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Vehicles parked in front of the Monmouth Co-operative Creamery.

A group gathered for cattle judging in Myrtle Point, circa 1918.

Discussing soil issues

Don C. Mote, head of the Entomology Department, holding a strawberry plant, 1929.

Visitors and participants of the Douglas County fat lamb show, circa 1934.

Edwin Russell Jackman in a grass nursery, Grant County.

A man shows off the results of his morning egg collection, Douglas County.

Cliff Conrad of Imbler, Oregon (Union County) with champion cattle herd at the Pacific International Livestock Exposition in Portland, 1931.

An Extension agent collecting grass samples from a pasture in Lane County, 1993.

County agent, Ron Davis, inspecting a field of tansy in Clackamas County, Circa 1946.