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Stedman, Jane W., January 30, 1947

Revision as of Oct 26, 2016 1:44:29 PM, created by

Wayne University Board of Education Detroit 1. Michigan College of Liberal Arts Department of English January 30, 1947 Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Incorporated 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey Gentlemen: Having seen your pamphlet "Only Then Shall We Find Courage" by Albert Einstein, we would like very much to use it as supplementary reading material in our second course in freshman composition. Will it be possible for you to furnish us with 300 copies of the pamphlet for distribution to our classes by February 17? If not, how may we secure the reprint in quantity? We would appreciate a reply as soon as possible, since the class work of several weeks will be connected with the material of the pamphlet. [illegible] 50 "Hiroshima" Yours very truly, Jane W. Stedman JWS: pa