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Posin, Daniel Q., December 16, 1947


Revision as of May 23, 2015 12:03:26 PM, created by


Dec. 16, 1947

Professor Albert Einstein

112 Mercer Street
Princeton, New Jersey 

Dear £r. Einstein:

 I am delighted with your letter and the Introduction that you have written for "I Have Been to the Village" I am mostly happy over the fact that you found the work of possible value in our common cause of world peace, and I am also pleased to know that it was possible for you to read the whole manuscript.  It makes me think that you found it interesting and that fact certainly gives me a lift in spirit.  The suggestions which you make regarding matters of fact concerning the scientists have already been taken into account by me, and I also agree with your suggestion that a more select and limited number of letters be used in the book.  I am going to take out especially the ones that people might think were put in from vanity, though of course they weren't;  but it is always best to be on the safe side in such matters I think;  besides, there are just too many of those letters in  general,  and I'll keep only the most pointed ones,  the ones that reveal the thoughts and aspirations of the people.   Later on,  I may add a few more village experiences,  but I will finally inform you of the status of the manuscript,  before publication--- that is, I will indicate what might be added or what might be left out.  However, I promise that you will not be bothered unnecessarily. 
    With every good wish, 
          D.Q. Posin
The manuscript arrived safely.