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Gorelik, Mordecai, May 29, 1946.

Revision as of Jan 10, 2015 7:01:39 PM, created by

MORDECAI GORELIK 8337 Blackburn Ave. Hollywood 36, Calif. May 29, 1946

Prof. Albert Einstein Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Princeton, N.J.

Dear Professor Einstein:

I enclose check for $10, which is all I can spare at this time, to help support the ECAS. I learned of your committee through the telegram you sent to the LA Daily News. For a long time now I have been aware of the effort of the atomic scientists to get an adequate public hearing. I think you have chosen an excellent, direct method, and that the American public will give you all the aid necessary. In spite of the vast amount of publicity about the atomic bomb, I am convinced that it remains, for most of us, about as real as a Buck Rogers invention. The authority of your group is needed to issue a solemn warning and to put forward a program of concrete and constructive action.

Cordially, Mordecai Gorelik