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Vanderlyn, Leon, No Date


Revision as of Jan 27, 2015 3:00:01 PM, created by

HARLAND-ATLANTA H.M. BLOCK E.H. BLOCK PRESIDENT AND MANAGING DIRECTOR VICE PRESIDENT Hotel Dempsey THE SOUTH'S DELUXE HOTEL CENTRAL LOCATION 325 ROOMS 325 BATHS OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT Macon, Georgia Dear Miss Fry: The material you have sent to Emory did not catch up to me until Wesleyan: at Wesleyan I me had both batches put in the faculty mail boxes, and mentioned the existence of your committee to the science dept. members in a joint seminar on Biological Abstracts. Here at the North Georgia State College for Women at Milledgeville, I had the good fortune to ride in with Erika Mann, and later to ler her pave the way with her lecture. [illegible] the conclusion of the lecture - the auditorium was jammed - I rog in question preriod arose and asked her "What forces, political and economic, are in existence to counteract growing Anglo-American rivalry", and second, What can people do in local communities