense Implications of Current and Future Urban Configurations. 343 pages. Illustrated. 4to, buckram. Los Angeles: Planning Research Corporation. 1963. UA927 .W68 1963

7. The History of Nuclear Testing. 1946-1988.

Documentation of the United States nuclear testing program, and the impassioned debate that the program engendered, is held within this series.

69 items
"AN ATOMIC OPEN HOUSE: AEC plays host to cameras, newsmen and TV at blast on Yucca Flat." IN: Life, pp. 36-39. 176 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: Time, Inc. May 5, 1952.
ANCIENT AND HONOURABLE SOCIETY OF H-BOMB OBSERVERS. Eniwetok Proving Ground Local No. 1. Headquarters USS Mount McKinley AGC-7. Printed pictorial card, certifying that "Charter Heslep Shook, Rattled and Rolled," and signed by William L. Laurence, President, and Henry A. Renken, "Chairman of the Horde by Order of Neptunus Rex." 2-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches, printed in black on a yellow and orange background of a mushroom cloud. (USS Mt. Mckinley). 1956.
A humorous membership card, issued to observers of Operation Redwing, the first U.S. airdrop of a fully-armed and fuzed thermonuclear gravity bomb (the Cherokee detonation).
BAKER DAY. OPERATION CROSSROADS. 1946. Group of 5 original photographs of the Baker shot at Bikini atoll, as photographed by unmanned drone airplanes. Each photo is about 9-1/2 x 7-1/2 inches, mounted together in a 16 x 47 inch frame, numbered 1-5 in the mat from left to right. (Bikini atoll). 1946.
"Lookout Mountain Laboratory, Air Proving Ground, Los Angeles, California" is lettered in black ink in the lower right corner of the mat.
BALL, HOWARD. Justice Downwind. America's Atomic Testing Program in the 1950's. 280 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Oxford University Press. 1986. U264 .B35 1986
BENNY BINION'S HORSHOE CLUB. Downtown Las Vegas, Nev. Color postcard, depicting "Atom Bomb Blasts. Actual Pictures Photographed from Vantage Point High Atop Mount Charleston, Near Las Vegas." Las Vegas. circa 1950's.
BIGELOW, ALBERT. The Voyage of the Golden Rule. An Experiment with Truth. 286 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. 1959. UF767 .B5 1959
"The story of the crew of the 30 foot ketch who sailed for the Eniwetok proving ground to protest the continued use of nuclear weapons."
BRADLEY, DAVID. "No Place to Hide. What the Bomb Did at Bikini." IN: The Atlantic, October-November-December 1948. Together, 3 volumes. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Concord, N.H.: The Atlantic Monthly. 1948.
FIRST APPEARANCE of Bradley's landmark study, as serialized in 3 installments in the Atlantic Monthly. Bradley's book was the first work to warn the public-at-large of the dangers of radioactive fallout.
BRADLEY, DAVID. No Place to Hide. 182 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Little, Brown. 1948. RD156 .B7
BRADLEY, DAVID. No Place to Hide. 182 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. Boston: Little, Brown. 1948. RD156 .B7
PRESENTATION COPY, signed & inscribed by Bradley to Linus Dores.
BRADLEY, DAVID. No Place to Hide 1946/1984. Foreword by Jerome B. Weisner. 217 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Hanover: Dartmouth College. 1983. U264 .B73 1983
First edition thus. Also issued in hardcover.
CAROTHERS, ANDRE. The Story of the South Pacific Nuclear-Free Zone Treaty. IN: Greenpeace, Volume 14, Number 1, p. 10. 23 pages. Illustrated. Unbound. Washington, D.C.: Greenpeace USA. January/February 1989.
COLORADO COMMITTEE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION. Nuclear Explosives in Peacetime. 28 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Scientists' Institute for Public Information. 1970. QC792 .N8 1970
CONTEMPORARY ISSUES. Nuclear Tests: A Universal Threat. 4 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. New York & Berkeley: Contemporary Issues. March 1955.
DANIELSSON, BENGT & MARIE-THERESE. Poisoned Reign. French Nuclear Colonialism in the Pacific. 323 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Victoria, Australia: Penguin. 1986. DU870 .D345713 1986
Second revised edition. With a foreword on the Rainbow Warrior affair.
DOBRIN, MILTON B., et al. "A Seismic Investigation of Bikini Atoll." pp. 807-828 & 1091-1117. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: Geol. Soc. Amer. 1950. QE349.B5 D6 1950
Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Vol. 60 & 61.
DUNNING, GORDON M., Editor. Radioactive Contamination of Certain Areas in the Pacific Ocean from Nuclear Tests. A Summary of the Data from the Radiological Surveys and Medical Examinations. 53 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington: USAEC. 1957. UF767 .U486
FULLER, JOHN G. The Day We Bombed Utah: America's Most Lethal Secret. 183 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: New American Library. 1984. U264 .F84 1984b
History of U.S. government cover-ups of fallout hazards at the Nevada and Utah test sites during the 1950's.
HANSEN, W.R., et al. Stratigraphy and Structure of the Rainier and USGS Tunnel Areas Nevada Test Site. Geological Investigations Related to Nuclear Explosions. 47 pages. Illustrated, including 6 folding maps and charts inside rear cover pocket. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1963.
HESLEP, CHARTER. "It Couldn't Be Done - But T-V Men Did It." Here is the story of the first live televising of an atomic detonation. In sixteen days, they spanned 277 miles with four mountain-to-mountain relays. IN: The Quill. A Magazine for Journalists, pp. 7-10. 16 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial self-wrappers. Fulton, Mo.: The Quill. July 1952.
Cover illustration features view of the mushroom cloud with TV truck in foreground, captioned "Television Covers its First Atomic Blast." CHARTER HESLEP'S COPY, signed by him on the front wrapper.
HESLEP, CHARTER. They Said It Couldn't Be Done: The Story of the First Live Televising of an Atomic Detonation. 12 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. (N.p.: University of Georgia. 1952.
Text of an address delivered at the Georgia Radio and Television Institute, May 9, 1952. Heslep, as Chief of Radio-Television Branch, USAEC, was in charge of the televising. This is Heslep's personal copy, with a note in his hand that "This is included in Drewry's New Horizons in Journalism published in 1952" on the front wrapper.
HINES, NEAL O. Proving Ground. An Account of the Radiobiological Studies in the Pacific, 1946-1961. 366 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Seattle: U. of Washington Press. 1962. RA569 .H5 1963
JAPAN. COMMITTEE FOR COMPILATION OF REPORT ON RESEARCH IN THE EFFECTS OF RADIOACTIVITY. Research in the Effects and Influences of the Nuclear Bomb Test Explosions. 2 volumes. 1824 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Tokyo: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 1956. UF767 .H58
Includes detailed report on the Fortunate Dragon contaminations. This massive series of investigations of fallout from U.S. weapons tests was not officially recognized by the U.S. government.
KARIG, WALTER. The Fortunate Islands. A Pacific Interlude. An Account of the Pleasant Lands and People in the United States' Trust Territory of the Pacific. 226 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Rinehart. 1948. DU500 .K3 1948
Despite the title, comprises an analysis of the social upheavals in the Marshall Islands resulting from the Bikini bomb tests.
KENNEDY, JOHN F. Nuclear Testing and Disarmament. Address by President Kennedy. 20 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. (Washington, D.C.): U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. 1962. JZ5625 .U55
KLEMENT, ALFRED W., Editor. Radioactive Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Tests. Proceedings of the Second Conference Germantown, Maryland November 3-6, 1964. 953 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1965. QC913 .C6 1964
KWAJALEIN TEST SITE COMMEMORATIVE SPOON. Sterling silver spoon, lettered "TEST SITE KWAJALEIN" and with a miniature map of Kwajalein in bas relief. 4 inches x 1 inch (maximum dimensions). N.p. circa 1960.
LAPP, RALPH E. The Voyage of the Lucky Dragon. 220 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper. 1958. UF767 .L31
LEARY, FRANK. Underground Nuclear Testing. Is It Getting Too Dangerous? IN: Armed Forces Management, Volume 16, Number 6, 32-36pp. 58 pages. Illustrated. Washington, D.C.: American Aviation Publications. March 1970.
LEBEDINSKY, A.V., Editor. What Russian Scientists Say About Fallout. New Introduction by James F. Crow. 124 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Collier. 1962. QH652 .L4313 1962
MCTAGGART, DAVID & ROBERT HUNTER. Greenpeace III. Journey Into the Bomb. 372 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Morrow. 1979. UF767 .M216 1979
MILLER, RICHARD L. Under the Cloud. The Decades of Nuclear Testing. 547 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: The Free Press. 1986. U264 .M55 1986
MILZ, BARBARA. Charter Heslep in Augusta: Televising of Nevada A-Bomb Blast Described by Man who Supervised Arrangements for Show. 3 leaves, printed on one side only. 4to, unbound, stapled. Augusta: The Augusta (Ga.) Herald, Tuesday. May 13, 1952.
File copy of a typescript of a local news report of the visit of Charter Heslep to the nearby Savannah River plant. Summarizes interview with Heslep, mostly concerning his role in televising the Nevada A-Bomb test.
NEVADA TEST ORGANIZATION. OFFICE OF TEST INFORMATION. Background Information on Nevada Nuclear Tests. Revised to July 15, 1957. 72 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Las Vegas: OTI. 1957. U624.4.N3 B3343 1957
A public relations handout for Nevada residents. Fascinating in the light of later revelations of government cover-ups of fallout hazards. Loosely inserted, a typescript chart of "Plumbbob Information."
NRDC ANNUAL REPORT. Nuclear Test Ban Verification. 3-4pp. 1 leaf. 6 pages. Unbound. New York: National Resources Defense Council, Annual Report. 1986-1987.
NRDC NEWSLINE. NUCLEAR TEST BAN CONFERENCE. Volume 5, Number 5, p. 4. 1 Leaf. 6 Pages. Unbound. New York: National Resources Defense Council. November/December 1987.
NRDC NEWSLINE. Seismic Verification Tests Make Waves in Nevada. Volume 5, Number 3, 4-5pp. 7 pages. Unbound. Illustrated. New York: National Resources Defense Council. July/August 1988.
NUCLEAR EXCAVATION 1963. 5 Reports Presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting January 13-17, 1964. 53 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Washington, D.C.: NAS/NRC Highway Research Board. 1964.
NUCLEAR TEST BAN TREATY. Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate Eighty-Eighth Congress First Session. The Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space, and Underwater, Signed at Moscow on August 5, 1963. 1028 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO for the Committee on Foreign Relations. 1963. JX1974.7 .U496 1963
OFFICE OF THE HISTORIAN. JOINT TASK FORCE ONE. Operation Crossroads. The Official Pictorial Record. 224 pages. Illustrated throughout with photographs. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Wm. H. Wise. 1946. UF890 .U53 1946
Foreword by Vice Admiral W.H.P. Blandy, U.S.N.
O'KEEFE, BERNARD J. Nuclear Hostages. 252 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1983. U264 .O38 1983
Largely a history of nuclear testing and instrumentation.
OPERATION CROSSROADS. "Operation Crossroads. Atomic Bomb Experiment. Bikini Atoll 1946." Curious framed print, in the form of a food tray, depicting the test shot at Bikini Atoll, with a photograph of the ship USS Merapi inset into the mushroom cloud in the center. 15 x 22 inches overall. (Bikini Atoll). 1946.
This framed memento was apparently constructed from a wooden tray by "Gerard R. Seeney SK 3/c USS Merapi A.F. 38," who has signed the print in the mat.
OPERATION CROSSROADS. Superb untitled original panoramic photograph of the "Baker" shot taken from near-ground level on the shore of Bikini Atoll. 16 x 30 inches, mounted to stiff board. (Bikini Atoll). 1946.
Without a doubt one of the most dramatic photographs in existence of an atomic test. The huge column of water, with the developing base surge and mushroom, towers over the numerous target ships in the lagoon, with the shoreline dotted by palm trees and abandoned huts in the foreground providing a vivid sense of perspective.
OPERATION REDWING. Hanlon, B. Hall, Commander Joint Task Force Seven. Printed humorous greeting sheet, "From the Venerable and Honorable Order of the Atoll Algae to the Ancient and Honorable Society of H-Bomb Observers," welcoming the recipient "for the duration of the thing" and wishing good weather, etc. Single sheet 4to (10-1/2 x 8 inches). (N.p). 1956.
SIGNED BY HANLON as "Acting Scribe, Senior Shell-Back and Commander Joint Task Force Seven."
OPERATION REDWING. Heslep, Charter. Collection of 28 typed or autograph letters signed by Heslep, mostly to his wife, with a few to his children, recounting his experiences in preparation for, during, and immediately after his participation in Operation Redwing at Eniwetok Atoll. 35 leaves, single sheet 4to, some on "USS McKinley Operation Redwing" letterhead stationery, one typed on the verso of a mimeographed information bulletin from Admiral Hanlon relating to the first detonation in the test, on May 4, 1956. USS McKinley, Eniwetok, etc. April 27-May 22, 1956.
Comprises an outstanding archive of candid observations of the circumstances surrounding this very important test series, involving the first air-drop by the U.S. of a hydrogen bomb.
OPERATION TEAPOT. Printed pictorial "diploma," certifying that "Charter Heslep Participated in Operation Teapot at Nevada Test Site." 8-1/2 x 14 inches. (Nevada test site). Spring 1955.
The diploma bears the facsimile signature of the various directors of the operation, and the actual penned signature of Richard G. Elliott. The teapot tests were largely for improved design in tactical weapons, and involved troop exercises on the nuclear battlefield.
PHOTOGRAPHS. Collection of over 100 original photographs, some in color, depicting various atomic tests and test facilities, nuclear energy installations, IAEA & USAEC conferences, etc. Various sizes, 4to and smaller. Vp. mostly 1950's.
PORT & STARBOARD PRESS. B-52 Makes America's First H-Bomb Drop. 2 pages. Single-sheet folio. U.S.S. Mount McKinley. 22 May 1956.
FIRST PRINTED ACCOUNT of the first air drop by the U.S. of a thermonuclear weapon, code-named "Cherokee." This amateur newssheet was printed on board the USS Mount McKinley (AGC-7), the ship from which 15 American reporters and 17 civil defense officials observed the blast, and is doubtless now of considerable rarity.
PSR REPORTS. US, USSR Tests Continue. Volume IX, Number 3, p. 4. 2 leaves. 8 pages. Unbound. Washington, D.C.: Physicians for Social Responsibility. Summer 1988.
REYNOLDS, EARLE. The Forbidden Voyage of the Phoenix into the A.E.C. Prohibited Zone. 281 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: McKay. 1961. UF767 .R47
RODEAN, HOWARD C. Nuclear-Explosion Seismology. 156 pages. 4to, decorative wrappers. (Oak Ridge): USAEC. 1971. UG465.5 .R63
ROSENBERG, HOWARD L. Atomic Soldiers. American Victims of Nuclear Experiments. 192 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Beacon Press. 1980. UB369 .R67 1980
SAFFER, THOMAS H. & ORVILLE E. KELLY. Countdown Zero. Introduction by Stewart L. Udall. 351 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Putnam's. 1982. UF767 .S218 1982
Advance review copy, with promotional material inserted. Landmark study of government cover-ups of the exposure of U.S. soldiers and civilians to radiation during the weapons tests of the 1950's.
SANDERS, RALPH. Project Plowshare. The Development of the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Explosions. Foreword by Willard F. Libby. 206 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press. 1962. TK9153 .S3 1962
SANE/FREEZE WORLD FOCUS. Test Ban Caravan Pressures Congress to End Nuclear Testing. Volume 26, Number 3, p. 4. 23 pages. Autumn 1987.
SCHWEITZER, ALBERT. "An Obligation to Tomorrow." 8 pages. Illustrated. 4to, self-wrappers. New York: Saturday Review. 1958.
An urgent plea for an end to nuclear testing and a warning of the dangers of nuclear fallout. Offprinted from The Saturday Review, May 24, 1958.
SHLOSS, LEON. "Navy at the Crossroads." IN: Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 148, No. 4, pp. 77-82. 288 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Popular Science. April 1946.
Prospectus for the forthcoming Crossroads tests at Bikini, with 2 double-page maps of the test site.
SHURCLIFF, W.A. Bombs at Bikini. The Official Report of Operation Crossroads. 212 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Wise. 1947. UF890 .U53 1947
SOUTHERLAND, L.B., Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. Typed letter, signed for Southerland by Robert Chesney, Major, USAF. 1 page. 4to. Washington, D.C.: Headquarters, Joint Task Force Seven. 10 April 1956.
