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Bacon, G. W., June 21, 1948


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39 Broadway New York 6 New York, June 21, 1948 [add. Jun 22 RECD]

Dear Dr. Einstein:

Acknowledgment of you invaluable letter of April 30th has been delayed due to my absence of more than four months from the country. I am indeed most deeply indebted to you for your excellent and ever to be historic letter on behalf (1) of your [add. Code C] Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, (2) Humanity Worldwide and (3) In terms of your "A Policy for Survival" of April 12th, 1948, which you were good enough to enclose me. Your plans for bringing to the Consciousness of Mankind the World Around, the vital threat which the misuse of the Atomic Bomb C[c]onstitutes to every man, woman and child, from end to end of this earth of ours is a contribution to the World of Tomorrow, the like of which man has never had within ist grasp as now made possible, thanks to the hands and minds of your group of Atomic Scientists. I do hope the responses to your Policy for Survival have been and are being as favorable as the situation demands. I enclose you my check for $100 toward the Program of Education you have under way, involving at this time $1,000,000 with, my dear friend, my most ardent hopes that the achievement of your worldwide aspirations on behalf of mankinds ['s] future may be met.

Sincerely yours


GWB/G Encl. Cheque for $100 To Dr. Albert Einstein Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 118 Nassau Street Princeton N.J. George W. Bacon