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Rickard, Rev. C. Harold, December 23, 1946.

Revision as of May 14, 2015 1:52:53 PM, created by

The Union Church Danby Four Corners, Vermont December 23, 1946

C. Harold Rickard, Pastor

Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton, N.J.

My dear Dr. Einstein:

  Enclosed please find my check for $10 as a small contribution toward the fund for education to ensure peaceful and constructive use of atomic energy.  I cannot adequately command you and your committee of fellow-scientists for this great and important effort which you are making.  I shall count it a privilege to help in every way possible.  
  If you have additional copies of the reprints of articles by yourself and Dr. Gauss, I should like to have fifty (50) for other contributions to the educational fund.  
  Please be assured of my earnest and continued prayers, and of others, for the success of this vital work.