Comprises "Invitational Travel Orders Number 58," granting Charter Heslep security clearance level "Q" as a member of the Special Observer Program, Joint Task Force Seven at Eniwetok-Bikini Atolls, with related information on vaccinations, baggage allowances, etc.
STEIN, DR. JOSEPHINE ANNE. A Look at the Evidence: CTB or Low-Yield Thresholds? IN: PSR Reports, Volume IX, Number 3, p. 5. 2 leaves. 8 pages. Unbound. Washington, D.C.: Physicians for Social Responsibility. Summer 1988.
STEIN, DR. JOSEPHINE ANNE. Nuclear Testing at the Crossroads. IN: Greenpeace, Volume 13, Number 4, 16-17pp. 23 pages. Illustrated. Unbound. Washington, D.C.: Greenpeace USA. July/August 1988.
SYKES, LYNN R. & JACK F. EVERNDEN. The Verification of a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban. IN: Scientific American, Volume 247, Number 4, 47-55pp. 196 pages. Illustrated. October 1982.
TELLER, EDWARD & DR. ALBERT LETTER. "The Compelling Need for Nuclear Tests." 'Father of H-Bomb' and colleague answer 9,000 scientists: fallout risk is overrated and we must have 'clean' weapons to spare civilians in war. IN: Life, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. (64)-72. 100 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: Time Inc. February 10, 1958.
Teller's claim that the government was on the verge of developing a "clean" nuclear weapon, while a total fabrication, succeeded in defusing for several years the growing movement against atmospheric testing.
TELLER, EDWARD, et al. The Constructive Uses of Nuclear Explosives. 320 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1968. TK9153 .C63
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Briefing Paper. Nuclear Weapons Testing. 2 leaves. Illustrated. 4to, unbound. Cambridge: UCS. July 1988.
THE U.S. TRIES AGAIN TO GET AN A-TEST BAN. IN: Business Week, 26-27pp. 176 pages. Illustrated. Unbound. June 15, 1963.
USAEC. Assuring Public Safety in Continental Weapons Tests. 210 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. January 1953.
USAEC. Enewetak Radiological Survey. 736 pages + 2 thick volumes of photographs on glossy paper. Together, 3 volumes. Thick 4to, cloth. Las Vegas: USAEC. October 1973. RA569 .E56 1973
Doubtless the most thorough study of radioactive contamination from weapons tests ever published.
U.S. NAVY DEPARTMENT. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. An Introduction to Radiological Safety. 56 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Navy Dept. 1947.
A manual for medical officers participating in "Operation Crossroads."
UNITED STATES SENATE. SUBCOMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapons Tests. Analysis of Progress and Positions of the Participating Parties October 1958-August 1960. 110 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. October 1960. JX1974.7 .U6 1960
WALLACE, A. & E.M. ROMNEY. Radioecology and Ecophysiology of Desert Plants at the Nevada Test Site. 439 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. (Oak Ridge): USAEC. 1972. QK938.D4 W34
WUESTOFF, FREDA. Es ist keine Zeit mehr zu verlieren. Der Mensch in Atomzeitalter. . . There is No Time to be Lost. Man in the Atomic Age. 132 pages. 8vo, printed boards. Ravensburg: Otto Maier. 1957. UF767 .W8
An impassioned plea for an end to hydrogen bomb tests, printed in 8 languages.

8. Civilian Atomic Energy, Part 1. 1945-1989.

Speculative writings of the post-World War II period in the form of general references, popular writings and miscellaneous items, are all held within this series.

350 items
ALEXANDER, I.J. Let's Visit the Atoms. Illustrated by James D. Egleson. 55 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Castle Press. 1951. QC173 .A5 1951
ALLEN, CHALINDER. The Tyranny of Time. An Introduction to Atomic Energy. 275 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Philosophical Library. 1947. BD638 .A37 1947
ALONSO-VIGUERA, JOSE M. La aplicacion Pacifica de la Energia Nuclear. 29 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Madrid: Asociacion Electrotecnica Espanola. Abril 1949.
AMERICAN MUSEUM OF ATOMIC ENERGY. Neutron Irradiated Dime. A 1941 U.S. dime, inset into a circular plastic and aluminum holder, lettered as above. 7/8 inch in diameter. (New Mexico). circa 1960?.
ANTHONY, L.J. Sources of Information on Atomic Energy. 245 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 1966. Z5160 .A46 1966
ANWENDUNG DER ATOMERNEGIE FUER FRIEDLICHE ZWECKE. Ubersetzt von Victor Bredel. 160 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Leipzig/Jena: Urania. 1956.
FIRST EDITION IN GERMAN, translated from the Russian.
ATLANTIC MONTHLY. "The Atlantic Report on the World Today: Atomic Energy." IN: The Atlantic, Volume 184, Number 3. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Boston: Atlantic Monthly. September 1949.
THE ATOM. An Easy Guide to the New Atomic Science. Volume I, Number 1. Fall 1945. 32 pages. Folio, pictorial wrappers. Denver: The Atom. 1945.
THE ATOM. New Source of Energy. A Tide in the Affairs of Men. 4 leaves. Illustrated. 4to, self-wrappers. New York: McGraw-Hill. October 1945.
An interesting early look at the potential future of atomic energy.
ATOMIC ENERGY INSTITUTE FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS. October 27, 1956. Proceedings. 54 leaves. Illustrated. Mimeographed typescript, printed on rectos only. 4to, printed spiral-bound wrappers. (New York City Board of Education). 1956.
BANKOFF, GEORGE. The Boon of the Atom. 158 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Faber and Faber. 1946. QC173 .B25 1946
BARNABY, FRANK. Man and the Atom. The Uses of Nuclear Energy. 216 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Funk and Wagnalls. 1971. QC792 .B37 1971b
BARR, DONALD. The How and Why Wonder Book of Atomic Energy. Deluxe Edition. 48 pages. Color illustrations by George J. Zaffo. 4to, pictorial boards. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. 1961. PZ10.B26 Ho
BEELER, NELSON F. & FRANLYN M. BRANLEY. Experiments with Atomics. Illustrated by A.W. Revell. 160 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Crowell. 1954. QC778 .B38 1965
BELCHEM, R.F.K. A Guide to Nuclear Energy. 77 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Philosophical Library. 1958. TK9202 .B4 1958
BERTIN, LEONARD. Atom Harvest. 253 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Secker & Warburg. 1955. HD9698.G72 B4 1955
Account of the growth of the British atomic industry, "in the face of American legislation which excluded her from any fair share in the fruits of their war-time collaboration." -Foreword.
BERTIN, LEONARD. Atom Harvest. A British View of Atomic Energy. 253 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1957. HD9698.G72 B4 1957
BISCHOF, GORGE P. Atoms at Work, A Preview of Science. Drawings by Jere Donovan. 130 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harcourt, Brace. 1951. QC25 .B5 1961
BOOKSELLERS' CATALOGUES. Group of 14 miscellaneous catalogues, plus a few duplicates, from various antiquarian booksellers, each devoted entirely to atomic physics, the atomic bomb and/or atomic energy. Various sizes and formats. V.p. v.d..
Includes catalogues from The Printer's Devil, Liebling & Levitas, Donald N. Dupley, Wayne O. Moye, Bolerium Books, Peninsula Books, William & Victoria Dailey, Key Books, James Cummins, William J. Delp, Broadway Books, and Howard Karno.
BOSWELL, JANE E. A Bibliography of Current Materials Dealing with Atomic Power and Related Atomic Energy Subjects for Non-Specialists and Lay Persons. 233 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Detroit: U. of Michigan & Fund for Peaceful Atomic Development. June 1955. Z5160 .M5 1955
BRAUNBECK, WERNER. Atomenergie in Gegenwart und Zukunft. 80 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Stuttgart: Kosmos. 1953. TK9145 .B73 1953
BRAUNBECK, WERNER. The Pursuit of the Atom. Translated by Brian J. Kenworthy and W.A. Coupe. 242 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Emerson Books. 1959. QC7 .B7
BRUNNER, J.R. Die Atomkern-Energie Allgemeinverstaendliche Darstellung. 85 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Zurich: Verlag Leemann. 1957.
BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS. Volumes 2, 4-21 & 23-44. Together, 41 volumes. Illustrated. 4to, variously bound in buckram or loose in original parts. V.p. July 1, 1946-December 1988.
Nearly complete file of perhaps the single most important journal for documenting both the arms race and the growth and development of atomic energy, and changing attitudes towards them. Lacks only volumes 1, 3 & 22. The early issues of this journal, before 1956 in particular, are quite scarce.
BURHOP, E.H.S. & JOHN HASTED. The Challenge of Atomic Energy. 137 pages. 8vo, boards. FIRST EDITION. London: Lawrence & Wishart. 1951. HD9698.A2 B8 1951
CAMPBELL, CHRISTY. Nuclear Facts. 192 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Hamlyn. 1984. U264 .C36 1984
CAMPBELL, JOHN W. "Atomic Power Plant." Cover story IN: Astounding Science Fiction, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 6. 177 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Street & Smith. February 1947.
"A discussion of the general nature and possible products- and by-products-of a commercial atomic power plant."
CAMPBELL, JOHN W. The Atomic Story. 297 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Henry Holt. 1947. QC173 .C19
CENTURY OF THE ATOM ...told through the voices of the scientists who created the nuclear age. Presented by the United States delegation to the Fourth International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Boxed set, comprising two 12-inch l.p. records, a 75-page illustrated text pamphlet, and a large color folding chart of "Nuclear Research, Development & Application: A chronology, 1895-1971," housed together in the original pictorial box. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1971.
Narrated by Chet Huntley and Glenn T. Seaborg, this set features the actual recorded voices of J.J. Thompson, Ernest Rutherford, Albert Einstein, Otto Frisch, Otto Hahn, Herbert Anderson, Enrico Fermi, and other notables.
TO FERMI - WITH LOVE 2 12-inch l.p. records. DuPage County, IL: Argonne National Laboratory. 1970s.
The various voice recordings heard in this album were drawn from the archives of the Argonne National Naboratory, the United States Atomic Energy Commission, and the American Institute of Physics. The script was written by James Chimbidis; jacket design by Leo Vartanian; narration spoken by Jay Andre; and produced by Argonne National Laboratory. This set features the actual recorded voices of Herbert Anderson, Laura Fermi (Mrs. Enrico Fermi), Emilio Serge, Arthur Holly Compton, Crawford Greenewalt, John Wheeler, George Weil, Walter Zinn, Norman Hilberry, Leslie R. Groves, Dale Babcock, Henry DeWolfe Smyth, Leona Woods Libby, Frank Matthias, Gus Knuth, and Otto Hillig.
CHASE, STUART. For This We Fought. Guide Lines to America's Future as Reported to the Twentieth Century Fund. 123 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Twentieth Century Fund. 1946. HC106.4 .C394
2 chapters on the future of atomic energy.
CLATWORTHY, S. W. The Atomic Pile. IN: Popular Mechanics, Volume 90, Number 4, 96-97pp. 356 pages. Illustrated. October 1948.
COMPTON, ARTHUR HOLLY. "Atomic Energy as a Human Asset." IN: Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution 1946, pp. 161-176. 440 pages. 8vo, cloth. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1947.
Franklin Medal Lecture, read November 16, 1945, in the Symposium on Atomic Energy and its Implications.
COOK, EARL. The Flow of Energy in an Industial Society. 9 pages. Illustrated. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. September 1971.
Off-printed from "Scientific American."
COOLEY, DONALD G. "Power to Come from the Atom." IN: Popular Economics, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 2-10 & 31-40. 48 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Popular Economics. November 1951.
COULSON, C.A. Some Problems of the Atomic Age. 40 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Macmillan. 1957. TK9145 .C6 1957
COUNCIL ON ATOMIC IMPLICATIONS, INC. Atoms at Work. Part I. Power from the Atom. By Dr. Lee Dubridge. Part II. Atomic Energy Benefits-Radioisotopes. 48 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Culver City: Murray & Gee. 1950. QH505 .A8 1950
COX, DONALD & MICHAEL STOIKO. Spacepower. What It Means to You. Illustrated by N. Stanilla. 240 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. Philadelphia: Winston. 1958. TL790 .C7 1958
Includes discussion of nuclear propulsion, portable nuclear reactors, nuclear disarmament and control, and nuclear warheads.
DAGGET, DAN. Uranium Rush. IN: The Amicus Journal, Volume 9, Number 3, 5-6pp. 48 pages. Illustrated. Unbound. New York: Natural Resources Defense Council. Summer 1987.
DAHL, ROBERT A., Editor. The Impact of Atomic Energy. 206 pages. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia. 1953. HD9698.A2 A65 1953
Comprises Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Volume 290, November 1953.
DARROW, KARL K. Atomic Energy. Being the Norman Wait Harris Lectures delivered at Northwestern University. 80 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Wiley. 1948. QC173 .D24 1948
DA SILVA, A. MARQUES. A Energia Atomica e a sua Utilizacao. 140 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Lisboa: Portugalia Editora. 1945.
DAVIDSON, MARTIN. The Mid-Twentieth Century Atom. 127 pages. 8vo, cloth. London: Hutchinson's. 1946. QC173 .D258 1946
DAVIS, HARRY M. Energy Unlimited. The Electron and Atom in Everyday Life. 273 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Murray Hill. 1947. QC173 .D26 1947
DAVIS, HELEN MILES. Atomic Facts (cover title). 112 pages. 8vo, cloth. N.p. circa 1950. QC173 .D38 1950
Apparently issued without title-page. Collects articles by Watson Davis, J.A. Wheeler, Glenn T. Seaborg, Ernest O. Lawrence, I.I. Rabi, Helen M. Davis, et al.
DEAN, GORDON. Report on the Atom. What You Should Know About the Atomic Energy Program of the United States. Second Edition, with a New Chapter Covering Recent Developments. 359 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Knopf. 1957. TK9145 .D4 1957
PRESENTATION COPY, signed by Dean, and with a lengthy inscription to "Dear Governor" (i.e. Adlai Stevenson), calling his attention to the section of text dealing with the problem of nuclear testing and arms control.
DEL REY, LESTER. It's Your Atomic Age. An Explanation in Simple, Everyday Terms of the Meaning of Atomic Energy to the Average Person. 226 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Abelard Press. 1951. QC788 .D35 1951
DEUTSCH, ROBERT W. Nuclear Power. A Rational Approach. Fourth Edition. 91 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Columbia, Maryland: GP Courseware. 1987. TK9146 .D48 1987
The "After Chernobyl" edition.
DIETZ, DAVID. Atomic Energy in the Coming Era. 184 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Dodd, Mead. 1945. QC173 .D5
PRESENTATION COPY, signed & inscribed by Dietz to William L. Sloan II.
DIETZ, DAVID. Atomic Energy in the Coming Era. 184 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION. New York: Avon Book Company. 1945. QC173 .D5 1945b
DIETZ, DAVID. Atomic Energy in the Coming Era. 224 pages. Illustrated. Oblong 12mo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST ARMED SERVICES EDITION. New York: Editions for the Armed Services, Inc. 1945.
DIETZ, DAVID. Atomova energie v nastavajicim vaku. 194 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. Praha: Vydavatelstvo Druzstevni Prace. 1947.
First Czechoslovakian edition of Atomic Energy in the Coming Era.
DIETZ, DAVID. Civilisation de l'Atome. Traduit et adapté de l'Americain par Michel Texier. 242 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut. FIRST EDITION IN FRENCH. Tours: Mame. 1955.
Includes material relating to France not in the English edition.
DIETZ, DAVID. Atomic Energy Now and Tomorrow. 172 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. London: Westhouse. 1946. QC173 .D52 1946
DIETZ, DAVID. Atomic Science, Bombs and Power. 316 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Dodd, Mead. 1954. QC773 .D5 1954
DODE, MAURICE. A Propos de l'Energie Atomique. Causeries radiodiffusées par Radio-Loraine (Nancy Université). 103 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Paris: Societé d'Edition d'Enseignement Superieur. 1954.
Texts of a series of radio talks given 1952-1953.
(DODEWAARD). Kernenergiecentrale Dodewaard. 48 pages. Illustrated, including 3 brochures inside rear cover pocket, one with a cutaway view of the interior of the reactor with transparent overlays. 4to, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Dodewaard: Gemeenschappelijke Kernenergiecentrale Nederland. 1969.
Glossy public relations information packet on the newly constructed 54 megawatt reactor at Dodewaard, Netherlands.
DREHER, CARL. Atomic Medicine Can Lengthen Your Life. IN: Popular Science Monthly, Volume 148, Number 5, 91-95pp. 280 pages. Illustrated. May 1946.
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY. Ground Breaking Ceremony for America's First Full Scale Atomic Power Plant Shippingport, Pennsylvania. September 6, 1954. 4 leaves. Tall 12mo, printed self-wrappers. N.p.: Duquesne Light Company. 1956.
