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Bolton, Mrs. Dorothy G., January 3, 1948.
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Mrs. L. D. Bolton Burge Plantation Mansfield, Georgia
Russia will come in sometime? If there is a way for people like us to help, I would be glad of any material to tell us how. We tell the people we know about the Atomic Bulletin, and the other material you send us, and I shall talk about it at the women's Clubs in the small towns near us, so that they will write to our Senators and Representatives, but if there is something else we can do we will try?
I am afraid the Russians are Religious Fanatics like our early Christian Fathers, who thought they had to "go out into the world and preach the Gospel to every living creature", and since Lenin told them the whole world must be converted to Communism, that they will try very hard to do it, really believing they are doing good for the whole world. Ofcourse Stalin and the Politburo do not think that, but I believe lots of common people do, and it is going to be tough getting them out of it. If only the U.N did