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Cheryl Gillson works as a marketing and manager at Rogue Farms in Independence, Oregon. In her interview, Gillson talks about growing up in California, working as Jack Joyce's assistant at Rogue Ales & Spirits, traveling and living abroad, and…

Thomas and Lena Searcy standing in a field

Philip Searcy wearing his WWI army uniform standing in front of the family farm house

John Searcy standing on a walkway at the school house in Moro, Oregon

Owen Searcy (left) with Chester (holding Helen) at the Searcy family farm

Morris Searcy posing on a walkway at the school house in Moro, Oregon

Owen and Chester Searcy posing in front of a Model T Ford at the Sherman and Wasco County corner stone

Thomas B. Searcy and Lena Searcy sitting for a group portrait with all eight of their children. From left to right, back row: Chester, Owen, Seral, Philip, John. Front row: Lena, Thomas (holding Helen), Morris, Nina.

USDA Wheat Marketing Card for the years 1941-42 issued to Lena Searcy, Moro, Oregon. Includes card number and serial number of the farm.

Vehicles parked in front of the Monmouth Co-operative Creamery.