The original program for the ground breaking, as handed out to those attending the ceremony. A very scarce piece of nuclear ephemera.
DURAN, JOAQUIN ARDILA. La Energia Atomica Base y Fundamento de un Mundo Nuevo. 257 pages. 8vo, pictorial cloth. FIRST EDITION. Bucaramanga, Colombia: Ografia Renacimiento. 1950. Q171 .A66 1950
The first book on atomic energy published in Columbia. PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed by the Author to the Clinton Engineer Works.
(EDELMAN, H.C.M., et al.). Aan Poorten van een Nieuwe Tijd. Mogelijkheden en toepassingen der Kernenergie. 186 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1960.
EDITORA QUEIMADA. Die Spaltung des Kerns im Dienst des Kapitals. Zur Krise der Kernenergie. 119 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Haarlem-Westberlin: Editora Queimada. 1976.
EFRON, ALEXANDER. Nuclear Energy. 63 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Rider. 1958. QC777 .E32 1958
EGGLESTON, WILFRID. Canada's Nuclear Story. Foreword by C.J. Mackenzie. 368 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin. 1965. TK9026 .E35 1965
EIDENOFF, MAXWELL LEIGH & HYMAN RUCHLIS. Atomics for the Millions. Introduction by Harold C. Urey. Illustrated by Maurice Sendak. 281 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Whittlesey House. 1947. QC173 .E35 1947
The first book illustrated by Sendak.
EIDINOFF, MAXWELL LEIGH & HYMAN RUCHLIS. Atomics. Illustrated by Maurice Sendak. Introduction by Harold C. Urey. 248 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST BRITISH EDITION. London: Harrap. 1950. QC173 .E353 1950
EIDENOFF, MAXWELL LEIGH & HYMAN RUCHLIS. Das Atomzeitalter. 108 illustrations by Maurice Sendak. Foreword by Harold C. Urey. 379 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION IN GERMAN. Zurich: Pan Verlag. 1949. QC173 .E354 1949
Translation by Fritz Levi of Atomics for the Millions.
EIDENOFF, MAXWELL LEIGH & HYMAN RUCHLIS. Das Atomzeitalter. A German Science Reader for Beginners. Text edition by Louis DeVries. 177 pages. Illustrated by Maurice Sendak. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION THUS. New York: Rinehart. 1954. QC173 .E3546 1954
ELWELL, FELICIA ROSEMARY. Atoms and Energy. 144 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York: Criterion Books. 1961. QC778 .E47 1961
ESSO RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY. 101 Atomic Terms and What They Mean. 20 pages. Illustrated. Oblong 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Linden, N.J.: Esso. 1956. QC772 .E88 1956
EXPOSICION "ATOMOS EN ACCION." Informacion Preparada Especialmente para Prense, Radio y Television. Original packet of information brochures, pamphlets, photographs, etc., prepared by the United States government for media distribution at the "Atomos en Accion" conference in Lima, Peru. Folio, loose in pictorial paper folder, as issued. Lima, Peru: U.S. Information Service. 1961.
Penned on the front cover, "Heslep Master Copy." Heslep was in charge of the USIS Press, Radio & Television branch at the conference.
EZELL, JOHN SAMUEL. Innovations in Energy. The Story of Kerr-McGee. 542 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Norman: U. of Oklahoma Press. 1979. HD9569.K4 E93
Includes Kerr-McGee's version of the Karen Silkwood story.
FERMI, LAURA. Atoms for the World. United States Participation in the Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. 227 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. University of Chicago Press. 1957. TK9006 .F4
FERMI, LAURA. The Story of Atomic Energy. 184 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Random House. 1961. QC778 .F47 1961
FEUILLETAU DE BRUYN, DR. W.K.H. Kernenergie. Ellende of welvaart? 192 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Harlem: Spaarnestad. 1955.
FIRST IN THE WORLD! The Soviet Atomic Electricity Station. 23 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. London: Soviet News. 1956.
Comprises Soviet News Booklet No. 2.
FISCHER, DR. VERA K. A Maxton Book About Atomic Energy. Illustrated by Jerry Robinson. 14 leaves. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Maxton. 1959.
FRISCH, OTTO R. Meet the Atoms. A Popular Guide to Modern Physics. 226 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: A. Wyn. 1947. QC173 .F723 1947
GAINES, MATTHEW. Atomic Energy. A Grosset All-Color Guide. Illustrated by Design Bureau. 159 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. 1970. QC778 .G33 1970
GAYNOR, FRANK. Pocket Encyclopedia of Atomic Energy. 204 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. First British edition. New York: Philosophical Library. 1950. QC173 .G3
GAYNOR, FRANK. Pocket Encyclopedia of Atomic Energy. 204 pages. 8vo, cloth. First American edition. New York: Philosophical Library. 1950. QC173 .G3
GEIGER COUNTER. Atomic Research Corporation. Fine professional grade counter, approximately the size of a small car storage battery, with the atomic logo of the manufacturer in chrome and black on two sides. Housed in original leather case, with associated text brochures, several radioactive samples, etc. Colorado Springs: Atomic Research Corporation. circa 1954.
The "Raytomic S-100 Scintillation Counter." This is an attractive, near-professional grade instrument, "the best scintillation counter you can buy in this price range." The classic 1950's design is evocative of the grade B science fiction films of the period.
GEIGER COUNTER. The "Snooper." Geiger Counter Model 108. A Precision Product. Plastic geiger counter, embossed with logo of atom and vernier caliper on the sides, with headphone, housed in original pictorial cardboard box. Los Angeles: Precision Radiation Instruments. n.d. (circa 1955).
Typical of the inexpensive counters produced in response to the "uranium rush" of the early 1950's. The box is lettered with the blurbs "Safe to Use. Find Uranium Ore Deposits. Earn $35,000 Gov'nt Rewards. No Experience Required," etc. The "Radioactive Sample" is not present.
GENERAL ELECTRIC. Inside the Atom. 16 pages. Color-illustrated comic book. 4to, pictorial self-wrappers. Schenectady: Educational Relations, General Electric Company. 1955.
A public relations handout for GE's Atomic Energy exhibit, demonstrating "The Modern Miracle of Atomic Power," with the attendant utopian visions.
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY FORUM. Forum 743. "Atoms for Peace: 1946-1961." Original recording of the panel discussion, on reel-to-reel magnetic tape, with 2 inserted cue sheets for radio stations, all in the original "Scotch Brand Magnetic Tape" box. (Washington, D.C.). February 8, 1961.
The panel consists of Rev. Francis J. Heyden, S.J., Director, Georgetown College Observatory; Dr. Charles Saylor, National Bureau of Standards; and Charles Heslep, Division of Internal Affairs, Atomic Energy Commission. Moderators are Matthew Warren and Frank Blair. As far as we have been able to determine, no other recording of this program is known to exist.
GERHOLM, TOR RAGNAR. Varfoer Kaernkraft? 47 pages. Illustrated. Small 4to, pictorial wrappers. Stockholm: Kreativ Information AB. 1975.
GERWIN, ROBERT. Atomenergie in Deutschland. Ein Bericht ueber Stand und Entwicklung der Kernforschung und Kerntechnik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 173 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Dusseldorf-Wien: Econ-Verlag. 1964. QC788 .G4 1964
GOEDKOOP, J.A. Kernenergie in de lage landen. 176 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Utrecht: Het Spectrum. 1975.
Survey of atomic energy facilities in the BENELUX region, by the director of Reactor Centrum Nederland.
GOEDKOOP, PROF. DR. J.A. Geschiedenis van de Noors- Nederlandse Samenwerking op het Gebied van de Kernenergie. 228 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. "s-Gravenhage: Reactor Centrum Nederland. 1968. TK1361 .G63 1975
Excellent history of Scandanavian-Dutch collaboration in nuclear energy R & D.
GRAVEST ILLNESSES ARE TASKS FOR ATOMIC RESEARCH. IN: Popular Science Monthly, Volume 148, Number 5, (96, 210-226pp.) 12pp. advertisements. 280 pages. Illustrated. May 1946.
GREAT BRITAIN. CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION. The Commonwealth and Nuclear Development. 52 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. London: HMSO. 1955.
GREINACHER, PROF. DR. H. Uratome der Materie. Elementarteilchen und Lichtquanten. 47 pages. Illustrated. 12mo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Bern: A. Francke A.-G. Verlag. 1946.
GUPTA, AMALENDU DAS. The Atom and its Energy. 140 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Bombay: Asia Publishing House. 1959. QC778 .D26 1959
HABER, HEINZ. The Walt Disney Story of Our Friend the Atom. 165 pages. Color illustrations by the Disney Studio. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1956. QC778 .D5
HABER, HEINZ. The Walt Disney Story of Our Friend the Atom. 128 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. New York: Dell. 1957. QC778 .D68 1957
HAMMOND, ROLT. British Nuclear Power Stations. 182 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: MacDonald. 1961. TK1362.G7 H3 1961
HANRAHAN, JOHN. Testing Ground. IN: Common Cause Magazine, Volume 15, Number 1, (13-19, 38pp.) 46 pages. Illustrated. Unbound. January/February 1989.
HARTZELL, KARL DREW. Opportunities in Atomic Energy. 143 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Vocational Guidance Manuals. 1951. HD9698 .H3
HARWELL: The British Atomic Energy Research Establishment 1946-1951. 128 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York: Philosophical Library. 1952. QC789.G7 A5
HECHT, SELIG. Explaining the Atom. 205 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Viking Press. 1947. QC173 .H375 1947
HECHT, SELIG. Explaining the Atom. Revised and with Four Additional Chapters by Eugene Rabinowitch. 237 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION THUS. New York: Viking. 1960. QC173 .H375 1960
HEPPENHEIMER, T.A. The Man-Made Sun. The Quest for Fusion Power. 347 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Little, Brown. 1984. TK9204 .H47 1984
HESLEP, CHARTER. The AEC Can Talk. Remarks Prepared for Delivery before the American Women in Radio and Television, Muehlbach Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri, 8:00 P.M., Saturday, April 24, 1954. Original typescript for the speech. 8 leaves. 4to, unbound, stapled. (Kansas City). 1954.
Attempts to rebut the belief that atomic energy developments are shrouded in secrecy.
HESLEP, CHARTER. The Atom Business. Talk for Richmond Chapter American Association of University Women at Richmond, Virginia Tuesday, October 10, 1950. Original typescript, with numerous corrections and emendations in Heslep's hand. 28 leaves, printed on one side only. 4to, stapled. (Richmond, Virginia). 1950.
A very good capsule history of the Manhattan Project, atomic testing, and other developments to 1950, including a number of lesser-known anecdotes. Presents a very glowing vision of the future of atomic energy. This is an excellent primary document of the kind of public relations efforts made at the time by the AEC at the grassroots level.
HESLEP, CHARTER. Atoms For Peace: Program or Propaganda? Talk Before Springfield College, Springfield, Mass. May 2, 1963. Original typescript for the speech, with numerous manuscript corrections and alterations in Heslep's hand. 31 leaves. 4to, unbound. (N.p.). 1963.
This was Heslep's last speech for the AEC. Presents a very upbeat view of atomic energy. Tries to dispel the "persistent myths of atomic energy. . .that everything is secret." Includes a strong pitch for food irradiation, and admits that after the war, "atomic energy was oversold. . .pretty badly." Includes a lengthy discussion of the Atoms For Peace program in the third world.
HESLEP, CHARTER. The Geneva Story. Remarks. . . Before the 10th Annual Convention of the Radio Television News Directors Association, Saturday, November 19, 1955, Denver, Colorado. Original typescript, with numerous manuscript corrections and emendations in Heslep's hand. 16 leaves, printed on one side only. Single sheet 4to, stapled. (Denver). 1955.
A very candid view of the 1955" Atoms for Peace" conference by the highest level officer of the USAEC's Public Information Service.
HESLEP, CHARTER. Ghosting: A Necessity, Not a Sin. Remarks prepared for delivery at a panel on "Writing for the Federal Government" at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C., Thursday, April 6, 1961. Mimeographed typescript, printed on one side only. 4to, stapled. (Washington, D.C.). 1961.
Heslep was one of the chief ghost writers for the AEC. In addition to numerous papers and speeches for AEC officials and congressmen, etc., he reveals here that he ghosted Admiral Leahy's memoirs (published as I Was There), and 4 of the 8 "specialist" articles on atomic energy for the Encyclopedia Britannica 1955 Yearbook.
HESLEP, CHARTER. Massive file of about 60 autograph or typed letters signed by Heslep, mostly to his wife Margaret, with a few from Margaret to Heslep. Various sizes and formats. V.p. 1950's.
OUTSTANDING ARCHIVE of very candid material from the AEC's top-ranking public information officer. The letters were written by Heslep from various locations around the world while in pursuit of his duties, and are full of observations of the inside workings of the AEC. One series of letters covers the days surrounding Heslep's oversight of the first public televising of an atomic test, and presents an entirely different view of events than that recorded in Heslep's officially published accounts. Other material relates to meetings with the likes of Henry Kissinger, Harold Stassen, & Lewis Strauss, gossip relating to the Oppenheimer affair, the opening of the Shippingport reactor, an award ceremony for Richard Feynman, etc., etc.
HESLEP, CHARTER. Mimeographed typescript of untitled speech before the "NATO Information Program (1954) Group II," in the form of minutes of the meeting as reported by one H.C. Geis. 22 leaves. 4to, unbound, stapled. N.p. (Washington?): New State Building. April 6, 1954.
Comprises a history of atomic energy developments from the Manhattan Project to 1954, with a survey of current and potential future activities, followed by a question-and-answer session. An unusually candid glimpse of the day-to-day workings of the AEC's Division of Information Services.
HESLEP, CHARTER. Peaceful Use of the Atom. Reel-to-Reel magnetic tape recording of this radio talk show, as broadcast from the "Ernie Pyle Biography in Sound," January 16, 1958. 2 reels of tape, in 2 boxes. (N.p.). 1958.
A printed label in one of the boxes reads "Special Dubbing-For: Mrs. Ruth Howell Walker, City Library, Lampasas, Texas," and with the printed label of "Voice of America United States Information Agency" affixed to one of the boxes.
HESLEP, CHARTER. Speech Material on First Experimental Central Station Nuclear Power Project. 4 leaves. 4to, carbon of typescript, printed on one side only. N.p. August 8, 1954.
With pencilled note at the top in Heslep's hand - "1st Speech material I ever prepared for the White House." This is the draft text of a speech ghost-written by Heslep for President Eisenhower for the ceremony inaugurating the Shippingport power reactor.
HOFFMAN, DAVID. Readings for the Atomic Age. 406 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Globe. 1950. QC778 .H6
A high school text book. Contributors include J.R. Oppenheimer, Philip Morrison, Albert Einstein, and others.
HOGERTON, JOHN F. The Atomic Energy Deskbook. 673 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Reinhold. 1963. QC772 .H6
Outstanding encyclopedic dictionary, excellent tool for sorting the labyrinth of U.S. and international policies and developments in both peaceful and military aspects of atomic energy. Participates in the usual degree of disinformation - e.g. the account of the "Lucky Dragon" incident attributes the one death to hepatitis, and still maintains the erroneous assertion that the ship was within the Restricted Zone.
HOGERTON, JOHN F., Editor. Atoms for Peace U.S.A. 1958. A Pictorial Survey prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc. for the United States Atomic Energy Commission. 166 pages. With a profusion of illustrations from photographs, some in color. 4to, color-pictorial wrappers. (Cambridge: Arthur D. Little). 1958. QC788 .L5
A glossy paper "coffee-table" book. Dedication by Dwight D. Eisenhower. Preface by Lewis L. Strauss.
HOWORTH, MURIEL. Atomic Gardening. 75 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, plastic spiral-bound covers. FIRST EDITION. St. Leonards-on-Sea: New World Publications. 1960. QC788 .L5
"Loose-leaf edition-de-luxe." Atomic mutation experiments for the amateur gardener.
HUGHES, DONALD J. On Nuclear Energy. Its Potential for Peacetime Uses. Foreword by Lewis L. Strauss. 263 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Harvard. 1957. QC780 .H8
HUTCHINS, ROBERT M. America and the Atomic Age. Selections from Round Table discussions in which Mr. Hutchins has participated. 32 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. University of Chicago. 1951. E744 .H97 1951
HYDE, MARGARET O. Atoms Today & Tomorrow. New Revised Edition. Illustrated by Clifford N. Geary. 159 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1955. QC778 .H9 1959
ILIC, ZDRAVKO. Balkanski Atomski Soko. Bezbednosne, Ekonomske, Moralne i Ekolske Posledice Gradnje Atomskih Elektrana. 184 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Beograd. 1986. HD9698.A2 I43 1986
Analysis of the prospects and dangers of nuclear power for the Balkan states.
