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Raushenbeush, Elizabeth B., May 24, 1946.

Revision as of Sep 21, 2016 12:09:50 PM, created by

2228 Hillington Green Madison 5, Wisconsin May 24, 1946

Professor Albert Einstein Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Professor Einstein:

    I enclose a small check for the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists.  I surely want to help the Scientists in their terrifying educational job.  I should like to ask if they are working for a specific program - namely the Acheson Report and the McMahon bill.  So far as I know these are the best programs we have at present - inadequate though they may be - and I would suggest that you specify them as your immediate objectives.  People like to have something definite to support.

Very sincerely yours,

Elizabeth Brandeis, Rauchenbeush


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