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Baily, Fisher C., April 2, 1946, with accompanying typescript

Revision as of Jul 11, 2016 6:41:39 AM, created by


Reasons for possibly starting a strictly non-partisan organization to be called possible a People's Peace and Civil Liberties Committee of an Anti-War and Anti-Fascism Association, Society, Fellowship, League, Union of similar.

1) Peace is NOW in jeopardy. Also UMT and the Draft, believe by many to roads towards War and full-force Fascism, and NOW before Congress.

2)Fascism is NOW a serious menace in the USA many believe. Many think the same enemies of the General Welfare are behind both prongs of this drive.

3)The Civil Rights program is NOW an issue in Congress.

4)May it not be dangerous to wait until Jan. 2, 1949 before trying to stop this (these) drives(s)?

5) Is it certain that a Peace advocate will win the election and take office even then?

6)Even if a Peace Advocate should be elected, will he probably control the Senata, in which body treaties are acted upon?

7)An organization as above could start NOW sending telegrams, petitions, letters,etc.,to our Senators, representative, House and Senate Military and Civil Rights committees and others trying to stop the annihilation of all life on this planet.

8)Such a non-partisan movement might interest a)Republicans and b)Democrats and c)Anti-Wallace as well as pro-Wallace Progressives and d) People in political office who are hot allowed by law to enter party politics and e)Employees who are afraid to sign political petitions for fear of loosing their jobs under reactionary bosses and f) People who do not desire publically to enter political movements for fear of alienating friends, clients or customers. Such a non-partisan movement should not interfere with and political organization or make enemies of anyone whose position is not dangerous to the USA and all humanity.

9) People in the siz classes above mentioned and others who desire to keep out of party politics may fear very strongly the LAST War and desire to help the down-trodden and the underprivileged i.e. work for civic Justice to minority classes, race and creeds. Should they not have such a chance.

If those addressed desire to enter such a possible movement, they are requested to phone 4069 or address the writer as below and give their opinion as to whether such a movement is needed NOW, or better still, will they become members of a probably small group to talk the matter over at 1229 Ralston St. on Sunday afternoon April 4th, starting at 2 P.M.?

The excuses of the writer for taking this initiative are: 1)No one else seems to have started such a movement here and 2) He was President of the Peace League of Nevada before Pearl Harbor. He has not officially been connected with any political party since March the 12th.

Even of the effort to fight the seeming overpowering drives towards War and Fascism appear at the moment almost hopeless, we still have at least the form of a democracy and in such the voices of the People should be heeded by our servants in Washington. At least, why not die standing up on our feet like men and women and fight for survival, freedom and justice rather than be killed cowering in the darkness of our caves??

Fisher C. Baily, 1229 Ralston St.,Phone Reno 4069.