INGLIS, DAVID RITTENHOUSE. Nuclear Energy - Its Physics and Its Social Challenge. 395 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley. 1973. QC792 .I55
Textbook of course taught at University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
JAWORSKI, IRENE D. & ALEXANDER JOSEPH. Atomic Energy. The Story of Nuclear Science including many home experiments. 218 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harcourt. 1961. QC778 .J34 1961
JAY, K.E.B. Britain's Atomic Factories. The Story of Atomic Energy Production in Britain. 100 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. London: HMSO. 1954. TK9057 .A52
JAY, KENNETH. Calder Hall. The Story of Britain's First Atomic Power Station. 88 pages. Illustrated. Small 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Methuen. 1956. TK1377.C3 J3 1956
JAY, KENNETH. Calder Hall. The Story of Britain's First Atomic Power Station. 88 pages. Illustrated. Small 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Harcourt. 1956. TK1377.C3 J3 1956a
KAHN, FRITZ. Das Atom endlich verstaendlich. Die grundlegenden Tatsachen der Atomlehre fuer den Buerger der Atomzeit. 154 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Ryeschlikon-Zch.: Albert Mueller Verlag. 1949. QC778 .K3 1949
KAKU, MICHIO & JENNIFER TRAINER, Editors. Nuclear Power: Both Sides. The Best Arguments for and against the Most Controversial Technology. 279 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Norton. 1982. TK9023 .N8
KENNEDY, CLYDE C. Atomic Energy in Canada. New Enlarged Edition. 96 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Chalk River: Atomic Energy of Canada. 1956. QC773.3.C3 A8 1956
KIRCHWEY, FREDA, Editor. The Atomic Era - Can It Bring Peace and Abundance? 176 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Medill McBride. 1950. D840 .K5 1950
KLIEFOTH, WERNER. Vom Atomkern zum Kernkraftwerk. 2. neubearbeitete Auflage. 63 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Muenchen: Karl Thiemig. 1963. QC778 .K65 1963
KOHN, BERNICE. The Peaceful Atom. Illustrated by Zenowij Onyshkewych. 72 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. 1963. QC173 .K58
KRAMISH, ARNOLD. Atomic Energy in the Soviet Union. 232 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Stanford University Press. 1959. QC773.3.R9 K7
A RAND RESEARCH publication.
LANDA, EDWARD R. The First Nuclear Industry. IN: Scientific American, Volume 247, Number 5, 180-193pp. 208 pages. Illustrated. November 1982.
LANG, DANIEL. The Man in the Thick Lead Suit. 207 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Oxford University Press. 1954. QC778 .L3
LAPP, RALPH E. Atoms and People. 304 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper. 1956. QC778 .L32
LAPP, RALPH E. The New Force. The Story of Atoms and People. 238 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper. 1953. TK9145 .L3
LAPP, RALPH E. Roads to Discovery. 191 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1960. QC778 .L36
LARSEN, EGON. Atomic Energy. A Layman's Guide to the Nuclear Age. 190 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Hennel Locke. 1958. QC778 .L35 1958
LARSSON, JANERIK. Har kaernkraften en framtid? -intryck fran USA och Kanada. 200 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Stockholm: Ingenjoersfoerlaget. 1980. HD9698.U52 L37 1980
LAURENCE, WILLIAM L. "Is Atomic Energy the Key to Our Dreams?" IN: The Saturday Evening Post, April 13, 1946. 136 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. Philadelphia: Curtis Publishing. 1946.
An utopian vision of "the conquering of disease, the postponement of old age and the prolongation of life."
LAURENCE, WILLIAM L. Men and Atoms. The Discovery, the Uses and the Future of Atomic Energy. 302 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1959. QC773 .L3
LAURENCE, WILLIAM L. Men and Atoms. The Discovery, the Uses and the Future of Atomic Energy. 302 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. London: Scientific Book Club. 1961. QC773 .L3 1961
LEBOURDAIS, D.M. Canada and the Atomic Revolution. 199 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: McLelland & Stewart. 1959. HD9698.C22 L4 1959
Presentation copy, signed & inscribed by the Author.
LEFORT, MARC. La Liberation de l'Energie Nucleaire. Preface du Fr. Perrin. 118 pages. Illustrated. 12mo, printed wrappers. Paris: Visscher. 1961. TK9145 .L43 1961
LENIHAN, J.M.A. Atomic Energy and its Applications. 265 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York: Pitman. 1954. QC778 .L44 1954
LENT, CONSTANTIN PAUL. Atom. Drawings by the Author. 32 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Pen-Ink Publishing. 1948. QC173 .L55 1948
LETTENMEYER, LORE. Atomic Terminology. English-German- French-Italian. 298 pages. 8vo, cloth. Muenchen: Isar Verlag. 1958. QC772 .L4
LETTENMEYER, LORE. Dictionary of Atomic Terminology. 298 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Philosophical Library. 1959. QC772 .L4 1959
LEWELLEN, JOHN. The Mighty Atom. Foreword by Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg. Illustrated by Ida Scheib. 59 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Knopf. 1955. QC778 .L472 1955
LEWELLEN, JOHN. You and Atomic Energy and its Wonderful Uses. Drawings by Lois Fisher. (28) leaves. Square 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: Childrens Press. 1949. QC719 .L4 1949
LILIENTHAL, DAVID E. Atomic Energy: A New Start. 124 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper. 1980. TK1343 .L54
LOEWENTHAL, GERHARD & JOSEF HAUSEN. Wir werden durch Atome leben. Geleitwort von Nobelpreistraeger Professor Dr. Otto Hahn. Vortwort von Franz-Josef Strauss. 306 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Berlin: Lothar Blanvalet Verlag. 1956.
LORENZO, JAVIER DE. Spain and the Atom. 30 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Madrid: Publicaciones Espanolas. 1964. QC773.3.S6 L67 1964
A good short history of the Spanish atomic energy program. Scarce.
LUNDBAK, ASGER. Atomet og Universet. Udgivet af Studentersamfundets Oplysningsforening. 239 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, 3/4 cloth, original wrappers bound in. Kobenhavn: Fremad. 1949.
"Atomenergi," pp. 225-257.
MANDER, JOHN. Atoms at Work. 118 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: George Newnes. 1957. QC778 .M25 1957
MANN, MARTIN. Peacetime Uses of Atomic Energy. 175 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Crowell. 1957. TK9146 .M3 1957
MANN, MARTIN. Peacetime Uses of Atomic Energy. Third Revised Edition. 196 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. New York: Crowell. 1975. TK9146 .M3 1975
MAQSOOD, M. Atomic Energy - A Boon to Humanity. 132 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative cloth-backed boards. FIRST EDITION. Lahore, Pakistan: University Book Agency. 1957.
Presentation copy, inscribed from the Author to Dr. W.A. Pollard.
MASSEY, H.S.W. Atoms and Energy. 174 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London: Elek Books. 1953. QC778 .M35 1953
MASSEY, H.S.W. Atoms and Energy. 174 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Philosophical Library. 1956. QC778 .M3
MATTHES, FRANZ. Elemente, Atome, Isotope. Eine verstaendliche Erklarung der Begriffe. 229 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial boards. Leipzig: Urania-Verlag. 1957.
MAY, JULIAN. There's Adventure in Atomic Energy. Illustrated by Frank C. Murphy. 174 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: Popular Mechanics Press. 1957. PZ10.M455 Th
MAYNE, ALVIN. The Prospects for Nuclear Energy in Puerto Rico. 87 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: NPA. 1958. HD9698.P82 M3 1958
MCCARTNEY, LATON. Friends in High Places. The Bechtel Story: The Most Secret Corporation and How it Engineered the World. 273 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1988. TA217.B4 M38 1988
echtel built half of all the nuclear power plants in the world. Caspar Weinberger was formerly Bechtel's general counsel; George Schultz was Bechtel Group President.
MCCORMICK, JACK. Atoms, Energy and Machines. 224 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. New York: Creative Educational Center. 1961. Q162 .M15
MCCRACKEN, SAMUEL. The War Against the Atom. 206 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Basic Books. 1982. TK9146 .M37 1982
Defense of nuclear power against its critics.
MCKOWN, ROBIN. The Fabulous Isotopes. Drawings by Isadore Steinberg. 189 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Holiday House. 1962. QD466 .M17
MEEHAN, RICHARD L. The Atom and the Fault. Experts, Earthquakes, and Nuclear Power. 161 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1984. TK1344.C2 M44 1984
Focuses on the long-running controversy over suspected earthquake faults near the nation's first corporately owned nuclear test reactor at Vellecitos, California.
MENNELLA, DOTT. CRISTOFARO. L'Atomistica. Dalle Ipotesi Remote alla Conquista dell'Energia Atomica. 118 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Milano: Antonio Vallardi. 1947.
METZGER, H. PETER. The Atomic Establishment. 318 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1972. HD9698.U52 M47
MODELSKI, GEORGE A. Atomic Energy in the Communist Bloc. 226 pages. 8vo, cloth. Melbourne University Press. 1959. HD9698.A2 M6
MUNSON, RICHARD. The Energy Switch. Alternatives to Nuclear Power. 65 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: UCS. 1987. TJ163.25.U6 M863 1987
MURPHREE, E.V. "Power From Atoms: How Soon?" IN: Popular Mechanics, Vol. 86, No. 4, p. 89 ff. 320 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: Popular Mechanics. October 1946.
MURPHY, ARTHUR W., Editor. The Nuclear Power Controversy. 184 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. 1976. TK9006 .N818
NEWNES CONCISE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NUCLEAR ENERGY. Advisory Editors D.E. Barnes, et al. With a Foreword by H. Kronberger. 886 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: George Newnes Limited. 1962. QC772 .N485 1962
NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR. Neutron Irradiated Dime. 1964 U.S. Dime, set into a circular plastic holder, with schematic design of an atom on reverse of holder. 1-3/4 inches in diameter. New York World's Fair: Atomic Energy Commission. 1964-1965.
A souvenir of the USAEC exhibit at the New York World's Fair.
NIMMO, R.R. Atomic Energy. 201 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: The Pilot Press. 1947. QC721 .N5 1947
NORTHEAST NUCLEAR ENERGY COMPANY. Final Environmental Statement by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for Montague Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2. Irregular pagination. Illustrated. Thick 4to, printed wrappers. Washington: U.S. NRC. February 1977. TD195.E4 U55 1977
NORTHEAST UTILITIES. Nuclear Power at Northeast Utilities. 40 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. N.p.: Northeast Utilities. circa 1987.
A slick public relations information (or perhaps more accurately disinformation) brochure for New England residents, "paid for by NU customers."
NUCLEAR ENERGY CONFERENCE February 11-13, 1963, Arkansas Polytechnic College. Edited by Eugene Sharp. 169 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Russellville: APC. 1963.
Interesting series of papers for the layman, by Lapp, Libby, and others.
OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR STUDIES. Humorous printed "diploma" from "Old Bremsstrahlung Univ.," certifying that "Charter Heslep having been successfully bombarded in the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, presenting a favorable cross section of several barns, and retaining a normal leucocyte count is entitled to the degree Dabbler in Radio-Isotope Procedure. . . ." 9-1/2 x 11-1/4 inches. "Oakum Ridgeum Institutum Studium Unclearis, 11th Year of the Slow Neutron". circa 1950?.
The degree "confers the privilege of absorbing one-tenth roentgens per day and radiating neutrinos of traceable knowledge." Signed by William G. Pollard & Ralph Overman in the lower right corner.
OAK RIDGE OPERATIONS OFFICE. AEC Handbook on Oak Ridge. 46 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. June 1958.
A glossy public relations pamphlet, with 2 related brochures inserted. In the original mailing envelope.
OSTERGAARD, TROELS V. Atomkraft og Miljo. 68 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Kobenhavn: Rhodos. 1974.
PARSONS, REAR ADMIRAL W.S. "DEKE." "Atomic Energy-Whither Bound." IN: United States Naval Institute Proceedings, Vol. 73, No. 534. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Menasha, Wis.: U.S. Naval Institute. August 1947.
Parsons was chief of the Ordnance Division during the Manhattan Project.
PEARL, CARLETON. The Tenth Wonder. Atomic Energy. Illustrated by Robert J. Lee. 129 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Little, Brown. 1956. QC778. P4 1956
PELSER, IR. J. Kernenergie uit de Kinderschoenen? Rede uitgesproken bij de Aanvaarding van het Ambt van Buitengewoon Hoogleraar in de Fysica en Technologie van Kernreactoren aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen. 15 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Groningen: J.B. Wolters. 1964.
PINCHER, CHAPMAN. Into the Atomic Age. 158 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London: Hutchinson. 1947. QC173 .P53
POLLARD, WILLIAM G. The Mystery of Matter. 58 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1970. QC173 .P569 1970
PORTER, HAROLD M. & JERMAIN D. PORTER. The Story of Atomic Energy with Safe Experiments. 33 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Hagerstown: Porter Chemical Company. 1955.
POTTER, ROBERT D. The Atomic Revolution. 165 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative boards, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: McBride. 1946. QC173 .P58 1946
PRINGLE, PETER & JAMES JACOB SPIGELMAN. The Nuclear Barons. 700 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Rinehart. 1981. QC792.7 .P74
Uncorrected "pre-publicity" galley proof.
PRINGLE, PETER & JAMES SPIGELMAN. The Nuclear Barons. 578 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Holt, Rinehart. 1981. QC792.7 .P74
PROGRAM REVIEW & ANALYSIS BRANCH. DIVISION OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS. Chronology of Important Events in the Atoms for Peace Program. Mimeographed typescript. 10 leaves, printed on one side only. 4to, unbound, stapled. N.p. 1958.
Chronology of events from December 8, 1953-June 30, 1958. From the Heslep archive.
RABINOWITCH, EUGENE I. The Dawn of a New Age. Reflections on Science and Human Affairs. 332 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1963. QC777 .R4 1963
RADCLIFFE, A. & E.C. ROBERSON. The True Book about Atomic Energy. Illustrated by F.H. Holderness. 144 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. London: Muller. 1959.
"2nd (revised) edition." First published in 1955.
(REDDING, A.Z., Editor). Nuclear Energy Terms. A Bilingual Glossary. English-German. German-English. 121 pages. 4to, printed spiral-bound wrappers. New York: Nuclear Translation Services. 1960. TK9009 .R24 1960
REDMAN, L.A. Nuclear Energy. 102 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Oxford University Press. 1963. QC777 .R4 1963
RICCIUTI, EDWARD R. Animals in Atomic Research. 54 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1969. QL55 .R5
RODRIQUES, F. ANDRES, Editor. Usos Pacificos de la Energia Atomica. Edicion, Septiembre 1967. 201 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative wrappers. Oak Ridge: Instituto de Estudios Nucleares. 1967.
ROSS, FRANK. Superpower. The Story of Atomic Energy. 185 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Lothrop. 1955. QC778 .R58 1955
ROTBLAT, J., Editor. Atomic Energy. A Survey. 71 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London: Atomiccientists' Association. 1954. QC780 .R6
Lectures given at the University of London by John Cockroft, Otto Frisch, and others.
ROTHMANN, S.C., Editor. Constructive Uses of Atomic Energy. 258 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1949. QC173 .R782 1949
SACKS, JACOB. The Atom at Work. Illustrations by George R. Cox. 327 pages. 8vo, cloth. New York: Ronald Press. 1951. QC778 .S3
SANS VALLES, FRANCISCO. Evolucion de la Fisica del Atomo y posibilidad de Aprovechamiento de la Energia Intraatomica. Conferencia pronunciada en la Asociacion Nacional de Peritos y Technicos Industriales (Delegacion de Barcelona) el 12 de septiembre de 1945. 71 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Barcelona. 1945.
SCHENBERG, SAMUEL, Editor. Laboratory Experiments with Radioisotopes for High School Science Demonstrations. 53 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1953. QD466 .S33 1953
SCHMIDT, DR. S. Atomen! De vreedzame Toepassing van Atoomgebruik en Bescherming tegen Radioactieve Besmetting. 64 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Leiden: L. Stafleu. 1957.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Editors of. Atomic Power. 180 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Simon and Schuster. 1955. TK9146 .S3
Includes Hans Bethe on the Hydrogen Bomb.
SEABORG, GLENN T. Man-Made Transuranium Elements. 120 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers, housed in protective cloth case provided. FIRST EDITION. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. 1963. QD172.T7 S37
PRESENTATION COPY FROM SEABORG TO LEWIS STRAUSS. Seaborg was the discoverer of plutonium, and chief of the section on transuranium elements at the Manhattan project. He shared the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1951 with Edwin M. McMillan.
