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Jones, Muriel A., July 10, 1947.

Revision as of Jun 13, 2015 2:45:21 PM, created by

Trade Winds, Towers Rd., Muizenber7. Cape Town. South Africa. 10th July 1947.

My dear Miss Ray,

  Thank you for your letter of June 4th, the enclosures, and the literature in transit.   I shall see that they are all used to the fullest advantage. 
  A very old Friend of Peace in S. Africa, Mrs. Julia Solly, now 84 years of age and more or less confined to her home, has written enclosing a donation for your funds,  and this I am remitting to you at once.  Mrs. Solly writes:  

(Through the Standard Bank USA Capetown)

       "I am enclosing a cheque for £2.2.0.    I am a member of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom,  founded by Jane Addams in 1915.   In 1925 I had the good fortune to see her in Chicago and had a conversation with her for over an hour."

so you will see that she has worked for Peace for a very long time,  and though somewhat incapacitated,  is keenly interested.   It would,  I know,  give her great pleasure if she could receive even a short note signed by Professor Albert Einstein if this is possible (though I would not like her to know that I had suggested this!)  Mrs. Solly has been one of our outstanding women in South Africa for over 50 years, and her name has always been found amongst the pioneers of good causes.
  I trust that your work is already bearing good fruit - dispite the spate of 'news' one way and another -one feels that neither the radio nor the newspapers truthfully give full facts,  and it is difficult to fill in the gaps.  I notice now that Russia is asking for destruction of ALL Atomic Weapons - if this could be carried out honestly & thoroughly, surely it would be best.   
  With all good wishes, 
     Sincerely yours, 
       Muriel A. Jones 
Mrs. Harold Jones. 
Address reply to: 
  Mrs. Julia Solly,
     Sir Lowry's Pass, Cape. 
        South Africa, please!