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Chaapel, Belle, March 29, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 9, 2014 3:19:05 PM, created by

1002 Louisa St Williamsport 30 Pa March 29 - 1947

Kind Friends - Some time ago - received Einstein's + Gauss booklet- Inclosed find 1 00. (about the last I have) Please send me as much of the literature you can - I'll see that it goes to others as far as I'm able - The inclosed literature- I've been sending out with this short letter,- to educators Priests Preachers etc.- I can write - tell me how best to acchieve what seems impossible - to change peoples way of thinking so many do not think - its easier to let the "other [fellow?] do that , for them. I've spent a few $$ for the "Humanity"- Am an Old Age pensioner - 88 - Thanking you for calling my attention to this work - I'm called a "visionary idealist" + try to live up to it. Sincerely Yours, Belle Chaapel