SEABORG, GLENN T. "Nuclear Power in Space." IN: Ordnance, Vol. XLVII, No. 255, pp. 290-293. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Washington, D.C.: American Ordnance Association. November 1962.
Issue also includes a report on a Mobile Military Reactor, in the regular Nuclear Energy column, p. 257.
SEABORG, GLENN T. Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. A Collection of Speeches. 156 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1970. QC798 .S43 1970
PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed by Seaborg to Lewis L. Strauss.
SEABORG, GLENN T. & WILLIAM R. CORLISS. Man and Atom. Building a New World through Nuclear Technology. 411 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Dutton. 1971. TK9145 .S4
SEMENOVSKY, P. Conquering the Atom. A Story about Soviet Atomic Engineering and the Uses of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes. 95 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House. 1956. TK9146 .S413 1956
SHEAD, WALTER A., Editor. Atomic Energy Guidebook. A Non- Technical Sourcebook on Practical Uses of Nuclear Energy. 95 pages. 4to, pictorial yellow and magenta wrappers. Washington: Atomic Energy Guideletter. 1955.
SHILLING, CHARLES WESLEY. Atomic Energy Encyclopedia in the Life Sciences. 474 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia: Saunders. 1964. QH652 .S52
SIZOO, PROF. DR. G.J. Atoomenergie. 96 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth-backed boards. FIRST EDITION. Amsterdam: Moussault's uitgeverij. 1946. QC173 .S465 1946
SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Annual Report. For the Year Ended June 30, 1947. 471 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Washington: USGPO. 1948.
Includes "Atomic Energy" by A.E. Johns, pp. 177-190; "Plutonium and Other Transuranium Elements," by Glenn T. Seaborg, pp. 207-216; and, "The Biology of Bikini Atoll," by Leonard P. Schultz, pp. 301-316.
SONDERAUSSCHUSS RADIOAKTIVITAET BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND. Erster Bericht januar 1958. *Zweiter Bericht maerz 1959. *Dritter Bericht bis mai 1963. 3 volumes. 68; 117; 131 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 1958-63.
SPRUCH, GRACE MARMOR & LARRY SPRUCH, editors. The Ubiquitous Atom. 458 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Scribner's. 1974. QC777 .S67
"Based upon material from the booklets in the series Understanding the Atom, produced under the aegis of the USAEC."
STARR, FRANK WESLEY. Radioactivity: Demonstrations, Experiments and Techniques Using Radioisotopes in Science Teaching. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Education Iowa State Teachers College. Ditto copy. 87 leaves. Illustrated. 4to, flexible library binder. Waterloo: East High School. July 1959.
STEPHENS, WILLIAM E., Editor. Nuclear Fission and Atomic Energy. 294 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Lancaster, Pa.: Science Press. 1948. QC173 .S76
Text by various members of the Staff of the University of Pennsylvania.
STEVENSON, ADLAI. Speeches of. Foreward by John Steinbeck. 129 pages. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Random House. 1952. E816 .S7 1952
Includes "The Atomic Future, Hartford, Connecticut, Bushnell Memorial Hall, September 18, 1952." pp. 92-97.
STEWART LECTURES, SIR HALLEY, 1948. The Atomic Age. By M.L. Oliphant, P.M.S. Blackett, R.F. Harrod, Bertrand Russell, Lionel Curtis, & D.W. Brogan. 149 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: George Allen. 1949. HM221 .A8 1949
STIMSON, THOMAS E., JR. The Army Meets the Big "A". IN: Popular Mechanics, Volume 97, Number 3, (119-120, 302-304pp.) 328 pages. Illustrated. March 1952.
STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE. The Nuclear Age. 148 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: MIT; Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksell. 1974. TK9153 .S78 1975
World survey of nuclear facilities, prepared for the 1975 NPT review conference.
STOKLEY, JAMES. The New World of the Atom. 228 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Ives Washburn. 1957. TK9146 .S8 1957
STRAUSS, LEWIS L. Men and Decisions. 468 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. 1962. E741 .S7
TAYLOR, E. OPENSHAW, Editor. Nuclear Reactors for Power Generation. Illustrated. 144 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Newnes. 1958. TK9202 .T3 1958a
TAYLOR, E. OPENSHAW, Editor. Nuclear Reactors for Power Generation. 144 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Philosophical Library. 1958. TK9202 .T3
TAYLOR, JOHN W.R. Scientific Wonders of the Atomic Age. Foreward by Sir John D. Cockroft. 128 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. London: Ariel. n.d. (circa 1955).
TEEPLE, DAVID SHEA. Atomic Energy. A Constructive Proposal. 165 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce. 1955. HD9698.U52 T4 1955
TELLER, EDWARD & ALBERT L. LATTER. Our Nuclear Future. Facts, Dangers and Opportunities. 184 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Criterion. 1958. QC778 .T4
TELLER, EDWARD & ALBERT L. LATTER. Our Nuclear Future. Facts, Dangers and Opportunities. 184 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. London: Secker & Warburg. 1958. QC778 .T4 1958b
THIRRING, HANS & HANS GRUEMM. Kernenergie gestern, heute und morgen. 252 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Wien/Muenchen: Oldenbourg. 1963.
THOMPSON, WILLIAM E. Your Future in Nuclear Energy Fields. 160 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Richard Rosen Press. 1961. QC783.8 .T45 1961
THOMPSON,GORDON & LINZEE WELD. A Second Chance: New Hampshire's Electricity Future as a Model for the Nation. A report of the Union of Concerned Scientists. 61 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: UCS. December 1983. TK4001 .T565 1983
Includes: "Seabrook: A Case Study of the Nuclear Industry's Ebbing Fortunes."
THOMSON,SIR GEORGE. The Foreseeable Future. 166 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: University Press. 1955. T18 .T5
TORREY, VOLTA. "U.S. to Breed Own Atoms. New Power Plants to Make More Fuel than they Burn." IN: Popular Science, Vol. 154, No. 6, pp. 124-131. 280 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Popular Science. June 1949.
"Operation Bootstrap," the first U.S. breeder reactor program.
TORREY, VOLTA. "Will Atomic Engines Be Mobile? Navy will get experimental model. Delayed neutrons will make it safe and easy to run." IN: Popular Science, Vol. 155, No. 1, pp. 114-119. 256 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. New York: Popular Science. July 1949.
UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY. Nuclear Energy Research in the United Kingdom. 94 pages. 4to, cloth. N.p.: UKAEA. n.d. [1964]. QC788 .U46
UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY. The Nuclear Energy Industry of the United Kingdom. 67 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. London: UKAEA. 1961. HD9698.G72 A3 1961
Second Edition (revised).
USAEC. Annual Awards Ceremony, November 14, 1956. 22 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1956.
SIGNED BY LEWIS L. STRAUSS & K.E. FIELDS, who presented the awards. This is Charter Heslep's copy, one of the recipients of the Outstanding Service Awards.
USAEC. The Atomic Bonus. Non-Nuclear Benefits from Nuclear Development. 24 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1966.
USAEC. Atomic Energy and the Life Sciences. 203 pages. Illustrated. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. July 1949. QC789.U6 A5 1949
USAEC. Atomic Energy and the Physical Sciences. 228 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. January 1950. HD9698.U52 A52 1950
USAEC. Atomic Energy Facts. A Summary of Atomic Activities of Interest to Industry. 216 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1957. TK9023 .A5
USAEC. Bibliographies of Interest to the Atomic Energy Program. Compiled by Hugh E. Voress & Naomi K. Smalcer. 149 pages. 4to, decorative wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. May 1958. Z5160 .U487 1958
USAEC. Bibliographies of Interest to the Atomic Energy Program. Compiled by James M. Jacobs, Naomi K. Smelcer, and Hugh E. Voress. 295 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. March 1962. Z5160 .U48 1962
USAEC. Bibliographies of Interest to the Atomic Energy Program. 1962 through 1966. Compiled by Theodore F. Davis, et al. 248 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. August 1968. Z5160 .U48 1966
USAEC. A Biblography of Basic Books on Atomic Energy. 74 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1974. Z5160 .U48723 1974
USAEC. Index to AEC Information Booklets. 66 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1972. Z5160 .U4914 1972
USAEC. Index to the Understanding the Atom Series. 12 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1968. Z5160 .U4915 1968
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-June 1951. 151 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. July 1951.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-June 1952. 125 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. July 1952.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-June 1953. 98 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. July 1953.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs July- December 1953. 151 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. January 1954.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-June 1954. 137 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. July 1954.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs July- December 1954. 138 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. January 1955.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-June 1955. 160 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. July 1955.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs July- December 1955. 200 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. January 1956.
Inserted is a typed letter signed by Lewis L. Strauss to I.I. Rabi, presenting this copy to him and noting that "a short special section reports on the United States participation in the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy-your Conference."
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-June 1956. 260 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. July 1956.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-December 1960. 544 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. January 1961.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-December 1961. 540 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. January 1962.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-December 1962. 599 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: USAEC. 1963.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-December 1965. 442 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1966.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-December 1967. 397 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1968.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-December 1968. 348 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1969.
USAEC. Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-December 1969. 347 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1970.
USAEC. Recent Scientific and Technical Developments in the Atomic Energy Program of the United States. 192 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1948. QC773.U5 A5 1948
USAEC. Selected Readings on Atomic Energy. Revised March 1958. 74 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1958. Z5160 .U56 1958
USAEC. Selected Reference Material on Atomic Energy. Volume Eight. Information Sources. 114; 160 pages. 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Geneva: United States of America. 1955. QC788 .S4
Prepared for the first "Atoms for Peace" conference. Includes a useful "Guide to the Scientific and Technical Literature of the USAEC."
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Fourth. 192 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1948.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Fifth. 213 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1949.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Sixth. 203 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1949.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Seventh. 228 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1950.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Eighth. 230 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1950.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Ninth. 158 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1951.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Tenth. 151 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1951.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Eleventh. 211 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1952.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Twelfth. 125 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1952.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Thirteenth. 210 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1953.
Issue devoted to "Assuring Public Safety in Continental Weapons Tests."
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Fourteenth. 98 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1953.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Fifteenth. 151 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1954.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Sixteenth. 137 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1954.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Seventeenth. 138 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1955.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Eighteenth. 160 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1955.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Nineteenth. 200 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1956.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Twenty-first. 396 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1957.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Twenty-second. 257 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1957.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Twenty-third. 463 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1958.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Twenty-fourth. Research on Power from Fusion and Other Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Programs January-June 1958. 410 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1958.
USAEC. Semiannual Report, Twenty-fifth. 386 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1959.
USAEC. Semiannual Reports; Cumulative Index to Twenty Five. January 1947-January 1959. 321 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1961.
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Accelerators. 36 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964. QA786 .K44 1964
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Atomic Fuel. 40 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964. TK9360 .H6 1964
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Atomic Power Safety. 38 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964. TK1078 .H62
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Atoms, Nature, and Man. Man-made Radioactivity in the Environment. 57 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1966. QC778 .H54 1966
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Atoms at the Science Fair. 52 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964. Q105 .L412 1964
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Atoms in Agriculture. 24 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1963. S589 .O78 1963
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Careers in Atomic Energy. 27 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1963. QC783.8 .M3 1963
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Computers. 56 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1966. QA76 .C588 1966
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Controlled Nuclear Fusion. 48 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964. QC791 .G48 1964
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Direct Conversion of Energy. 34 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964. TK2896 .C6 1964
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Food Preservation by Irradiation. 36 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964. TX611 .U7 1964
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Microstructure of Matter. 60 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1965. QC173 .S83 1965
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Neutron Activation Analysis. 28 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1968. QD606 .C65 1963
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Nondestructive Testing. 38 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1965. TA417.2 .B4 1965
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Nuclear Energy for Desalting. 49 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1966. TD479.6 .U7
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Nuclear Power and Merchant Shipping. 40 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1965. VM317 .D6 1965
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Nuclear Reactors. 45 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1965. TK9202 .H58 1965
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Nuclear Reactors for Space Power. Revised Edition. By William R. Corliss. 47 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1971. TL1102.N8 C59 1971
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Our Atomic World. 37 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964. QC778 .C89 1964
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Plowshare. 54 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1966. TK9153 .G4 1966
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Popular Books on Nuclear Science. 18 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964.
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Power from Radioisotopes. 38 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964. TK1078 .M38 1964
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Power Reactors in Small Packages. 26 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964. TK1078 .C6 1964
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Radioisotopes and Life Processes. 50 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1966. QH324 .K5
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Radioisotopes in Industry. 50 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1965. TK9400 .B3 1965
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Radioisotopes in Medicine. 50 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1966. RM849 .P45
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Rare Earths. The Fraternal Fifteen. 46 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1966. QD172.R2 G76 1966
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Research Reactors. 46 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1965. QC787.N8 M32 1965
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. SNAP. Nuclear Space Reactors. 46 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1966.
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. USAEC: What it is - what it does. 68 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1965.
USAEC. UNDERSTANDING THE ATOM SERIES. Whole Body Counters. 32 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1964. RM862.5 .W6 1964
USAEC. You Can Understand the Atom. 22 pages. Illustrated. Oblong 8vo, pictorial self-wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1951. QC792 .Y68 1951
Reprints a series of articles from the editorial page of the Des Moines Sunday Register.
U.S. BUREAU OF INTELLIGENCE AND RESEARCH. Nuclear Research and Technology in Communist China. 7 pages. 4to, printed front wrapper, stapled, as issued. Washington, D.C.: Department of State External Research Staff. 1963. Z5160 .U6 1963
U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION. Annual Report 1975. 200 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1976.
The first annual report of the NRC.
U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION. Annual Report 1976. 264 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1977.
U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION. Annual Report 1977. 252 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1978.
U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION. Annual Report 1980. 306 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1981.
U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION. Nuclear Energy Center Site Survey - 1975. Executive Summary. 13 pages. Folding map. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: NRC. 1976. TK1193.U52 U5 1976
U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION. Nuclear Energy Center Site Survey - 1975. United States Map-Coarse Screening Results. Large folding color map inside portfolio pocket. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: NRC. 1976. TK1193.U52 U5 1976
U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION. Nuclear Energy Center Site Survey - 1975. 5 volumes. Illustrated with folding maps, etc. Irregular pagination. Thick 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: NRC. 1976. TK1193.U52 U5 1976
Part I: Summary and Conclusions; Part II: The U.S. Electric Power System and the Potential Role of Nuclear Energy Centers; Part III: Technical Considerations; Part IV: Practical Issues of Implementation; Part V: Resource Availability and Site Screening.
VALLE COLLANTES, FRANCISCO. En los Umbrales de la Era Atomica. Vulgarizacion Cientifica, sobre la Energia Atomica y sus Posibilidades Industriales. 123 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Ferrol del Caudillo. 1949.
VAZ DIAS, ARNOLD. Kernenergie. Het kernprobleem onzer samenleving. 61 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Nieuwe Rotterdamse Courant. n.d. (circa 1949).
VIGNERON, LEOPOLD & RAYMOND CHASTEL. L'Energie Atomique. Promesse ou Calamité? 127 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Paris: Editions France-Documentation. 1949.
VILLAR, G. E. Aprovechamiento de la Energia Atomica. 66 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Union Panamericana. 1955.
VILLAR, G. E. Elementos de Atomistica. Tercera Edicion. 291 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Montevideo: Impresora Uruguaya. 1950.
VILLAR, G. E. Elementos de Atomistica. Cuarta Edicion. 289 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Montevideo: "Impresora Uruguaya". 1953. QC173 .V5 1953
Presentation copy, inscribed by the Author to "la Biblioteca del Instituto de Estudios Nucleares de Oak Ridge."
VILLAR, G. E. Energia Atomica. 327 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. Montevideo: Impresora Uruguaya. 1956. TK9145 .V52 1956
VRIES, LEONARD DE. The Book of the Atom. Translated by Eric G. Breeze. Illustrated by Gerard Van Straaten. 144 pages. 4to, cloth. London: John Murray. 1960. QC778 .V713 1960
WADE, JAMES E. & G.E. CUNNINGHAM. Radiation Monitoring. A Programmed Instruction Book. 281 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. August 1967. QC783.8 .W3
WANG, CHI. Nuclear Science in Mainland China. A Selected Bibliography. 70 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress. 1968. Z7144.N8 W3 1968
WEISS, ANN E. The Nuclear Question. 160 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1981. TK9148 .W44 1981
WENDT, GERALD. Nuclear Energy and its Uses in Peace. 76 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: UNESCO. 1955. TK9153 .W44 1955
WENDT, GERALD. You and the Atom. 96 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Avon. 1955. TK9146 .W4 1955
First edition thus, originally published in France in 1955 under the title Nuclear Energy and Its Uses in Peace.
