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Edeskuty, J.V., No Date.

Revision as of Oct 29, 2014 9:50:27 PM
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Revision as of Oct 29, 2014 9:52:36 PM
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[_?] JUN 9 RECD [stamp]
[_?] JUN 9 RECD [stamp]
Albert Einstein, Chairman
Albert Einstein, Chairman
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists - Incorporated:-
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists - Incorporated:-
Dear Sir:-
Dear Sir:-
I enclose one dollar gift to your very worth committee. (I hope to send more soon.) Thank you for your most interesting and valuable information. I cannot find words that can express my admiration and respect and gratitude for your wonderful contribution to the world.
I enclose one dollar gift to your very worth committee. (I hope to send more soon.) Thank you for your most interesting and valuable information. I cannot find words that can express my admiration and respect and gratitude for your wonderful contribution to the world.
My son Fred, 23 yrs. is a Chem. Engnr. with Distinction, working for his masters degree at U. of Minn. now and assisting teaching in Physics, he worked at Oak Ridge Tennessee in the Uranium "Dept", during the war.
My son Fred, 23 yrs. is a Chem. Engnr. with Distinction, working for his masters degree at U. of Minn. now and assisting teaching in Physics, he worked at Oak Ridge Tennessee in the Uranium "Dept", during the war.

Revision as of Oct 29, 2014 9:52:36 PM

[_?] JUN 9 RECD [stamp]

Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists - Incorporated:-

Dear Sir:-

I enclose one dollar gift to your very worth committee. (I hope to send more soon.) Thank you for your most interesting and valuable information. I cannot find words that can express my admiration and respect and gratitude for your wonderful contribution to the world.

My son Fred, 23 yrs. is a Chem. Engnr. with Distinction, working for his masters degree at U. of Minn. now and assisting teaching in Physics, he worked at Oak Ridge Tennessee in the Uranium "Dept", during the war.