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Donation with wish to do more; feels that the good of the whole depends on the individual and recognizes the great work and nobility of ECAS

Donation with wishes it could be more but has given 3/4 of his income to World Republic; wants to know if he can help in other ways

Will do anything to help and is "ready to die, if it is necessary, to bring about world federation"; feels that civilization is on the brink of disaster

Asks for help in getting news coverage for World Government Week

Expresses gratitude to the work of ECAS

Donation; states that they sent the literature on to a friend

States that he has already donated to ECAS, and cannot donate more until next year

Donation; requests literature and a speaker for an event

Encloses four contributions; recalls that he met Einstein twice, and wonders if he remembers; requests literature to distribute; expresses opinion that scientists need television and radio stations to spread messages

Donation earmarked for the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists; gives ECAS six shares of stock in M.A. Hanna Company; shares that it was lovely having Dr. and Mrs. Urey to dinner