WERKGROEP KERNENERGIE. Kernenergie Nota. 73 pages. 4to, spiral-bound decorative wrappers. Amsterdam: Vereniging Milieu Defensie. 1973.
WERNER, SVEN. Vejen til Atomalderen. Det Fysiske Verdensbillede og dets Historie. 207 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhaven: Forlaget Fremad. 1952. QC7 .W4 1952
WESTINGHOUSE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION. The George Westinghouse Centennial Forum May 16, 17, 18, 1946. The Future of Atomic Energy. 152 pages. Illustrated with portraits of the speakers. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1946. Q171 .G4
Contributors include Vannevar Bush, I.I. Rabi, J. Robert Oppenheimer & Enrico Fermi.
WOODBURY, DAVID O. Atoms for Peace. Illustrated by Henry Bugbee Kane. 259 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Dodd, Mead. 1955. TK9145 .W6 1955
WORLD NUCLEAR DIRECTORY. An International Reference Book. 2nd Edition Revised and Enlarged. 626 pages. 8vo, cloth. London: Harrap. 1963. QC774.2 .W65 1963
Lists over 3000 organizations worldwide with nuclear interests.
WOUTERS, DR. J. De Atomen en de Atoomenergie. 90 pages. 2 folding tables. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Antwerp: Standaard-Boekhandel. 1946.
YANKEE-ROWE ATOMIC PLANT. Group of 4 picture postcards showing scenes at the plant, etc., offering greeting from Rowe, Mass. Each about 3-1/2 x 5-1/2 inches. Shelburne Falls, Mass. n.d. (circa 1958).
ZINN, WALTER H. & FRANK K. PITTMAN. Nuclear Power, U.S.A. 200 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1964. TK9023 .Z5

9. Civilian Atomic Energy, Part 2. 1939-1988.

Political, legal, economic, administrative and public policy components of the atomic age are all covered in this series.

124 items
ALLEN, JAMES S. Atomic Energy and Society. An Appraisal of the Conflict Between Monopoly-Military Interests and the Social Use of Atomic Energy. 95 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: International Publishers. 1949. HD9698.A2 A6 1949
ALLEN, JAMES S. Atomic Imperialism: The State, Monopoly, and the Bomb. 288 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: International Publishers. 1952. HD9698.U52 A65 1952
The first detailed study of the U.S. weapons cartel and corporate control of the AEC.
THE AMERICAN ASSEMBLY. Atoms for Power: United States Policy in Atomic Energy Development. Edited by Philip C. Jessup. 165 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. New York: Columbia University. 1957. HD9698.U5 A6
Includes "The Environs of Atomic Power," by Robert Oppenheimer.
AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION. Profit Perspectives in Atomic Energy. Problems and Opportunities. 176 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: AMA. 1957. HD9698.U52 A68 1957
ANDERER, JEANNE, ALAN MCDONALD & NEBOJSA NAKICENOVIC. Energy in a Finite World. Paths to a Sustainable Future. Report by the Energy Systems Program Group of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Wolf Haefele, Program Leader. 225 pages. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Ballinger. 1981. TJ163.2 .I55 1981
ANDRIOT, J. Economie et Perspectives de l'Energie Atomique. 276 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Dunod. 1964. HD9698.F72 A7 1964
ANGELOPOULOS, ANGELOS. L'Atome. Unira-t-Il le Monde? Aspects Economiques, Sociaux, Politiques. 216 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Paris: Pichon. 1956. HD9698 .A55 1956
ARMAND, LOUIS. Some Aspects of the European Energy Problem. Suggestions for Collective Action. 61 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Paris: OEEC. 1955. TJ55 .A7 1955
ATOMIC ENERGY IN INDUSTRY. Minutes of 3rd Conference October 13-15, 1954. New York City. 412 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: National Industrial Conference Board. 1955.
The list of eminent contributors includes Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Willard F. Libby, and General Leslie R. Groves.
ATOMIC ENERGY IN INDUSTRY. Minutes of Special Conference October 16-17, 1952. New York City. Irregular pagination. Illustrated. Mimeographed typescript, printed on rectos only. Thick 4to, cloth. New York: National Industrial Conference Board. 1952.
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Atomic Energy - A Realistic Appraisal. Proceedings of a Meeting for Members. 192 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1955. TK9006 .A8 1955
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Atomic Opportunities in New England. 229 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1955. TK9006 .N35 1954
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Business Opportunities in the Nuclear Space Program. Proceedings of the Seminar. November 29, 1962, Washington D.C. 80 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF & Nucleonics. 1963. HD9698.U5 N83 1962
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Impact of Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy on State and Local Government. 92 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. January 1959.
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Management, Economics and Technology for the Atomic Industry. 2 volumes. 282; 308 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1956. HD9698.U52 A8
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Management and Atomic Energy 1958. 460 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1958. HD9698.U52 A8 1958
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Murphy, Arthur W., et al. Preliminary Report on Financial Protection Against Atomic Hazards. March 1956. 37 pages + 9-leaf typescript Appendix tipped-in at end. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1956.
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Murphy, Arthur W. Financial Protection Against Atomic Hazards. January 1957. 65 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1957. HG9970 .A3A78 1957
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Nuclear Frontiers - 1960. Proceedings of the Annual Conference. 330 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1961. HD9698.A2 A78 1961
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Prospects for Atomic Energy in the South. 174 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1956. HD9698.U53 S63 1956
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Public Relations for the Atomic Industry. 160 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1956. HD9698.U52 A824 1956
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. State Activities in Atomic Energy. February 1957. 3rd Edition. Edited by Saul J. Harris. 36 pages + Appendices. 4to, printed wrappers. N.p.: AIF. 1957. KF2138.9 .A9 1957
Mimeographed typescript, printed on rectos only. Includes "Bibliography of State Activities in Atomic Energy."
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. The New Atomic Energy Law. What It Means to Industry. 181 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1954. KF2138 .A85 1954
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. World Development of Atomic Energy with Special Supplements on U.S. Bilateral Agreements. 151 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1955. QC773 .A8 1955
ATOMS FOR PEACE MANUAL. A Compilation of Official Materials on International Cooperation for Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy December 1953-July 1955. Presented by Mr. Wiley. 615 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington: USGPO. 1955. TK9145 .U52
Comprises U.S. Senate, 84th Congress 1st Session Document No. 55.
BLOUSTEIN, EDWARD J., Editor. Nuclear Energy, Public Policy and the Law. 114 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Dobbs Ferry: Oceana Publications. 1964. JX5133.A7 C64 1963
Published for the New York University School of Law.
BOER, DR. A.A. DE. Economische Aspecten van de Ontwikkeling der Kernenergie. 113 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Leiden: Stenfert Kroese. 1962.
BRANDT, DR. LEO. Staat und friedliche Atomforschung. 52 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Koeln und Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. 1956.
BUPP, IRVIN C. & JEAN-CLAUDE DERIAN. Light Water. How the Nuclear Dream Dissolved. 241 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Basic Books. 1978.
Signed by the author.
CARLING, ALF, et al. Jobben och kaernkraften. 30 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Stockholm: Forskningsradsnaemnden. 1980.
Examination of the impact of nuclear power on employment in Sweden.
CHOW, BRIAN B. The Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor. An Economic Analysis. 76 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 1975. HD9698.U52 C43 1975
CLARFIELD, GERALD H. & WILLIAM M. WIECEK. Nuclear America. Military and Civilian Power in the United States 1940-1980. 518 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harper. 1984. UA23 .C558 1984
CONKLIN, DAVID L. Economics of Nuclear and Conventional Merchant Ships. June 30, 1958. 869 pages. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1959. HE736 .A73 1959
CONVENTION ON THIRD PARTY LIABILITY IN THE FIELD OF NUCLEAR ENERGY. Paris, 29 July 1960. 67 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Paris: OEEC. 1960.
DAHL, ROBERT A. & RALPH S. BROWN. Domestic Control of Atomic Energy. 117 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Social Science Research Council. 1951. HD9698.U52 D3 1951
DAWSON, FRANK G. Nuclear Power. Development and Management of a Technology. 320 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Seattle: University of Washington Press. 1976. HD9698.U52 D38 1976
DEAN, GORDON. "Atomic Energy for Peace." IN: The Atlantic, Volume 193, Number 2. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Boston: The Atlantic Monthly. February 1954.
Analysis of Eisenhower's proposal for an international pool of fissionable material. Typically of the McCarthy period, blames the Russians for everything.
DUKE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW. Atomic Power Development. 210 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Durham: Duke University. 1956.
Comprises Law and Contemporary Problems. A Quarterly Published by the Duke University School of Law, Volume 21, Number I. Winter 1956.
ECONOMICS OF NUCLEAR FUELS. Proceedings of the Symposium. . . Held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Gottwaldov, 27-31 May 1968. 606 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Vienna: IAEA. 1968. TK9360 .S83 1968
EDUCATION AND NUCLEAR ENERGY. Report on a Seminar held 6-10 July 1959 at the Nuclear Research Centre, Saclay, France. 63 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Vienna: IAEA. 1960. QC789.N8 I5
ELLET, WILLIAM C. State Control and Administration of Atomic Radiation. 48 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Iowa City: Institute of Public Affairs of the State U. 1957. KF2138.9 .I58 1957
ELLIOTT, DAVE. The Politics of Nuclear Power. 142 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. London: Pluto Press. 1978. HD8039.A62 G73 1978
ENERGIGRUPPEN ALTERNATIV STAD. Lagenergi samhaelle men hur? 97 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Stockholm: Allfoerlaget trycksaker. 1974. HD9502.S82 E47 1974
Examination of alternatives to nuclear power for Sweden.
EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE: Students of the "Applied Research Group Contract." Nuclear Power in the Pacific Northwest. Essays on Prominent Issues. 281 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Olympia, Washington: Evergreen State College. June 1978. TK1343 .E9 1978
FOEDERATIVE REPUBLIK BRASILIEN. Das Kernenergieprogramm Brasiliens. 23 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Brasilia: Republica Federativa do Brasil. maerz 1977.
Justification of Brazil's atomic energy policies and program for German-Brazilian cooperation in nuclear power development.
FORUM ATOMIQUE EUROPEEN. Conditions for the Establishment and Development of the European Nuclear Industry. Paris Congress 12-14 September 1962. Volume 1-Part 1 [electrical power production from nuclear energy]. 496 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: FORATOM. 1962. HD9698.E82 C6
FORUM ATOMIQUE EUROPEEN. Conditions for the Establishment and Development of the European Nuclear Industry. Paris Congress. 12-14 September 1962. Volume 1-Part 2. Reports Submitted by the Ten FORATOM Associations. 499-860 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. N.p.: FORATOM. 1962. HD9698.E82 C6
Includes: Session V. Fuel Cycles and Residues (much on nuclear waste, plutonium reprocessing, etc.; Session VI. Uses other than Electric Power Production (includes several chapters on nuclear propulsion); Session VII. Safety Cost and Variations with Time, Nuclear Risk Insurance and Principles of Third Party Liability; and Session VIII. Present Position with regard to Economic Data on Nuclear Energy.
GOLDRING, MARY. Economics of Atomic Energy. 179 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Philosophical Library. 1957. HD9698.G72 G6 1957
GOLDSCHMIDT, BERTRAND. Les Rivalites Atomiques 1939-1966. 340 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Fayard. 1967. D842 .G6 1967
History of international nuclear politics. PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed by the Author to John Palfrey.
GREEN, HAROLD P. & ALAN ROSENTHAL. Government of the Atom. The Integration of Powers. 281 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Atherton Press. 1963. HD9698.U5 G7 1963
Study sponsored by the National Law Center of the George Washington University.
GRODZINS, MORTON & EUGENE RABINOWITCH, Editors. The Atomic Age. Scientists in National and World Affairs. Articles from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1945-1962. 616 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Basic Books. 1963.
HARDUNG-HARDUNG, HEIMO. Chancen in der Atomwirtschaft. 341 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Dusseldorf: Econ Verlag. 1958. TK9145 .H3 1958
PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed by the Author to Prof. Dr. [Otto] Hahn.
HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LAW SCHOOL. Financial Protection Against Atomic Hazards. The International Aspects. (Preliminary Report). 78 pages. 4to, printed stapled wrappers. New York: AIF. May 1958.
HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LAW SCHOOL. International Problems of Financial Protection Against Nuclear Risk. 95 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. March 1959. K950 .H37 1959
Final report of the above study.
HENNINGSEN, SVEN. Atompolitik 1939-1945. 254 pages. Large 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDITION. Kobenhavn. 1971. D767.2 .H45 1971
Comprises Festskrift udgivet af Kobenhavns Universitetets Arsfest November 1971.
HYDEMAN, LEE M. & WILLIAM H. BERMAN. International Control of Nuclear Maritime Activities. 384 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan Law School Atomic Energy Research Project. 1960. K3670.4 .H93 1960
INTER-AMERICAN NUCLEAR ENERGY COMMISSION. Possibilities for the Use of Nuclear Power in Latin America. 51 pages. 4to, decorative wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union. 1964. TK9027.5 .I573 1964
INTER-AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON THE PEACEFUL APPLICATION OF NUCLEAR ENERGY, 3rd, Rio de Janeiro, July 18-22, 1960. 369 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union. 1961.
INTER-AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON THE PEACEFUL APPLICATION OF NUCLEAR ENERGY, 4th, Mexico City, April 9-13, 1962. 2 volumes. 336; 252 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union. 1962. QC770 .I5851 1962
INTER-AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON THE PEACEFUL APPLICATION OF NUCLEAR ENERGY, 5th, Valparaiso, Chile, March 9-13, 1964. 296 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union. 1965.
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DEMOCRATIC LAWYERS. Legal Problems Arising from the Development and Utilisation of Atomic Energy. Proceedings of the Second Commission. 114 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Brussels: IADL. 1960. K86 .I58 1960
INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. Legal Series No. 1. Multilateral Agreements. 257 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Vienna: IAEA. 1959.
INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. Legal Series No. 3. Agreements Registered with the International Atomic Energy Agency. Second Edition. (Up to 31 December 1966). 68 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Vienna: IAEA. 1968.
KALYADIN, A. Nuclear Energy and International Security. 110 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Moscow: Novosti Press Agency. n.d. (circa 1970). JX1974.7 .K15 1970
KEMP, ARTHUR. The Role of Government in Developing Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. 53 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Association. 1956. HD9698.U53 K4 1956
KENDALL, HENRY W. & STEVEN J. NADIS, Editors. Energy Strategies: Toward a Solar Future. A Report of the Union of Concerned Scientists. 320 pages. Illustrated. cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Ballinger. 1980. HD9502.U52 K46
KILBRIDGE, MAURICE D. The Prospect for Nuclear Power in Pakistan. 59 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: NPA. 1958. HD9698.P32 K5 1958
KRUSE, HANS. Legal Aspects of the Peaceful Utilization of Atomic Energy. 111 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Berlin: NWB. 1960. JX5133.A7 K7 1960
LANDSBERG, H.H. & G. PERAZICH. Nuclear Power and Economic Development in Israel. 92 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: NPA. 1957. HD9698.I82 L3 1957
LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROBLEMS OF PROTECTION IN THE PEACEFUL USES OF ATOMIC ENERGY. Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Brussels from 5-8 September 1960. 1256 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Bruxelles: EURATOM. 1961. HD9698.A2 P681 1960
LESTER, RICHARD K. Rethinking Nuclear Power. IN: Scientific American, Volume 254, Number 3, 31-39pp. 120 pages. Illustrated. March 1986.
LITTLE, I.M.D. & P.N. ROSENSTEIN-RODAN. Nuclear Power and Italy's Energy Position. 79 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: NPA. 1957. HD9698.I92 L5 1957
MARKS, HERBERT S. & JERRY L. WEINSTEIN, Editors. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series X. Law and Administration. 4 volumes in 3. 994; 480; 402 pages. 8vo, cloth. New York or London: Macmillan or Pergamon. 1959-(1966). K3990.4 .L39
MULLENBACH, PHILIP. Civilian Nuclear Power. Economic Issues and Policy Formation. 406 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Twentieth Century Fund. 1963. HD9698.A3 M8
NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH. A Five Year Plan for the Development of Nuclear Research in Italy. 93 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Rome: NCNR. 1958.
NETSCHERT, B.C. & S.H. SCHURR. Atomic Energy Applications with Reference to Underdeveloped Countries. A Preliminary Survey. 129 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins for Resources for the Future. 1957. HD9698.A2 R4
NEW ENGLAND COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY. Atomic Energy and New England. The Report. . . to the New England Governors' Conference. 93 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: NECOAE. July 1955. HD9698.U52 N35 1955
The members of the committee included Karl T. Compton, Hartley Rowe, Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves, Major General Frank D. Merrill, and others.
