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Dudley, Homer, January 20, 1947.

Revision as of Dec 24, 2014 3:06:13 AM, created by

Homer Dudly 150 Ashland Road, [Summit?], N. J. Jan. 20, 1947 $5 cash MISC JAN 25 1948

Mr. Albert Einstein, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc, 90 Nassau St., Princeton, N. J. Dear Prof. Einstein:

Enclosed is $5 for your $1,000,000 fund. We owe you a debt of gratitude for what you are now doing for improving international relations. I hope a world government of Law can be established before science is conscripted for World War III.

Best wishes for all success, Homer Dudley. P.S. While I am very strong for world government of a minimum type, I wonder if the energy plan of Bausch and Lillienthal, if pushed to the utmost for speed, with or without Russia, may not be the best way to enter world law. This form is practical, it

[NOTE: left margin 4 lines of notes written vertically in shorthand script that need to be transcribed by a shorthand reader[