NEWMAN, JAMES R. "The Atomic Energy Industry: An Experiment in Hybridization." pp. (1264)-1394. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST SEPARATE EDITION. (New Haven: Yale). 1951.
Reprinted from Yale Law Journal, December 1951. An in- depth look at AEC contract and labor practices.
NOVAK, VIVECA & SHEILA KAPLAN. Power Politics. How the Nuclear Power Lobby Won Big on Capitol Hill. IN: Common Cause Magazine, Volume 14, Number 1, 20-23pp. 46 pages. Illustrated. January/February 1988.
NUCLEAR ENERGY COSTS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Proceedings of a Symposium. . .in Istanbul, 20-24 October 1969. 746 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Vienna: IAEA. 1970. TK9153 .S9 1969
OLGAARD, POVL L. Politik og kernekraft. 217 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Kobenhavn: Berlingske Forlag. 1980. HD9698.D42 O37 1980
Examines the politics of nuclear power in Denmark.
ORGANIZATION FOR EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION. Possibilities of Action in the Field of Nuclear Energy. January 1956. 70 pages. Folding chart of "Cycle of Fissile Material." 8vo, decorative wrappers. Paris: OEEC. 1956.
ORGANIZATION FOR EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION. Joint Action by OEEC Countries in the Field of Nuclear Energy. September 1956. 169 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Paris: OEEC. 1956. HD9698.E82 O71 1956
ORGANIZATION FOR EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION. The Industrial Challenge of Nuclear Energy. Papers given during the first Information Conference on Nuclear Energy for Management, Paris, April 1957. 288 pages. Illustrated, including folding map. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Paris: OEEC. 1957. HD9698.A2 I6 1957
ORGANIZATION FOR EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION. The Industrial Challenge of Nuclear Energy. Research-Uses-Social Problems. Papers Given during the second Information Conference on Nuclear Energy for Management Amsterdam, 24-28 June 1957. 301 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Paris: OEEC. 1958. HD9698.A2 I6 1957
ORGANIZATION FOR EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION. The Industrial Challenge of Nuclear Energy. Stresa Conference. Parts I-IV (complete). 4 volumes. Illustrated, including 2 pull-out folding maps of European nuclear installations. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Paris: OEEC. 1959-1960. HD9698.A2 I6 1959
ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT. International Trade Union Seminar on Nuclear Energy Problems. Organised at Dusseldorf (Germany) 29 November - 2 December 1960. Final Report. 213 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. N.p.: Division for Social Affairs. 1960. QC792.7 .O74 1961
ORLANS, HAROLD. Contracting for Atoms. A study of public policy issues posed by the Atomic Energy Commission's contracting for research, development, and managerial services. 242 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution. 1967. HD9698.U5 O7
POLACH, JAROSLAV G. Euratom. Its Background, Issues and Economic Implications. Preface by Sam H. Schurr. 232 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Dobbs Ferry: Oceana. 1964. HD9698.E82 P6
POST, ROY G. & ROBERT L. SEALE, Editors. Water Production Using Nuclear Energy. 392 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Tucson: U. of Arizona Press. 1966. TD479.6 .P6
Summary of a symposium on the "technical, legal, social and economic considerations of the use of nuclear energy in producing water."
PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY. Series VIII. The Economics of Nuclear Power, including Administration and Law. Editors J. Gueron, J.A. Lane, I.R. Maxwell & J.R. Menke. 2 volumes. 513; 419 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITIONS. New York or London: Pergamon, etc. 1957-1959. HD9698.A2 E19
REIS, THOMAS. Aspects Economiques des Applications Industrielles de l'Energie Nucleaire. 372 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Dunod. 1958. HD9698.A2 R36 1958
ROLE OF ATOMIC ENERGY IN THE SOUTH: Recommendations of the Work Conference on Nuclear Energy St. Petersbourg, Florida August 1-4, 1956. 42 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Atlanta: Southern Regional Education Board. 1956. HD9698.U53 S68
SCHURR, SAM H. & JACOB MARSCHAK. Economic Aspects of Atomic Power. An Exploratory Study. 289 pages. 2 folding maps. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Princeton University Press. 1950. TK9145 .S3
SEABORG, GLENN T. & DANIEL M. WILKES. Education and the Atom. An Evaluation of Government's Role in Science Education and Information, Especially as Applied to Nuclear Energy. 150 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1964. QC773.3.U5 S4 1964
SHELL PETROLEUM CO. The Cost of Atomic Power. 6 charts, mostly folding. 34 mimeographed leaves, printed on rectos only. 4to, printed stapled wrappers. N.p.: Shell Petroleum Co. 1958.
SOCIALDEMOKRATERNA. Energipolitik foer framtiden. 108 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Stockholm: Socialdemokraterna. 1979.
Energy platform of the Swedish Social Democrat party.
ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY, BROOKLYN. The Implications of Atomic Energy. Five Essays. 176 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Brooklyn: St. John's University. 1950. H91 .S25 1950
Considers Scientific, Societal, Legal, Economic, and Ethical Implications. Includes bibliography.
STANDARD OIL COMPANY. Oil and the Atom. 13 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Standard Oil. n.d. (circa 1955).
STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE. The Industrial Utilization of Fission Products (Gross, Mixed and Separated). A Prospectus for Management. 45 leaves. Mimeographed typescript, printed on rectos only. 4to, decorative wrappers. Stanford: Stanford Research Institute. March 1951. QC782 .S8 1951
STASON, E. BLYTHE, et al. Atoms and the Law. 1512 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan Law School. 1959. KF2138 .S7 1959
STEINHAUS, KURT & JOERG HEIMBRECHT. Energiekrise und Bonner Atomprogramm. 164 pages. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Marxistische Blaetter. 1979.
STEVER, DONALD W. Seabrook and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The Licensing of a Nuclear Power Plant. 248 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Hanover: University Press of New England. 1980. KF2138 .S73
STRAUS, DONALD B. The Development of a Policy for Industrial Peace in Atomic Energy. 104 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: National Planning Assoc. July 1950. HD9698.A2 S81 1950
SUGG, REDDING S., JR., Editor. Nuclear Energy in the South. 149 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U. Press. 1957. HD9698.U53 S69 1957
THE TECHNICAL BASIS FOR LEGISLATION ON IRRADIATED FOOD. Report of a Joint FAO/IAEA/WHO Expert Committee Rome, 21-28 April 1964. 56 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Geneva: World Health Organization. 1965.
TRAINOR, WILLIAM J. Nuclear Science and World Politics. Report on the Pilot Institute Held at the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, Tennessee April 12-30, 1965. 32 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Oak Ridge: Institute of Nuclear Science. 1965.
UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Briefing Paper. Nuclear Power Economics. 1 leaf. 4to, unbound. Cambridge: UCS. June 1987.
UNITED NATIONS. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION GROUP. An International Bibliography on Atomic Energy. Volume I. Political, Economic and Social Aspects. 45 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lake Success: UNAECG. 1949. Z5160 .U47
UNITED NATIONS. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION GROUP. An International Bibliography on Atomic Energy. Volume I. Political, Economic and Social Aspects. Supplement No. 1. 22 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Lake Success: UNAECG. 1950. Z5160 .U472
UNITED NATIONS. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION GROUP. An International Bibliography on Atomic Energy. Volume I. Political, Economic and Social Aspects. Supplement No. 2. 31 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: UNAECG. 1953. Z5160 .U472
USAEC. AEC Contract Policy and Operations. 158 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. January 1951.
USAEC. Annual Report to Congress for 1962. 599 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. January 1963.
USAEC. Annual Report to Congress for 1965. 442 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. January 1966.
USAEC. Annual Report to Congress for 1966. 495 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. January 1967.
USAEC. Annual Report to Congress for 1968. 348 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. January 1969.
USAEC. Annual Report to Congress for 1970. 343 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. January 1971.
USAEC. Annual Report to Congress for 1971. 249 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. January 1972.
U.S. CONGRESS. Atoms for Peace Manual. A Compilation of Official Materials on International Cooperation for Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy December 1953-July 1955. Presented by Mr. Wiley. 615 pages. 8vo, 3/4 leather. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1955. TK9145 .U52
84th Congress, 1st Session, Senate Document No. 55. "It is the purpose of this manual to chronicle, step by step, the many developments on atoms-for-peace during [December 8, 1953-August 8, 1955]." -Introduction.
U.S. CONGRESS. JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY. Review of the International Atomic Policies of the United States. Report to the Joint Committee. 5 volumes. 2080 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. October 1960. HD9698.A2 M27 1960
U.S. CONGRESS. JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY. Selected Materials on Federal-State Cooperation in the Atomic Energy Field. 520 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1959. HD9698.A3 U519 1959
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LAW SCHOOL. Workshops on Legal Problems of Atomic Energy September 13-15, 1956. Foreword by E. Blythe Stason. 220 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Ann Arbor: UMLS. 1956. K3989.6 .S95 1956
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LAW SCHOOL. Lectures on Atomic Energy Industrial and Legal Problems Delivered June 26-June 28, 1952. Foreword by E. Blythe Stason. 280 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Ann Arbor. 1952. HD9698.A2 S83 1952a
WORK CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR ENERGY. St. Petersburg, Florida, August 1-4, 1956. 2 volumes. Irregular pagination. Mostly mimeographed typescript, printed on rectos only. 4to, plain wrappers. Atlanta: Southern Regional Education Board. 1956. HD9698.U53 W67 1956
ZERBI, TOMMASO. Costi e Prospettive Elettronucleari. 116 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDITION. Milano: Giuffre Editore. 1962.

10. Civilian Atomic Energy, Part 3. 1946-1985.

Topics arranged within this series include technology and engineering, materials science, applied radiochemistry and radiobiology, and the agricultural, food and packaging industries.

526 items
ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, LATVIAN SSR. "Problems of Magnetohydrodynamics and Plasma Dynamics." Proceedings of the Conference, Riga, July 2-10, 1958. 289 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. September 1961. QA920 .K613 1958
ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR. Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy July 1-5, 1955. Introductory Remarks at the Session. 3 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Consultants Bureau. 1955. QC771 .A415
ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR. Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy July 1-5, 1955. Session of the Division of Biological Science. In English Translation. 199 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Consultants Bureau. 1955. QC771 .A415
ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR. Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy July 1-5, 1955. Session of the Division of Biological Science. In English Translation by Consultants Bureau. 199 pages. 4to, buckram. Washington: USGPO. 1956. QC770 .A42 1955
ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR. Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy July 1-5, 1955. Session of the Division of Chemical Science. 215 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Consultants Bureau. 1955. QC771 .A415
ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR. Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy July 1-5, 1955. Session of the Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. In English Translation. 262 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Consultants Bureau. 1955. QC771 .A415
ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR. Coprecipitation and Adsorption of Radioactive Elements. Translated from Russian. 222 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations. 1967. QD601 .A6
ACTIVATION ANALYSIS. Proceedings of the First All-Union Coordinating Conference Tashkent, 24-28 October 1962. Translated from Russian. 130 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Jerusalem: IPST. 1966.
ADVANCED PROPULSION SYSTEMS. Proceedings of a Symposium held in Los Angeles, California, December 11-13, 1957. Morton Alperin & George P. Sutton, Editors. 237 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Pergamon Press. 1959. TL782 .S9 1957
Much on nuclear propulsion in space flight.
ADVANCED PROPULSION TECHNIQUES. Proceedings of a Technical Meeting Sponsored by the AGARD Combustion and Propulsion Panel Pasadena, California, August 24-26, 1960. Edited by S.S. Penner. 255 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York: Pergamon Press. 1961. TL782 .N6 1961
ADVANCES IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Edited by Ernest J. Henley, et al. 6 volumes. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York: Academic Press. 1962-1972.
"Authoritative, coherent, complete, and critical review articles covering every phase of the nuclear industry other than pure mathematics, theoretical physics, and radiation biology and medicine." -Preface, Volume I.
AGNEW, HAROLD M. Gas-cooled Nuclear Power Reactors. 12 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed self-wrappers. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1981.
Off-printed from Scientific American.
AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Institut Biologicheskir Fiziki. The Radiological Effects of Various Chemicals. 62 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Joint Publications Research Service. 1962.
Translated from the Russian.
ALEXANDERSON, E. PAULINE, Editor. Fermi-1. New Age for Nuclear Power. A History of the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant Project, the First Large Fast Breeder Reactor Electric Power Plant, and its Contributions to the Development of a Long-Range Source of Energy. 454 pages. Illustrated. Large 8vo, pictorial cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. LaGrange Park, Illinois: American Nuclear Society. 1979. TK1344.M5 F47
For a less sanguine view of the Fermi-1 plant, see Fuller, We Almost Lost Detroit.
ALLEN, W.D. Neutron Detection. 260 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York: Philosophical Library. 1960. QC787.C6 A5 1960b
ALMIEDA SANTOS, J.R. DE. "A Universidade de Coimbra e os estudos relacionados coma energia nuclear." IN: Universidade de Coimbra. Revista da Faculdade de Ciencias, Vol. XXIX, pp. 40-46. 201 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Coimbra: Tipografia da Atlantidad. 1960.
A short history of atomic energy research at Coimbra, Portugal.
AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE. Concrete for Radiation Shielding. Compilation No. 1. 132 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Detroit: ACI. 1956.
AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS. Nuclear Engineering. Part I-Part VII. 7 volumes. Various paginations. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AICE. 1954-1959.
From the Chemical Engineering Progress Symposium Series.
AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY STUDENT CONFERENCE. Atlanta, Georgia, April 11-12, 1969. Transactions. 92 pages. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Atlanta: ANS. 1969. QC770 .A45 1969
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS. Materials in Nuclear Applications. Symposium on Radiation Effects and Dosimetry. Symposium on Postirradiation Effects in Polymers. Papers on Industrial Water for Reactor Use. Symposium on Ceramics in Nuclear Energy. Presented at San Francisco, Calif., October 12, 14-16, 1959. 344 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia: ASTM. 1960. TK9006 .A52 1959
Comprises ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 276.
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS. Symposium on Radiation Effects and Radiation Dosimetry. Presented at the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting, June 29, 1960. 156 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia: ASTM. 1961.
Comprises ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 286.
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS. Symposium on Radiation Effects on Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., September 20, 1956 * ditto, Atlantic City, N.J., June 20, 1957 * ditto, Boston, Mass., June 24, 1958. Together, 3 volumes. 190; 137; 164 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia: ASTM. 1957-1958.
Comprises ASTM Special Technical Publication Nos. 208, 220 & 233.
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS. Symposium on Radioactivity - An Introduction. Presented at the Fifty-Sixth Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, N.J., June 30, 1953. 46 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Philadelphia: ASTM. 1954.
AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Nuclear Reactor Plant Data. 2 volumes. 128; 297 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial cloth. New York: A.S.M.E. 1959. TK9202 .A52
Detailed profiles of 74 American and 53 foreign reactors.
AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Rules for Construction of Nuclear Vessels. 1963 Edition. 134 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: ASME. 1963.
AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Selected Reference Material. United States Atomic Energy Program. Research Reactors. 442 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington: USGPO. 1955.
ANDERSON, W.K., C.J. BECK, A.R. KEPHART & J.S. THEILACKER. "Reactor Structural Materials: Engineering Properties as Affected by Nuclear Reactor Service." 93 pages. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia: ASTM. 1962.
Comprises ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 314.
ANGLO-JAPANESE NUCLEAR POWER SYMPOSIUM Tokyo. March 1963. Proceedings. 2 volumes. 451 pages. Illustrated, including 4 very interesting folding plans of plutonium reprocessing plants in U.K. inside rear cover pocket in Volume I. Folio, printed plastic spiral binders. (Tokyo: JAIF & UKAEA). 1963.
ANNUAL REVIEW OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE. Edited by Emilio Segre, et al. Volumes 1-19. Various paginations. 8vo, cloth. Stanford: Annual Reviews. 1952-1969.
Includes much on Radiation Biology, Reactor Physics, etc.
APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTERS to Nuclear and Radiochemistry. Proceedings of a Symposium, Gatlinburg, Tennessee October 17-19, 1962. Edited by G.D. O'Kelley. 314 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington: Department of Commerce. 1962. QD602.5.E4 A66
APPLICATIONS OF ISOTOPES IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. Proceedings of Conference on . . . held at the University of Melbourne August 1951. 204 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Melbourne (Australia): Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. 1951.
ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY. The EBWR Experimental Boiling Water Reactor. 232 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. (Oak Ridge): USAEC. 1957.
ATOMIC ENERGY AND AGRICULTURE. A Symposium Presented on December 27-29, 1955, at the Atlanta Meeting of the AAAS. Editor C.L. Comar. 450 pages. 8vo, cloth. Washington: AAAS. 1957.
ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, GREAT BRITAIN. Radioactive Materials and Stable Isotopes. Catalogue No. 3. 155 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Harwell, Berks: Isotope Division. July 1954.
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. Nuclear Reactor Development. 99 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1954. TK9202 .A8 1954
ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM. The Role of Nuclear Propulsion in Merchant Shipping. 172 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: AIF. 1960. VM317 .A8 1960
ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA. Soviet Reviews of Nuclear Science on the 40th Anniversary of the October Revolution. Being Vol. 3, No. 11 of Atomnaya Energiya November 1957. 110 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York: Pergamon Press. 1959.
Includes: Nokolaev, "The Development of Atomic Energy in the Soviet Union;" Dollezhal, "The Uranium-Graphite Reactor;" Goncharov, "Graphite in Nuclear Reactors;" Novikov, "The Efficiency of Atomic Power Stations;" and other papers.
ATOMS FOR PEACE. International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, August 1955. Prepared by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for the United States of America. Irregular pagination. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: USAEC. 1955. TK9008 .U53
Summary guide in English, French, Russian and Spanish to the technical papers submitted by the U.S. at the conference, which comprised Volumes I-VIII of the Proceedings. Charter Heslep's copy, signed by him.
AUSTRALIAN ATOMIC ENERGY SYMPOSIUM 1958. Proceedings of a Symposium on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Australia held in Sydney from June 2-6, 1958. 788 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. Melbourne: Melbourne U. Press for the A.A.E.C. 1958. TK9006 .S9 1958
BARRACHINA, M. & R. SAUVAGNAC. Aplicaciones Radioquimicas de las Columnas de Precipitados de Sulfatos Insolubles, Contribucion al estudio de las soluciones envejecidas de productos de fision. 34 pages. Folio, printed wrappers. Madrid: JEN. 1962.
BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE. US Research Reactors. 73 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative wrappers. (Columbus): BMI for the USAEC. 1957. QC787.N8 B3 1957
BAUMGAERTNER, F. & A. PLATA BEDMAR. Nuevos Datos sobre algunos Isotopos de Rutenio y Radio de Vida Corta. 12 pages. Folio, printed wrappers. Madrid: JEN. 1961.
BECK, CLIFFORD K., Editor. Nuclear Reactors for Research. 267 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Princeton: Van Nostrand. 1957. QC786 .B4
BECKURTS, K.H. & K. WIRTZ. Neutron Physics. 444 pages. 8vo, cloth. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 1964. QC793.5.N462 B3
BENE, GEORGES J. Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy. Terms of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology in English, French, German, Russian. 213 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1960. QC772 .B4 1960
BERNERT, TRAUDE. Die kuenstliche Radioaktivitaet in Biologie und Medizin. Eine gemeinverstaendliche Einfuehrung. 83 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Wien: Springer-Verlag. 1949. QH505 .B4 1949
BETHE, H.A. Elementary Nuclear Theory. A Short Course on Selected Topics. 147 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Wiley. 1947. QC173 .B4 1947
Course given at the Research Laboratory of the General Electric Company at Schenectady, New York.
BIBERGAL, A.V., V.I. SINITSYN & N.I. LESCHINSKII. Gamma Irradiation Facilities. Edited by B.M. Isaev. Translated from Russian. 112 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations. 1965. QC490 .B5 1965
BISHOP, AMASA S. Project Sherwood. The U.S. Program in Controlled Fusion. 216 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Reading: Addison-Wesley. 1958. QC789.S5 B5
BIURO URZADZEN TECHNIKI JADROWEJ. Nuclear Measuring Instruments. Technical Information. 298 pages. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Warzawa: Palac Kultury I Nauki. 1961.
Electronic Equipment trade catalogue for "Elektrim," Polish Foreign Trade Company for Electrical Equipment Ltd.
BLANC, DANIEL. La Detection des Particules Nucleaires par Compteurs et Scintillateurs. 24 pages. 12mo, printed wrappers. Paris: Les Conferences du Palais de la Decouverte. 1955.
BLOK, JAN. Scattering of Thermal Neutrons by Bound Protons and Deuterons. 92 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. "S-Gravenhage: Uitgeverij Excelsior,". 1951. QC721 .B62 1951
BOER, J.H. DE, et al. Kernchemie. Voordrachten, gehouden op de Zomervergadering van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Verenigung 15 Juli, 1957. 112 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. 's-Gravenhage: Reactor Centrum Nederland. 1957.
BOLT, ROBERT O. & JAMES G. CARROLL, Editors. Radiation Effects on Organic Materials. 576 pages. 8vo, cloth. New York: Academic Press. 1963. TK9008 .B6 1963
BONDARENKO, I.I., Editor. Group Constants for Nuclear Reactor Calculations. Authorized Translation from the Russian. 151 pages. 8vo, cloth. New York: Consultants Bureau. 1964. QC787.N8 B6 1964
BOWEN, J.H. Nuclear Reactor Control and Instrumentation. 78 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. London: Temple Press. 1959. TK9202 .B6
BRADFORD, JOHN R., Editor. Radioisotopes in Industry. 309 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Reinhold. 1953. TK9145 .B7
BRADLEY, J.E.S., Translator. Physics of Nuclear Fission. Supplement No. 1 of the Soviet Journal Atomnaya Energiya. 182 pages. 8vo, cloth, New York: Pergamon Press. 1958.
BRAGG, SIR WILLIAM LAWRENCE & H.J. EMELEUS. A Review of Recent Advances in X-Ray Analysis and the Impact of Radioactivity on Inorganic Chemistry. 99 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. Brooklyn: Chemical Publishing Co. 1950. QC481 .B85 1950
Comprises the seventh and eighth series of Post-Graduate Lectures sponsored by the Oil and Colour Chemists' Association.
BRAUNBEK, WERNER. Methoden und Ergebnisse de Atomkernforschung. 126 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed boards, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Stuttgart: Curt E. Schwab. 1948. QC173 .B7 1948
BRESLER, DR. SS. JE. Die Radioaktiven Elemente. 346 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST GERMAN EDITION. Berlin: Veb Verlag. 1957. QC795 .B714 1957
Translated from the Russian.
THE BRITISH NUCLEAR ENERGY SOCIETY. The Journal of. Volume I. 397 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. London: British Nuclear Energy Society. January-October 1962.
Includes detailed account of the discharge of radioactive effluent into the Irish sea at Windscale, several useful bibliographies, much on reactor safety and engineering, etc.
BRODA, ENGELBERT. Advances in Radiochemistry and in the Methods of Producing Radioelements by Neutron Irradiation. 152 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: University Press. 1950. QC795 .B7
BRODA, ENGELBERT & THOMAS SCHOENFELD. Die Technischen Anwendugen der Radioaktivitaet. 2., durchgesehene Auflage. 313 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. Berlin: VEB Verlag. 1957. QD601 .B876 1957
BRODA, ENGELBERT & THOMAS SCHOENFELD. The Technical Applications of Radioactivity. Volume 1. 353 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 1966. QD601 .B7 1966
This is apparently all published.
BRODSKY, ALEXANDER E. Isotopenchemie. In Deutscher Sprache bearbeitet und ergaenzt herausgegeben von J. Muehenpfordt. 699 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. 1961. QD466 .B6451 1961
Translated from Russian.
BROWNELL, LLOYD E. Radiation Uses in Industry and Science. 420 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. (Oak Ridge): USAEC. 1961. TK9145 .B78
BUDYLIN, B.V. & A.A. VOROB'EV. Effect of Radiation on Ionic Structures. (Deistvie izluchenii na ionnye struktury). Translated from Russian. 148 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Jerusalem: IPST. 1964. QC176 .B813 1964
BUSH, SPENCER H. Irradiation Effects in Cladding and Structural Materials. An AEC Monograph. 255 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Rowman and Littlefield. 1965. TK9202 .B8 1965
BUSSARD, R.W. & R.D. DELAUER. Nuclear Rocket Propulsion. 370 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1958. TL783.5 .B8
CAUCHOIS, YVETTE. Atomes, Spectres, Matiere. Preface de Jean Cabannes. 636 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Paris: Albin Michel. 1952. QC173 .C3 1952
CHARLESBY, ARTHUR. Atomic Radiation and Polymers. 556 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Pergamon. 1960. QD601 .C4
CHARLESBY, ARTHUR. Radiation Sources. 268 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: MacMillan. 1964. QC780 .C5 1964
CHASTAIN, JOEL W., Editor. U.S. Research Reactor Operation and Use. 366 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Reading: Addison-Wesley. 1958. QC787.N8 C5
CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS. Proceedings of the Symposium. . . Held in Prague, 24-27 October 1960. 2 volumes. 569; 390 pages. 8vo, cloth. Vienna: IAEA. 1961. QD601 .S82 1960
CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATIONS. Proceedings of the Symposium. . . in Vienna, 7-11 December 1964. 2 volumes. 442; 558 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Vienna: IAEA. 1965. QD601 .S82 1964
CLASON, W.E. Elsevier's Dictionary of Nuclear Science and Technology in Six Languages. English/American-French-Spanish- Italian-Dutch and German * [with] Russian Supplement to Elsevier's Dictionary of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2 volumes. 913; 98 pages. 8vo, cloth & printed wrappers, respectively. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1958-1961. QC772 .E4 1958
CLIMAX MOLYBDENUM COMPANY. Molybdenum for Nuclear Energy Applications. 111 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative wrappers. New York: Climax Molybdenum Co. 1962. TA480.M6 C5
COCKROFT, SIR JOHN. "Atomic Energy Research at Harwell." A Lecture at the University of Coimbra on July 11th, 1955. IN: Universidade de Coimbra. Revista da Faculdade de Ciencias, Vol. XXIV, pp. 110-122. 135 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Coimbra: Tipografia da Atlantida. 1955.
CODES FOR REACTOR COMPUTATION. Proceedings of the Seminar...held at Vienna, 25-29 April 1960. 538 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Vienna: IAEA. 1961. QC783.4 .S4 1960
COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY, MONSANTO CHEMICAL COMPANY, BECHTEL CORPORATION, et al. Reports to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission on Nuclear Power Reactor Technology. 88 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. May 1953. TK9202 .U52 1953
CONFERENCE OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR ON THE PEACEFUL USES OF ATOMIC ENERGY July 1-5, 1955. Session of the Division of Technical Science in English Translation. 195 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Consultants Bureau. 1955. QC771 .A415
CONFERENCE ON BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS July 12-27, 1948. 154 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Upton: Brookhaven National Laboratory. 1948.
CONFERENCE ON EFFECTS OF RADIATION ON DIELECTRIC MATERIALS. Naval Research Laboratory Washington, D.C. December 14-15, 1954. 169 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Office of Naval Research. 1955. QD601 .C748 1954
CONFERENCE ON NEUTRON CROSS SECTION TECHNOLOGY. Held March 22-24, 1966, Washington, D.C. Edited by P.B. Hemmig. 2 volumes. 1095 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1966. QC721 .C687 1966
CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR ENGINEERING. September 9-11, 1953. University of California, Berkeley. Proceedings. Irregular pagination. Illustrated. Mimeographed typescript, thick 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. (Berkeley: California Book Company). 1953.
CONFERENCE ON PEACEFUL USES OF ATOMIC ENERGY May 13-17, 1957 Tokyo, Osaka & Nagoya Japan. Co-Sponsored by Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. and U.S. Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. 318 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. (Tokyo): Japan Atomic Industrial Forum. 1957.
CONKLIN, W.D., et al. Radiation Chemistry for Industry. 78 pages. Illustrated. 4to, decorative spiral-bound wrappers. N.p.: Radiation Chemistry Associates. 1955. TP249 .C6 1955
"The work of a group of students submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Professor Georges F. Doriot's course in Manufacturing at the Harvard Business School."
CONTEMPORARY EQUIPMENT FOR WORK WITH RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES. Collected Reports. Translated from Russian. 66 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Consultants Bureau. 1959. QC786 .C6 1959
COPELAND, PAUL L. & WILLIAM E. BENNETT. Introduction to Atomic Physics for Engineers. 3 volumes. 127; 84; 56 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Chicago: Illinois Institute of Technology. 1958. QC28 .C642
CORDERO LOPEZ, F. Banco de Pruebas Portatil para el Estudio de Fuentes de Iones y de la Extraccion y Enfoque del Haz de Iones. 12 pages. Folio, printed wrappers. Madrid: Junta de Energia Nuclear. 1961.
CORLISS, WILLIAM R. & DOUGLAS G. HARVEY. Radioisotopic Power Generation. 304 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. 1964.
CORLISS, WILLIAM R. & ROBERT L. MEAD. Power from Radioisotopes. 55 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1971. TK1078 .C59 1971
CORNWELL, P.B., Editor. The Entomology of Radiation Disinfestation of Grain. A Collection of Original Research Papers. 236 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Pergamnon Press. 1966. SB608.G68 C6
CORROSION OF REACTOR MATERIALS. Proceedings of the Conference...at Europahaus, Salzburg, Austria, 4-8 June 1962. 2 volumes. 539; 590 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Vienna: IAEA. 1962. TA462 .C59 1962
CREAGAN, ROBERT J. Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Atomic Power Division. Nuclear Physics for Engineers. 157 leaves, printed in negative photostat from typescript, stamped "Unclassified." 4to, buckram. N.p.: Westinghouse Electric. 1949.
CROUCH, HOLMES F. Nuclear Ship Propulsion. 347 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, Maryland: Cornell Maritime Press. 1960. VM774 .C7 1960
CROUCH, HOLMES F. Nuclear Space Propulsion. 430 pages. 8vo, cloth. Granada Hills, Calif.: Astronuclear Press. 1965. VM774 .C7 1965
CUTTITTA, FRANK. Annotated Bibliography of the Analytical Chemistry of Niobium and Tantalum January 1935-June 1953. 73 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1957.
Geological Survey Bulletin 1029-A. "This report concerns work partly done on behalf of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission."
DANFORTH, JOHN P. & ROBERT P. STAPP. Radioisotopes in Industry Training Program. 2 volumes. Irregular pagination. Thick tall 4to, cloth. Flint, Michigan: General Motors. 1959. TK9400 .G4
DAUDEL, PASCALINE. La Radioactivité au Service de la Chimie et de l'Industrie. Preface par Irene Joliot-Curie. 217 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers, uncut. FIRST EDITION. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 1955. QD601 .D37 1955
DAUDEL, PASCALINE. Radioactive Tracers in Chemistry and Industry. Foreword by Irene Joliot-Curie. 210 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. London: Griffin. 1960. QD601 .D373 1960
DAWSON, J.K. & G. LONG. Chemistry of Nuclear Power. 208 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Newnes. 1959. TK9350 .D3 1959
DELARIO, A.J. Roentgen, Radium and Radioisotope Therapy. 371 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. 1953. RM847 .D4
DEPAUL, D.J., Editor. Corrosion and Wear Handbook for Water Cooled Reactors. 293 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington: USAEC. 1957. TK9203.P7 D4 1957
DESROSIER, NORMAN W. & HENRY M. ROSENSTOCK. Radiation Technology in Food, Agriculture and Biology. 401 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Westport, Ct.: Avi Publishing. 1960. TX611 .D4
DICK, WILLIAM E. Atomic Energy in Agriculture. 150 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Butterworths. 1957. S589 .D5
DIETRICH, JOSEPH R. & WALTER H. ZINN, Editors. Solid Fuel Reactors. 844 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Reading: Addison-Wesley. 1958. TK9203.S65 D5
DRAGANIC, IVAN. Radioaktivni Izotopi i Zracenja. 3 volumes. 136; 352; 240 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Beograd: Haucna Rujiga. 1962-1963.
DRAGANIC, IVAN, OLGA GAL & MILORAD RADOTIC. Radiochemical Procedures. Work with Radioactive Isotopes. Federal Nuclear Energy Commission, Belgrade, 1959. 485 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. Oak Ridge: USAEC. 1962.
Translated from Serbo-Croatian.
DRESNER, LAWRENCE. Resonance Absorption in Nuclear Reactors. 131 pages. 8vo, cloth. New York: Pergamon Press. 1960.
DUNNING, JOHN R. & BRUCE R. PRENTICE, Editors. Advances in Nuclear Science Engineering. Proceedings of the Second Nuclear Engineering & Science Conference held at Philadelphia. 2 volumes. 523; 581 pages. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. New York: Pergamon Press. 1957. TK9006 .E6 1957
DZHELPOV, B.S. & L.K. PEKER. Decay Schemes of Radioactive Nuclei. Translation Editor D.L. Allan. 786 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. New York: Pergamon. 1961. QC794 .D9
Translated from Russian.